Rearrange the -I flags for compiling _tkinter.c so that
/usr/local/include comes before /usr/X11R1/include.  On some Linux
distributions the latter apparently contains (standard!) a bad tcl.h
or tk.h.
diff --git a/Modules/ b/Modules/
index 8a05270..d6a9359 100644
--- a/Modules/
+++ b/Modules/
@@ -274,12 +274,12 @@
 # *** Always uncomment this (leave the leading underscore in!):
 # _tkinter _tkinter.c tkappinit.c -DWITH_APPINIT \
+# *** Uncomment and edit to reflect where your Tcl/Tk headers are:
+#	-I/usr/local/include \
 # *** Uncomment and edit to reflect where your X11 header files are:
 #	-I/usr/X11R6/include \
 # *** Or uncomment this for Solaris:
 #	-I/usr/openwin/include \
-# *** Uncomment and edit to reflect where your Tcl/Tk headers are:
-#	-I/usr/local/include \
 # *** Uncomment and edit for Tix extension only:
 #	-DWITH_TIX -ltix4.1.8.0 \
 # *** Uncomment and edit for BLT extension only: