Updated the documentation in several respects:

- This module, despite its name, now should conform to RFC 2822, the
  update to RFC 822.

- This module doesn't just represent "email headers", but entire email

- Added documentation for other useful public functions such as
  quote(), unquote(), praseaddr(), and dump_address_pair().
diff --git a/Doc/lib/librfc822.tex b/Doc/lib/librfc822.tex
index f0110eb..8a30500 100644
--- a/Doc/lib/librfc822.tex
+++ b/Doc/lib/librfc822.tex
@@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
 \section{\module{rfc822} ---
-         Parse RFC 822 mail headers}
+         Parse RFC 2822 mail headers}
-\modulesynopsis{Parse \rfc{822} style mail headers.}
+\modulesynopsis{Parse \rfc{2822} style mail messages.}
-This module defines a class, \class{Message}, which represents a
-collection of ``email headers'' as defined by the Internet standard
-\rfc{822}.  It is used in various contexts, usually to read such
-headers from a file.  This module also defines a helper class 
-\class{AddressList} for parsing \rfc{822} addresses.  Please refer to
-the RFC for information on the specific syntax of \rfc{822} headers.
+This module defines a class, \class{Message}, which represents an
+``email message'' as defined by the Internet standard
+\rfc{2822}\footnote{This module originally conformed to \rfc{822},
+hence the name.  Since then, \rfc{2822} has been released as an
+update to \rfc{822}.  This module should be considered
+\rfc{2822}-conformant, especially in cases where the
+syntax or semantics have changed since \rfc{822}.}.  Such messages
+consist of a collection of message headers, and a message body.  This
+module also defines a helper class
+\class{AddressList} for parsing \rfc{2822} addresses.  Please refer to
+the RFC for information on the specific syntax of \rfc{2822} messages.
 The \refmodule{mailbox}\refstmodindex{mailbox} module provides classes 
 to read mailboxes produced by various end-user mail programs.
@@ -50,15 +55,42 @@
 You may instantiate the \class{AddressList} helper class using a single
-string parameter, a comma-separated list of \rfc{822} addresses to be
+string parameter, a comma-separated list of \rfc{2822} addresses to be
 parsed.  (The parameter \code{None} yields an empty list.)
+Return a new string with backslashes in \var{str} replaced by two
+backslashes and double quotes replaced by backslash-double quote.
+Return a new string which is an \emph{unquoted} version of \var{str}.
+If \var{str} ends and begins with double quotes, they are stripped
+off.  Likewise if \var{str} ends and begins with angle brackets, they
+are stripped off.
+Parse address -- which should be the value of some address-containing
+field such as \code{To:} or \code{Cc:} -- into its constituent
+``realname'' and ``email address'' parts.  Returns a tuple of that
+information, unless the parse fails, in which case a 2-tuple of
+\code{(None, None)} is returned.
+The inverse of \method{parseaddr()}, this takes a 2-tuple of the form
+\code{(realname, email_address)} and returns the string value suitable
+for a \code{To:} or \code{Cc:} header.  If the first element of
+\var{pair} is false, then the second element is returned unmodified.
-Attempts to parse a date according to the rules in \rfc{822}.
+Attempts to parse a date according to the rules in \rfc{2822}.
 however, some mailers don't follow that format as specified, so
 \function{parsedate()} tries to guess correctly in such cases. 
-\var{date} is a string containing an \rfc{822} date, such as 
+\var{date} is a string containing an \rfc{2822} date, such as 
 \code{'Mon, 20 Nov 1995 19:12:08 -0500'}.  If it succeeds in parsing
 the date, \function{parsedate()} returns a 9-tuple that can be passed
 directly to \function{time.mktime()}; otherwise \code{None} will be
@@ -74,7 +106,7 @@
 term for Greenwich Mean Time).  (Note that the sign of the timezone
 offset is the opposite of the sign of the \code{time.timezone}
 variable for the same timezone; the latter variable follows the
-\POSIX{} standard while this module follows \rfc{822}.)  If the input
+\POSIX{} standard while this module follows \rfc{2822}.)  If the input
 string has no timezone, the last element of the tuple returned is
 \code{None}.  Note that fields 6, 7, and 8 of the result tuple are not
@@ -109,7 +141,7 @@
 Returns a line's canonicalized fieldname (the dictionary key that will
-be used to index it) if the line is a legal \rfc{822} header; otherwise
+be used to index it) if the line is a legal \rfc{2822} header; otherwise
 returns None (implying that parsing should stop here and the line be
 pushed back on the input stream).  It is sometimes useful to override
 this method in a subclass.