The Window Independent Tracer (which will probably move elsewhere once
it is truly window-independent:-)
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/twit/ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51f6485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+# Window-interface-independent part of twit
+import sys
+import types
+import bdb
+import types
+	types.NoneType,
+	types.IntType,
+	types.LongType,
+	types.FloatType,
+	types.ComplexType,
+	types.StringType
+def Initialize():
+	pass
+class DebuggerStuff(bdb.Bdb):
+	def __init__(self, parent):
+		bdb.Bdb.__init__(self)
+		self.parent = parent
+		self.exception_info = (None, None)
+		self.reason = 'Not running'
+		self.reset()
+	def reset(self):
+		bdb.Bdb.reset(self)
+		self.forget()
+	def forget(self):
+		self.lineno = None
+		self.stack = []
+		self.curindex = 0
+		self.curframe = None
+	def setup(self, f, t):
+		self.forget()
+		self.stack, self.curindex = self.get_stack(f, t)
+		self.curframe = self.stack[self.curindex][0]
+	def interaction(self, frame, traceback):
+		self.setup(frame, traceback)
+		self.parent.interact()
+		self.exception_info = (None, None)
+	def user_call(self, frame, argument_list):
+		self.reason = 'Calling function'
+		self.interaction(frame, None)
+	def user_line(self, frame):
+		self.reason = 'Stopped'
+		self.interaction(frame, None)
+	def user_return(self, frame, return_value):
+		self.reason = 'Returning from function'
+		self.interaction(frame, None)
+	def user_exception(self, frame, (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)):
+		self.reason = 'Exception occurred'
+		self.exception_info = (exc_type, exc_value)
+		self.interaction(frame, exc_traceback)
+	def getexception(self):
+		tp, value = self.exception_info
+		if tp <> None and type(tp) <> type(''):
+			tp = tp.__name__
+		if value <> None and type(value) <> type(''):
+			value = `value`
+		return tp, value
+	def getstacktrace(self):
+		names, locations = [], []
+		for frame, lineno in self.stack:
+			name = frame.f_code.co_name
+			if not name:
+				name = "<lambda>"
+			elif name == '?': 
+				name = "<not a function>"
+			else:
+				name = name + '()'
+			names.append(name)
+			if lineno == -1:
+				lineno = getframelineno(frame)
+			modname = getframemodname(frame)
+			if not modname: modname = "<unknown>"	
+			locations.append("%s:%d" % (modname, lineno))
+		return names, locations
+	def getframe(self, number):
+		if number < 0 or number >= len(self.stack):
+			return None
+		return self.stack[number][0]
+	def getframevars(self, number, show_complex=1, show_system=1):
+		frame = self.getframe(number)
+		if not frame:
+			return [], []
+		return getvarsfromdict(frame.f_locals, show_complex, show_system)
+	def getframevar(self, number, var):
+		frame = self.getframe(number)
+		return frame.f_locals[var]
+	def getframefilepos(self, frameno):
+		if frameno == None or frameno < 0 or frameno >= len(self.stack):
+			return None, None, None
+		frame, line = self.stack[frameno]
+		if line == -1:
+			line = getframelineno(frame)
+		modname = getframemodname(frame)
+		filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
+		return filename, modname, line
+	def getprogramstate(self):
+		return self.reason
+class Application:
+	"""Base code for the application"""
+	def mi_init(self, run_args, pm_args):
+		self.dbg = DebuggerStuff(self)
+		self.run_dialog = self.new_stack_browser(self)
+		self.module_dialog = None
+		self.initial_cmd = None
+		if pm_args:
+			while pm_args.tb_next <> None:
+				pm_args = pm_args.tb_next
+			self.dbg.setup(pm_args.tb_frame, pm_args)
+			self.run_dialog.setsession_pm()
+		elif run_args:
+			self.run_dialog.setsession_run()
+			self.initial_cmd = run_args
+		else:
+			self.run_dialog.setsession_none()
+	def breaks_changed(self, filename):
+		self.run_dialog.breaks_changed(filename)
+		if self.module_dialog:
+			self.module_dialog.breaks_changed(filename)
+	def to_debugger(self):
+		apply(, self.initial_cmd)
+	def interact(self):
+		# Interact with user. First, display correct info
+		self.run_dialog.update_views()
+		if self.module_dialog:
+			self.module_dialog.update_views()
+		# Next, go into mainloop
+		self.one_mainloop()
+		# Finally (before we start the debuggee again) show state
+		self.run_dialog.show_it_running()
+	def quit_bdb(self):
+		self.dbg.set_quit()
+	def run(self):
+		cmd = AskString('Statement to execute:')
+		self.initial_cmd = (cmd, None, None)
+		self.run_dialog.setsession_run()
+		self.exit_mainloop()
+	def cont(self):
+		self.dbg.set_continue()
+		self.exit_mainloop()
+	def step(self, frame):
+		self.dbg.set_next(frame)
+		self.exit_mainloop()
+	def step_in(self):
+		self.dbg.set_step()
+		self.exit_mainloop()
+	def step_out(self, frame):
+		self.dbg.set_return(frame)
+		self.exit_mainloop()
+	def quit(self):
+		self.do_quit()
+	def browse(self, module):
+		if not self.module_dialog:
+			self.module_dialog = self.new_module_browser(self)
+		else:
+			self.module_dialog.focus(module)
+	def browse_var(self, var):
+		b = self.new_var_browser(self, var)
+class StackBrowser:
+	"""Base code for stack browser"""
+	def mi_open(self):
+		"""Setup initial data structures"""
+		self.create_items()
+		self.cur_stackitem = None
+		self.cur_source = None
+		self.cur_modname = None
+		self.cur_line = None
+		self.show_complex = 1
+		self.show_system = 0
+		self.setup()
+	# create_items(self) should create self.modules, self.vars and self.source
+	def setup(self):
+		SetWatch()
+		"""Fill the various widgets with values"""
+		name, value = self.parent.dbg.getexception()
+		self.setexception(name, value)
+		self.setprogramstate(self.parent.dbg.getprogramstate())
+		names, locations = self.parent.dbg.getstacktrace()
+		self.stack.setcontent(names, locations)
+		self.cur_stackitem = len(names)-1
+		self.setup_frame()
+	def setup_frame(self):
+		"""Setup frame-dependent widget data"""
+		SetWatch()
+		self.cont_varnames, self.cont_varvalues = \
+			self.parent.dbg.getframevars(self.cur_stackitem, 
+			self.show_complex, self.show_system)
+		self.vars.setcontent(self.cont_varnames, self.cont_varvalues)
+		self.set_var_buttons()
+		msg = ""
+		if self.cur_stackitem == None:
