Add some doc about using valgrind
diff --git a/Misc/README b/Misc/README
index 67d4fd9..af6e8e8 100644
--- a/Misc/README
+++ b/Misc/README
@@ -24,8 +24,10 @@	UNIX man page for the python interpreter
 python-mode.el	Emacs mode for editing Python programs
 README		The file you're reading now
+README.valgrind	Information for Valgrind users, see valgrind-python.supp
 RFD		Request For Discussion about a Python newsgroup
 RPM		(Old) tools to build RPMs
 SpecialBuilds.txt     Describes extra symbols you can set for debug builds
 setuid-prog.c	C helper program for set-uid Python scripts
 vgrindefs	Python configuration for vgrind (a generic pretty printer)
+valgrind-python.supp	Valgrind suppression file, see README.valgrind