Implement itertools.groupby()

Original idea by Guido van Rossum.
Idea for skipable inner iterators by Raymond Hettinger.
Idea for argument order and identity function default by Alex Martelli.
Implementation by Hye-Shik Chang (with tweaks by Raymond Hettinger).
diff --git a/Doc/lib/libitertools.tex b/Doc/lib/libitertools.tex
index 6f9f5c6..82912b0 100644
--- a/Doc/lib/libitertools.tex
+++ b/Doc/lib/libitertools.tex
@@ -130,6 +130,54 @@
+\begin{funcdesc}{groupby}{iterable\optional{, key}}
+  Make an iterator that returns consecutive keys and groups from the
+  \var{iterable}.  \var{key} is function computing a key value for each
+  element.  If not specified or is \code{None}, \var{key} defaults to an
+  identity function   (returning the element unchanged).  Generally, the
+  iterable needs to already be sorted on the same key function.
+  The returned group is itself an iterator that shares the underlying
+  iterable with \function{groupby()}.  Because the source is shared, when
+  the \function{groupby} object is advanced, the previous group is no
+  longer visible.  So, if that data is needed later, it should be stored
+  as a list:
+  \begin{verbatim}
+    groups = []
+    uniquekeys = []
+    for k, g in groupby(data, keyfunc):
+        groups.append(list(g))      # Store group iterator as a list
+        uniquekeys.append(k)
+  \end{verbatim}
+  \function{groupby()} is equivalent to:
+  \begin{verbatim}
+    class groupby(object):
+        def __init__(self, iterable, key=None):
+            if key is None:
+                key = lambda x: x
+            self.keyfunc = key
+   = iter(iterable)
+            self.tgtkey = self.currkey = self.currvalue = xrange(0)
+        def __iter__(self):
+            return self
+        def next(self):
+            while self.currkey == self.tgtkey:
+                self.currvalue = # Exit on StopIteration
+                self.currkey = self.keyfunc(self.currvalue)
+            self.tgtkey = self.currkey
+            return (self.currkey, self._grouper(self.tgtkey))
+        def _grouper(self, tgtkey):
+            while self.currkey == tgtkey:
+                yield self.currvalue
+                self.currvalue = # Exit on StopIteration
+                self.currkey = self.keyfunc(self.currvalue)
+  \end{verbatim}
+  \versionadded{2.4}
 \begin{funcdesc}{ifilter}{predicate, iterable}
   Make an iterator that filters elements from iterable returning only
   those for which the predicate is \code{True}.
@@ -346,6 +394,18 @@
+# Show a dictionary sorted and grouped by value
+>>> from operator import itemgetter
+>>> d = dict(a=1, b=2, c=1, d=2, e=1, f=2, g=3)
+>>> di = list.sorted(d.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1))
+>>> for k, g in groupby(di, key=itemgetter(1)):
+...     print k, map(itemgetter(0), g)
+1 ['a', 'c', 'e']
+2 ['b', 'd', 'f']
+3 ['g']
 This section shows how itertools can be combined to create other more
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 543acc1..b4c0a8b 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -61,6 +61,94 @@
         self.assertRaises(TypeError, cycle, 5)
         self.assertEqual(list(islice(cycle(gen3()),10)), [0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,0])
+    def test_groupby(self):
+        # Check whether it accepts arguments correctly
+        self.assertEqual([], list(groupby([])))
+        self.assertEqual([], list(groupby([], key=id)))
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, list, groupby('abc', []))
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, groupby, None)
+        # Check normal input
+        s = [(0, 10, 20), (0, 11,21), (0,12,21), (1,13,21), (1,14,22),
+             (2,15,22), (3,16,23), (3,17,23)]
+        dup = []
+        for k, g in groupby(s, lambda r:r[0]):
+            for elem in g:
+                self.assertEqual(k, elem[0])
+                dup.append(elem)
+        self.assertEqual(s, dup)
+        # Check nested case
+        dup = []
+        for k, g in groupby(s, lambda r:r[0]):
+            for ik, ig in groupby(g, lambda r:r[2]):
+                for elem in ig:
+                    self.assertEqual(k, elem[0])
+                    self.assertEqual(ik, elem[2])
+                    dup.append(elem)
+        self.assertEqual(s, dup)
+        # Check case where inner iterator is not used
