Initial revision
diff --git a/Lib/idlelib/ b/Lib/idlelib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12280ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/idlelib/
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+# changes by
+#   - OutputWindow and OnDemandOutputWindow have been hastily
+#     extended to provide readline() support, an "iomark" separate
+#     from the "insert" cursor, and scrolling to clear the window.
+#     These changes are used by the ExecBinding module to provide
+#     standard input and output for user programs.  Many of the new
+#     features are very similar to features of PyShell, which is a
+#     subclass of OutputWindow.  Someone should make some sense of
+#     this.
+from Tkinter import *
+from EditorWindow import EditorWindow
+import re
+import tkMessageBox
+from UndoDelegator import UndoDelegator
+class OutputUndoDelegator(UndoDelegator):
+    reading = 0
+    # Forbid insert/delete before the I/O mark, in the blank lines after
+    #   the output, or *anywhere* if we are not presently doing user input
+    def insert(self, index, chars, tags=None):
+        try:
+            if (, "<", "iomark") or
+      , ">", "endmark") or
+                (index!="iomark" and not self.reading)):
+                self.delegate.bell()
+                return
+        except TclError:
+            pass
+        UndoDelegator.insert(self, index, chars, tags)
+    def delete(self, index1, index2=None):
+        try:
+            if (, "<", "iomark") or
+      , ">", "endmark") or
+                (index2 and, ">=", "endmark")) or
+                not self.reading):
+                self.delegate.bell()
+                return
+        except TclError:
+            pass
+        UndoDelegator.delete(self, index1, index2)
+class OutputWindow(EditorWindow):
+    """An editor window that can serve as an input and output file.
+       The input support has been rather hastily hacked in, and should
+       not be trusted.
+    """
+    UndoDelegator = OutputUndoDelegator
+    source_window = None
+    def __init__(self, *args, **keywords):
+        if keywords.has_key('source_window'):
+            self.source_window = keywords['source_window']
+        apply(EditorWindow.__init__, (self,) + args)
+        self.text.bind("<<goto-file-line>>", self.goto_file_line)
+        self.text.bind("<<newline-and-indent>>", self.enter_callback)
+        self.text.mark_set("iomark","1.0")
+        self.text.mark_gravity("iomark", LEFT)
+        self.text.mark_set("endmark","1.0")
+    # Customize EditorWindow
+    def ispythonsource(self, filename):
+        # No colorization needed
+        return 0
+    def short_title(self):
+        return "Output"
+    def long_title(self):
+        return ""
+    def maybesave(self):
+        # Override base class method -- don't ask any questions
+        if self.get_saved():
+            return "yes"
+        else:
+            return "no"
+    # Act as input file - incomplete
+    def set_line_and_column(self, event=None):
+        index = self.text.index(INSERT)
+        if (, ">", "endmark")):
+          self.text.mark_set("insert", "endmark")
+        self.text.see("insert")
+        EditorWindow.set_line_and_column(self)
+    reading = 0
+    canceled = 0
+    endoffile = 0
+    def readline(self):
+        save = self.reading
+        try:
+            self.reading = self.undo.reading = 1
+            self.text.mark_set("insert", "iomark")
+            self.text.see("insert")
+        finally:
+            self.reading = self.undo.reading = save
+        line = self.text.get("input", "iomark")
+        if self.canceled:
+            self.canceled = 0
+            raise KeyboardInterrupt
+        if self.endoffile:
+            self.endoffile = 0
+            return ""
+        return line or '\n'
+    def close(self):
+        self.interrupt()
+        return EditorWindow.close(self)
+    def interrupt(self):
+        if self.reading:
+            self.endoffile = 1
+    def enter_callback(self, event):
+        if self.reading and"insert", ">=", "iomark"):
+            self.text.mark_set("input", "iomark")
+            self.text.mark_set("iomark", "insert")
+            self.write('\n',"iomark")
+            self.text.tag_add("stdin", "input", "iomark")
+            self.text.update_idletasks()
+   # Break out of recursive mainloop() in raw_input()
+        return "break"
+    # Act as output file
+    def write(self, s, tags=(), mark="iomark"):
+        self.text.mark_gravity(mark, RIGHT)
