#24903: Remove misleading error message to fix regression.

Before the argparse conversion, compileall would (sometimes) accept multiple
paths when -d was specified.  Afterward, it does not.  The corresponding check
in the original code claimed to prevent multiple *directories* from being
specified...but it didn't really work even to do that.  So this patch fixes
the regression by invoking the consenting adults rule: if you specify a
combination of arguments to compileall that produces files with inconsistent
destdirs (which you could do before), it is on you.

Patch by Jake Garver.
diff --git a/Misc/ACKS b/Misc/ACKS
index 0f64ef0..6130568 100644
--- a/Misc/ACKS
+++ b/Misc/ACKS
@@ -470,6 +470,7 @@
 Nitin Ganatra
 Fred Gansevles
 Lars Marius Garshol
+Jake Garver
 Dan Gass
 Andrew Gaul
 Matthieu Gautier