+        keys = [k for k, g in groupby(s, lambda r:r[0])]
+        expectedkeys = set([r[0] for r in s])
+        self.assertEqual(set(keys), expectedkeys)
+        self.assertEqual(len(keys), len(expectedkeys))
+        # Exercise pipes and filters style
+        s = 'abracadabra'
+        # sort s | uniq
+        r = [k for k, g in groupby(list.sorted(s))]
+        self.assertEqual(r, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'r'])
+        # sort s | uniq -d
+        r = [k for k, g in groupby(list.sorted(s)) if list(islice(g,1,2))]
+        self.assertEqual(r, ['a', 'b', 'r'])
+        # sort s | uniq -c
+        r = [(len(list(g)), k) for k, g in groupby(list.sorted(s))]
+        self.assertEqual(r, [(5, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (1, 'c'), (1, 'd'), (2, 'r')])
+        # sort s | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -3
+        r = list.sorted([(len(list(g)) , k) for k, g in groupby(list.sorted(s))], reverse=True)[:3]
+        self.assertEqual(r, [(5, 'a'), (2, 'r'), (2, 'b')])
+        # failure
+        class ExpectedError(Exception):
+            pass
+        def delayed_raise(n=0):
+            for i in range(n):
+                yield 'yo'
+            raise ExpectedError
+        def gulp(iterable, keyp=None, func=list):
+            return [func(g) for k, g in groupby(iterable, keyp)]
+        # failure on outer object
+        self.assertRaises(ExpectedError, gulp, delayed_raise(0))
+        # failure on inner object
+        self.assertRaises(ExpectedError, gulp, delayed_raise(1))
+        # __cmp__ failure
+        class DummyCmp:
+            def __cmp__(self, dst):
+                raise ExpectedError
+        s = [DummyCmp(), DummyCmp(), None]
+        # __cmp__ failure on outer object
+        self.assertRaises(ExpectedError, gulp, s, func=id)
+        # __cmp__ failure on inner object
+        self.assertRaises(ExpectedError, gulp, s)
+        # keyfunc failure
+        def keyfunc(obj):
+            if keyfunc.skip > 0:
+                keyfunc.skip -= 1
+                return obj
+            else:
+                raise ExpectedError
+        # keyfunc failure on outer object
+        keyfunc.skip = 0
+        self.assertRaises(ExpectedError, gulp, [None], keyfunc)
+        keyfunc.skip = 1
+        self.assertRaises(ExpectedError, gulp, [None, None], keyfunc)
     def test_ifilter(self):
         self.assertEqual(list(ifilter(isEven, range(6))), [0,2,4])
         self.assertEqual(list(ifilter(None, [0,1,0,2,0])), [1,2])
@@ -268,7 +356,7 @@
     def test_StopIteration(self):
         self.assertRaises(StopIteration, izip().next)
-        for f in (chain, cycle, izip):
+        for f in (chain, cycle, izip, groupby):
             self.assertRaises(StopIteration, f([]).next)
             self.assertRaises(StopIteration, f(StopNow()).next)
@@ -426,6 +514,14 @@
             self.assertRaises(TypeError, list, cycle(N(s)))
             self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, list, cycle(E(s)))
+    def test_groupby(self):
+        for s in (range(10), range(0), range(1000), (7,11), xrange(2000,2200,5)):
+            for g in (G, I, Ig, S, L, R):
+                self.assertEqual([k for k, sb in groupby(g(s))], list(g(s)))
+            self.assertRaises(TypeError, groupby, X(s))
+            self.assertRaises(TypeError, list, groupby(N(s)))
+            self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, list, groupby(E(s)))
     def test_ifilter(self):
         for s in (range(10), range(0), range(1000), (7,11), xrange(2000,2200,5)):
             for g in (G, I, Ig, S, L, R):
@@ -571,6 +667,16 @@
+>>> from operator import itemgetter
+>>> d = dict(a=1, b=2, c=1, d=2, e=1, f=2, g=3)
+>>> di = list.sorted(d.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1))
+>>> for k, g in groupby(di, itemgetter(1)):
+...     print k, map(itemgetter(0), g)
+1 ['a', 'c', 'e']
+2 ['b', 'd', 'f']
+3 ['g']
 >>> def take(n, seq):
 ...     return list(islice(seq, n))
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS b/Misc/NEWS
index af61c4e..a28d042 100644
--- a/Misc/NEWS
+++ b/Misc/NEWS
@@ -164,6 +164,11 @@
   SF bug #812202).  Generators that do not define genrandbits() now
   issue a warning when randrange() is called with a range that large.
