Remove docs for xreadlines, mpz, rotor
diff --git a/Doc/Makefile.deps b/Doc/Makefile.deps
index 9ad5f19..3d38a74 100644
--- a/Doc/Makefile.deps
+++ b/Doc/Makefile.deps
@@ -203,9 +203,7 @@
 	lib/libcrypto.tex \
 	lib/libmd5.tex \
 	lib/libsha.tex \
-	lib/libmpz.tex \
 	lib/libhmac.tex \
-	lib/librotor.tex \
 	lib/libstdwin.tex \
 	lib/libsgi.tex \
 	lib/libal.tex \
@@ -278,7 +276,6 @@
 	lib/libuu.tex \
 	lib/libsunaudio.tex \
 	lib/libfileinput.tex \
-	lib/libxreadlines.tex \
 	lib/libimaplib.tex \
 	lib/libpoplib.tex \
 	lib/libcalendar.tex \
diff --git a/Doc/lib/lib.tex b/Doc/lib/lib.tex
index 6704d10..9ba78ac 100644
--- a/Doc/lib/lib.tex
+++ b/Doc/lib/lib.tex
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@@ -302,8 +301,6 @@
diff --git a/Doc/lib/libmpz.tex b/Doc/lib/libmpz.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 2366668..0000000
--- a/Doc/lib/libmpz.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-\section{\module{mpz} ---
-         GNU arbitrary magnitude integers}
-\modulesynopsis{Interface to the GNU MP library for arbitrary
-precision arithmetic.}
-\deprecated{2.2}{See the references at the end of this section for
-                 information about packages which provide similar
-                 functionality.  This module will be removed in Python
-                 2.3.}
-This is an optional module.  It is only available when Python is
-configured to include it, which requires that the GNU MP software is
-\index{MP, GNU library}
-\index{arbitrary precision integers}
-\index{integer!arbitrary precision}
-This module implements the interface to part of the GNU MP library,
-which defines arbitrary precision integer and rational number
-arithmetic routines.  Only the interfaces to the \emph{integer}
-(\function{mpz_*()}) routines are provided. If not stated
-otherwise, the description in the GNU MP documentation can be applied.
-Support for rational numbers\index{rational numbers} can be
-implemented in Python.  For an example, see the
-\module{Rat}\withsubitem{(demo module)}{\ttindex{Rat}} module, provided as
-\file{Demos/classes/} in the Python source distribution.
-In general, \dfn{mpz}-numbers can be used just like other standard
-Python numbers, e.g., you can use the built-in operators like \code{+},
-\code{*}, etc., as well as the standard built-in functions like
-\function{abs()}, \function{int()}, \ldots, \function{divmod()},
-\function{pow()}.  \strong{Please note:} the \emph{bitwise-xor}
-operation has been implemented as a bunch of \emph{and}s,
-\emph{invert}s and \emph{or}s, because the library lacks an
-\cfunction{mpz_xor()} function, and I didn't need one.
-You create an mpz-number by calling the function \function{mpz()} (see
-below for an exact description). An mpz-number is printed like this:
-  Create a new mpz-number. \var{value} can be an integer, a long,
-  another mpz-number, or even a string. If it is a string, it is
-  interpreted as an array of radix-256 digits, least significant digit
-  first, resulting in a positive number. See also the \method{binary()}
-  method, described below.
-  The type of the objects returned by \function{mpz()} and most other
-  functions in this module.
-A number of \emph{extra} functions are defined in this module. Non
-mpz-arguments are converted to mpz-values first, and the functions
-return mpz-numbers.
-\begin{funcdesc}{powm}{base, exponent, modulus}
-  Return \code{pow(\var{base}, \var{exponent}) \%{} \var{modulus}}. If
-  \code{\var{exponent} == 0}, return \code{mpz(1)}. In contrast to the
-  \C{} library function, this version can handle negative exponents.
-\begin{funcdesc}{gcd}{op1, op2}
-  Return the greatest common divisor of \var{op1} and \var{op2}.
-\begin{funcdesc}{gcdext}{a, b}
-  Return a tuple \code{(\var{g}, \var{s}, \var{t})}, such that
-  \code{\var{a}*\var{s} + \var{b}*\var{t} == \var{g} == gcd(\var{a}, \var{b})}.
-  Return the square root of \var{op}. The result is rounded towards zero.
-  Return a tuple \code{(\var{root}, \var{remainder})}, such that
-  \code{\var{root}*\var{root} + \var{remainder} == \var{op}}.
-\begin{funcdesc}{divm}{numerator, denominator, modulus}
-  Returns a number \var{q} such that
-  \code{\var{q} * \var{denominator} \%{} \var{modulus} ==
-  \var{numerator}}.  One could also implement this function in Python,
-  using \function{gcdext()}.
-An mpz-number has one method:
-  Convert this mpz-number to a binary string, where the number has been
-  stored as an array of radix-256 digits, least significant digit first.
-  The mpz-number must have a value greater than or equal to zero,
-  otherwise \exception{ValueError} will be raised.
