Allow classes from other modules to be specified at startup.  For example,
using the postfixproxy module from Spambayes you might start smtpd up like -c spambayes.postfixproxy.SpambayesProxy :8025 :8026
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
index 2d52f0f..6f46c97 100755
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -533,8 +533,15 @@
             print >> sys.stderr, \
                   'Cannot setuid "nobody"; try running with -n option.'
-    import __main__
-    class_ = getattr(__main__, options.classname)
+    classname = options.classname
+    if "." in classname:
+        lastdot = classname.rfind(".")
+        mod = __import__(classname[:lastdot], globals(), locals(), [""])
+        classname = classname[lastdot+1:]
+    else:
+        import __main__ as mod
+    print mod.__name__, dir(mod)
+    class_ = getattr(mod, classname)
     proxy = class_((options.localhost, options.localport),
                    (options.remotehost, options.remoteport))