+- itertools has a new function, groupby() for aggregating iterables
+  into groups sharing the same key (as determined by a key function).
+  It offers some of functionality of SQL's groupby keyword and of
+  the Unix uniq filter.
 - itertools now has a new function, tee() which produces two independent
   iterators from a single iterable.
diff --git a/Modules/itertoolsmodule.c b/Modules/itertoolsmodule.c
index a341a66..387133c 100644
--- a/Modules/itertoolsmodule.c
+++ b/Modules/itertoolsmodule.c
@@ -7,6 +7,323 @@
    All rights reserved.
+/* groupby object ***********************************************************/
+typedef struct {
+	PyObject_HEAD
+	PyObject *it;
+	PyObject *keyfunc;
+	PyObject *tgtkey;
+	PyObject *currkey;
+	PyObject *currvalue;
+} groupbyobject;
+static PyTypeObject groupby_type;
+static PyObject *_grouper_create(groupbyobject *, PyObject *);
+static PyObject *
+groupby_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+	static char *kwargs[] = {"iterable", "key", NULL};
+	groupbyobject *gbo;
+ 	PyObject *it, *keyfunc = Py_None;
+ 	if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|O:groupby", kwargs,
+					 &it, &keyfunc))
+		return NULL;
+	gbo = (groupbyobject *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+	if (gbo == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	gbo->tgtkey = NULL;
+	gbo->currkey = NULL;
+	gbo->currvalue = NULL;
+	gbo->keyfunc = keyfunc;
+	Py_INCREF(keyfunc);
+	gbo->it = PyObject_GetIter(it);
+	if (gbo->it == NULL) {
+		Py_DECREF(gbo);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return (PyObject *)gbo;
+static void
+groupby_dealloc(groupbyobject *gbo)
+	PyObject_GC_UnTrack(gbo);
+	Py_XDECREF(gbo->it);
+	Py_XDECREF(gbo->keyfunc);
+	Py_XDECREF(gbo->tgtkey);
+	Py_XDECREF(gbo->currkey);
+	Py_XDECREF(gbo->currvalue);
+	gbo->ob_type->tp_free(gbo);
+static int
+groupby_traverse(groupbyobject *gbo, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+	int err;
+	if (gbo->it) {
+		err = visit(gbo->it, arg);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+	}
+	if (gbo->keyfunc) {
+		err = visit(gbo->keyfunc, arg);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+	}
+	if (gbo->tgtkey) {
+		err = visit(gbo->tgtkey, arg);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+	}
+	if (gbo->currkey) {
+		err = visit(gbo->currkey, arg);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+	}
+	if (gbo->currvalue) {
+		err = visit(gbo->currvalue, arg);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static PyObject *
+groupby_next(groupbyobject *gbo)
+	PyObject *newvalue, *newkey, *r, *grouper;
+	/* skip to next iteration group */
+	for (;;) {
+		if (gbo->currkey == NULL)
+			/* pass */;
+		else if (gbo->tgtkey == NULL)
+			break;
+		else {
+			int rcmp;
+			rcmp = PyObject_RichCompareBool(gbo->tgtkey,