-  \seetitle[]{General Multiprecision Python}{
-            This project is building new numeric types to allow
-            arbitrary-precision arithmetic in Python.  Their first
-            efforts are also based on the GNU MP library.}
-  \seetitle[]{mxNumber
-            --- Extended Numeric Types for Python}{Another wrapper
-            around the GNU MP library, including a port of that
-            library to Windows.}
diff --git a/Doc/lib/librotor.tex b/Doc/lib/librotor.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f848e0..0000000
--- a/Doc/lib/librotor.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-\section{\module{rotor} ---
-         Enigma-like encryption and decryption}
-\modulesynopsis{Enigma-like encryption and decryption.}
-\deprecated{2.3}{The encryption algorithm is insecure.}
-This module implements a rotor-based encryption algorithm, contributed by
-Lance Ellinghouse\index{Ellinghouse, Lance}.  The design is derived
-from the Enigma device\indexii{Enigma}{device}, a machine
-used during World War II to encipher messages.  A rotor is simply a
-permutation.  For example, if the character `A' is the origin of the rotor,
-then a given rotor might map `A' to `L', `B' to `Z', `C' to `G', and so on.
-To encrypt, we choose several different rotors, and set the origins of the
-rotors to known positions; their initial position is the ciphering key.  To
-encipher a character, we permute the original character by the first rotor,
-and then apply the second rotor's permutation to the result. We continue
-until we've applied all the rotors; the resulting character is our
-ciphertext.  We then change the origin of the final rotor by one position,
-from `A' to `B'; if the final rotor has made a complete revolution, then we
-rotate the next-to-last rotor by one position, and apply the same procedure
-recursively.  In other words, after enciphering one character, we advance
-the rotors in the same fashion as a car's odometer. Decoding works in the
-same way, except we reverse the permutations and apply them in the opposite
-The available functions in this module are:
-\begin{funcdesc}{newrotor}{key\optional{, numrotors}}
-Return a rotor object. \var{key} is a string containing the encryption key
-for the object; it can contain arbitrary binary data but not null bytes.
-The key will be used
-to randomly generate the rotor permutations and their initial positions.
-\var{numrotors} is the number of rotor permutations in the returned object;
-if it is omitted, a default value of 6 will be used.
-Rotor objects have the following methods:
-Sets the rotor's key to \var{key}. The key should not contain null bytes.
-Reset the rotor object to its initial state and encrypt \var{plaintext},
-returning a string containing the ciphertext.  The ciphertext is always the
-same length as the original plaintext.
-Encrypt \var{plaintext} without resetting the rotor object, and return a
-string containing the ciphertext.
-Reset the rotor object to its initial state and decrypt \var{ciphertext},
-returning a string containing the plaintext.  The plaintext string will
-always be the same length as the ciphertext.
-Decrypt \var{ciphertext} without resetting the rotor object, and return a
-string containing the plaintext.
-An example usage:
->>> import rotor
->>> rt = rotor.newrotor('key', 12)
->>> rt.encrypt('bar')
->>> rt.encryptmore('bar')
->>> rt.encrypt('bar')
->>> rt.decrypt('\xab4\xf3')
->>> rt.decryptmore('\xef\xfd$')
->>> rt.decrypt('\xef\xfd$')
->>> del rt
-The module's code is not an exact simulation of the original Enigma
-device; it implements the rotor encryption scheme differently from the
-original. The most important difference is that in the original
-Enigma, there were only 5 or 6 different rotors in existence, and they
-were applied twice to each character; the cipher key was the order in
-which they were placed in the machine.  The Python \module{rotor}
-module uses the supplied key to initialize a random number generator;
-the rotor permutations and their initial positions are then randomly
-generated.  The original device only enciphered the letters of the
-alphabet, while this module can handle any 8-bit binary data; it also
-produces binary output.  This module can also operate with an
-arbitrary number of rotors.
-The original Enigma cipher was broken in 1944. % XXX: Is this right?
-The version implemented here is probably a good deal more difficult to crack
-(especially if you use many rotors), but it won't be impossible for
-a truly skillful and determined attacker to break the cipher.  So if you want
-to keep the NSA out of your files, this rotor cipher may well be unsafe, but
-for discouraging casual snooping through your files, it will probably be
-just fine, and may be somewhat safer than using the \UNIX{} \program{crypt}
-\index{National Security Agency}
diff --git a/Doc/lib/libxreadlines.tex b/Doc/lib/libxreadlines.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index f74040d..0000000
--- a/Doc/lib/libxreadlines.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-\section{\module{xreadlines} ---
-         Efficient iteration over a file}
-\modulesynopsis{Efficient iteration over the lines of a file.}
-\deprecated{2.3}{Use \samp{for \var{line} in \var{file}} instead.}
-This module defines a new object type which can efficiently iterate
-over the lines of a file.  An xreadlines object is a sequence type
-which implements simple in-order indexing beginning at \code{0}, as
-required by \keyword{for} statement or the
-\function{filter()} function.
-Thus, the code
-import xreadlines, sys
-for line in xreadlines.xreadlines(sys.stdin):
-    pass
-has approximately the same speed and memory consumption as
-while 1:
-    lines = sys.stdin.readlines(8*1024)
-    if not lines: break
-    for line in lines:
-        pass
-except the clarity of the \keyword{for} statement is retained in the
-former case.
-  Return a new xreadlines object which will iterate over the contents
-  of \var{fileobj}.  \var{fileobj} must have a \method{readlines()}
-  method that supports the \var{sizehint} parameter.  \note{Because
-  the \method{readlines()} method buffers data, this effectively
-  ignores the effects of setting the file object as unbuffered.}
-An xreadlines object \var{s} supports the following sequence
- \lineii{\var{s}[\var{i}]}{\var{i}'th line of \var{s}}
-If successive values of \var{i} are not sequential starting from
-\code{0}, this code will raise \exception{RuntimeError}.
-After the last line of the file is read, this code will raise an