Build appplications, libraries and applets according to builtin
diff --git a/Mac/scripts/ b/Mac/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88108bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# fullbuild creates everything that needs to be created before a
+# distribution can be made, and puts it all in the right place.
+# It expects the projects to be in the places where Jack likes them:
+# in directories named like 'build.macppc.shared'. That is fixable,
+# however.
+# NOTE: You should proably make a copy of python with which to execute this
+# script, rebuilding running programs does not work...
+import os
+import sys
+import macfs
+import addpack
+import aetools
+from Metrowerks_Shell_Suite import Metrowerks_Shell_Suite
+from Required_Suite import Required_Suite 
+import mkapplet
+class MwShell(aetools.TalkTo, Metrowerks_Shell_Suite, Required_Suite):
+	pass
+def buildmwproject(top, creator, projects):
+	"""Build projects with an MW compiler"""
+	print 'Please start project mgr with signature', creator,'-'
+	sys.stdin.readline()
+	try:
+		mgr = MwShell(creator)
+	except 'foo':
+		print 'Not handled:', creator
+		return
+	for file in projects:
+		file = os.path.join(top, file)
+		fss = macfs.FSSpec(file)
+		print 'Building', file
+		mgr.Make_Project()
+		mgr.Close_Project()
+	mgr.quit()
+def buildapplet(top, dummy, list):
+	"""Create a PPC python applet"""
+	template = mkapplet.findtemplate()
+	for src in list:
+		if src[-3:] != '.py':
+			raise 'Should end in .py', src
+		base = os.path.basename(src)
+		dst = os.path.join(top, base)[:-3]
+		src = os.path.join(top, src)
+		try:
+			os.unlink(dst)
+		except os.error:
+			pass
+		print 'Building applet', dst
+		mkapplet.process(template, src, dst)
+# The build instructions. Entries are (routine, arg, list-of-files)
+# XXXX We could also include the builds for stdwin and such here...
+	(buildmwproject, "MPCC", [
+		":build.macppc.shared:PythonCore.µ",
+		":build.macppc.shared:PythonPPC.µ",
+		":build.macppc.shared:PythonApplet.µ",
+		":PlugIns:ctbmodule.µ",
+		":PlugIns:imgmodules.µ",
+		":PlugIns:macspeechmodule.µ",
+		":PlugIns:mactcpmodules.µ",
+		":PlugIns:stdwinmodule.µ",
+		":PlugIns:toolboxmodules.µ",
+	]),
+	(buildmwproject, "MMCC", [
+		":build.mac68k.stand:Python68K.µ",
+	]),
+	(buildapplet, None, [
+		"",
+		"",
+		""
+	])
+def main():
+	dir, ok = macfs.GetDirectory('Python source folder:')
+	if not ok:
+		sys.exit(0)
+	dir = dir.as_pathname()
+	for routine, arg, list in INSTRUCTIONS:
+		routine(dir, arg, list)
+	print "All done!"
+	sys.exit(1)	
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	main()