#19532: make compileall with no file/dir args respect -f and -q.

Patch by Vajrasky Kok.
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_compileall.py b/Lib/test/test_compileall.py
index fddb538..0505c52 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_compileall.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_compileall.py
@@ -177,6 +177,29 @@
+    def test_no_args_respects_force_flag(self):
+        bazfn = script_helper.make_script(self.directory, 'baz', '')
+        self.assertRunOK(PYTHONPATH=self.directory)
+        pycpath = imp.cache_from_source(bazfn)
+        # Set atime/mtime backward to avoid file timestamp resolution issues
+        os.utime(pycpath, (time.time()-60,)*2)
+        mtime = os.stat(pycpath).st_mtime
+        # Without force, no recompilation
+        self.assertRunOK(PYTHONPATH=self.directory)
+        mtime2 = os.stat(pycpath).st_mtime
+        self.assertEqual(mtime, mtime2)
+        # Now force it.
+        self.assertRunOK('-f', PYTHONPATH=self.directory)
+        mtime2 = os.stat(pycpath).st_mtime
+        self.assertNotEqual(mtime, mtime2)
+    def test_no_args_respects_quiet_flag(self):
+        script_helper.make_script(self.directory, 'baz', '')
+        noisy = self.assertRunOK(PYTHONPATH=self.directory)
+        self.assertIn(b'Listing ', noisy)
+        quiet = self.assertRunOK('-q', PYTHONPATH=self.directory)
+        self.assertNotIn(b'Listing ', quiet)
     # Ensure that the default behavior of compileall's CLI is to create
     # PEP 3147 pyc/pyo files.
     for name, ext, switch in [