+							gbo->currkey, Py_EQ);
+			if (rcmp == -1)
+				return NULL;
+			else if (rcmp == 0)
+				break;
+		}
+		newvalue = PyIter_Next(gbo->it);
+		if (newvalue == NULL)
+			return NULL;
+		if (gbo->keyfunc == Py_None) {
+			newkey = newvalue;
+			Py_INCREF(newvalue);
+		} else {
+			newkey = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(gbo->keyfunc,
+							      newvalue, NULL);
+			if (newkey == NULL) {
+				Py_DECREF(newvalue);
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		Py_XDECREF(gbo->currkey);
+		gbo->currkey = newkey;
+		Py_XDECREF(gbo->currvalue);
+		gbo->currvalue = newvalue;
+	}
+	Py_XDECREF(gbo->tgtkey);
+	gbo->tgtkey = gbo->currkey;
+	Py_INCREF(gbo->currkey);
+	grouper = _grouper_create(gbo, gbo->tgtkey);
+	if (grouper == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	r = PyTuple_Pack(2, gbo->currkey, grouper);
+	Py_DECREF(grouper);
+	return r;
+"groupby(iterable[, keyfunc]) -> create an iterator which returns\n\
+(key, sub-iterator) grouped by each value of key(value).\n");
+static PyTypeObject groupby_type = {
+	0,				/* ob_size */
+	"itertools.groupby",		/* tp_name */
+	sizeof(groupbyobject),		/* tp_basicsize */
+	0,				/* tp_itemsize */
+	/* methods */
+	(destructor)groupby_dealloc,	/* tp_dealloc */
+	0,				/* tp_print */
+	0,				/* tp_getattr */
+	0,				/* tp_setattr */
+	0,				/* tp_compare */
+	0,				/* tp_repr */
+	0,				/* tp_as_number */
+	0,				/* tp_as_sequence */
+	0,				/* tp_as_mapping */
+	0,				/* tp_hash */
+	0,				/* tp_call */
+	0,				/* tp_str */
+	PyObject_GenericGetAttr,	/* tp_getattro */
+	0,				/* tp_setattro */
+	0,				/* tp_as_buffer */
+		Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE,	/* tp_flags */
+	groupby_doc,			/* tp_doc */
+	(traverseproc)groupby_traverse,	/* tp_traverse */
+	0,				/* tp_clear */
+	0,				/* tp_richcompare */
+	0,				/* tp_weaklistoffset */
+	PyObject_SelfIter,		/* tp_iter */
+	(iternextfunc)groupby_next,	/* tp_iternext */
+	0,				/* tp_methods */
+	0,				/* tp_members */
+	0,				/* tp_getset */
+	0,				/* tp_base */
+	0,				/* tp_dict */
+	0,				/* tp_descr_get */
+	0,				/* tp_descr_set */
+	0,				/* tp_dictoffset */
+	0,				/* tp_init */
+	0,				/* tp_alloc */
+	groupby_new,			/* tp_new */
+	PyObject_GC_Del,		/* tp_free */
+/* _grouper object (internal) ************************************************/
+typedef struct {
+	PyObject_HEAD
+	PyObject *parent;
+	PyObject *tgtkey;
+} _grouperobject;
+static PyTypeObject _grouper_type;
+static PyObject *
+_grouper_create(groupbyobject *parent, PyObject *tgtkey)
+	_grouperobject *igo;
+	igo = PyObject_New(_grouperobject, &_grouper_type);
+	if (igo == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	igo->parent = (PyObject *)parent;
+	Py_INCREF(parent);
+	igo->tgtkey = tgtkey;
+	Py_INCREF(tgtkey);
+	return (PyObject *)igo;
+static void
+_grouper_dealloc(_grouperobject *igo)
+	Py_DECREF(igo->parent);
+	Py_DECREF(igo->tgtkey);
+	PyObject_Del(igo);
+static PyObject *
+_grouper_next(_grouperobject *igo)
+	groupbyobject *gbo = (groupbyobject *)igo->parent;
+	PyObject *newvalue, *newkey, *r;
+	int rcmp;
+	if (gbo->currvalue == NULL) {
+		newvalue = PyIter_Next(gbo->it);
+		if (newvalue == NULL)
+			return NULL;
+		if (gbo->keyfunc == Py_None) {
+			newkey = newvalue;
+			Py_INCREF(newvalue);
+		} else {
+			newkey = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(gbo->keyfunc,
+							      newvalue, NULL);
+			if (newkey == NULL) {
+				Py_DECREF(newvalue);
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		assert(gbo->currkey == NULL);
+		gbo->currkey = newkey;
+		gbo->currvalue = newvalue;
+	}
+	assert(gbo->currkey != NULL);
+	rcmp = PyObject_RichCompareBool(igo->tgtkey, gbo->currkey, Py_EQ);
+	if (rcmp <= 0)
+		/* got any error or current group is end */
+		return NULL;
+	r = gbo->currvalue;
+	gbo->currvalue = NULL;
+	Py_DECREF(gbo->currkey);
+	gbo->currkey = NULL;
+	return r;
+static PyTypeObject _grouper_type = {
+	0,				/* ob_size */
+	"itertools._grouper",		/* tp_name */
+	sizeof(_grouperobject),		/* tp_basicsize */
+	0,				/* tp_itemsize */
+	/* methods */
+	(destructor)_grouper_dealloc,	/* tp_dealloc */
+	0,				/* tp_print */
+	0,				/* tp_getattr */
+	0,				/* tp_setattr */
+	0,				/* tp_compare */
+	0,				/* tp_repr */
+	0,				/* tp_as_number */
+	0,				/* tp_as_sequence */
+	0,				/* tp_as_mapping */
+	0,				/* tp_hash */
+	0,				/* tp_call */
+	0,				/* tp_str */
+	PyObject_GenericGetAttr,	/* tp_getattro */
+	0,				/* tp_setattro */
+	0,				/* tp_as_buffer */
+	Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,		/* tp_flags */
+	0,				/* tp_doc */
+	0, 				/* tp_traverse */
+	0,				/* tp_clear */
+	0,				/* tp_richcompare */
+	0,				/* tp_weaklistoffset */
+	PyObject_SelfIter,		/* tp_iter */
+	(iternextfunc)_grouper_next,	/* tp_iternext */
+	0,				/* tp_methods */
+	0,				/* tp_members */
+	0,				/* tp_getset */
+	0,				/* tp_base */
+	0,				/* tp_dict */
+	0,				/* tp_descr_get */
+	0,				/* tp_descr_set */
+	0,				/* tp_dictoffset */
+	0,				/* tp_init */
+	0,				/* tp_alloc */
+	0,				/* tp_new */
+	PyObject_Del,			/* tp_free */
 /* tee object and with supporting function and objects ***************/
 /* The teedataobject pre-allocates space for LINKCELLS number of objects.
@@ -2103,6 +2420,7 @@
 chain(p, q, ...) --> p0, p1, ... plast, q0, q1, ... \n\
 takewhile(pred, seq) --> seq[0], seq[1], until pred fails\n\
 dropwhile(pred, seq) --> seq[n], seq[n+1], starting when pred fails\n\
+groupby(iterable[, keyfunc]) --> sub-iterators grouped by value of keyfunc(v)\n\
@@ -2130,6 +2448,7 @@
+		&groupby_type,
@@ -2148,5 +2467,6 @@
 	if (PyType_Ready(&tee_type) < 0)
+	if (PyType_Ready(&_grouper_type) < 0)
+		return;