Replace all cases of "while 1" with "while True".
Though slightly slower, has better clarity and teaching value.
diff --git a/Doc/tut/tut.tex b/Doc/tut/tut.tex
index 4bc571a..1990ab8 100644
--- a/Doc/tut/tut.tex
+++ b/Doc/tut/tut.tex
@@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@
 For example:
->>> while 1:
+>>> while True:
 ...       pass # Busy-wait for keyboard interrupt
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@
 def ask_ok(prompt, retries=4, complaint='Yes or no, please!'):
-    while 1:
+    while True:
         ok = raw_input(prompt)
         if ok in ('y', 'ye', 'yes'): return 1
         if ok in ('n', 'no', 'nop', 'nope'): return 0
@@ -3076,10 +3076,10 @@
 kind of complaint you get while you are still learning Python:
->>> while 1 print 'Hello world'
+>>> while True print 'Hello world'
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
-    while 1 print 'Hello world'
-                ^
+    while True print 'Hello world'
+                   ^
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
@@ -3149,7 +3149,7 @@
 raising the \exception{KeyboardInterrupt} exception.
->>> while 1:
+>>> while True:
 ...     try:
 ...         x = int(raw_input("Please enter a number: "))
 ...         break
@@ -3760,7 +3760,7 @@
 xf = x.f
-while 1:
+while True:
     print xf()