Get rid of the remaining versionadded/versionchanged directives.
diff --git a/Doc/library/time.rst b/Doc/library/time.rst
index 04c8f66..1907011 100644
--- a/Doc/library/time.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/time.rst
@@ -115,10 +115,6 @@
   :class:`struct_time`, or having elements of the wrong type, a :exc:`TypeError`
   is raised.
-  .. versionchanged:: 2.2
-     The time value sequence was changed from a tuple to a :class:`struct_time`, with
-     the addition of attribute names for the fields.
 The module defines the following functions and data items:
@@ -149,9 +145,6 @@
       Unlike the C function of the same name, there is no trailing newline.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.1
-      Allowed *t* to be omitted.
 .. function:: clock()
@@ -178,12 +171,6 @@
    returned by :func:`time` is used.  ``ctime(secs)`` is equivalent to
    ``asctime(localtime(secs))``. Locale information is not used by :func:`ctime`.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.1
-      Allowed *secs* to be omitted.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.4
-      If *secs* is :const:`None`, the current time is used.
 .. data:: daylight
@@ -199,12 +186,6 @@
    :class:`struct_time` object. See :func:`calendar.timegm` for the inverse of this
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.1
-      Allowed *secs* to be omitted.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.4
-      If *secs* is :const:`None`, the current time is used.
 .. function:: localtime([secs])
@@ -212,12 +193,6 @@
    :const:`None`, the current time as returned by :func:`time` is used.  The dst
    flag is set to ``1`` when DST applies to the given time.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.1
-      Allowed *secs* to be omitted.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.4
-      If *secs* is :const:`None`, the current time is used.
 .. function:: mktime(t)
@@ -249,96 +224,89 @@
    :func:`localtime` is used.  *format* must be a string.  :exc:`ValueError` is
    raised if any field in *t* is outside of the allowed range.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.1
-      Allowed *t* to be omitted.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.4
-      :exc:`ValueError` raised if a field in *t* is out of range.
-   .. versionchanged:: 2.5
-      0 is now a legal argument for any position in the time tuple; if it is normally
-      illegal the value is forced to a correct one..
+   0 is a legal argument for any position in the time tuple; if it is normally
+   illegal the value is forced to a correct one.
    The following directives can be embedded in the *format* string. They are shown
    without the optional field width and precision specification, and are replaced
    by the indicated characters in the :func:`strftime` result:
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | Directive | Meaning                        | Notes |
-   +===========+================================+=======+
-   | ``%a``    | Locale's abbreviated weekday   |       |
-   |           | name.                          |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%A``    | Locale's full weekday name.    |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%b``    | Locale's abbreviated month     |       |
-   |           | name.                          |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%B``    | Locale's full month name.      |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%c``    | Locale's appropriate date and  |       |
-   |           | time representation.           |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%d``    | Day of the month as a decimal  |       |
-   |           | number [01,31].                |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%H``    | Hour (24-hour clock) as a      |       |
-   |           | decimal number [00,23].        |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%I``    | Hour (12-hour clock) as a      |       |
-   |           | decimal number [01,12].        |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%j``    | Day of the year as a decimal   |       |
-   |           | number [001,366].              |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%m``    | Month as a decimal number      |       |
-   |           | [01,12].                       |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%M``    | Minute as a decimal number     |       |
-   |           | [00,59].                       |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%p``    | Locale's equivalent of either  | \(1)  |
-   |           | AM or PM.                      |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%S``    | Second as a decimal number     | \(2)  |
-   |           | [00,61].                       |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%U``    | Week number of the year        | \(3)  |
-   |           | (Sunday as the first day of    |       |
-   |           | the week) as a decimal number  |       |
-   |           | [00,53].  All days in a new    |       |
-   |           | year preceding the first       |       |
-   |           | Sunday are considered to be in |       |
-   |           | week 0.                        |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%w``    | Weekday as a decimal number    |       |
-   |           | [0(Sunday),6].                 |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%W``    | Week number of the year        | \(3)  |
-   |           | (Monday as the first day of    |       |
-   |           | the week) as a decimal number  |       |
-   |           | [00,53].  All days in a new    |       |
-   |           | year preceding the first       |       |
-   |           | Monday are considered to be in |       |
-   |           | week 0.                        |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%x``    | Locale's appropriate date      |       |
-   |           | representation.                |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%X``    | Locale's appropriate time      |       |
-   |           | representation.                |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%y``    | Year without century as a      |       |
-   |           | decimal number [00,99].        |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%Y``    | Year with century as a decimal |       |
-   |           | number.                        |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%Z``    | Time zone name (no characters  |       |
-   |           | if no time zone exists).       |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
-   | ``%%``    | A literal ``'%'`` character.   |       |
-   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | Directive | Meaning                                        | Notes |
+   +===========+================================================+=======+
+   | ``%a``    | Locale's abbreviated weekday name.             |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%A``    | Locale's full weekday name.                    |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%b``    | Locale's abbreviated month name.               |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%B``    | Locale's full month name.                      |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%c``    | Locale's appropriate date and time             |       |
+   |           | representation.                                |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%d``    | Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].  |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%H``    | Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number       |       |
+   |           | [00,23].                                       |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%I``    | Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number       |       |
+   |           | [01,12].                                       |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%j``    | Day of the year as a decimal number [001,366]. |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%m``    | Month as a decimal number [01,12].             |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%M``    | Minute as a decimal number [00,59].            |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%p``    | Locale's equivalent of either AM or PM.        | \(1)  |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%S``    | Second as a decimal number [00,61].            | \(2)  |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%U``    | Week number of the year (Sunday as the first   | \(3)  |
+   |           | day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53].  |       |
+   |           | All days in a new year preceding the first     |       |
+   |           | Sunday are considered to be in week 0.         |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%w``    | Weekday as a decimal number [0(Sunday),6].     |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%W``    | Week number of the year (Monday as the first   | \(3)  |
+   |           | day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53].  |       |
+   |           | All days in a new year preceding the first     |       |
+   |           | Monday are considered to be in week 0.         |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%x``    | Locale's appropriate date representation.      |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%X``    | Locale's appropriate time representation.      |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%y``    | Year without century as a decimal number       |       |
+   |           | [00,99].                                       |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%Y``    | Year with century as a decimal number.         |       |
+   |           |                                                |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%Z``    | Time zone name (no characters if no time zone  |       |
+   |           | exists).                                       |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%%``    | A literal ``'%'`` character.                   |       |
+   +-----------+------------------------------------------------+-------+
@@ -405,8 +373,6 @@
    The type of the time value sequence returned by :func:`gmtime`,
    :func:`localtime`, and :func:`strptime`.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.2
 .. function:: time()
@@ -436,8 +402,6 @@
    Resets the time conversion rules used by the library routines. The environment
    variable :envvar:`TZ` specifies how this is done.
-   .. versionadded:: 2.3
    Availability: Unix.
    .. note::