Copy ctypes- sources from external into the trunk.
diff --git a/Modules/_ctypes/ctypes.h b/Modules/_ctypes/ctypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2569a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Modules/_ctypes/ctypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+#ifndef MS_WIN32
+#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define PARAMFLAG_FIN 0x1
+#define PARAMFLAG_FOUT 0x2
+#define PARAMFLAG_FLCID 0x4
+  Backwards compatibility:
+  Python2.2 used LONG_LONG instead of PY_LONG_LONG
+#if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG) && !defined(PY_LONG_LONG)
+typedef int (*THUNK)(void);
+typedef struct tagCDataObject CDataObject;
+/* A default buffer in CDataObject, which can be used for small C types.  If
+this buffer is too small, PyMem_Malloc will be called to create a larger one,
+and this one is not used.
+Making CDataObject a variable size object would be a better solution, but more
+difficult in the presence of CFuncPtrObject.  Maybe later.
+union value {
+		char c[16];
+		short s;
+		int i;
+		long l;
+		float f;
+		double d;
+  Hm. Are there CDataObject's which do not need the b_objects member?  In
+  this case we probably should introduce b_flags to mark it as present...  If
+  b_objects is not present/unused b_length is unneeded as well.
+struct tagCDataObject {
+	PyObject_HEAD
+	char *b_ptr;		/* pointer to memory block */
+	int  b_needsfree;	/* need _we_ free the memory? */
+	CDataObject *b_base;	/* pointer to base object or NULL */
+	int b_size;		/* size of memory block in bytes */
+	int b_length;		/* number of references we need */
+	int b_index;		/* index of this object into base's
+				   b_object list */
+	PyObject *b_objects;	/* list of references we need to keep */
+	union value b_value;
+typedef struct {
+	/* First part identical to tagCDataObject */
+	PyObject_HEAD
+	char *b_ptr;		/* pointer to memory block */
+	int  b_needsfree;	/* need _we_ free the memory? */
+	CDataObject *b_base;	/* pointer to base object or NULL */
+	int b_size;		/* size of memory block in bytes */
+	int b_length;		/* number of references we need */
+	int b_index;		/* index of this object into base's
+				   b_object list */
+	PyObject *b_objects;	/* list of references we need to keep */
+	union value b_value;
+	/* end of tagCDataObject, additional fields follow */
+	THUNK thunk;
+	PyObject *callable;
+	/* These two fields will override the ones in the type's stgdict if
+	   they are set */
+	PyObject *converters;
+	PyObject *argtypes;
+	PyObject *restype;
+	PyObject *checker;
+	PyObject *errcheck;
+#ifdef MS_WIN32
+	int index;
+	GUID *iid;
+	PyObject *paramflags;
+} CFuncPtrObject;
+extern PyTypeObject StgDict_Type;
+#define StgDict_CheckExact(v)	    ((v)->ob_type == &StgDict_Type)
+#define StgDict_Check(v)	    PyObject_TypeCheck(v, &StgDict_Type)
+extern int StructUnionType_update_stgdict(PyObject *fields, PyObject *type, int isStruct);
+extern int PyType_stginfo(PyTypeObject *self, int *psize, int *palign, int *plength);
+extern int PyObject_stginfo(PyObject *self, int *psize, int *palign, int *plength);
+extern PyTypeObject CData_Type;
+#define CDataObject_CheckExact(v)	((v)->ob_type == &CData_Type)
+#define CDataObject_Check(v)		PyObject_TypeCheck(v, &CData_Type)
+extern PyTypeObject SimpleType_Type;
+#define SimpleTypeObject_CheckExact(v)	((v)->ob_type == &SimpleType_Type)
+#define SimpleTypeObject_Check(v)	PyObject_TypeCheck(v, &SimpleType_Type)
+extern PyTypeObject CField_Type;
+extern struct fielddesc *getentry(char *fmt);
+extern PyObject *
+CField_FromDesc(PyObject *desc, int index,
+		int *pfield_size, int bitsize, int *pbitofs,
+		int *psize, int *poffset, int *palign,
+		int pack, int is_big_endian);
+extern PyObject *CData_AtAddress(PyObject *type, void *buf);
+extern PyObject *CData_FromBytes(PyObject *type, char *data, int length);
+extern PyTypeObject ArrayType_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject Array_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject PointerType_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject Pointer_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject CFuncPtr_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject CFuncPtrType_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject StructType_Type;
