Raise statement normalization in Lib/.
diff --git a/Lib/doctest.py b/Lib/doctest.py
index 3fd4ecd..2374d44 100644
--- a/Lib/doctest.py
+++ b/Lib/doctest.py
@@ -326,9 +326,9 @@
 # [XX] Normalize with respect to os.path.pardir?
 def _module_relative_path(module, path):
     if not inspect.ismodule(module):
-        raise TypeError, 'Expected a module: %r' % module
+        raise TypeError('Expected a module: %r' % module)
     if path.startswith('/'):
-        raise ValueError, 'Module-relative files may not have absolute paths'
+        raise ValueError('Module-relative files may not have absolute paths')
     # Find the base directory for the path.
     if hasattr(module, '__file__'):