Modified for new scripting support
diff --git a/Mac/Demo/scripting/ b/Mac/Demo/scripting/
index 481aadd..e3383f5 100644
--- a/Mac/Demo/scripting/
+++ b/Mac/Demo/scripting/
@@ -10,41 +10,6 @@
 _code = 'CSOm'
-_Enum_eSta = {
-	'unread' : 'euS\001',	# has not been read
-	'already_read' : 'euS\002',	# has been read
-	'replied' : 'euS\003',	# has been replied to
-	'forwarded' : 'euS\010',	# has been forwarded
-	'redirected' : 'euS\004',	# has been redirected
-	'not_sendable' : 'euS\005',	# cannot be sent
-	'sendable' : 'euS\006',	# can be sent
-	'queued' : 'euS\007',	# queued for delivery
-	'sent' : 'euS\011',	# has been sent
-	'never_sent' : 'euS\012',	# never was sent
-_Enum_eSig = {
-	'none' : 'sig\000',	# no signature
-	'standard' : 'sig\001',	# standard signature file
-	'alternate' : 'sig\002',	# alternate signature file
-_Enum_eAty = {
-	'AppleDouble' : 'atc\000',	# AppleDouble format
-	'AppleSingle' : 'atc\001',	# AppleSingle format
-	'BinHex' : 'atc\002',	# BinHex format
-	'uuencode' : 'atc\003',	# uuencode format
-_Enum_eNot = {
-	'mail_arrives' : 'wArv',	# mail arrival
-	'mail_sent' : 'wSnt',	# mail has been sent
-	'will_connect' : 'wWCn',	# eudora is about to connect to a mail server
-	'has_connected' : 'wHCn',	# eudora has finished talking to a mail server
-	'has_manually_filtered' : 'mFil',	# eudora has finished manually filtering messages
-	'opens_filters' : 'wFil',	# user has requested Eudora open the filter window
 class Eudora_Suite:
 	_argmap_connect = {
@@ -316,43 +281,267 @@
 			return _arguments['----']
-#    Class 'mail folder' ('euMF') -- 'A folder containing mailboxes or other mail folders.'
-#        property 'name' ('pnam') 'itxt' -- 'the name' []
+class mail_folder(aetools.ComponentItem):
+	"""mail folder - A folder containing mailboxes or other mail folders."""
+	want = 'euMF'
+class name(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""name - the name"""
+	which = 'pnam'
+	want = 'itxt'
 #        element 'euMB' as ['indx', 'name']
 #        element 'euMF' as ['indx', 'name']
-#    Class 'mailbox' ('euMB') -- 'A mailbox.'
-#        property 'name' ('pnam') 'itxt' -- 'the name of the mail folder' []
-#        property 'space wasted' ('euWS') 'long' -- 'the amount of waste space in the mailbox' []
-#        property 'space required' ('euNS') 'long' -- 'the minimum amount of space required to hold the mailbox' []
-#        property 'location' ('euFS') 'fss ' -- 'the file the mailbox is stored in' []
-#        property 'toc location' ('eTFS') 'fss ' -- 'the file the table of contents is stored in' []
+class mailbox(aetools.ComponentItem):
+	"""mailbox - A mailbox."""
+	want = 'euMB'
+# repeated property name the name of the mail folder
+class space_wasted(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""space wasted - the amount of waste space in the mailbox"""
+	which = 'euWS'
+	want = 'long'
+class space_required(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""space required - the minimum amount of space required to hold the mailbox"""
+	which = 'euNS'
+	want = 'long'
+class location(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""location - the file the mailbox is stored in"""
+	which = 'euFS'
+	want = 'fss '
+class toc_location(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""toc location - the file the table of contents is stored in"""
+	which = 'eTFS'
+	want = 'fss '
 #        element 'euMS' as ['indx']
-#    Class 'message' ('euMS') -- 'A message'
-#        property 'body' ('eBod') 'TEXT' -- 'the body of the message' [mutable]
-#        property 'priority' ('euPY') 'long' -- 'the priority' [mutable]
-#        property 'label' ('eLbl') 'long' -- 'the index of the label' [mutable]
-#        property 'status' ('euST') 'eSta' -- 'the message status' [mutable enum]
-#        property 'sender' ('euSe') 'itxt' -- 'the sender as appearing in the message summary' [mutable]
-#        property 'date' ('euDa') 'itxt' -- 'the date as appearing in the message summary' []
-#        property 'subject' ('euSu') 'itxt' -- 'the subject as appearing in the message summary' [mutable]
-#        property 'size' ('euSi') 'long' -- 'the size of the message' []
-#        property 'outgoing' ('euOu') 'bool' -- 'is the message is outgoing?' []
-#        property 'signature' ('eSig') 'eSig' -- 'which signature the message should have' [mutable enum]
-#        property 'QP' ('eMQP') 'bool' -- 'is Eudora allowed to encode text?' [mutable]
