#3214 followup: add link to ABC entry.
diff --git a/Doc/glossary.rst b/Doc/glossary.rst
index 0fe005d..dac1acf 100644
--- a/Doc/glossary.rst
+++ b/Doc/glossary.rst
@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@
       must be a duck.")  By emphasizing interfaces rather than specific types,
       well-designed code improves its flexibility by allowing polymorphic
       substitution.  Duck-typing avoids tests using :func:`type` or
-      :func:`isinstance`. (Note, however, that duck-typing can be complemented
-      with abstract base classes.) Instead, it typically employs :func:`hasattr`
-      tests or :term:`EAFP` programming.
+      :func:`isinstance`.  (Note, however, that duck-typing can be complemented
+      with :term:`abstract base class`\ es.)  Instead, it typically employs
+      :func:`hasattr` tests or :term:`EAFP` programming.
       Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.  This common Python coding