Turn on USE_TK and MAC_TCL by default
diff --git a/Mac/mwerks/mwerks_nonshared_config.h b/Mac/mwerks/mwerks_nonshared_config.h
index cb95b18..b492384 100644
--- a/Mac/mwerks/mwerks_nonshared_config.h
+++ b/Mac/mwerks/mwerks_nonshared_config.h
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #define USE_MACCTB		/* Include ctb module in core Python */
 /* #define USE_STDWIN		/* Include stdwin module in core Python */
 /* #define USE_MACTCP		/* Include mactcp (*not* socket) modules in core */
-/* #define USE_TK		/* Include _tkinter module in core Python */
-/* #define MAC_TCL		/* This *must* be on if USE_TK is on */
+#define USE_TK			/* Include _tkinter module in core Python */
+#define MAC_TCL			/* This *must* be on if USE_TK is on */
 /* #define USE_MAC_SHARED_LIBRARY	/* Enable code to add shared-library resources */
 /* #define USE_MAC_APPLET_SUPPORT	/* Enable code to run a PYC resource */