Add reference implementation for PEP 443

PEP accepted:
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
index fa11d2f..67af370 100644
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -3,19 +3,24 @@
 # Python module wrapper for _functools C module
 # to allow utilities written in Python to be added
 # to the functools module.
-# Written by Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at>
-# and Raymond Hettinger <python at>
-#   Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Python Software Foundation.
+# Written by Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at>,
+# Raymond Hettinger <python at>,
+# and Łukasz Langa <lukasz at>.
+#   Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Python Software Foundation.
 # See C source code for _functools credits/copyright
 __all__ = ['update_wrapper', 'wraps', 'WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS', 'WRAPPER_UPDATES',
-           'total_ordering', 'cmp_to_key', 'lru_cache', 'reduce', 'partial']
+           'total_ordering', 'cmp_to_key', 'lru_cache', 'reduce', 'partial',
+           'singledispatch']
     from _functools import reduce
 except ImportError:
+from abc import get_cache_token
 from collections import namedtuple
+from types import MappingProxyType
+from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
     from _thread import RLock
@@ -354,3 +359,118 @@
         return update_wrapper(wrapper, user_function)
     return decorating_function
+### singledispatch() - single-dispatch generic function decorator
+def _compose_mro(cls, haystack):
+    """Calculates the MRO for a given class `cls`, including relevant abstract
+    base classes from `haystack`.
+    """
+    bases = set(cls.__mro__)
+    mro = list(cls.__mro__)
+    for needle in haystack:
+        if (needle in bases or not hasattr(needle, '__mro__')
+                            or not issubclass(cls, needle)):
+            continue   # either present in the __mro__ already or unrelated
+        for index, base in enumerate(mro):
+            if not issubclass(base, needle):
+                break
+        if base in bases and not issubclass(needle, base):
+            # Conflict resolution: put classes present in __mro__ and their
+            # subclasses first. See test_mro_conflicts() in
+            # for examples.
+            index += 1
+        mro.insert(index, needle)
+    return mro
+def _find_impl(cls, registry):
+    """Returns the best matching implementation for the given class `cls` in
+    `registry`. Where there is no registered implementation for a specific
+    type, its method resolution order is used to find a more generic
+    implementation.
+    Note: if `registry` does not contain an implementation for the base
+    `object` type, this function may return None.
+    """
+    mro = _compose_mro(cls, registry.keys())
+    match = None
+    for t in mro:
+        if match is not None:
+            # If `match` is an ABC but there is another unrelated, equally
+            # matching ABC. Refuse the temptation to guess.
+            if (t in registry and not issubclass(match, t)
+                              and match not in cls.__mro__):
+                raise RuntimeError("Ambiguous dispatch: {} or {}".format(
+                    match, t))
+            break
+        if t in registry:
+            match = t
+    return registry.get(match)
+def singledispatch(func):
+    """Single-dispatch generic function decorator.
+    Transforms a function into a generic function, which can have different
+    behaviours depending upon the type of its first argument. The decorated
+    function acts as the default implementation, and additional
+    implementations can be registered using the 'register()' attribute of
+    the generic function.
+    """
+    registry = {}
+    dispatch_cache = WeakKeyDictionary()
+    cache_token = None
+    def dispatch(typ):
+        """generic_func.dispatch(type) -> <function implementation>
+        Runs the dispatch algorithm to return the best available implementation
+        for the given `type` registered on `generic_func`.
+        """
+        nonlocal cache_token
+        if cache_token is not None:
+            current_token = get_cache_token()
+            if cache_token != current_token:
+                dispatch_cache.clear()
+                cache_token = current_token
+        try:
+            impl = dispatch_cache[typ]
+        except KeyError:
+            try:
+                impl = registry[typ]
+            except KeyError:
+                impl = _find_impl(typ, registry)
+            dispatch_cache[typ] = impl
+        return impl
+    def register(typ, func=None):
+        """generic_func.register(type, func) -> func
+        Registers a new implementation for the given `type` on a `generic_func`.
+        """
+        nonlocal cache_token
+        if func is None:
+            return lambda f: register(typ, f)
+        registry[typ] = func
+        if cache_token is None and hasattr(typ, '__abstractmethods__'):
+            cache_token = get_cache_token()
+        dispatch_cache.clear()
+        return func
+    def wrapper(*args, **kw):
+        return dispatch(args[0].__class__)(*args, **kw)
+    registry[object] = func
+    wrapper.register = register
+    wrapper.dispatch = dispatch
+    wrapper.registry = MappingProxyType(registry)
+    wrapper._clear_cache = dispatch_cache.clear
+    update_wrapper(wrapper, func)
+    return wrapper