Merge ast-branch to head

This change implements a new bytecode compiler, based on a
transformation of the parse tree to an abstract syntax defined in

The compiler implementation is not complete, but it is in stable
enough shape to run the entire test suite excepting two disabled
diff --git a/Include/Python-ast.h b/Include/Python-ast.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0859acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Include/Python-ast.h
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+/* File automatically generated by ../Parser/ */
+#include "asdl.h"
+typedef struct _mod *mod_ty;
+typedef struct _stmt *stmt_ty;
+typedef struct _expr *expr_ty;
+typedef enum _expr_context { Load=1, Store=2, Del=3, AugLoad=4, AugStore=5,
+                             Param=6 } expr_context_ty;
+typedef struct _slice *slice_ty;
+typedef enum _boolop { And=1, Or=2 } boolop_ty;
+typedef enum _operator { Add=1, Sub=2, Mult=3, Div=4, Mod=5, Pow=6, LShift=7,
+                         RShift=8, BitOr=9, BitXor=10, BitAnd=11, FloorDiv=12 }
+                         operator_ty;
+typedef enum _unaryop { Invert=1, Not=2, UAdd=3, USub=4 } unaryop_ty;
+typedef enum _cmpop { Eq=1, NotEq=2, Lt=3, LtE=4, Gt=5, GtE=6, Is=7, IsNot=8,
+                      In=9, NotIn=10 } cmpop_ty;
+typedef struct _comprehension *comprehension_ty;
+typedef struct _excepthandler *excepthandler_ty;
+typedef struct _arguments *arguments_ty;
+typedef struct _keyword *keyword_ty;
+typedef struct _alias *alias_ty;
+struct _mod {
+        enum { Module_kind=1, Interactive_kind=2, Expression_kind=3,
+               Suite_kind=4 } kind;
+        union {
+                struct {
+                        asdl_seq *body;
+                } Module;
+                struct {
+                        asdl_seq *body;
+                } Interactive;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty body;
+                } Expression;
+                struct {
+                        asdl_seq *body;
+                } Suite;
+        } v;
+struct _stmt {
+        enum { FunctionDef_kind=1, ClassDef_kind=2, Return_kind=3,
+               Delete_kind=4, Assign_kind=5, AugAssign_kind=6, Print_kind=7,
+               For_kind=8, While_kind=9, If_kind=10, Raise_kind=11,
+               TryExcept_kind=12, TryFinally_kind=13, Assert_kind=14,
+               Import_kind=15, ImportFrom_kind=16, Exec_kind=17,
+               Global_kind=18, Expr_kind=19, Pass_kind=20, Break_kind=21,
+               Continue_kind=22 } kind;
+        union {
+                struct {
+                        identifier name;
+                        arguments_ty args;
+                        asdl_seq *body;
+                        asdl_seq *decorators;
+                } FunctionDef;
+                struct {
+                        identifier name;
+                        asdl_seq *bases;
+                        asdl_seq *body;
+                } ClassDef;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty value;
+                } Return;
+                struct {
+                        asdl_seq *targets;
+                } Delete;
+                struct {
+                        asdl_seq *targets;
+                        expr_ty value;
+                } Assign;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty target;
+                        operator_ty op;
+                        expr_ty value;
+                } AugAssign;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty dest;
+                        asdl_seq *values;
+                        bool nl;
+                } Print;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty target;
+                        expr_ty iter;
+                        asdl_seq *body;
+                        asdl_seq *orelse;
+                } For;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty test;
+                        asdl_seq *body;
+                        asdl_seq *orelse;
+                } While;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty test;
+                        asdl_seq *body;
+                        asdl_seq *orelse;
+                } If;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty type;
+                        expr_ty inst;
+                        expr_ty tback;
+                } Raise;
+                struct {
+                        asdl_seq *body;
+                        asdl_seq *handlers;
+                        asdl_seq *orelse;
+                } TryExcept;
+                struct {
+                        asdl_seq *body;
+                        asdl_seq *finalbody;
+                } TryFinally;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty test;