-#        property 'return receipt' ('eRRR') 'bool' -- 'is a return receipt is requested?' [mutable]
-#        property 'wrap' ('eWrp') 'bool' -- 'should the text be wrapped when sent?' [mutable]
-#        property 'tab expansion' ('eTab') 'bool' -- 'should tabs get expanded to spaces?' [mutable]
-#        property 'keep copy' ('eCpy') 'bool' -- 'should a copy should be kept after message is sent?' [mutable]
-#        property 'preserve macintosh info' ('eXTX') 'bool' -- 'should Macintosh information always be sent with attachments?' [mutable]
-#        property 'attachment encoding' ('eATy') 'eAty' -- 'the type of encoding to use for attachments' [mutable enum]
-#        property 'show all headers' ('eBla') 'bool' -- 'should all headers be visible?' [mutable]
-#        property 'transliteration table' ('eTbl') 'long' -- 'the resource id of the transliteration table' [mutable]
-#        property 'will be fetched' ('eWFh') 'bool' -- 'will the message be [re]fetched on next check?' [mutable]
-#        property 'will be deleted' ('eWDl') 'bool' -- 'will the message be deleted from server on next check?' [mutable]
+class message(aetools.ComponentItem):
+	"""message - A message"""
+	want = 'euMS'
+class body(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""body - the body of the message"""
+	which = 'eBod'
+	want = 'TEXT'
+class priority(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""priority - the priority"""
+	which = 'euPY'
+	want = 'long'
+class label(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""label - the index of the label"""
+	which = 'eLbl'
+	want = 'long'
+class status(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""status - the message status"""
+	which = 'euST'
+	want = 'eSta'
+class sender(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""sender - the sender as appearing in the message summary"""
+	which = 'euSe'
+	want = 'itxt'
+class date(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""date - the date as appearing in the message summary"""
+	which = 'euDa'
+	want = 'itxt'
+class subject(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""subject - the subject as appearing in the message summary"""
+	which = 'euSu'
+	want = 'itxt'
+class size(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""size - the size of the message"""
+	which = 'euSi'
+	want = 'long'
+class outgoing(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""outgoing - is the message is outgoing?"""
+	which = 'euOu'
+	want = 'bool'
+class signature(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""signature - which signature the message should have"""
+	which = 'eSig'
+	want = 'eSig'
+class QP(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""QP - is Eudora allowed to encode text?"""
+	which = 'eMQP'
+	want = 'bool'
+class return_receipt(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""return receipt - is a return receipt is requested?"""
+	which = 'eRRR'
+	want = 'bool'
+class wrap(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""wrap - should the text be wrapped when sent?"""
+	which = 'eWrp'
+	want = 'bool'
+class tab_expansion(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""tab expansion - should tabs get expanded to spaces?"""
+	which = 'eTab'
+	want = 'bool'
+class keep_copy(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""keep copy - should a copy should be kept after message is sent?"""
+	which = 'eCpy'
+	want = 'bool'
+class preserve_macintosh_info(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""preserve macintosh info - should Macintosh information always be sent with attachments?"""
+	which = 'eXTX'
+	want = 'bool'
+class attachment_encoding(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""attachment encoding - the type of encoding to use for attachments"""
+	which = 'eATy'
+	want = 'eAty'
+class show_all_headers(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""show all headers - should all headers be visible?"""
+	which = 'eBla'
+	want = 'bool'
+class transliteration_table(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""transliteration table - the resource id of the transliteration table"""
+	which = 'eTbl'
+	want = 'long'
+class will_be_fetched(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""will be fetched - will the message be [re]fetched on next check?"""
+	which = 'eWFh'
+	want = 'bool'
+class will_be_deleted(aetools.NProperty):
+	"""will be deleted - will the message be deleted from server on next check?"""
