Make fnmatch be more PEP 8 compliant.

Partially closes issue 9356. Thanks to Brian Brazil for the patch.
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
index aa682bb..7c20e74 100644
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -9,20 +9,23 @@
 The function translate(PATTERN) returns a regular expression
 corresponding to PATTERN.  (It does not compile it.)
+import os
+import posixpath
 import re
 __all__ = ["filter", "fnmatch", "fnmatchcase", "purge", "translate"]
 _cache = {}  # Maps text patterns to compiled regexen.
 _cacheb = {}  # Ditto for bytes patterns.
-_MAXCACHE = 100 # Maximum size of caches
+_MAXCACHE = 100  # Maximum size of caches.
 def purge():
-    """Clear the pattern cache"""
+    """Clear the pattern cache."""
 def fnmatch(name, pat):
     """Test whether FILENAME matches PATTERN.
@@ -38,12 +41,11 @@
     if the operating system requires it.
     If you don't want this, use fnmatchcase(FILENAME, PATTERN).
-    import os
     name = os.path.normcase(name)
     pat = os.path.normcase(pat)
     return fnmatchcase(name, pat)
 def _compile_pattern(pat):
     cache = _cacheb if isinstance(pat, bytes) else _cache
     regex = cache.get(pat)
@@ -59,9 +61,9 @@
         cache[pat] = regex = re.compile(res)
     return regex.match
 def filter(names, pat):
-    """Return the subset of the list NAMES that match PAT"""
-    import os,posixpath
+    """Return the subset of the list NAMES that match PAT."""
     result = []
     pat = os.path.normcase(pat)
     match = _compile_pattern(pat)
@@ -76,16 +78,17 @@
     return result
 def fnmatchcase(name, pat):
     """Test whether FILENAME matches PATTERN, including case.
     This is a version of fnmatch() which doesn't case-normalize
     its arguments.
     match = _compile_pattern(pat)
     return match(name) is not None
 def translate(pat):
     """Translate a shell PATTERN to a regular expression.