testInsertBefore(): Rewritten to actually test insertBefore() somewhat.
testAAB(): Added checks that the results are right.
testTooManyDocumentElements(): Added code to actually test this.
testCloneElementShallow(): Filled these in with test code.
_setupCloneElement(): Helper functions used with the other
testCloneElement*() functions.
testCloneElementShallowCopiesAttributes(): No longer a separate test;
_setupCloneElement() uses _testCloneElementCopiesAttributes() to
test that this is always done.
testNormalize(): Added to check Node.normalize().
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_minidom.py b/Lib/test/test_minidom.py
index ce7170d..5bdee80 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_minidom.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_minidom.py
@@ -37,16 +37,36 @@
def testInsertBefore():
- dom = parse(tstfile)
- docel = dom.documentElement
- #docel.insertBefore( dom.createProcessingInstruction("a", "b"),
- # docel.childNodes[1])
- #docel.insertBefore( dom.createProcessingInstruction("a", "b"),
- # docel.childNodes[0])
- #confirm( docel.childNodes[0].tet == "a")
- #confirm( docel.childNodes[2].tet == "a")
+ dom = parseString("<doc><foo/></doc>")
+ root = dom.documentElement
+ elem = root.childNodes[0]
+ nelem = dom.createElement("element")
+ root.insertBefore(nelem, elem)
+ confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 2
+ and root.childNodes[0] is nelem
+ and root.childNodes[1] is elem
+ and root.firstChild is nelem
+ and root.lastChild is elem
+ and root.toxml() == "<doc><element/><foo/></doc>"
+ , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
+ nelem = dom.createElement("element")
+ root.insertBefore(nelem, None)
+ confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 3
+ and root.childNodes[1] is elem
+ and root.childNodes[2] is nelem
+ and root.lastChild is nelem
+ and nelem.previousSibling is elem
+ and root.toxml() == "<doc><element/><foo/><element/></doc>"
+ , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
+ nelem2 = dom.createElement("bar")
+ root.insertBefore(nelem2, nelem)
+ confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 4
+ and root.childNodes[2] is nelem2
+ and root.childNodes[3] is nelem
+ and nelem2.nextSibling is nelem
+ and nelem.previousSibling is nelem2
+ and root.toxml() == "<doc><element/><foo/><bar/><element/></doc>"
+ , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
def testAppendChild():
@@ -77,6 +97,7 @@
dom = parseString("<abc/>")
el = dom.documentElement
el.setAttribute("spam", "jam2")
+ confirm(el.toxml() == '<abc spam="jam2"/>', "testAAA")
def testAAB():
@@ -84,6 +105,7 @@
el = dom.documentElement
el.setAttribute("spam", "jam")
el.setAttribute("spam", "jam2")
+ confirm(el.toxml() == '<abc spam="jam2"/>', "testAAB")
def testAddAttr():
@@ -242,7 +264,18 @@
def testDocumentElement(): pass
-def testTooManyDocumentElements(): pass
+def testTooManyDocumentElements():
+ doc = parseString("<doc/>")
+ elem = doc.createElement("extra")
+ try:
+ doc.appendChild(elem)
+ except TypeError:
+ print "Caught expected exception when adding extra document element."
+ else:
+ print "Failed to catch expected exception when" \
+ " adding extra document element."
+ elem.unlink()
+ doc.unlink()
def testCreateElementNS(): pass
@@ -290,11 +323,54 @@
def testHasChildNodes(): pass
-def testCloneElementShallow(): pass
+def testCloneElementShallow():
+ dom, clone = _setupCloneElement(0)
+ confirm(len(clone.childNodes) == 0
+ and clone.parentNode is None
+ and clone.toxml() == '<doc attr="value"/>'
+ , "testCloneElementShallow")
+ dom.unlink()
-def testCloneElementShallowCopiesAttributes(): pass
+def testCloneElementDeep():
+ dom, clone = _setupCloneElement(1)
+ confirm(len(clone.childNodes) == 1
+ and clone.parentNode is None
+ and clone.toxml() == '<doc attr="value"><foo/></doc>'
+ , "testCloneElementDeep")
+ dom.unlink()
-def testCloneElementDeep(): pass
+def _setupCloneElement(deep):
+ dom = parseString("<doc attr='value'><foo/></doc>")
+ root = dom.documentElement
+ clone = root.cloneNode(deep)
+ _testCloneElementCopiesAttributes(
+ root, clone, "testCloneElement" + (deep and "Deep" or "Shallow"))
+ # mutilate the original so shared data is detected
+ root.tagName = root.nodeName = "MODIFIED"
+ root.setAttribute("attr", "NEW VALUE")
+ root.setAttribute("added", "VALUE")
+ return dom, clone
+def _testCloneElementCopiesAttributes(e1, e2, test):
+ attrs1 = e1.attributes
+ attrs2 = e2.attributes
+ keys1 = attrs1.keys()
+ keys2 = attrs2.keys()
+ keys1.sort()
+ keys2.sort()
+ confirm(keys1 == keys2, "clone of element has same attribute keys")
+ for i in range(len(keys1)):
+ a1 = attrs1.item(i)
+ a2 = attrs2.item(i)
+ confirm(a1 is not a2
+ and a1.value == a2.value
+ and a1.nodeValue == a2.nodeValue
+ and a1.namespaceURI == a2.namespaceURI
+ and a1.localName == a2.localName
+ , "clone of attribute node has proper attribute values")
+ confirm(a2.ownerElement is e2,
+ "clone of attribute node correctly owned")
def testCloneDocumentShallow(): pass
@@ -308,6 +384,19 @@
def testClonePIDeep(): pass
+def testNormalize():
+ doc = parseString("<doc/>")
+ root = doc.documentElement
+ root.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("first"))
+ root.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("second"))
+ confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 2, "testNormalize -- preparation")
+ doc.normalize()
+ confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 1
+ and root.firstChild is root.lastChild
+ and root.firstChild.data == "firstsecond"
+ , "testNormalize -- result")
+ doc.unlink()
def testSiblings():
doc = parseString("<doc><?pi?>text?<elm/></doc>")
root = doc.documentElement