* change default line numbers for 'list' in pdb.py
* changed eval() into getattr() in cmd.py
* added dirname(), basename() and (dummy) normath() to macpath.py
* renamed nntp.py to nntplib.py
* Made string.index() compatible with strop.index()
* Make string.atoi('') raise string.atoi_error rather than ValueError
* Added dirname() and normpath() to posixpath.
7 files changed
tree: 812dcbc9fd664f9a5354e3301d7aa2375d85517a
  1. Demo/
  2. Doc/
  3. Grammar/
  4. Include/
  5. Lib/
  6. Mac/
  7. Modules/
  8. Objects/
  9. Parser/
  10. Python/
  11. Tools/