+			self.cur_source = None
+			self.cur_modname = None
+			self.cur_line = None
+			msg = "No stackframe selected"
+		else:
+			self.cur_source, self.cur_modname, optnextline = \
+				self.parent.dbg.getframefilepos(self.cur_stackitem)
+			if optnextline >= 0:
+				self.cur_line = optnextline
+			if self.cur_source == '<string>':
+				self.cur_source = None
+				msg = "Executing from <string>"
+			print 'SOURCE', self.cur_source
+			print 'LINE', self.cur_line
+		self.setsource(msg)
+		self.source.setcurline(self.cur_line)
+		self.breaks_changed(self.cur_source)
+		SetCursor()
+	# setsource(msg) should display cur_source+content, or msg if None
+	def show_it_running(self):
+		self.setprogramstate("Running")
+	def update_views(self):
+		self.setup()
+	def click_stack(self, number, *dummy):
+		if number == self.cur_stackitem: return
+		self.cur_stackitem = number
+		self.setup_frame()
+	def click_var(self, var, *dummy):
+		v = self.parent.dbg.getframevar(self.cur_stackitem, var)
+		self.parent.browse_var(v)
+	def click_source(self, lineno, inborder):
+		if not inborder:
+			self.cur_line = lineno
+		if lineno == None or not self.cur_source or not inborder:
+			return
+		if self.parent.dbg.get_break(self.cur_source, lineno):
+			self.parent.dbg.clear_break(self.cur_source, lineno)
+		else:
+			self.parent.dbg.set_break(self.cur_source, lineno)
+		self.parent.breaks_changed(self.cur_source)
+	def breaks_changed(self, filename):
+		if filename == self.cur_source:
+			list = self.parent.dbg.get_file_breaks(filename)
+			self.source.setbreaks(list)
+	def click_quit(self):
+		self.parent.quit()
+	def click_run(self):
+	def click_continue(self):
+		self.parent.cont()
+	def click_step(self):
+		if self.cur_stackitem <> None:
+			frame = self.parent.dbg.getframe(self.cur_stackitem)
+			self.parent.step(frame)
+		else:
+			self.parent.step_in()
+	def click_step_in(self):
+		self.parent.step_in()
+	def click_step_out(self):
+		if self.cur_stackitem <> None:
+			frame = self.parent.dbg.getframe(self.cur_stackitem)
+			self.parent.step_out(frame)
+		else:
+			self.parent.step_in()
+	def click_browse(self):
+		self.parent.browse(self.cur_modname)
+	def click_edit(self):
+		lino = self.cur_line
+		if not lino:
+			lino = 1
+		if self.cur_source:
+			self.parent.edit(self.cur_source, lino)
+class ModuleBrowser:
+	"""Base code for a module-browser"""
+	def mi_open(self, module):
+		"""Setup initial data structures"""
+		self.create_items()
+		self.cur_module = module
+		self.cur_source = None
+		self.cur_line = None
+		self.cont_modules = []
+		self.value_windows = []
+		self.setup()
+	# create_items(self) should create self.modules, self.vars and self.source
+	def setup(self):
+		"""Fill the various widgets with values"""
+		SetWatch()
+		modnames = getmodulenames()
+		if not self.cur_module in modnames:
+			self.cur_module = None
+		if modnames <> self.cont_modules:
+			self.modules.setcontent(modnames)
+			self.cont_modules = modnames
+		if self.cur_module:
+		else:
+		self.setup_module()
+	def setup_module(self):
+		"""Setup module-dependent widget data"""
+		SetWatch()
+		if not self.cur_module:
+			self.vars.setcontent([], [])
+		else:
+			self.cont_varnames, self.cont_varvalues = getmodulevars(self.cur_module)
+			self.vars.setcontent(self.cont_varnames, self.cont_varvalues)
+		msg = ""
+		if not self.cur_module:
+			self.cur_source = None
+			msg = "No module selected"
+		else:
+			m = sys.modules[self.cur_module]
+			try:
+				self.cur_source = m.__file__
+			except AttributeError:
+				self.cur_source = None
+				msg = "Not a python module"
+		self.cur_lineno = 0	
+		self.setsource(msg)
+		self.breaks_changed(self.cur_source)
+		SetCursor()
+	# setsource(msg) should display cur_source+content, or msg if None
+	def update_views(self):
+		self.setup_module()
+	def click_module(self, module, *dummy):
+		if not module or module == self.cur_module: return
+		self.focus(module)
+	def focus(self, module):
+		self.cur_module = module
+		self.setup()
+	def click_var(self, var, *dummy):
+		if not var: return
+		m = sys.modules[self.cur_module]
+		dict = m.__dict__
+		self.parent.browse_var(dict[var])
+	def click_source(self, lineno, inborder):
+		if not inborder:
+			self.cur_lineno = lineno
+		if lineno == None or not self.cur_source or not inborder:
+			return
+		if self.parent.dbg.get_break(self.cur_source, lineno):
+			self.parent.dbg.clear_break(self.cur_source, lineno)
+		else:
+			self.parent.dbg.set_break(self.cur_source, lineno)
+		self.parent.breaks_changed(self.cur_source)
+	def breaks_changed(self, filename):
+		if filename == self.cur_source:
+			list = self.parent.dbg.get_file_breaks(filename)
+			self.source.setbreaks(list)
+	def click_edit(self):
+		lino = self.cur_lineno
+		if not lino:
+			lino = 1
+		if self.cur_source:
+			self.parent.edit(self.cur_source, lino)
+def getmodulenames():
+	"""Return a list of all current modules, sorted"""
+	list = sys.modules.keys()[:]
+	list.sort()
+	return list
+def getmodulevars(name):
+	"""For given module return lists with names and values"""
+	m = sys.modules[name]
+	try:
+		dict = m.__dict__
+	except AttributeError:
+		dict = {}
+	return getvarsfromdict(dict)
+def getvarsfromdict(dict, show_complex=1, show_system=1):
+	allnames = dict.keys()[:]
+	allnames.sort()
+	names = []
+	for n in allnames:
+		if not show_complex:
+			if not type(dict[n]) in SIMPLE_TYPES:
+				continue
+		if not show_system:
+			if n[:2] == '__' and n[-2:] == '__':
+				continue
+		names.append(n)
+	values = []
+	for n in names:
+		v = pretty(dict[n])
+		values.append(v)
+	return names, values
+def pretty(var):
+	t = type(var)
+	if t == types.FunctionType: return '<function>'
+	if t == types.ClassType: return '<class>'
+	return `var`
+def getframelineno(frame):
+	"""Given a frame return the line number"""
+	return getcodelineno(frame.f_code)
+def getfunclineno(func):
+	"""Given a function return the line number"""
+	return getcodelineno(func.func_code)
+def getcodelineno(cobj):
+	"""Given a code object return the line number"""
+	code = cobj.co_code
+	lineno = -1
+	if ord(code[0]) == 127: # SET_LINENO instruction
