bpo-33041: Rework compiling an "async for" loop. (#6142)

* Added new opcode END_ASYNC_FOR.
* Setting global StopAsyncIteration no longer breaks "async for" loops.
* Jumping into an "async for" loop is now disabled.
* Jumping out of an "async for" loop no longer corrupts the stack.
* Simplify the compiler.
diff --git a/Lib/opcode.py b/Lib/opcode.py
index 6de24c3..3fb716b 100644
--- a/Lib/opcode.py
+++ b/Lib/opcode.py
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 def_op('GET_ANEXT', 51)
 def_op('BEFORE_ASYNC_WITH', 52)
 def_op('BEGIN_FINALLY', 53)
+def_op('END_ASYNC_FOR', 54)
 def_op('INPLACE_ADD', 55)
 def_op('INPLACE_SUBTRACT', 56)
 def_op('INPLACE_MULTIPLY', 57)