+	which = 'eWDl'
+	want = 'bool'
 #        element 'euFd' as ['name']
-#    Class 'field' ('euFd') -- 'An RFC 822 header field in a message (field named "" is the body)'
+class field(aetools.ComponentItem):
+	"""field - An RFC 822 header field in a message (field named "" is the body)"""
+	want = 'euFd'
-#    Class 'setting' ('ePrf') -- "Eudora's settings"
+class setting(aetools.ComponentItem):
+	"""setting - Eudora's settings"""
+	want = 'ePrf'
+mail_folder._propdict = {
+	'name' : name,
+mail_folder._elemdict = {
+	'mailbox' : mailbox,
+	'mail_folder' : mail_folder,
+mailbox._propdict = {
+	'name' : name,
+	'space_wasted' : space_wasted,
+	'space_required' : space_required,
+	'location' : location,
+	'toc_location' : toc_location,
+mailbox._elemdict = {
+	'message' : message,
+message._propdict = {
+	'body' : body,
+	'priority' : priority,
+	'label' : label,
+	'status' : status,
+	'sender' : sender,
+	'date' : date,
+	'subject' : subject,
+	'size' : size,
+	'outgoing' : outgoing,
+	'signature' : signature,
+	'QP' : QP,
+	'return_receipt' : return_receipt,
+	'wrap' : wrap,
+	'tab_expansion' : tab_expansion,
+	'keep_copy' : keep_copy,
+	'preserve_macintosh_info' : preserve_macintosh_info,
+	'attachment_encoding' : attachment_encoding,
+	'show_all_headers' : show_all_headers,
+	'transliteration_table' : transliteration_table,
+	'will_be_fetched' : will_be_fetched,
+	'will_be_deleted' : will_be_deleted,
+message._elemdict = {
+	'field' : field,
+field._propdict = {
+field._elemdict = {
+setting._propdict = {
+setting._elemdict = {
+_Enum_eSta = {
+	'unread' : 'euS\001',	# has not been read
+	'already_read' : 'euS\002',	# has been read
+	'replied' : 'euS\003',	# has been replied to
+	'forwarded' : 'euS\010',	# has been forwarded
+	'redirected' : 'euS\004',	# has been redirected
+	'not_sendable' : 'euS\005',	# cannot be sent
+	'sendable' : 'euS\006',	# can be sent
+	'queued' : 'euS\007',	# queued for delivery
+	'sent' : 'euS\011',	# has been sent
+	'never_sent' : 'euS\012',	# never was sent
+_Enum_eSig = {
+	'none' : 'sig\000',	# no signature
+	'standard' : 'sig\001',	# standard signature file
+	'alternate' : 'sig\002',	# alternate signature file
+_Enum_eAty = {
+	'AppleDouble' : 'atc\000',	# AppleDouble format
+	'AppleSingle' : 'atc\001',	# AppleSingle format
+	'BinHex' : 'atc\002',	# BinHex format
+	'uuencode' : 'atc\003',	# uuencode format
+_Enum_eNot = {
+	'mail_arrives' : 'wArv',	# mail arrival
+	'mail_sent' : 'wSnt',	# mail has been sent
+	'will_connect' : 'wWCn',	# eudora is about to connect to a mail server
+	'has_connected' : 'wHCn',	# eudora has finished talking to a mail server
+	'has_manually_filtered' : 'mFil',	# eudora has finished manually filtering messages
+	'opens_filters' : 'wFil',	# user has requested Eudora open the filter window
+# Indices of types declared in this module
+_classdeclarations = {
+	'euMB' : mailbox,
+	'euMS' : message,
+	'euMF' : mail_folder,
+	'ePrf' : setting,
+	'euFd' : field,
+_propdeclarations = {
+	'eWFh' : will_be_fetched,
+	'euDa' : date,
+	'euSi' : size,
+	'eRRR' : return_receipt,
+	'pnam' : name,
+	'euSe' : sender,
+	'eWrp' : wrap,
+	'eSig' : signature,
+	'euOu' : outgoing,
+	'eMQP' : QP,
+	'eTFS' : toc_location,
+	'eWDl' : will_be_deleted,
+	'eLbl' : label,
+	'eATy' : attachment_encoding,
+	'euSu' : subject,
+	'eBla' : show_all_headers,
+	'eCpy' : keep_copy,
+	'euWS' : space_wasted,
+	'eBod' : body,
+	'euNS' : space_required,
+	'eTab' : tab_expansion,
+	'eTbl' : transliteration_table,
+	'eXTX' : preserve_macintosh_info,
+	'euFS' : location,
+	'euST' : status,
+	'euPY' : priority,
+_compdeclarations = {
+_enumdeclarations = {
+	'eAty' : _Enum_eAty,
+	'eNot' : _Enum_eNot,
+	'eSta' : _Enum_eSta,
+	'eSig' : _Enum_eSig,
diff --git a/Mac/Demo/scripting/ b/Mac/Demo/scripting/
index 0f572cf..bedce44 100644
--- a/Mac/Demo/scripting/
+++ b/Mac/Demo/scripting/
@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@
 import aetools
 import Eudora_Suite
 import Required_Suite
+import Standard_Suite
 import MacOS
-class Eudora(aetools.TalkTo, Required_Suite.Required_Suite, \
-				Eudora_Suite.Eudora_Suite):
+class Eudora(Eudora_Suite.Eudora_Suite, Required_Suite.Required_Suite, \
+				Standard_Suite.Standard_Suite, aetools.TalkTo):
 	"""A class that can talk to Eudora"""
@@ -17,13 +18,19 @@
 def main():
 	talker = Eudora(SIGNATURE, start=1)
 	while 1:
-		print 'get, put, quit (eudora) or exit (this program) ?'
+		print 'get, put, name (of first folder), list (foldernames), quit (eudora) or exit (this program) ?'
 		line = sys.stdin.readline()
 			if line[0] == 'g':
 			elif line[0] == 'p':
+			elif line[0] == 'n':
+				id = Eudora_Suite.mailbox(1).name
+				name = talker._get(id, as='text')
+				print "It is called", name
+			elif line[0] == 'l':
+				pass
 			elif line[0] == 'q':
 			elif line[0] == 'e':