+#define ArrayTypeObject_Check(v)	PyObject_TypeCheck(v, &ArrayType_Type)
+#define ArrayObject_Check(v)		PyObject_TypeCheck(v, &Array_Type)
+#define PointerObject_Check(v)		PyObject_TypeCheck(v, &Pointer_Type)
+#define PointerTypeObject_Check(v)	PyObject_TypeCheck(v, &PointerType_Type)
+#define CFuncPtrObject_Check(v)		PyObject_TypeCheck(v, &CFuncPtr_Type)
+#define CFuncPtrTypeObject_Check(v)	PyObject_TypeCheck(v, &CFuncPtrType_Type)
+#define StructTypeObject_Check(v)	PyObject_TypeCheck(v, &StructType_Type)
+extern PyObject *
+CreateArrayType(PyObject *itemtype, int length);
+extern void init_callbacks_in_module(PyObject *m);
+extern THUNK AllocFunctionCallback(PyObject *callable,
+				   PyObject *converters,
+				   PyObject *restype,
+				   int stdcall);
+extern void FreeCallback(THUNK);
+extern PyMethodDef module_methods[];
+typedef PyObject *(* GETFUNC)(void *, unsigned size);
+typedef PyObject *(* SETFUNC)(void *, PyObject *value, unsigned size);
+/* a table entry describing a predefined ctypes type */
+struct fielddesc {
+	char code;
+	SETFUNC setfunc;
+	GETFUNC getfunc;
+	ffi_type *pffi_type; /* always statically allocated */
+	SETFUNC setfunc_swapped;
+	GETFUNC getfunc_swapped;
+typedef struct {
+	PyObject_HEAD
+	int offset;
+	int size;
+	int index;			/* Index into CDataObject's
+					   object array */
+	PyObject *proto;		/* a type or NULL */
+	GETFUNC getfunc;		/* getter function if proto is NULL */
+	SETFUNC setfunc;		/* setter function if proto is NULL */
+} CFieldObject;
+/* A subclass of PyDictObject, used as the instance dictionary of ctypes
+   metatypes */
+typedef struct {
+	PyDictObject dict;	/* first part identical to PyDictObject */
+/* The size and align fields are unneeded, they are in ffi_type as well.  As
+   an experiment shows, it's trivial to get rid of them, the only thing to
+   remember is that in ArrayType_new the ffi_type fields must be filled in -
+   so far it was unneeded because libffi doesn't support arrays at all
+   (because they are passed as pointers to function calls anyway).  But it's
+   too much risk to change that now, and there are other fields which doen't
+   belong into this structure anyway.  Maybe in ctypes 2.0... (ctypes 2000?)
+	int size;		/* number of bytes */
+	int align;		/* alignment requirements */
+	int length;		/* number of fields */
+	ffi_type ffi_type;
+	PyObject *proto;	/* Only for Pointer/ArrayObject */
+	SETFUNC setfunc;	/* Only for simple objects */
+	GETFUNC getfunc;	/* Only for simple objects */
+	/* Following fields only used by CFuncPtrType_Type instances */
+	PyObject *argtypes;	/* tuple of CDataObjects */
+	PyObject *converters;	/* tuple([t.from_param for t in argtypes]) */
+	PyObject *restype;	/* CDataObject or NULL */
+	PyObject *checker;
+	int flags;		/* calling convention and such */
+} StgDictObject;
+ StgDictObject fields
+ setfunc and getfunc is only set for simple data types, it is copied from the
+ corresponding fielddesc entry.  These are functions to set and get the value
+ in a memory block.
+ They should probably by used by other types as well.
+ proto is only used for Pointer and Array types - it points to the item type
+ object.
+ Probably all the magic ctypes methods (like from_param) should have C
+ callable wrappers in the StgDictObject.  For simple data type, for example,
+ the fielddesc table could have entries for C codec from_param functions or
+ other methods as well, if a subtype overrides this method in Python at
+ construction time, or assigns to it later, tp_setattro should update the
+ StgDictObject function to a generic one.
+ Currently, CFuncPtr types have 'converters' and 'checker' entries in their
+ type dict.  They are only used to cache attributes from other entries, whihc
+ is wrong.
+ One use case is the .value attribute that all simple types have.  But some
+ complex structures, like VARIANT, represent a single value also, and should
+ have this attribute.
