SF patch 576101, by Oren Tirosh: alternative implementation of
interning.  I modified Oren's patch significantly, but the basic idea
and most of the implementation is unchanged.  Interned strings created
with PyString_InternInPlace() are now mortal, and you must keep a
reference to the resulting string around; use the new function
PyString_InternImmortal() to create immortal interned strings.
diff --git a/Include/modsupport.h b/Include/modsupport.h
index 2e577ab..7e69921 100644
--- a/Include/modsupport.h
+++ b/Include/modsupport.h
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
 PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyModule_AddIntConstant(PyObject *, char *, long);
 PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyModule_AddStringConstant(PyObject *, char *, char *);
-#define PYTHON_API_VERSION 1011
-#define PYTHON_API_STRING "1011"
+#define PYTHON_API_VERSION 1012
+#define PYTHON_API_STRING "1012"
 /* The API version is maintained (independently from the Python version)
    so we can detect mismatches between the interpreter and dynamically
    loaded modules.  These are diagnosed by an error message but
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
    Please add a line or two to the top of this log for each API
    version change:
+   19-Aug-2002  GvR	1012	Changes to string object struct for
+   				interning changes, saving 3 bytes.
    17-Jul-2001	GvR	1011	Descr-branch, just to be on the safe side
    25-Jan-2001  FLD     1010    Parameters added to PyCode_New() and