+                        expr_ty msg;
+                } Assert;
+                struct {
+                        asdl_seq *names;
+                } Import;
+                struct {
+                        identifier module;
+                        asdl_seq *names;
+                } ImportFrom;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty body;
+                        expr_ty globals;
+                        expr_ty locals;
+                } Exec;
+                struct {
+                        asdl_seq *names;
+                } Global;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty value;
+                } Expr;
+        } v;
+        int lineno;
+struct _expr {
+        enum { BoolOp_kind=1, BinOp_kind=2, UnaryOp_kind=3, Lambda_kind=4,
+               Dict_kind=5, ListComp_kind=6, GeneratorExp_kind=7, Yield_kind=8,
+               Compare_kind=9, Call_kind=10, Repr_kind=11, Num_kind=12,
+               Str_kind=13, Attribute_kind=14, Subscript_kind=15, Name_kind=16,
+               List_kind=17, Tuple_kind=18 } kind;
+        union {
+                struct {
+                        boolop_ty op;
+                        asdl_seq *values;
+                } BoolOp;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty left;
+                        operator_ty op;
+                        expr_ty right;
+                } BinOp;
+                struct {
+                        unaryop_ty op;
+                        expr_ty operand;
+                } UnaryOp;
+                struct {
+                        arguments_ty args;
+                        expr_ty body;
+                } Lambda;
+                struct {
+                        asdl_seq *keys;
+                        asdl_seq *values;
+                } Dict;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty elt;
+                        asdl_seq *generators;
+                } ListComp;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty elt;
+                        asdl_seq *generators;
+                } GeneratorExp;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty value;
+                } Yield;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty left;
+                        asdl_seq *ops;
+                        asdl_seq *comparators;
+                } Compare;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty func;
+                        asdl_seq *args;
+                        asdl_seq *keywords;
+                        expr_ty starargs;
+                        expr_ty kwargs;
+                } Call;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty value;
+                } Repr;
+                struct {
+                        object n;
+                } Num;
+                struct {
+                        string s;
+                } Str;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty value;
+                        identifier attr;
+                        expr_context_ty ctx;
+                } Attribute;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty value;
+                        slice_ty slice;
+                        expr_context_ty ctx;
+                } Subscript;
+                struct {
+                        identifier id;
+                        expr_context_ty ctx;
+                } Name;
+                struct {
+                        asdl_seq *elts;
+                        expr_context_ty ctx;
+                } List;
+                struct {
+                        asdl_seq *elts;
+                        expr_context_ty ctx;
+                } Tuple;
+        } v;
+        int lineno;
+struct _slice {
+        enum { Ellipsis_kind=1, Slice_kind=2, ExtSlice_kind=3, Index_kind=4 }
+               kind;
+        union {
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty lower;
+                        expr_ty upper;
+                        expr_ty step;
+                } Slice;
+                struct {
+                        asdl_seq *dims;
+                } ExtSlice;
+                struct {
+                        expr_ty value;
+                } Index;
+        } v;
+struct _comprehension {
+        expr_ty target;
+        expr_ty iter;
+        asdl_seq *ifs;
+struct _excepthandler {
+        expr_ty type;
+        expr_ty name;
+        asdl_seq *body;
+struct _arguments {
+        asdl_seq *args;
+        identifier vararg;
+        identifier kwarg;
+        asdl_seq *defaults;
+struct _keyword {
+        identifier arg;
+        expr_ty value;
+struct _alias {
+        identifier name;
+        identifier asname;