+        self.text.insert(mark, str(s), tags)
+        self.text.mark_gravity(mark, LEFT)
+        self.text.see(mark)
+        self.text.update()
+    def writelines(self, l):
+        map(self.write, l)
+    def flush(self):
+        pass
+    # Our own right-button menu
+    rmenu_specs = [
+        ("Go to file/line", "<<goto-file-line>>"),
+    ]
+    file_line_pats = [
+        r'file "([^"]*)", line (\d+)',
+        r'([^\s]+)\((\d+)\)',
+        r'([^\s]+):\s*(\d+):',
+    ]
+    file_line_progs = None
+    def goto_file_line(self, event=None):
+        if self.file_line_progs is None:
+            l = []
+            for pat in self.file_line_pats:
+                l.append(re.compile(pat, re.IGNORECASE))
+            self.file_line_progs = l
+        # x, y = self.event.x, self.event.y
+        # self.text.mark_set("insert", "@%d,%d" % (x, y))
+        line = self.text.get("insert linestart", "insert lineend")
+        result = self._file_line_helper(line)
+        if not result:
+            # Try the previous line.  This is handy e.g. in tracebacks,
+            # where you tend to right-click on the displayed source line
+            line = self.text.get("insert -1line linestart",
+                                 "insert -1line lineend")
+            result = self._file_line_helper(line)
+            if not result:
+                tkMessageBox.showerror(
+                    "No special line",
+                    "The line you point at doesn't look like "
+                    "a valid file name followed by a line number.",
+                    master=self.text)
+                return
+        filename, lineno = result
+        edit = self.untitled(filename) or
+        edit.gotoline(lineno)
+        edit.wakeup()
+    def untitled(self, filename):
+        if filename!='Untitled' or not self.source_window or
+            return None
+        return self.source_window
+    def _file_line_helper(self, line):
+        for prog in self.file_line_progs:
+            m =
+            if m:
+                break
+        else:
+            return None
+        filename, lineno =, 2)
+        if not self.untitled(filename):
+            try:
+                f = open(filename, "r")
+                f.close()
+            except IOError:
+                return None
+        try:
+            return filename, int(lineno)
+        except TypeError:
+            return None
+# This classes now used by
+class OnDemandOutputWindow:
+    source_window = None
+    tagdefs = {
+        # XXX Should use IdlePrefs.ColorPrefs
+        "stdin":   {"foreground": "black"},
+        "stdout":  {"foreground": "blue"},
+        "stderr":  {"foreground": "red"},
+    }   
+    def __init__(self, flist):
+        self.flist = flist
+        self.owin = None
+        self.title = "Output"
+        self.close_hook = None
+        self.old_close = None
+    def owclose(self):
+        if self.close_hook:
+            self.close_hook()
+        if self.old_close:
+            self.old_close()
+    def set_title(self, title):
+        self.title = title
+        if self.owin and self.owin.text:
+          self.owin.saved_change_hook()
+    def write(self, s, tags=(), mark="iomark"):
+        if not self.owin or not self.owin.text:
+            self.setup()
+        self.owin.write(s, tags, mark)
+    def readline(self):
+        if not self.owin or not self.owin.text:
+            self.setup()
+        return self.owin.readline()
+    def scroll_clear(self):
+        if self.owin and self.owin.text:
+           lineno = self.owin.getlineno("endmark")
+           self.owin.text.mark_set("insert","endmark")
+           self.owin.text.yview(float(lineno))
+           self.owin.wakeup()
+    def setup(self):
+        self.owin = owin = OutputWindow(self.flist, source_window = self.source_window)
+        owin.short_title = lambda self=self: self.title
+        text = owin.text
+        self.old_close = owin.close_hook
+        owin.close_hook = self.owclose
+        # xxx Bad hack: 50 blank lines at the bottom so that
+        #     we can scroll the top of the window to the output
+        #     cursor in scroll_clear().  There must be a better way...
+        owin.text.mark_gravity('endmark', LEFT)
+        owin.text.insert('iomark', '\n'*50)
+        owin.text.mark_gravity('endmark', RIGHT)
+        for tag, cnf in self.tagdefs.items():
+            if cnf:
+                apply(text.tag_configure, (tag,), cnf)
+        text.tag_raise('sel')