+		lineno = ord(code[1]) | (ord(code[2]) << 8)
+	return lineno
+def getframemodname(frame):
+	"""Given a frame return the module name"""
+	globals = frame.f_globals
+	if globals.has_key('__name__'):
+		return globals['__name__']
+	return None
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/twit/ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..370a1f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+from FrameWork import *
+import Win
+import Qd
+import Controls
+import Ctl
+import TE
+import List
+import os
+import string
+import macfs
+TEXTWIDTH=4096 # More-or-less random value
+class MT_TextWidget:
+	def __init__(self, wid, r):
+		self.wid = wid
+		self.rect = r
+		left, top, right, bottom = r
+		self.terect = left+MARGIN+ICONSIZE, top+MARGIN, \
+		dr = self.terect[0], self.terect[1], TEXTWIDTH, self.terect[3]
+		Qd.SetPort(wid)
+		Qd.TextFont(4)
+		Qd.TextSize(9)
+		self.ted = TE.TENew(dr, self.terect)
+		self.ted.TEAutoView(1)
+		self.activate(1)
+		rect = right-SCROLLBAR, top, right, bottom-SCROLLBAR+1
+		self.bary = Ctl.NewControl(self.wid, rect, "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0)
+		rect = left, bottom-SCROLLBAR, right-SCROLLBAR+1, bottom
+		self.barx = Ctl.NewControl(self.wid, rect, "", 1, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0)
+		self.have_data = 0
+		self.line_index = []
+	def close(self):
+		del self.barx
+		del self.bary
+		del self.ted
+	def scrollbars(self):
+		pass
+	def setcontent(self, file):
+		self.line_index = []
+		if file == None:
+			data = ''
+			self.have_data = 0
+		else:
+			try:
+				fp = open(file, 'rb') # NOTE the binary
+				data =
+				self.have_data = 1
+			except IOError, arg:
+				data = 'Cannot open file:\r'+`arg`
+				self.have_data = 0
+		if len(data) > 32767:
+			self.have_data = 0
+			data = 'File too big'
+		self.ted.TESetText(data)
+		if self.have_data:
+			cur = 0
+			while 1:
+				self.line_index.append(cur)
+				try:
+					cur = string.index(data, '\r', cur+1)
+				except ValueError:
+					break
+			self.line_index.append(len(data))
+		Win.InvalRect(self.rect)
+		self.ted.TESetSelect(0,0)
+		self.ted.TECalText()
+		self.ted.TESelView()
+		self.setscrollbars()
+	def setscrollbars(self):
+		docleft, doctop, docright, docbot = self.ted.destRect
+		winleft, wintop, winright, winbot = self.ted.viewRect
+		docbot = self.ted.nLines*self.ted.lineHeight + doctop
+		self.setbar(self.barx, docleft, docright, winleft, winright)
+		self.setbar(self.bary, doctop, docbot, wintop, winbot)
+	def setbar(self, bar, minmin, maxmax, curmin, curmax):
+		if maxmax-minmin > 32767 or (curmin <= minmin and curmax >= maxmax):
+			bar.SetControlMinimum(0)
+			bar.SetControlMaximum(0)
+			bar.SetControlValue(0)
+			return
+		bar.SetControlMinimum(minmin)
+		bar.SetControlMaximum(maxmax-(curmax-curmin))
+		bar.SetControlValue(curmin)
+	def update(self, rgn):
+		Qd.EraseRect(self.terect)
+		Qd.FrameRect(self.rect)
+		self.ted.TEUpdate(self.terect)
+	def activate(self, onoff):
+		if onoff:
+			self.ted.TEActivate()
+		else:
+			self.ted.TEDeactivate()
+	def select(self, line):
+		if line == None or line <= 0 or not self.have_data:
+			self.ted.TESetSelect(0,0)
+		else:
+			line = line - 1
+			if line > len(self.line_index)-1: line = len(self.line_index)-1
+			if line == 1:
+				self.ted.TESetSelect(0, self.line_index[1])
+			else:
+				self.ted.TESetSelect(self.line_index[line]+1, self.line_index[line+1])
+		self.setscrollbars()
+	def click(self, where, modifiers):
+		# First check scrollbars
+		ctltype, control = Ctl.FindControl(where, self.wid)
+		if ctltype and control:
+			partcode = control.TrackControl(where)
+			if partcode:
+				self.controlhit(control, partcode)
+			return None, 0
+		off = self.ted.TEGetOffset(where)
+		inborder = where[0] < self.terect[0]
+		return self.offsettoline(off), inborder
+	def offsettoline(self, offset):
+		for i in range(len(self.line_index)):
+			if offset < self.line_index[i]:
+				return i   # Not i-1: 1-based line numbers in files
+		return None
+	def controlhit(self, control, partcode):
+		if partcode <> Controls.inThumb:
+			if control == self.barx:
+				if partcode == Controls.inUpButton:
+					delta = -10
+				if partcode == Controls.inDownButton:
+					delta = 10
+				if partcode == Controls.inPageUp:
+					delta = 10-(self.terect[2]-self.terect[0])
+				if partcode == Controls.inPageDown:
+					delta = (self.terect[2]-self.terect[0])-10
+				old = control.GetControlValue()
+				control.SetControlValue(old+delta)
+			if control == self.bary:
+				if partcode == Controls.inUpButton:
+					delta = -self.ted.lineHeight
+				if partcode == Controls.inDownButton:
+					delta = self.ted.lineHeight
+				if partcode == Controls.inPageUp:
+					delta = self.ted.lineHeight-(self.terect[3]-self.terect[1])
+				if partcode == Controls.inPageDown:
+					delta = (self.terect[3]-self.terect[1])-self.ted.lineHeight
+				old = control.GetControlValue()
+				control.SetControlValue(old+delta)
+		newx = self.barx.GetControlValue()
+		newy = self.bary.GetControlValue()
+		oldx = self.ted.viewRect[0]
+		oldy = self.ted.viewRect[1]
+		self.ted.TEPinScroll(oldx-newx, oldy-newy)
+		self.setscrollbars() # XXXX Bibbert, maar hoe anders?
+class MT_IconTextWidget(MT_TextWidget):
+	def __init__(self, wid, r):
+		MT_TextWidget.__init__(self, wid, r)
+		self.breakpointlist = []
+		self.curline = None
+		self.iconrect = (self.rect[0]+1, self.rect[1]+1, 
+				self.terect[0]-1, self.terect[3]-1)
+		self.curlinerange = (self.terect[1]+self.ted.lineHeight,
+				self.terect[3]-2*self.ted.lineHeight)
+	def setbreaks(self, list):
+		self.breakpointlist = list[:]
+		Qd.SetPort(self.wid)
+		Win.InvalRect(self.iconrect)
+	def setcurline(self, line):
+		self.curline = line
+		Qd.SetPort(self.wid)
+		self.showline(line)
+	def showline(self, line):
+		if line <= 0: line = 1
+		if line >= len(self.line_index): line = len(self.line_index)-1
+		if line < 0: return
+		off = self.line_index[line]
+		x, y = self.ted.TEGetPoint(off)
+		if self.curlinerange[0] <= y <= self.curlinerange[1]:
+			return # It is in view
+		middle = (self.curlinerange[0]+self.curlinerange[1])/2
+		self.ted.TEPinScroll(0, middle-y) # Of andersom?
