Patch #651621, approved by MvL.

This patch allows ZipFile.writestr() to be called with
an archive file name instead of a ZipInfo instance:

z = ZipFile("", "w")
z.writestr("foo/baz/file.ext", data)

I found the old writestr() method very inconvenient
for simple (but common) things.

If called with a file name instead of a ZipInfo
instance, the date_time is set to the current date/time,
which makes sense to me for anonymous data.
diff --git a/Doc/lib/libzipfile.tex b/Doc/lib/libzipfile.tex
index a6430cb..69e7878 100644
--- a/Doc/lib/libzipfile.tex
+++ b/Doc/lib/libzipfile.tex
@@ -146,11 +146,13 @@
-\begin{methoddesc}{writestr}{zinfo, bytes}
-  Write the string \var{bytes} to the archive; meta-information is
-  given as the \class{ZipInfo} instance \var{zinfo}.  At least the
-  filename, date, and time must be given by \var{zinfo}.  The archive
-  must be opened with mode \code{'w'} or \code{'a'}.
+\begin{methoddesc}{writestr}{zinfo_or_arcname, bytes}
+  Write the string \var{bytes} to the archive; \var{zinfo_or_arcname}
+  is either the file name it will be given in the archive, or a
+  \class{ZipInfo} instance.  If it's an instance, at least the
+  filename, date, and time must be given.  If it's a name, the date
+  and time is set to the current date and time. The archive must be
+  opened with mode \code{'w'} or \code{'a'}.