Fixed PGO builds
The intermediate PG instrument build now lands in Platform-pgi and the final optimized build in Platform-pgo.
diff --git a/PCbuild9/build_pgo.bat b/PCbuild9/build_pgo.bat
index 22de997..0c0a473 100644
--- a/PCbuild9/build_pgo.bat
+++ b/PCbuild9/build_pgo.bat
@@ -23,18 +23,19 @@
 if "%1"=="-p" (set platf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
 if "%1"=="-2" (set job=%job2%) & (set clrpath=%path2%) & shift & goto CheckOpts
-set folder=%platf%-pgo
+set PGI=%platf%-pgi
+set PGO=%platf%-pgo
 @echo on
 rem build the instrumented version
-call build -r -p %platf% -c PGInstrument
+call build -p %platf% -c PGInstrument
 rem remove .pyc files, .pgc files and execute the job
-%folder%\python.exe %clrpath%
-del %folder%\*.pgc
-%folder%\python.exe %job%
+%PGI%\python.exe %clrpath%
+del %PGI%\*.pgc
+%PGI%\python.exe %job%
 rem finally build the optimized version
-call build -r -p %platf% -c PGUpdate
+if exist %PGO% del /s /q %PGO%
+call build -p %platf% -c PGUpdate