+		self.setscrollbars()
+	def setscrollbars(self):
+		MT_TextWidget.setscrollbars(self)
+		Win.InvalRect(self.iconrect)
+	def update(self, rgn):
+		MT_TextWidget.update(self, rgn)
+		self.drawallicons()
+	def drawallicons(self):
+		Qd.EraseRect(self.iconrect)
+		Qd.MoveTo(self.iconrect[2], self.iconrect[1])
+		Qd.LineTo(self.iconrect[2], self.iconrect[3])
+		topoffset = self.ted.TEGetOffset((self.terect[0], self.terect[1]))
+		botoffset = self.ted.TEGetOffset((self.terect[0], self.terect[3]))
+		topline = self.offsettoline(topoffset)
+		botline = self.offsettoline(botoffset)
+		if topline == None: topline = 1 # ???
+		if botline == None: botline = len(self.line_index)
+		for i in self.breakpointlist:
+			if topline <= i <= botline:
+				self.draw1icon(i, PIC_BREAK)
+		if self.curline <> None and topline <= self.curline <= botline:
+			self.draw1icon(self.curline, PIC_CURRENT)
+	def draw1icon(self, line, which):
+		offset = self.line_index[line]
+		botx, boty = self.ted.TEGetPoint(offset)
+		rect = self.rect[0]+2, boty-self.ted.lineHeight, \
+			self.rect[0]+ICONSIZE-2, boty
+		if not picture_cache.has_key(which):
+			print 'Get picture', which
+			picture_cache[which] = Qd.GetPicture(which)
+		self.drawicon(rect, picture_cache[which])
+	def drawicon(self, rect, which):
+		Qd.DrawPicture(which, rect)
+class MT_IndexList:
+	def __init__(self, wid, rect, width):
+		# wid is the window (dialog) where our list is going to be in
+		# rect is it's item rectangle (as in dialog item)
+		self.rect = rect
+		rect2 = rect[0]+1, rect[1]+1, rect[2]-16, rect[3]-1
+		self.list = List.LNew(rect2, (0, 0, width, 0), (0,0), 0, wid,
+					0, 1, 0, 1)
+		self.wid = wid
+		self.width = width
+	def setcontent(self, *content):
+		self.list.LDelRow(0, 1)
+		self.list.LSetDrawingMode(0)
+		self.list.LAddRow(len(content[0]), 0)
+		for x in range(len(content)):
+			column = content[x]
+			for y in range(len(column)):
+				self.list.LSetCell(column[y], (x, y))
+		self.list.LSetDrawingMode(1)
+		Win.InvalRect(self.rect)
+	def deselectall(self):
+		while 1:
+			ok, pt = self.list.LGetSelect(1, (0,0))
+			if not ok: return
+			self.list.LSetSelect(0, pt)
+	def select(self, num):
+		self.deselectall()
+		if num < 0:
+			return
+		for i in range(self.width):
+			self.list.LSetSelect(1, (i, num))
+	def click(self, where, modifiers):
+		is_double = self.list.LClick(where, modifiers)
+		ok, (x, y) = self.list.LGetSelect(1, (0, 0))
+		if ok:
+			return y, is_double
+		else:
+			return None, is_double
+	# draw a frame around the list, List Manager doesn't do that
+	def drawframe(self):
+		Qd.SetPort(self.wid)
+		Qd.FrameRect(self.rect)
+	def update(self, rgn):
+		self.drawframe()
+		self.list.LUpdate(rgn)
+	def activate(self, onoff):
+		self.list.LActivate(onoff)
+class MT_AnyList(MT_IndexList):
+	def click(self, where, modifiers):
+		is_double = self.list.LClick(where, modifiers)
+		ok, (x, y) = self.list.LGetSelect(1, (0, 0))
+		if ok:
+			field0 = self.list.LGetCell(1000,(0,y))
+		else:
+			field0 = None
+		return field0, is_double
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/twit/ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..268f644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+import FrameWork
+import EasyDialogs
+import Res
+import sys
+import Qd
+import Evt
+import Events
+import Dlg
+import Win
+# Resource-id (for checking existence)
+_arrow = Qd.qd.arrow
+_watch = Qd.GetCursor(4).data
+# Made available to TwitCore:
+AskString = EasyDialogs.AskString
+def SetCursor():
+	Qd.SetCursor(_arrow)
+def SetWatch():
+	Qd.SetCursor(_watch)
+# Exception for temporarily exiting the loop and program
+ExitMainloop = 'ExitMainloop'
+ExitFully = 'ExitFully'
+class Application(FrameWork.Application):
+	"""The twit main class - mac-dependent part"""
+	def __init__(self, run_args, pm_args):
+		# First init menus, etc.
+		FrameWork.Application.__init__(self)
+		self._quitting = 0
+		self.real_quit = 0
+		# Next create our dialogs
+		self.mi_init(run_args, pm_args)
+		if self.real_quit:
+			return
+		if not run_args:
+			# Go into mainloop once
+			self.one_mainloop()
+			if self.real_quit:
+				return
+		if not pm_args:
+			# And give the debugger control.
+			self.to_debugger()
+	def makeusermenus(self):
+		self.filemenu = m = FrameWork.Menu(self.menubar, "File")
+		self._quititem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Quit", "Q", self.do_quit)
+	def do_about(self, id, item, window, event):
+		import time
+		d = Dlg.GetNewDialog(ID_ABOUT, -1)
+		if not d:
+			return
+		w = d.GetDialogWindow()
+		port = w.GetWindowPort()
+		l, t, r, b = port.portRect
+		sl, st, sr, sb = Qd.qd.screenBits.bounds
+		x = ((sr-sl) - (r-l)) / 2
+		y = ((sb-st-16) - (b-t)) / 5
+		w.MoveWindow(x, y, 0)
+		w.ShowWindow()
+		d.DrawDialog()
+		tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(2)
+		x0, y0, x1, y1 = rect
+		ybot = y0 + 32
+		rgn = Qd.NewRgn()
+		Qd.SetPort(d)
+		ok, evt = self.getevent(Events.mDownMask|Events.keyDownMask, 1)
+		if ok: return
+		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
+		delta_t = 128
+		nexttime = when+delta_t
+		while ybot < y1:
+			# Do the animation, if it is time
+			if when > nexttime:
+				Qd.ScrollRect((x0, y0, x1, ybot), 0, 1, rgn)
+				y0 = y0 + 1
+				ybot = ybot + 1
+				# And update next time
+				delta_t = int(delta_t*0.6)-1
+				if delta_t < 0:
+					delta_t = 0
+				nexttime = when + delta_t
+			# Check for an event.
+			ok, evt = self.getevent(Events.mDownMask|Events.keyDownMask, 0)
+			if ok: return
+			(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = evt
+		while 1:
+			ok, evt = self.getevent(Events.mDownMask|Events.keyDownMask, -1)
+			if ok: return
+	def do_quit(self, *args):
+		self._quit()			# Signal FrameWork.Application to stop
+		self.real_quit = 1
+		self.quit_bdb()			# Tell debugger to quit.
+	def exit_mainloop(self):
+		self._quit()			# Signal FrameWork.Application to stop
+		self.real_quit = 0
+	def one_mainloop(self):
+		self.quitting = 0
+		self.mainloop()
+def Initialize():
+	try:
+		# if this doesn't raise an error, we are an applet containing the 
+		# necessary resources or we have been initialized already
+		# so we don't have to bother opening the resource file
+		dummy = Res.GetResource('DLOG', ID_MODULES)
+	except Res.Error:
+		try:
+			Res.OpenResFile("Twit.rsrc")
+		except Res.Error, arg:
+			EasyDialogs.Message("Cannot open Twit.rsrc: "+arg[1])
+			sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/twit/ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26a35b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+"""A simple Mac-only browse utility to peek at the inner data structures of Python."""
+# Minor modifications by Jack to facilitate incorporation in twit.
+# june 1996
+# Written by Just van Rossum <>, please send comments/improvements.
+# Loosely based on Jack Jansens's, but depends on his fabulous
+# XXX Some parts are *very* poorly solved. Will fix. Guido has to check if all the
+# XXX "python-peeking" is done correctly. I kindof reverse-engineered it ;-)
+# disclaimer: although I happen to be the brother of Python's father, programming is
+# not what I've been trained to do. So don't be surprised if you find anything that's not 
+# as nice as it could be...
+# XXX to do:
+# Arrow key support
+# Copy & Paste? 
+# MAIN_TEXT item should not contain (type); should be below or something. 
+# MAIN_TEXT item should check if a string is binary or not: convert to '/000' style
+# or convert newlines. 
+version = "1.0"
+import FrameWork
+import EasyDialogs
+import Dlg
+import Res
+import Qd
+import List
+import sys
+from Types import *
+from QuickDraw import *
+import string
+import time
+import os
+# The initial object to start browsing with. Can be anything, but 'sys' makes kindof sense.
+start_object = sys
+# Resource definitions
+ID_MAIN = 516
+NUM_LISTS = 4	# the number of lists used. could be changed, but the dlg item numbers should be consistent
+MAIN_TITLE = 3	# this is only the first text item, the other three ID's should be 5, 7 and 9
+MAIN_LIST = 4	# this is only the first list, the other three ID's should be 6, 8 and 10
+def Initialize():
+	# this bit ensures that this module will also work as an applet if the resources are
+	# in the resource fork of the applet
+	# stolen from Jack, so it should work(?!;-)
+	try:
+		# if this doesn't raise an error, we are an applet containing the necessary resources
+		# so we don't have to bother opening the resource file
+		dummy = Res.GetResource('DLOG', ID_MAIN)
+	except Res.Error:
+		savewd = os.getcwd()
+		ourparentdir = os.path.split(openresfile.func_code.co_filename)[0]
+		os.chdir(ourparentdir)		
+		try:
+			Res.OpenResFile("mactwit_browse.rsrc")
+		except Res.Error, arg:
+			EasyDialogs.Message("Cannot open mactwit_browse.rsrc: "+arg[1])
+			sys.exit(1)
+		os.chdir(savewd)
+def main():
+	Initialize()
+	PythonBrowse()
+# this is all there is to it to make an application. 
+class PythonBrowse(FrameWork.Application):
+	def __init__(self):
+		FrameWork.Application.__init__(self)
+		VarBrowser(self).open(start_object)
+		self.mainloop()
+	def do_about(self, id, item, window, event):
+		EasyDialogs.Message(self.__class__.__name__ + " version " + version + "\rby Just van Rossum")
+	def quit(self, *args):
+		raise self
+class MyList:
+	def __init__(self, wid, rect, itemnum):
+		# wid is the window (dialog) where our list is going to be in
+		# rect is it's item rectangle (as in dialog item)
+		# itemnum is the itemnumber in the dialog
+		self.rect = rect
+		rect2 = rect[0]+1, rect[1]+1, rect[2]-16, rect[3]-1		# Scroll bar space, that's 15 + 1, Jack!
+		self.list = List.LNew(rect2, (0, 0, 1, 0), (0,0), 0, wid,
+					0, 1, 0, 1)
+		self.wid = wid
+ = 0
+		self.itemnum = itemnum
+	def setcontent(self, content, title = ""):
+		# first, gather some stuff
+		keylist = []
+		valuelist = []
+		thetype = type(content)
+		if thetype == DictType:
+			keylist = content.keys()
+			keylist.sort()
+			for key in keylist:
+				valuelist.append(content[key])
+		elif thetype == ListType:
+			keylist = valuelist = content
+		elif thetype == TupleType:
+			keylist = valuelist = []
+			for i in content:
+				keylist.append(i)
+		else:
+			# XXX help me! is all this correct? is there more I should consider???
+			# XXX is this a sensible way to do it in the first place????
+			# XXX I'm not familiar enough with Python's guts to be sure. GUIDOOOOO!!!
+			if hasattr(content, "__dict__"):
+				keylist = keylist + content.__dict__.keys()
+			if hasattr(content, "__methods__"):
+				keylist = keylist + content.__methods__
+			if hasattr(content, "__members__"):
+				keylist = keylist + content.__members__
+			if hasattr(content, "__class__"):
+				keylist.append("__class__")
+			if hasattr(content, "__bases__"):
+				keylist.append("__bases__")
+			if hasattr(content, "__name__"):
+				title = content.__name__
+				if "__name__" not in keylist:
+					keylist.append("__name__")
+			keylist.sort()
+			for key in keylist:
+				valuelist.append(getattr(content, key))
+		if content <> None:
+			title = title + "\r" + cleantype(content)
+		# now make that list!
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(self.itemnum - 1)
+		Dlg.SetDialogItemText(h, title[:255])
+		self.list.LDelRow(0, 1)
+		self.list.LSetDrawingMode(0)
+		self.list.LAddRow(len(keylist), 0)
+		for i in range(len(keylist)):
+			self.list.LSetCell(str(keylist[i]), (0, i))
+		self.list.LSetDrawingMode(1)
+		self.list.LUpdate(self.wid.GetWindowPort().visRgn)
+		self.content = content
+		self.keylist = keylist
+		self.valuelist = valuelist
+		self.title = title
+	# draw a frame around the list, List Manager doesn't do that
+	def drawframe(self):
+		Qd.SetPort(self.wid)
+		Qd.FrameRect(self.rect)
+		rect2 = Qd.InsetRect(self.rect, -3, -3)
+		save = Qd.GetPenState()
+		Qd.PenSize(2, 2)
+		if
+			Qd.PenPat(
+		else:
+			Qd.PenPat(Qd.qd.white)
+		# draw (or erase) an extra frame to indicate this is the acive list (or not)
+		Qd.FrameRect(rect2)
+		Qd.SetPenState(save)
+class VarBrowser(FrameWork.DialogWindow):
+	def open(self, start_object, title = ""):
+		if title <> "":
+			windowtitle = self.wid.GetWTitle()
+			self.wid.SetWTitle(windowtitle + " >> " + title)
+		else:
+			if hasattr(start_object, "__name__"):
+				windowtitle = self.wid.GetWTitle()
+				self.wid.SetWTitle(windowtitle + " >> " + str(getattr(start_object, "__name__")) )
+		self.SetPort()
+		Qd.TextFont(3)
+		Qd.TextSize(9)
+		self.lists = []
+		self.listitems = []
+		for i in range(NUM_LISTS):
+			self.listitems.append(MAIN_LIST + 2 * i)	# dlg item numbers... have to be consistent
+		for i in self.listitems:
+			tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(i)
+			list = MyList(self.wid, rect, i)
+			self.lists.append(list)
+		self.leftover = []
+		self.rightover = []
+		self.setup(start_object, title)
+	def close(self):
+		self.lists = []
+		self.listitems = []
+		self.do_postclose()
+	def setup(self, start_object, title = ""):
+		# here we set the starting point for our expedition
+		self.start = start_object
+		self.lists[0].setcontent(start_object, title)
+		for list in self.lists[1:]:
+			list.setcontent(None)
+	def do_listhit(self, event, item):
+		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
+		Qd.SetPort(self.wid)
+		where = Qd.GlobalToLocal(where)
+		for list in self.lists:
+ = 0
+		list = self.lists[self.listitems.index(item)]
+ = 1
+		for l in self.lists:
+			l.drawframe()
+		point = (0,0)
+		ok, point = list.list.LGetSelect(1, point)
+		if ok:
+			oldsel = point[1]
+		else:
+			oldsel = -1
+		# This should be: list.list.LClick(where, modifiers)
+		# Since the selFlags field of the list is not accessible from Python I have to do it like this.
