Py_Main(): When compiled by Insure (i.e. __INSURE__ is defined), call
the internal API function to release the interned strings as the very
last thing before returning status.  This aids in memory use debugging
because it eliminates a huge source of noise from the reports.  This
is never called during normal (non-debugging) use because releasing
the interned strings slows Python's shutdown and isn't necessary
anyway because the system will always reclaim the memory.
diff --git a/Modules/main.c b/Modules/main.c
index 49dc4aa..bef2574 100644
--- a/Modules/main.c
+++ b/Modules/main.c
@@ -301,6 +301,20 @@
 		sts = PyRun_AnyFile(stdin, "<stdin>") != 0;
+#ifdef __INSURE__
+	/* Insure++ is a memory analysis tool that aids in discovering
+	 * memory leaks and other memory problems.  On Python exit, the
+	 * interned string dictionary is flagged as being in use at exit
+	 * (which it is).  Under normal circumstances, this is fine because
+	 * the memory will be automatically reclaimed by the system.  Under
+	 * memory debugging, it's a huge source of useless noise, so we
+	 * trade off slower shutdown for less distraction in the memory
+	 * reports.  -baw
+	 */
+	_Py_ReleaseInternedStrings();
+#endif /* __INSURE__ */
 	return sts;