#15160: Extend the new email parser to handle MIME headers.

This code passes all the same tests that the existing RFC mime header
parser passes, plus a bunch of additional ones.

There are a couple of commented out tests where there are issues with the
folding.  The folding doesn't normally get invoked for headers parsed from
source, and the cases are marginal anyway (headers with invalid binary data)
so I'm not worried about them, but will fix them after the beta.

There are things that can be done to make this API even more convenient, but I
think this is a solid foundation worth having.  And the parser is a full RFC
parser, so it handles cases that the current parser doesn't.  (There are also
probably cases where it fails when the current parser doesn't, but I haven't
found them yet ;)

Oh, yeah, and there are some really ugly bits in the parser for handling some
'postel' cases that are unfortunately common.

I hope/plan to to eventually refactor a lot of the code in the parser which
should reduce the line count...but there is no escaping the fact that the
error recovery is welter of special cases.
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_email/test_email.py b/Lib/test/test_email/test_email.py
index 8cc2da0..003df96 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_email/test_email.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_email/test_email.py
@@ -259,6 +259,7 @@
         self.assertTrue(lines[0].startswith('From '))
         eq(text, NL.join(lines[1:]))
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.bad_params
     def test_bad_param(self):
         msg = email.message_from_string("Content-Type: blarg; baz; boo\n")
         self.assertEqual(msg.get_param('baz'), '')
@@ -292,6 +293,7 @@
            [('foo', ''), ('bar', 'one'), ('baz', 'two')])
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.spaces_around_param_equals
     def test_get_param_liberal(self):
         msg = Message()
         msg['Content-Type'] = 'Content-Type: Multipart/mixed; boundary = "CPIMSSMTPC06p5f3tG"'
@@ -314,10 +316,12 @@
         # msg.get_param("weird")
         # yet.
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.spaces_around_semis
     def test_get_param_funky_continuation_lines(self):
         msg = self._msgobj('msg_22.txt')
         self.assertEqual(msg.get_payload(1).get_param('name'), 'wibble.JPG')
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.semis_inside_quotes
     def test_get_param_with_semis_in_quotes(self):
         msg = email.message_from_string(
             'Content-Type: image/pjpeg; name="Jim&&Jill"\n')
@@ -325,6 +329,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(msg.get_param('name', unquote=False),
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.quotes_inside_rfc2231_value
     def test_get_param_with_quotes(self):
         msg = email.message_from_string(
             'Content-Type: foo; bar*0="baz\\"foobar"; bar*1="\\"baz"')
@@ -1885,6 +1890,7 @@
                     "\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: {}".format(cte)))
             self.assertEqual(len(msg.defects), 0)
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTyopeHeader invalid_1 and invalid_2.
     def test_invalid_content_type(self):
         eq = self.assertEqual
         neq = self.ndiffAssertEqual
@@ -3437,6 +3443,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(msg.get_content_maintype(), "text")
         self.assertEqual(msg.get_content_subtype(), "pl\uFFFDin")
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.non_ascii_in_params
     def test_get_params_with_8bit(self):
         msg = email.message_from_bytes(
             'X-Header: foo=\xa7ne; b\xa7r=two; baz=three\n'.encode('latin-1'))
@@ -3446,6 +3453,7 @@
         # XXX: someday you might be able to get 'b\xa7r', for now you can't.
         self.assertEqual(msg.get_param('b\xa7r', header='x-header'), None)
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.non_ascii_in_rfc2231_value
     def test_get_rfc2231_params_with_8bit(self):
         msg = email.message_from_bytes(textwrap.dedent("""\
             Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
@@ -4491,6 +4499,9 @@
 # Test RFC 2231 header parameters (en/de)coding
 class TestRFC2231(TestEmailBase):
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_encoded_with_double_quotes
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_single_quote_inside_double_quotes
     def test_get_param(self):
         eq = self.assertEqual
         msg = self._msgobj('msg_29.txt')