+		# The effect is that you can't select more items by using shift or command.
+		list.list.LClick(where, 0)
+		index = self.listitems.index(item) + 1
+		point = (0,0)
+		ok, point = list.list.LGetSelect(1, point)
+		if oldsel == point[1]:
+			return	# selection didn't change, do nothing.
+		if not ok:
+			for i in range(index, len(self.listitems)):
+				self.lists[i].setcontent(None)
+			self.rightover = []
+			return
+		if point[1] >= len(list.keylist):
+			return		# XXX is this still necessary? is ok really true?
+		key = str(list.keylist[point[1]])
+		value = list.valuelist[point[1]]
+		self.settextitem("")
+		thetype = type(value)
+		if thetype == ListType or 				\
+				thetype == TupleType or 		\
+				thetype == DictType or 			\
+				hasattr(value, "__dict__") or 		\
+				hasattr(value, "__methods__") or	\
+				hasattr(value, "__members__"):	# XXX or, or... again: did I miss something?
+			if index >= len(self.listitems):
+				# we've reached the right side of our dialog. move everything to the left
+				# (by pushing the rightbutton...)
+				self.do_rightbutton(1)
+				index = index - 1
+			newlist = self.lists[index]
+			newlist.setcontent(value, key)
+		else:
+			index = index - 1
+			self.settextitem( str(value) + "\r" + cleantype(value))
+		for i in range(index + 1, len(self.listitems)):
+			self.lists[i].setcontent(None)
+		self.rightover = []
+	# helper to set the big text item at the bottom of the dialog.
+	def settextitem(self, text):
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(MAIN_TEXT)
+		Dlg.SetDialogItemText(h, text[:255])
+	def do_rawupdate(self, window, event):
+		Qd.SetPort(self.wid)
+		iType, iHandle, iRect = window.GetDialogItem(MAIN_LINE)
+		Qd.FrameRect(iRect)
+		for list in self.lists:
+			Qd.FrameRect(list.rect)
+			if
+				# see MyList.drawframe
+				rect2 = Qd.InsetRect(list.rect, -3, -3)
+				save = Qd.GetPenState()
+				Qd.PenSize(2, 2)
+				Qd.FrameRect(rect2)
+				Qd.SetPenState(save)
+		for list in self.lists:
+			list.list.LUpdate(self.wid.GetWindowPort().visRgn)
+	def do_activate(self, activate, event):
+		for list in self.lists:
+			list.list.LActivate(activate)
+	# scroll everything one 'unit' to the left
+	# XXX I don't like the way this works. Too many 'manual' assignments
+	def do_rightbutton(self, force = 0):
+		if not force and self.rightover == []:
+			return
+		self.scroll(-1)
+		point = (0, 0)
+		ok, point = self.lists[0].list.LGetSelect(1, point)
+		self.leftover.append(point, self.lists[0].content, self.lists[0].title, self.lists[0].active)
+		for i in range(len(self.lists)-1):
+			point = (0, 0)
+			ok, point = self.lists[i+1].list.LGetSelect(1, point)
+			self.lists[i].setcontent(self.lists[i+1].content, self.lists[i+1].title)
+			self.lists[i].list.LSetSelect(ok, point)
+			self.lists[i].list.LAutoScroll()
+			self.lists[i].active = self.lists[i+1].active
+			self.lists[i].drawframe()
+		if len(self.rightover) > 0:
+			point, content, title, active = self.rightover[-1]
+			self.lists[-1].setcontent(content, title)
+			self.lists[-1].list.LSetSelect(1, point)
+			self.lists[-1].list.LAutoScroll()
+			self.lists[-1].active = active
+			self.lists[-1].drawframe()
+			del self.rightover[-1]
+		else:
+			self.lists[-1].setcontent(None)
+			self.lists[-1].active = 0
+		for list in self.lists:
+			list.drawframe()
+	# scroll everything one 'unit' to the right
+	def do_leftbutton(self):
+		if self.leftover == []:
+			return
+		self.scroll(1)
+		if self.lists[-1].content <> None:
+			point = (0, 0)
+			ok, point = self.lists[-1].list.LGetSelect(1, point)
+			self.rightover.append(point, self.lists[-1].content, self.lists[-1].title, self.lists[-1].active )
+		for i in range(len(self.lists)-1, 0, -1):
+			point = (0, 0)
+			ok, point = self.lists[i-1].list.LGetSelect(1, point)
+			self.lists[i].setcontent(self.lists[i-1].content, self.lists[i-1].title)
+			self.lists[i].list.LSetSelect(ok, point)
+			self.lists[i].list.LAutoScroll()
+			self.lists[i].active = self.lists[i-1].active
+			self.lists[i].drawframe()
+		if len(self.leftover) > 0:
+			point, content, title, active = self.leftover[-1]
+			self.lists[0].setcontent(content, title)
+			self.lists[0].list.LSetSelect(1, point)
+			self.lists[0].list.LAutoScroll()
+			self.lists[0].active = active
+			self.lists[0].drawframe()
+			del self.leftover[-1]
+		else:
+			self.lists[0].setcontent(None)
+			self.lists[0].active = 0
+	# create some visual feedback when 'scrolling' the lists to the left or to the right
+	def scroll(self, leftright):	# leftright should be 1 or -1
+		# first, build a region containing all list rectangles
+		myregion = Qd.NewRgn()
+		mylastregion = Qd.NewRgn()
+		for list in self.lists:
+			AddRect2Rgn(list.rect, myregion)
+			AddRect2Rgn(list.rect, mylastregion)
+		# set the pen, but save it's state first
+		self.SetPort()
+		save = Qd.GetPenState()
+		Qd.PenPat(Qd.qd.gray)
+		Qd.PenMode(srcXor)
+		# how far do we have to scroll?
