Issue #22423: Fixed debugging output of the GROUPREF_EXISTS opcode in the re
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 011fba9..e937c85 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -1203,16 +1203,33 @@
                 self.assertEqual(, "y")
     def test_debug_flag(self):
+        pat = r'(\.)(?:[ch]|py)(?(1)$|: )'
         with captured_stdout() as out:
-            re.compile('foo', re.DEBUG)
-        self.assertEqual(out.getvalue().splitlines(),
-                         ['literal 102 ', 'literal 111 ', 'literal 111 '])
+            re.compile(pat, re.DEBUG)
+        dump = '''\
+subpattern 1
+  literal 46
+subpattern None
+  branch
+    in
+      literal 99
+      literal 104
+  or
+    literal 112
+    literal 121
+subpattern None
+  groupref_exists 1
+    at at_end
+  else
+    literal 58
+    literal 32
+        self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), dump)
         # Debug output is output again even a second time (bypassing
         # the cache -- issue #20426).
         with captured_stdout() as out:
-            re.compile('foo', re.DEBUG)
-        self.assertEqual(out.getvalue().splitlines(),
-                         ['literal 102 ', 'literal 111 ', 'literal 111 '])
+            re.compile(pat, re.DEBUG)
+        self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), dump)
     def test_keyword_parameters(self):
         # Issue #20283: Accepting the string keyword parameter.