@@ -4576,11 +4587,15 @@
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_encoded_charset
+    # I changed the charset name, though, because the one in the file isn't
+    # a legal charset name.  Should add a test for an illegal charset.
     def test_rfc2231_get_content_charset(self):
         eq = self.assertEqual
         msg = self._msgobj('msg_32.txt')
         eq(msg.get_content_charset(), 'us-ascii')
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_encoded_no_double_quotes
     def test_rfc2231_parse_rfc_quoting(self):
         m = textwrap.dedent('''\
             Content-Disposition: inline;
@@ -4594,6 +4609,7 @@
                          'This is even more ***fun*** is it not.pdf')
         self.assertEqual(m, msg.as_string())
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_encoded_with_double_quotes
     def test_rfc2231_parse_extra_quoting(self):
         m = textwrap.dedent('''\
             Content-Disposition: inline;
@@ -4607,6 +4623,9 @@
                          'This is even more ***fun*** is it not.pdf')
         self.assertEqual(m, msg.as_string())
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_no_language_or_charset
+    # but new test uses *0* because otherwise lang/charset is not valid.
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_segmented_normal_values
     def test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset(self):
         m = '''\
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
@@ -4621,6 +4640,7 @@
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_encoded_no_charset
     def test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_filename(self):
         m = '''\
 Content-Disposition: inline;
@@ -4633,6 +4653,7 @@
                          'This is even more ***fun*** is it not.pdf')
+    # Duplicate of previous test?
     def test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_filename_encoded(self):
         m = '''\
 Content-Disposition: inline;
@@ -4645,6 +4666,8 @@
                          'This is even more ***fun*** is it not.pdf')
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_partly_encoded,
+    # but the test below is wrong (the first part should be decoded).
     def test_rfc2231_partly_encoded(self):
         m = '''\
 Content-Disposition: inline;
@@ -4696,6 +4719,7 @@
                          'this is even more ***fun*** is it not.pdf')
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_unknown_charset_treated_as_ascii
     def test_rfc2231_bad_encoding_in_filename(self):
         m = '''\
 Content-Disposition: inline;
@@ -4762,6 +4786,7 @@
         eq(language, None)
         eq(s, "Frank's Document")
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_single_quote_inside_double_quotes
     def test_rfc2231_single_tick_in_filename(self):
         m = """\
 Content-Type: application/x-foo; name*0=\"Frank's\"; name*1=\" Document\"
@@ -4772,6 +4797,7 @@
         self.assertFalse(isinstance(param, tuple))
         self.assertEqual(param, "Frank's Document")
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_single_quote_in_value_with_charset_and_lang
     def test_rfc2231_tick_attack_extended(self):
         eq = self.assertEqual
         m = """\
@@ -4785,6 +4811,7 @@
         eq(language, 'en-us')
         eq(s, "Frank's Document")
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_single_quote_in_non_encoded_value
     def test_rfc2231_tick_attack(self):
         m = """\
 Content-Type: application/x-foo;
@@ -4796,6 +4823,7 @@
         self.assertFalse(isinstance(param, tuple))
         self.assertEqual(param, "us-ascii'en-us'Frank's Document")
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_single_quotes_inside_quotes
     def test_rfc2231_no_extended_values(self):
         eq = self.assertEqual
         m = """\
@@ -4805,6 +4833,7 @@
         msg = email.message_from_string(m)
         eq(msg.get_param('name'), "Frank's Document")
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_encoded_then_unencoded_segments
     def test_rfc2231_encoded_then_unencoded_segments(self):
         eq = self.assertEqual
         m = """\
@@ -4820,6 +4849,8 @@
         eq(language, 'en-us')
         eq(s, 'My Document For You')
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_unencoded_then_encoded_segments
+    # test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_quoted_unencoded_then_encoded_segments
     def test_rfc2231_unencoded_then_encoded_segments(self):
         eq = self.assertEqual
         m = """\