No longer used.
diff --git a/PC/ b/PC/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e836b6..0000000
--- a/PC/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-!include <ntwin32.mak>	# bring in platform specific stuff.
-#Fix a problem with ntwin32.mak and Visual C++
-# problem is .mak defines "link=link32" and "lib=lib32"
-# Problem is MSVC linker/library manager use these environment
-# variables as additional flags to link/lib
-# Consequently, link warns "link32.obj not found" and similarly lib.
-#   This has really p___ed me of.  It has been very hard to get right.
-#   The LIB variable is used by MSVC to locate system library files, and
-#	damn ntwin32.mak sets lib.  Now although NMAKE is case sensitive, the OS'
-#   environment vars arent.  Therefore /E option _must_ be specified for MSVC
-# nmake itself is also very average :-(
-# Damn it.  Even with .pyd in the suffixes, nmake wont infer a line
-# mymodule.dll:
-# and run up the .c->.obj, .obj->.pyd.  And with all debug turned on, all
-# it says is "dont know how to make .."  Damn it (probably me, but I gave up:)
-#.SUFFIXES : .exe .dll .obj .asm .c .cpp .cxx .bas .cbl .for .pas .res .rc
-# Version information.
-#cdebug = -Z7 -Od	# Z7 for win32s debugging
-# Additional common definitions
-pythonopts=/DHAVE_CONFIG_H /nologo /MD /G3
-# Although this is handled, it generates warning.  This is to avoid them
-ldebug = -debug:full -debugtype:both
-!ifndef BUILD_DL
-cdl=/DUSE_DL_EXPORT /DWIN32_PATCH_LEVEL=\"$(pyversion)-$(pypatchlevel)\"
-	@$(cc) $(cflags) $(ccustom) $(cdebug) $(cinclude) $(pythonopts) $(cdl) $*.c
-# Useful stuff for building DL modules under NT.
-#if you have a .DEF file, define HAVE_DEF
-# if you dont want precompiled headers, define PCH=0 (in your makefile, not here!)
-!ifndef PCH
-!if "$(PCH)"=="1"
-!ifdef HAVE_DEF
-# Note for 'C', I use /Tp, to force as CPP - this will allow .C to define types.
-	@echo Warning - compiling as C++ file
-	@$(cc) $(cdl) $(cflags) $(ccustom) $(cdebug) $(cinclude) $(cpch) $(pythonopts) /DUSE_DL_IMPORT /Tp $*.c
-	@$(cc) $(cdl) $(cflags) $(ccustom) $(cdebug) $(cinclude) $(cpch) $(pythonopts) /DUSE_DL_IMPORT $*.cpp
-	@link -dll -out:$*.$(pythondllext) $*.obj $(ldebug) $(export_statements) $(guilibsdll) $(lcustom) $(python_defs_lib)
-!endif # !BUILD_DL