+ Another use case is a _check_retval_ function, which is called when a ctypes
+ type is used as return type of a function to validate and compute the return
+ value.
+ Common ctypes protocol:
+  - setfunc: store a python value in a memory block
+  - getfunc: convert data from a memory block into a python value
+  - checkfunc: validate and convert a return value from a function call
+  - toparamfunc: convert a python value into a function argument
+/* May return NULL, but does not set an exception! */
+extern StgDictObject *PyType_stgdict(PyObject *obj);
+/* May return NULL, but does not set an exception! */
+extern StgDictObject *PyObject_stgdict(PyObject *self);
+extern int StgDict_clone(StgDictObject *src, StgDictObject *dst);
+typedef int(* PPROC)(void);
+PyObject *_CallProc(PPROC pProc,
+		    PyObject *arguments,
+#ifdef MS_WIN32
+		    IUnknown *pIUnk,
+		    GUID *iid,
+		    int flags,
+		    PyObject *argtypes,
+		    PyObject *restype,
+		    PyObject *checker);
+#define FUNCFLAG_CDECL   0x1
+#define DICTFLAG_FINAL 0x1000
+typedef struct {
+	PyObject_HEAD
+	ffi_type *pffi_type;
+	char tag;
+	union {
+		char c;
+		char b;
+		short h;
+		int i;
+		long l;
+		double d;
+		float f;
+		void *p;
+	} value;
+	PyObject *obj;
+	int size; /* for the 'V' tag */
+} PyCArgObject;
+extern PyTypeObject PyCArg_Type;
+extern PyCArgObject *new_CArgObject(void);
+#define PyCArg_CheckExact(v)	    ((v)->ob_type == &PyCArg_Type)
+extern PyCArgObject *new_CArgObject(void);
+extern PyObject *
+CData_get(PyObject *type, GETFUNC getfunc, PyObject *src,
+	  int index, int size, char *ptr);
+extern int
+CData_set(PyObject *dst, PyObject *type, SETFUNC setfunc, PyObject *value,
+	  int index, int size, char *ptr);
+extern void Extend_Error_Info(PyObject *exc_class, char *fmt, ...);
+struct basespec {
+	CDataObject *base;
+	int index;
+	char *adr;
+extern char basespec_string[];
+extern ffi_type *GetType(PyObject *obj);
+/* exception classes */
+extern PyObject *PyExc_ArgError;
+extern char *conversion_mode_encoding;
+extern char *conversion_mode_errors;
+/* Python 2.4 macros, which are not available in Python 2.3 */
+#ifndef Py_CLEAR
+#define Py_CLEAR(op)				\
+        do {                            	\
+                if (op) {			\
+                        PyObject *tmp = (PyObject *)(op);	\
+                        (op) = NULL;		\
+                        Py_DECREF(tmp);		\
+                }				\
+        } while (0)
+#ifndef Py_VISIT
+/* Utility macro to help write tp_traverse functions.
+ * To use this macro, the tp_traverse function must name its arguments
+ * "visit" and "arg".  This is intended to keep tp_traverse functions
+ * looking as much alike as possible.
+ */
+#define Py_VISIT(op)					\
+        do { 						\
+                if (op) {				\
+                        int vret = visit((op), arg);	\
+                        if (vret)			\
+                                return vret;		\
+                }					\
+        } while (0)
+/* Python's PyUnicode_*WideChar functions are broken ... */
+#if defined(Py_USING_UNICODE) && defined(HAVE_WCHAR_H)
+#  undef PyUnicode_FromWideChar
+#  define PyUnicode_FromWideChar My_PyUnicode_FromWideChar
+#  undef PyUnicode_AsWideChar
+#  define PyUnicode_AsWideChar My_PyUnicode_AsWideChar
+extern PyObject *My_PyUnicode_FromWideChar(const wchar_t *, int);
+extern int My_PyUnicode_AsWideChar(PyUnicodeObject *, wchar_t *, int);
+extern void FreeClosure(void *);
+extern void *MallocClosure(void);
+extern void _AddTraceback(char *, char *, int);
+extern PyObject *CData_FromBaseObj(PyObject *type, PyObject *base, int index, char *adr);
+/* XXX better name needed! */
+extern int IsSimpleSubType(PyObject *obj);
+#ifdef MS_WIN32
+extern PyObject *ComError;
+ Local Variables:
+ compile-command: "python -q build install --home ~"
+ End: