Tools to build a disk image with a binary installer for MacPython-OSX,
donated by Robin Dunn and the rest of the wxPythonMac crew.

These are the versions from as of 22-Mar-03, checked
in for reference.
diff --git a/Mac/OSX/Dist/README.txt b/Mac/OSX/Dist/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89ecd2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/OSX/Dist/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This is a set of build scripts and such for MacPython-OSX 2.3 that I
+will use until there are standard distributions from Jack.
diff --git a/Mac/OSX/Dist/build b/Mac/OSX/Dist/build
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f684d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/OSX/Dist/build
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# Build MacPython 2.3 and make an Installer package of it
+# TODO:  Parameterize the versions, builddirs, etc...
+# Script configs
+PROGDIR="`dirname \"$0\"`"
+# Setup
+mkdir -p $BUILDROOT
+mkdir -p $INSTALLROOT
+rm -rf $DMGDIR
+mkdir -p $DMGDIR/root
+# Configure and build Python
+# Check if we should build and install the docs, but only if it
+# doesn't appear to be done already.  TODO: fix this path to be version independent
+if [ ! -e "build/temp.darwin-6.3-Power Macintosh-2.3/build-html/build-html idx" ]; then
+    read -p "Build the Python docs? (y/N)? " builddocs
+# If the filesystem is case-sensitive then "python" will be built, but
+# some parts of the install expect "python.exe which is what is built
+# on a case-insensitive filesystem.  Make a link just in case it is
+# needed.
+if [ ! -e python.exe ]; then
+    ln -s python python.exe
+# Make a link to the waste dir so that lib can be found.  This allows
+# the PythonIDE to be built
+if [ ! -e waste ]; then
+    ln -s $WASTEDIR waste
+$PYTHONSRC/configure --enable-framework=$INSTALLROOT/Library/Frameworks LDFLAGS=-Wl,-x
+make frameworkinstall
+if [ "$builddocs" = "y" -o "$builddocs" = "Y" ]; then
+    ./python.exe $PYTHONSRC/Mac/OSX/ build
+    echo ""
+    read -p "When the help indexer is done press Enter..." ans
+    ./python.exe $PYTHONSRC/Mac/OSX/ install \
+	--prefix=$INSTALLROOT/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/$PYVER
+# Make the Installer package:
+# First, remove the unix tools as their paths will be wrong.  We'll recreate
+# them in the postinstall.
+rm -r $INSTALLROOT/usr
+# Next, remove the .pyc/.pyo files
+python $PROGDIR/../ $INSTALLROOT/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/$PYVER/lib/python$PYVER
+# Make the welcome message
+cat > $RESOURCEDIR/Welcome.txt <<EOF
+This program will install Python $PYVERSION for Mac OS X as a Framework.
+Build number: $BUILDNUM
+Build date:   `date`
+# fix a bug in the IDLE install
+mv $IDLERES/idlelib/idle $IDLERES
+# Finally, build the package...
+rm -rf MacPython-OSX.pkg
+python $PROGDIR/../ \
+    --Title=MacPython-OSX \
+    --Version=$PYVERSION-$BUILDNUM \
+    --Description="Python $PYVERSION for Mac OS X, framework based" \
+    --NeedsAuthorization="YES" \
+    --Relocatable="NO" \
+    --InstallOnly="YES" \
+##    --RootVolumeOnly="YES" \
+# ...and then make a disk image containing the package.
+mv MacPython-OSX.pkg $DMGDIR/root
+# Cleanup build/install dirs
+if [ $DOCLEANUP = yes ]; then
+    echo "Cleaning up..."
+    rm -rf $BUILDROOT
+    rm -rf $INSTALLROOT
+    rm -rf $DMGDIR
+    echo "Cleanup is disabled.  You should remove these dirs when done:"
+    echo "          $BUILDROOT"
+    echo "          $INSTALLROOT"
+    echo "          $DMGDIR"
diff --git a/Mac/OSX/Dist/makedmg b/Mac/OSX/Dist/makedmg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c89be80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/OSX/Dist/makedmg
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# make disk image from folder
+# usage: makedmg src dst name
+# (C)opyright 2002 Frank Vercruesse
+$hdiUtilExec = "/usr/bin/hdiutil";
+$hdiDrvExec = "/usr/bin/hdid";
+$newfsExec = "/sbin/newfs_hfs";
+$duExec = "/usr/bin/du";
+$dittoExec = "/usr/bin/ditto";
+if ( $#ARGV != 2 ) {
+	die "Wrong number of arguments.\nUsage: makedmg src dst name\n";
+&make_dmg( $ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2]);
+sub make_dmg
+	my $src = $_[0];
+	my $dst = $_[1];
+	my $name = $_[2];
+	# check dirs
+	if( not -d $dst && -d $src ) {
+		die "src and dst must be directories\n";
+	}
+	# calc disk image size
+	if( not open( MYPIPE, "$duExec -sk \"${src}\" |") ) {
+		die "couldn't open pipe\n";
+	}
+	(my $dmgsize) = split( /\s+/, <MYPIPE>);
+	close( MYPIPE);
+	$dmgsize /= 1024;
+	$dmgsize = int($dmgsize + 4);
+	if( $dmgsize < 5 ) {
+		$dmgsize = 5
+	}
+	# create disk image
+	system "cd \"$dst\"; $hdiUtilExec create -megabytes $dmgsize -ov \"_${name}\"";
+	if( $? ) { die "couldn't create disk image\n"; }
+	# format disk image
+	if( not open( MYPIPE, "cd \"$dst\"; $hdiDrvExec -nomount \"_${name}.dmg\" |") ) {
+		die "couldn't open pipe\n";
+	}
+	(my $dev) = split( /\t/, <MYPIPE>);
+	$dev =~ s/^(.*\S)\s*$/$1/;
+	my( $part, $raw, $pname);
+	while( <MYPIPE> ) {
+		($part,$pname) = split /\t/;
+		if( $pname =~ m/^Apple_HFS/ ) {
+			$part =~ s/^\s*(.*\S)\s*$/$1/;
+			$raw = $part;
+			$raw =~ s/^(\/dev\/)(.+)/$1r$2/;
+			last;
+		}
+	}
+	close( MYPIPE);
+	system "cd \"$dst\" ; $newfsExec -v \"$name\" $raw";
+	if( $? ) { system "$hdiUtilExec eject $dev"; die "couldn't format disk image\n"; }
+	system "$hdiUtilExec eject $dev";
+	if( $? ) { die "couldn't eject disk image\n"; }
+	# copy files
+	if( not open( MYPIPE, "cd \"$dst\"; $hdiDrvExec \"_${name}.dmg\" |") ) {
+		die "couldn't open pipe\n";
+	}
+	($dev) = split( /\t/, <MYPIPE>);
+	$dev =~ s/^(.*\S)\s*$/$1/;
+	my $vname;
+	while( <MYPIPE> ) {
+		($part,$pname,$vname) = split /\t/;
+		if( $pname =~ m/^Apple_HFS/ ) {
+			$vname =~ s/^(.*\S)\s*$/$1/;
+			last;
+		}
+	}
+	close( MYPIPE);
+	system "$dittoExec \"${src}\" \"${vname}\"";
+	if( $? ) { system "$hdiUtilExec eject $dev"; die "couldn't copy files\n"; }
+	system "$hdiUtilExec eject $dev";
+	if( $? ) { die "couldn't eject disk image\n"; }
+	# convert disk image
+	system "cd \"$dst\"; $hdiUtilExec convert \"_${name}.dmg\" -format UDCO -o \"${name}\"";
+	if( $? ) { die "couldn't convert disk image\n"; }
diff --git a/Mac/OSX/Dist/resources/Welcome.txt b/Mac/OSX/Dist/resources/Welcome.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ecb080
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/OSX/Dist/resources/Welcome.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+This program will install Python 2.3a2 for Mac OS X as a Framework.
+Build number: 3
+Build date:   Thu Mar 20 18:54:52 PST 2003
diff --git a/Mac/OSX/Dist/resources/postflight b/Mac/OSX/Dist/resources/postflight
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..25c12c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/OSX/Dist/resources/postflight
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Create the unix tools and compile the .py files after Python has been
+# installed.
+# if destination is / then use usr/local/bin, otherwise just bin
+if [ "$DEST" = "/" ]; then
+    TOOLDIR=/usr/local/bin
+    DEST=
+    TOOLDIR=$DEST/bin
+# Make sure the dir exists
+mkdir -p $TOOLDIR
+# Make some links to the python executable
+if [ -e $TOOLDIR/python$PYVER ]; then
+    rm $TOOLDIR/python$PYVER
+ln -fs $DEST/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/$PYVER/bin/python $TOOLDIR/python$PYVER
+if [ -e $TOOLDIR/python ]; then
+    rm $TOOLDIR/python
+ln -fs python$PYVER $TOOLDIR/python
+# make the pythonw script
+cat > $TOOLDIR/pythonw <<EOF
+exec "$DEST/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/$PYVER/Resources/" "\$@"
+chmod +x $TOOLDIR/pythonw
+# Compile the .py files in the Python library to .pyc's and then .pyo's
+$TOOLDIR/python -Wi -tt \
+    $DEST/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/$PYVER/lib/python$PYVER/ \
+    -x badsyntax -x site-packages $DEST/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/$PYVER/lib/python$PYVER
+$TOOLDIR/python -Wi -tt -O \
+    $DEST/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/$PYVER/lib/python$PYVER/ \
+    -x badsyntax -x site-packages  $DEST/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/$PYVER/lib/python$PYVER
+# Make the site-packages and other dirs writable by the admin.
+for d in $DEST/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/$PYVER/lib/python$PYVER/site-packages \
+         $DEST/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/$PYVER/bin \
+         $DEST/Applications/MacPython-$PYVER; do
+    chgrp -R admin $d
+    chmod -R g+w   $d
+# The link in the app bundles needs updated.
+for app in BuildApplet IDLE PackageManager PythonIDE; do
+    ln -s $DEST/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/$PYVER/Resources/ \
+          $DEST/Applications/MacPython-$PYVER/$