+		distance = self.lists[1].rect[0] - self.lists[0].rect[0]
+		step = 30
+		lasttime = time.clock()	# for delay
+		# do it
+		for i in range(0, distance, step):
+			if i <> 0:
+				Qd.FrameRgn(mylastregion)	# erase last region
+				Qd.OffsetRgn(mylastregion, step * leftright, 0)
+			# draw gray region
+			Qd.FrameRgn(myregion)
+			Qd.OffsetRgn(myregion, step * leftright, 0)
+			while time.clock() - lasttime < 0.05:
+				pass	# delay
+			lasttime = time.clock()
+		# clean up after your dog
+		Qd.FrameRgn(mylastregion)
+		Qd.SetPenState(save)
+	def reset(self):
+		for list in self.lists:
+			point = (0,0)
+			ok, point = list.list.LGetSelect(1, point)
+			if ok:
+				sel = list.keylist[point[1]]
+			list.setcontent(list.content, list.title)
+			if ok:
+				list.list.LSetSelect(1, (0, list.keylist.index(sel)))
+				list.list.LAutoScroll()
+	def do_itemhit(self, item, event):
+		if item in self.listitems:
+			self.do_listhit(event, item)
+		elif item == MAIN_LEFT:
+			self.do_leftbutton()
+		elif item == MAIN_RIGHT:
+			self.do_rightbutton()
+		elif item == MAIN_CLOSE:
+			self.close()
+		elif item == MAIN_RESET:
+			self.reset()
+# helper function that returns a short string containing the type of an arbitrary object
+# eg: cleantype("wat is dit nu weer?") -> '(string)'
+def cleantype(obj):
+	# type() typically returns something like: <type 'string'>
+	items = string.split(str(type(obj)), "'")
+	if len(items) == 3:
+		return '(' + items[1] + ')'
+	else:
+		# just in case, I don't know.
+		return str(type(obj))
+# helper for VarBrowser.scroll
+def AddRect2Rgn(theRect, theRgn):
+	rRgn = Qd.NewRgn()
+	Qd.RectRgn(rRgn, theRect)
+	Qd.UnionRgn(rRgn, theRgn, theRgn)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	main()
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/twit/ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ace253d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+"""Edit a file using the MetroWerks editor. Modify to suit your needs"""
+import MacOS
+import aetools
+import Metrowerks_Shell_Suite
+import Required_Suite
+_talker = None
+class MWShell(aetools.TalkTo, 
+ 				Metrowerks_Shell_Suite.Metrowerks_Shell_Suite,
+ 				Required_Suite.Required_Suite):
+	pass
+def edit(file, line):
+	global _talker
+	if _talker == None:
+		_talker = MWShell('CWIE', start=1)
+	try:
+		_talker.Goto_Line(line)
+	except "(MacOS.Error, aetools.Error)":
+		pass
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/twit/ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3a42bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# A stab at a python debugger
+import Res
+import Qd
+import Dlg
+import Win
+import FrameWork
+import EasyDialogs
+import sys
+from mac_widgets import MT_AnyList, MT_IconTextWidget
+# Our dialogs
+class ModuleBrowser(FrameWork.DialogWindow):
+	"""The module-browser dialog - mac-dependent part"""
+	def open(self, module):
+		self.SetPort()
+		Qd.TextFont(3)
+		Qd.TextSize(9)
+		self.mi_open(module)
+	def create_items(self):
+		"""Create the lists we need"""
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_MODULES)
+		self.modules = MT_AnyList(self.wid, rect, 1)
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_VARS)
+		self.vars = MT_AnyList(self.wid, rect, 2)
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_SOURCE)
+		self.source = MT_IconTextWidget(self.wid, rect)
+	def setsource(self, msg):
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_SOURCE_TITLE)
+		if self.cur_source:
+			Dlg.SetDialogItemText(h, self.cur_source)
+		else:
+			Dlg.SetDialogItemText(h, msg)
+		self.source.setcontent(self.cur_source)
+	def do_itemhit(self, item, event):
+		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
+		Qd.SetPort(self.wid)
+		where = Qd.GlobalToLocal(where)
+		if item == I_MODULES:
+			new_module, double =, 0)
+			self.click_module(new_module)
+		elif item == I_VARS:
+			new_var, double =, 0)
+			if double:
+				self.click_var(new_var)
+		elif item == I_SOURCE:
+			lineno, inborder =, 0)
+			if lineno <> None and lineno >= 0:
+				self.click_source(lineno, inborder)
+		elif item == I_EDIT:
+			self.click_edit()
+	def do_rawupdate(self, window, event):
+		Qd.SetPort(self.wid)
+		rgn = self.wid.GetWindowPort().visRgn
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_RULER)
+		Qd.MoveTo(rect[0], rect[1])
+		Qd.LineTo(rect[2], rect[1])
+		self.modules.update(rgn)
+		self.vars.update(rgn)
+		self.source.update(rgn)
+	def do_activate(self, activate, event):
+		self.modules.activate(activate)
+		self.vars.activate(activate)
+		self.source.activate(activate)
+	def close(self):
+		self.parent.module_dialog = None
+		self.source.close()
+		del self.modules
+		del self.vars
+		del self.source
+		self.do_postclose()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	main()
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/twit/ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa0cba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# A stab at a python debugger
+import Res
+import Qd
+import Dlg
+import Win
+import FrameWork
+import EasyDialogs
+import sys
+from mac_widgets import MT_AnyList, MT_IndexList, MT_IconTextWidget
+# Our dialogs
+class StackBrowser(FrameWork.DialogWindow):
+	"""The stack-browser dialog - mac-dependent part"""
+	def open(self):
+		self.SetPort()
+		Qd.TextFont(3)
+		Qd.TextSize(9)
+		self.mi_open()
+	def create_items(self):
+		"""Create the lists we need"""
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_STACK)
+		self.stack = MT_IndexList(self.wid, rect, 2)
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_VARS)
+		self.vars = MT_AnyList(self.wid, rect, 2)
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_SOURCE)
+		self.source = MT_IconTextWidget(self.wid, rect)
+	def setsource(self, msg):
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_SOURCE_TITLE)
+		if self.cur_source:
+			Dlg.SetDialogItemText(h, self.cur_source)
+		else:
+			Dlg.SetDialogItemText(h, msg)
+		self.source.setcontent(self.cur_source)
+	def setexception(self, name, value):
+		print 'SETEXC', (name, value)
+		if name == None:
+			self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_EXC)
+			self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_EXC_TITLE)
+			value = None
+		else:
+			self.wid.ShowDialogItem(I_EXC)
+			self.wid.ShowDialogItem(I_EXC_TITLE)
+			tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_EXC)
+			Dlg.SetDialogItemText(h, name)
+		if value == None:
+			self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_EXCVALUE)
+			self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_EXCVALUE_TITLE)
+		else:
+			self.wid.ShowDialogItem(I_EXCVALUE)
+			self.wid.ShowDialogItem(I_EXCVALUE_TITLE)
+			tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_EXCVALUE)
+			Dlg.SetDialogItemText(h, value)
+	def setprogramstate(self, msg):
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_STATE)
+		Dlg.SetDialogItemText(h, msg)
+	def setsession_none(self):
+		"""Nothing running, no stack trace"""
+		self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_CONTINUE)
+		self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_STEP)
+		self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_STEP_IN)
+		self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_STEP_OUT)
+		self.wid.ShowDialogItem(I_RUN)
+	def setsession_run(self):
+		"""Running"""
+		self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_RUN)
+		self.wid.ShowDialogItem(I_CONTINUE)
+		self.wid.ShowDialogItem(I_STEP)
+		self.wid.ShowDialogItem(I_STEP_IN)
+		self.wid.ShowDialogItem(I_STEP_OUT)
+	def setsession_pm(self):
+		"""Post-mortem debugging"""
+		self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_CONTINUE)
+		self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_STEP)
+		self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_STEP_IN)
+		self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_STEP_OUT)
+		self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_RUN)
+	def setsession_none(self):
+		"""Nothing running, no stack trace"""
+		self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_CONTINUE)
+		self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_STEP)
+		self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_STEP_IN)
+		self.wid.HideDialogItem(I_STEP_OUT)
+		self.wid.ShowDialogItem(I_RUN)
+	def do_itemhit(self, item, event):
+		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
+		Qd.SetPort(self.wid)
+		where = Qd.GlobalToLocal(where)
+		print 'STACKHIT', item
+		if item == I_STACK:
+			new_stackitem, double =, 0)
+			self.click_stack(new_stackitem)
+		elif item == I_VARS:
+			new_var, double =, 0)
+			if double:
+				self.click_var(new_var)
+		elif item == I_SOURCE:
+			lineno, inborder =, 0)
+			if lineno <> None and lineno >= 0:
+				self.click_source(lineno, inborder)
+		elif item == I_QUIT:
+			self.click_quit()
+		elif item == I_CONTINUE:
+			self.click_continue()
+		elif item == I_STEP:
+			self.click_step()
+		elif item == I_STEP_IN:
+			self.click_step_in()
+		elif item == I_STEP_OUT:
+			self.click_step_out()
+		elif item == I_BROWSE:
+			self.click_browse()
+		elif item == I_RUN:
+			self.click_run()
+		elif item == I_SHOW_COMPLEX:
+			self.show_complex = not self.show_complex
+			self.setup_frame()
+		elif item == I_SHOW_SYSTEM:
+			self.show_system = not self.show_system
+			self.setup_frame()
+		elif item == I_EDIT:
+			self.click_edit()
+	def set_var_buttons(self):
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_SHOW_COMPLEX)
+		h.as_Control().SetControlValue(self.show_complex)
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_SHOW_SYSTEM)
+		h.as_Control().SetControlValue(self.show_system)
+	def do_rawupdate(self, window, event):
+		Qd.SetPort(self.wid)
+		rgn = self.wid.GetWindowPort().visRgn
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_RULER1)
+		Qd.MoveTo(rect[0], rect[1])
+		Qd.LineTo(rect[2], rect[1])
+		tp, h, rect = self.wid.GetDialogItem(I_RULER2)
+		Qd.MoveTo(rect[0], rect[1])
+		Qd.LineTo(rect[2], rect[1])
+		self.stack.update(rgn)
+		self.vars.update(rgn)
+		self.source.update(rgn)
+	def do_activate(self, activate, event):
+		self.stack.activate(activate)
+		self.vars.activate(activate)
+		self.source.activate(activate)
+	def close(self):
+		self.source.close()
+		del self.stack
+		del self.vars
+		del self.source
+		self.do_postclose()
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/twit/ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6054939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+"""twit - The Window-Independent Tracer.
+twit.main()						Enter debugger in inactive interactive state, globals, locals)	Enter debugger and start running stmt
+twit.post_mortem(traceback)		Enter debugger in post-mortem mode on traceback						Enter debugger in pm-mode on sys.last_traceback
+main program: nothing but a bit of glue to put it all together.
+Jack Jansen, CWI, August 1996."""
+import os
+if == 'mac':
+	import MacOS
+	MacOS.splash(515)	# Try to show the splash screen
+	import mactwit_mod; twit_mod = mactwit_mod
+	import mactwit_stack; twit_stack = mactwit_stack
+	import mactwit_app; twit_app = mactwit_app
+	import mactwit_browser; twit_browser = mactwit_browser
+	import mactwit_edit; twit_edit = mactwit_edit
+	try:
+		import _tkinter
+		have_tk = 1
+	except ImportError:
+		have_tk = 0
+	if have_tk:
+		import tktwit_mod; twit_mod = tktwit_mod
+		import tktwit_stack; twit_stack = tktwit_stack
+		import tktwit_app; twit_app = tktwit_app
+	else:
+		print 'Please implementent twit_mod, twit_stack and twit_app and try again:-)'
+		sys.exit(1)
+import TwitCore
+import sys
+class Twit(twit_app.Application, TwitCore.Application):
+	def new_module_browser(self, *args):
+		return apply(TWIT_ModuleBrowser, args)
+	def new_stack_browser(self, *args):
+		return apply(TWIT_StackBrowser, args)
+	def new_var_browser(self, *args):
+		return apply(TWIT_VarBrowser, args)
+	def edit(self, *args):
+		return apply(twit_edit.edit, args)
+class TWIT_ModuleBrowser(twit_mod.ModuleBrowser, TwitCore.ModuleBrowser):
+	pass
+class TWIT_StackBrowser(twit_stack.StackBrowser, TwitCore.StackBrowser):
+	pass
+def TWIT_VarBrowser(parent, var):
+	return twit_browser.VarBrowser(parent).open(var)
+def Initialize():
+	# Gross...
+	TwitCore.AskString = twit_app.AskString
+	TwitCore.SetWatch = twit_app.SetWatch
+	TwitCore.SetCursor = twit_app.SetCursor
+def main():
+	twit_app.Initialize()
+	TwitCore.Initialize()
+	Initialize()
+	if == 'mac':
+		MacOS.splash()
+	Twit(None, None)
+def run(statement, globals=None, locals=None):
+	twit_app.Initialize()
+	TwitCore.Initialize()
+	Initialize()
+	Twit((statement, globals, locals), None)
+def post_mortem(t):
+	twit_app.Initialize()
+	TwitCore.Initialize()
+	Initialize()
+	Twit(None, t)
+def pm():
+	post_mortem(sys.last_traceback)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	main()
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/twit/twit.rsrc.hqx b/Mac/Tools/twit/twit.rsrc.hqx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00fd0dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Tools/twit/twit.rsrc.hqx
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/twit/ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10d3693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Tools/twit/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Test program
+def foo(arg1, arg2):
+	bar(arg1+arg2)
+	bar(arg1-arg2)
+	foo(arg1+1, arg2-1)
+def bar(arg):
+	rv = 10/arg
+	print rv