Update NEWS.txt and move info on release 0.8.1 and earlier to HISTORY.txt
M NEWS.txt
diff --git a/Lib/idlelib/HISTORY.txt b/Lib/idlelib/HISTORY.txt
index 9312f32..c0faaad 100644
--- a/Lib/idlelib/HISTORY.txt
+++ b/Lib/idlelib/HISTORY.txt
@@ -5,6 +5,122 @@
 As you read on you go back to the dark ages of IDLE's history.
+What's New in IDLEfork 0.8.1?
+*Release date: 22-Jul-2001*
+- New tarball released as a result of the 'revitalisation' of the IDLEfork
+  project. 
+- This release requires python 2.1 or better. Compatability with earlier
+  versions of python (especially ancient ones like 1.5x) is no longer a
+  priority in IDLEfork development.
+- This release is based on a merging of the earlier IDLE fork work with current
+  cvs IDLE (post IDLE version 0.8), with some minor additional coding by Kurt
+  B. Kaiser and Stephen M. Gava.
+- This release is basically functional but also contains some known breakages,
+  particularly with running things from the shell window. Also the debugger is
+  not working, but I believe this was the case with the previous IDLE fork
+  release (0.7.1) as well.
+- This release is being made now to mark the point at which IDLEfork is 
+  launching into a new stage of development. 
+- IDLEfork CVS will now be branched to enable further development and
+  exploration of the two "execution in a remote process" patches submitted by
+  David Scherer (David's is currently in IDLEfork) and GvR, while stabilisation
+  and development of less heavyweight improvements (like user customisation)
+  can continue on the trunk.
+What's New in IDLEfork 0.7.1?
+*Release date: 15-Aug-2000*
+- First project tarball released.
+- This was the first release of IDLE fork, which at this stage was a
+  combination of IDLE 0.5 and the VPython idle fork, with additional changes
+  coded by David Scherer, Peter Schneider-Kamp and Nicholas Riley.
+IDLEfork 0.7.1 - 29 May 2000
+   David Scherer  <dscherer@cmu.edu>
+- This is a modification of the CVS version of IDLE 0.5, updated as of
+  2000-03-09.  It is alpha software and might be unstable.  If it breaks, you
+  get to keep both pieces.
+- If you have problems or suggestions, you should either contact me or post to
+  the list at http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo/idle-dev (making it clear
+  that you are using this modified version of IDLE).
+- Changes:
+  - The ExecBinding module, a replacement for ScriptBinding, executes programs
+    in a separate process, piping standard I/O through an RPC mechanism to an
+    OnDemandOutputWindow in IDLE.  It supports executing unnamed programs
+    (through a temporary file).  It does not yet support debugging.
+  - When running programs with ExecBinding, tracebacks will be clipped to
+    exclude system modules.  If, however, a system module calls back into the
+    user program, that part of the traceback will be shown.
+  - The OnDemandOutputWindow class has been improved.  In particular, it now
+    supports a readline() function used to implement user input, and a
+    scroll_clear() operation which is used to hide the output of a previous run
+    by scrolling it out of the window.
+  - Startup behavior has been changed.  By default IDLE starts up with just a
+    blank editor window, rather than an interactive window.  Opening a file in
+    such a blank window replaces the (nonexistent) contents of that window
+    instead of creating another window.  Because of the need to have a
+    well-known port for the ExecBinding protocol, only one copy of IDLE can be
+    running.  Additional invocations use the RPC mechanism to report their
+    command line arguments to the copy already running.
+  - The menus have been reorganized.  In particular, the excessively large
+    'edit' menu has been split up into 'edit', 'format', and 'run'.
+  - 'Python Documentation' now works on Windows, if the win32api module is
+    present.
+  - A few key bindings have been changed: F1 now loads Python Documentation
+    instead of the IDLE help; shift-TAB is now a synonym for unindent.
+- New modules:
+  ExecBinding.py         Executes program through loader
+  loader.py              Bootstraps user program
+  protocol.py            RPC protocol
+  Remote.py              User-process interpreter
+  spawn.py               OS-specific code to start programs
+- Files modified:
+  autoindent.py          ( bindings tweaked )
+  bindings.py            ( menus reorganized )
+  config.txt             ( execbinding enabled )
+  editorwindow.py        ( new menus, fixed 'Python Documentation' )
+  filelist.py            ( hook for "open in same window" )
+  formatparagraph.py     ( bindings tweaked )
+  idle.bat               ( removed absolute pathname )
+  idle.pyw               ( weird bug due to import with same name? )
+  iobinding.py           ( open in same window, EOL convention )
+  keydefs.py             ( bindings tweaked )
+  outputwindow.py        ( readline, scroll_clear, etc )
+  pyshell.py             ( changed startup behavior )
+  readme.txt             ( <Recursion on file with id=1234567> )
 IDLE 0.5 - February 2000 - Release Notes