Issue #25179: Preparatory cleanup of existing docs on string formatting

* Various sections were pointing to the section on the string.Formatter
  class, when the section on the common format string syntax is probably more
* Fix references to various format() functions and methods
* Nested replacement fields may contain conversions and format specifiers,
  and this is tested; see Issue #19729 for instance
diff --git a/Doc/library/pprint.rst b/Doc/library/pprint.rst
index 0b44dc8..b109efe 100644
--- a/Doc/library/pprint.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/pprint.rst
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
    the current presentation context (direct and indirect containers for *object*
    that are affecting the presentation) as the keys; if an object needs to be
    presented which is already represented in *context*, the third return value
-   should be ``True``.  Recursive calls to the :meth:`format` method should add
+   should be ``True``.  Recursive calls to the :meth:`.format` method should add
    additional entries for containers to this dictionary.  The third argument,
    *maxlevels*, gives the requested limit to recursion; this will be ``0`` if there
    is no requested limit.  This argument should be passed unmodified to recursive