SF patch# 1770008 by Christian Heimes (plus some extras).
Completely get rid of StringIO.py and cStringIO.c.

I had to fix a few tests and modules beyond what Christian did, and
invent a few conventions.  E.g. in elementtree, I chose to
write/return Unicode strings whe no encoding is given, but bytes when
an explicit encoding is given.  Also mimetools was made to always
assume binary files.
diff --git a/Lib/pickletools.py b/Lib/pickletools.py
index 8c324c7..f3e8fbc 100644
--- a/Lib/pickletools.py
+++ b/Lib/pickletools.py
@@ -1797,8 +1797,8 @@
     is None.
     If the pickle has a tell() method, pos was the value of pickle.tell()
-    before reading the current opcode.  If the pickle is a string object,
-    it's wrapped in a StringIO object, and the latter's tell() result is
+    before reading the current opcode.  If the pickle is a bytes object,
+    it's wrapped in a BytesIO object, and the latter's tell() result is
     used.  Else (the pickle doesn't have a tell(), and it's not obvious how
     to query its current position) pos is None.