Migrate to Sphinx 1.0 C language constructs.
diff --git a/Doc/library/time.rst b/Doc/library/time.rst
index d3b4305..4a14bbb 100644
--- a/Doc/library/time.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/time.rst
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@
 * On the other hand, the precision of :func:`time` and :func:`sleep` is better
   than their Unix equivalents: times are expressed as floating point numbers,
   :func:`time` returns the most accurate time available (using Unix
-  :cfunc:`gettimeofday` where available), and :func:`sleep` will accept a time
-  with a nonzero fraction (Unix :cfunc:`select` is used to implement this, where
+  :c:func:`gettimeofday` where available), and :func:`sleep` will accept a time
+  with a nonzero fraction (Unix :c:func:`select` is used to implement this, where
 * The time value as returned by :func:`gmtime`, :func:`localtime`, and
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
    On Windows, this function returns wall-clock seconds elapsed since the first
    call to this function, as a floating point number, based on the Win32 function
-   :cfunc:`QueryPerformanceCounter`. The resolution is typically better than one
+   :c:func:`QueryPerformanceCounter`. The resolution is typically better than one