PEP 343 -- the with-statement.

This was started by Mike Bland and completed by Guido
(with help from Neal).

This still needs a __future__ statement added;
Thomas is working on Michael's patch for that aspect.

There's a small amount of code cleanup and refactoring
in ast.c, compile.c and ceval.c (I fixed the lltrace
behavior when EXT_POP is used -- however I had to make
lltrace a static global).
diff --git a/Misc/ACKS b/Misc/ACKS
index 8ec8fb4..9225031 100644
--- a/Misc/ACKS
+++ b/Misc/ACKS
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
 Philippe Biondi
 Stuart Bishop
 Roy Bixler
+Mike Bland
 Martin Bless
 Pablo Bleyer
 Erik van Blokland