changed 8-space indentation to 4
diff --git a/Lib/plat-mac/ b/Lib/plat-mac/
index 0516695..90bf365 100644
--- a/Lib/plat-mac/
+++ b/Lib/plat-mac/
@@ -12,103 +12,103 @@
 class ArgvCollector:
-        """A minimal FrameWork.Application-like class"""
+    """A minimal FrameWork.Application-like class"""
-        def __init__(self):
-                self.quitting = 0
-                self.ae_handlers = {}
-                # Remove the funny -psn_xxx_xxx argument
-                if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1][:4] == '-psn':
-                        del sys.argv[1]
-                self.installaehandler('aevt', 'oapp', self.open_app)
-                self.installaehandler('aevt', 'odoc', self.open_file)
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.quitting = 0
+        self.ae_handlers = {}
+        # Remove the funny -psn_xxx_xxx argument
+        if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1][:4] == '-psn':
+            del sys.argv[1]
+        self.installaehandler('aevt', 'oapp', self.open_app)
+        self.installaehandler('aevt', 'odoc', self.open_file)
-        def installaehandler(self, classe, type, callback):
-                AE.AEInstallEventHandler(classe, type, self.callback_wrapper)
-                self.ae_handlers[(classe, type)] = callback
+    def installaehandler(self, classe, type, callback):
+        AE.AEInstallEventHandler(classe, type, self.callback_wrapper)
+        self.ae_handlers[(classe, type)] = callback
-        def close(self):
-                for classe, type in self.ae_handlers.keys():
-                        AE.AERemoveEventHandler(classe, type)
+    def close(self):
+        for classe, type in self.ae_handlers.keys():
+            AE.AERemoveEventHandler(classe, type)
-        def mainloop(self, mask = highLevelEventMask, timeout = 1*60):
-                stoptime = Evt.TickCount() + timeout
-                while not self.quitting and Evt.TickCount() < stoptime:
-                        self.dooneevent(mask, timeout)
-                self.close()
+    def mainloop(self, mask = highLevelEventMask, timeout = 1*60):
+        stoptime = Evt.TickCount() + timeout
+        while not self.quitting and Evt.TickCount() < stoptime:
+            self.dooneevent(mask, timeout)
+        self.close()
-        def _quit(self):
-                self.quitting = 1
+    def _quit(self):
+        self.quitting = 1
-        def dooneevent(self, mask = highLevelEventMask, timeout = 1*60):
-                got, event = Evt.WaitNextEvent(mask, timeout)
-                if got:
-                        self.lowlevelhandler(event)
+    def dooneevent(self, mask = highLevelEventMask, timeout = 1*60):
+        got, event = Evt.WaitNextEvent(mask, timeout)
+        if got:
+            self.lowlevelhandler(event)
-        def lowlevelhandler(self, event):
-                what, message, when, where, modifiers = event
-                h, v = where
-                if what == kHighLevelEvent:
-                        try:
-                                AE.AEProcessAppleEvent(event)
-                        except AE.Error, err:
-                                msg = "High Level Event: %s %s" % \
-                                        (`hex(message)`, `hex(h | (v<<16))`)
-                                print 'AE error: ', err
-                                print 'in', msg
-                                traceback.print_exc()
-                        return
-                else:
-                        print "Unhandled event:", event
+    def lowlevelhandler(self, event):
+        what, message, when, where, modifiers = event
+        h, v = where
+        if what == kHighLevelEvent:
+            try:
+                AE.AEProcessAppleEvent(event)
+            except AE.Error, err:
+                msg = "High Level Event: %s %s" % \
+                    (`hex(message)`, `hex(h | (v<<16))`)
+                print 'AE error: ', err
+                print 'in', msg
+                traceback.print_exc()
+            return
+        else:
+            print "Unhandled event:", event
-        def callback_wrapper(self, _request, _reply):
-                _parameters, _attributes = aetools.unpackevent(_request)
-                _class = _attributes['evcl'].type
-                _type = _attributes['evid'].type
+    def callback_wrapper(self, _request, _reply):
+        _parameters, _attributes = aetools.unpackevent(_request)
+        _class = _attributes['evcl'].type
+        _type = _attributes['evid'].type
-                if self.ae_handlers.has_key((_class, _type)):
-                        _function = self.ae_handlers[(_class, _type)]
-                elif self.ae_handlers.has_key((_class, '****')):
-                        _function = self.ae_handlers[(_class, '****')]
-                elif self.ae_handlers.has_key(('****', '****')):
-                        _function = self.ae_handlers[('****', '****')]
-                else:
-                        raise 'Cannot happen: AE callback without handler', (_class, _type)
+        if self.ae_handlers.has_key((_class, _type)):
+            _function = self.ae_handlers[(_class, _type)]
+        elif self.ae_handlers.has_key((_class, '****')):
+            _function = self.ae_handlers[(_class, '****')]
+        elif self.ae_handlers.has_key(('****', '****')):
+            _function = self.ae_handlers[('****', '****')]
+        else:
+            raise 'Cannot happen: AE callback without handler', (_class, _type)
-                # XXXX Do key-to-name mapping here
+        # XXXX Do key-to-name mapping here
-                _parameters['_attributes'] = _attributes
-                _parameters['_class'] = _class
-                _parameters['_type'] = _type
-                if _parameters.has_key('----'):
-                        _object = _parameters['----']
-                        del _parameters['----']
-                        # The try/except that used to be here can mask programmer errors.
-                        # Let the program crash, the programmer can always add a **args
-                        # to the formal parameter list.
-                        rv = _function(_object, **_parameters)
-                else:
-                        #Same try/except comment as above
-                        rv = _function(**_parameters)
+        _parameters['_attributes'] = _attributes
+        _parameters['_class'] = _class
+        _parameters['_type'] = _type
+        if _parameters.has_key('----'):
+            _object = _parameters['----']
+            del _parameters['----']
+            # The try/except that used to be here can mask programmer errors.
+            # Let the program crash, the programmer can always add a **args
+            # to the formal parameter list.
+            rv = _function(_object, **_parameters)
+        else:
+            #Same try/except comment as above
+            rv = _function(**_parameters)
-                if rv == None:
-                        aetools.packevent(_reply, {})
-                else:
-                        aetools.packevent(_reply, {'----':rv})
+        if rv == None:
+            aetools.packevent(_reply, {})
+        else:
+            aetools.packevent(_reply, {'----':rv})
-        def open_app(self, **args):
-                self._quit()
+    def open_app(self, **args):
+        self._quit()
-        def open_file(self, _object=None, **args):
-                for alias in _object:
-                        fsr = alias.FSResolveAlias(None)[0]
-                        pathname = fsr.as_pathname()
-                        sys.argv.append(pathname)
-                self._quit()
+    def open_file(self, _object=None, **args):
+        for alias in _object:
+            fsr = alias.FSResolveAlias(None)[0]
+            pathname = fsr.as_pathname()
+            sys.argv.append(pathname)
+        self._quit()
-        def other(self, _object=None, _class=None, _type=None, **args):
-                print 'Ignore AppleEvent', (_class, _type), 'for', _object, 'Other args:', args
+    def other(self, _object=None, _class=None, _type=None, **args):
+        print 'Ignore AppleEvent', (_class, _type), 'for', _object, 'Other args:', args
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-        ArgvCollector().mainloop()
-        print "sys.argv=", sys.argv
+    ArgvCollector().mainloop()
+    print "sys.argv=", sys.argv