adapted to newest version of CL library. It is now also possible to give the CD's TOC as argument
to init().  The TOC is a string consisting of 2 digits giving the
number of tracks and then for each track the length of the track as
number of minutes and number of seconds (2 digits each). Interface to the .cddb directory.  Usage is the same as for
diff --git a/Lib/plat-irix5/ b/Lib/plat-irix5/
index 2839021..deec996 100755
--- a/Lib/plat-irix5/
+++ b/Lib/plat-irix5/
@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@
 		import string
 		self.artist = ''
 		self.title = ''
+		if type(tracklist) == type(''):
+			t = []
+			for i in range(2, len(tracklist), 4):
+				t.append((None, \
+					  (string.atoi(tracklist[i:i+2]), \
+					   string.atoi(tracklist[i+2:i+4]))))
+			tracklist = t
 		self.track = [None] + [''] * len(tracklist) = 'd' + string.zfill(len(tracklist), 2)
 		for track in tracklist: