Insure properly identifies the `interned' dictionary as leaking at
shutdown time, but CVS log entry for revision 2.45 explains why this
is so.  Simply include a comment so we don't have to re-figure it out
again 5 years from now.
diff --git a/Objects/stringobject.c b/Objects/stringobject.c
index 6d25ddb..25621c2 100644
--- a/Objects/stringobject.c
+++ b/Objects/stringobject.c
@@ -2850,6 +2850,18 @@
+/* This dictionary will leak at PyString_Fini() time.  That's acceptable
+ * because PyString_Fini() specifically frees interned strings that are
+ * only referenced by this dictionary.  The CVS log entry for revision 2.45
+ * says:
+ *
+ *    Change the Fini function to only remove otherwise unreferenced
+ *    strings from the interned table.  There are references in
+ *    hard-to-find static variables all over the interpreter, and it's not
+ *    worth trying to get rid of all those; but "uninterning" isn't fair
+ *    either and may cause subtle failures later -- so we have to keep them
+ *    in the interned table.
+ */
 static PyObject *interned;