+mod_ty Module(asdl_seq * body);
+mod_ty Interactive(asdl_seq * body);
+mod_ty Expression(expr_ty body);
+mod_ty Suite(asdl_seq * body);
+stmt_ty FunctionDef(identifier name, arguments_ty args, asdl_seq * body,
+                    asdl_seq * decorators, int lineno);
+stmt_ty ClassDef(identifier name, asdl_seq * bases, asdl_seq * body, int
+                 lineno);
+stmt_ty Return(expr_ty value, int lineno);
+stmt_ty Delete(asdl_seq * targets, int lineno);
+stmt_ty Assign(asdl_seq * targets, expr_ty value, int lineno);
+stmt_ty AugAssign(expr_ty target, operator_ty op, expr_ty value, int lineno);
+stmt_ty Print(expr_ty dest, asdl_seq * values, bool nl, int lineno);
+stmt_ty For(expr_ty target, expr_ty iter, asdl_seq * body, asdl_seq * orelse,
+            int lineno);
+stmt_ty While(expr_ty test, asdl_seq * body, asdl_seq * orelse, int lineno);
+stmt_ty If(expr_ty test, asdl_seq * body, asdl_seq * orelse, int lineno);
+stmt_ty Raise(expr_ty type, expr_ty inst, expr_ty tback, int lineno);
+stmt_ty TryExcept(asdl_seq * body, asdl_seq * handlers, asdl_seq * orelse, int
+                  lineno);
+stmt_ty TryFinally(asdl_seq * body, asdl_seq * finalbody, int lineno);
+stmt_ty Assert(expr_ty test, expr_ty msg, int lineno);
+stmt_ty Import(asdl_seq * names, int lineno);
+stmt_ty ImportFrom(identifier module, asdl_seq * names, int lineno);
+stmt_ty Exec(expr_ty body, expr_ty globals, expr_ty locals, int lineno);
+stmt_ty Global(asdl_seq * names, int lineno);
+stmt_ty Expr(expr_ty value, int lineno);
+stmt_ty Pass(int lineno);
+stmt_ty Break(int lineno);
+stmt_ty Continue(int lineno);
+expr_ty BoolOp(boolop_ty op, asdl_seq * values, int lineno);
+expr_ty BinOp(expr_ty left, operator_ty op, expr_ty right, int lineno);
+expr_ty UnaryOp(unaryop_ty op, expr_ty operand, int lineno);
+expr_ty Lambda(arguments_ty args, expr_ty body, int lineno);
+expr_ty Dict(asdl_seq * keys, asdl_seq * values, int lineno);
+expr_ty ListComp(expr_ty elt, asdl_seq * generators, int lineno);
+expr_ty GeneratorExp(expr_ty elt, asdl_seq * generators, int lineno);
+expr_ty Yield(expr_ty value, int lineno);
+expr_ty Compare(expr_ty left, asdl_seq * ops, asdl_seq * comparators, int
+                lineno);
+expr_ty Call(expr_ty func, asdl_seq * args, asdl_seq * keywords, expr_ty
+             starargs, expr_ty kwargs, int lineno);
+expr_ty Repr(expr_ty value, int lineno);
+expr_ty Num(object n, int lineno);
+expr_ty Str(string s, int lineno);
+expr_ty Attribute(expr_ty value, identifier attr, expr_context_ty ctx, int
+                  lineno);
+expr_ty Subscript(expr_ty value, slice_ty slice, expr_context_ty ctx, int
+                  lineno);
+expr_ty Name(identifier id, expr_context_ty ctx, int lineno);
+expr_ty List(asdl_seq * elts, expr_context_ty ctx, int lineno);
+expr_ty Tuple(asdl_seq * elts, expr_context_ty ctx, int lineno);
+slice_ty Ellipsis(void);
+slice_ty Slice(expr_ty lower, expr_ty upper, expr_ty step);
+slice_ty ExtSlice(asdl_seq * dims);
+slice_ty Index(expr_ty value);
+comprehension_ty comprehension(expr_ty target, expr_ty iter, asdl_seq * ifs);
+excepthandler_ty excepthandler(expr_ty type, expr_ty name, asdl_seq * body);
+arguments_ty arguments(asdl_seq * args, identifier vararg, identifier kwarg,
+                       asdl_seq * defaults);
+keyword_ty keyword(identifier arg, expr_ty value);
+alias_ty alias(identifier name, identifier asname);
+void free_mod(mod_ty);
+void free_stmt(stmt_ty);
+void free_expr(expr_ty);
+void free_expr_context(expr_context_ty);
+void free_slice(slice_ty);
+void free_boolop(boolop_ty);
+void free_operator(operator_ty);
+void free_unaryop(unaryop_ty);
+void free_cmpop(cmpop_ty);
+void free_comprehension(comprehension_ty);
+void free_excepthandler(excepthandler_ty);
+void free_arguments(arguments_ty);
+void free_keyword(keyword_ty);
+void free_alias(alias_ty);
+int marshal_write_mod(PyObject **, int *, mod_ty);
+int marshal_write_stmt(PyObject **, int *, stmt_ty);
+int marshal_write_expr(PyObject **, int *, expr_ty);
+int marshal_write_expr_context(PyObject **, int *, expr_context_ty);
+int marshal_write_slice(PyObject **, int *, slice_ty);
+int marshal_write_boolop(PyObject **, int *, boolop_ty);
+int marshal_write_operator(PyObject **, int *, operator_ty);
+int marshal_write_unaryop(PyObject **, int *, unaryop_ty);
+int marshal_write_cmpop(PyObject **, int *, cmpop_ty);
+int marshal_write_comprehension(PyObject **, int *, comprehension_ty);
+int marshal_write_excepthandler(PyObject **, int *, excepthandler_ty);
+int marshal_write_arguments(PyObject **, int *, arguments_ty);
+int marshal_write_keyword(PyObject **, int *, keyword_ty);
+int marshal_write_alias(PyObject **, int *, alias_ty);