Ack -- this module mixes tabs and spaces, and what appears to be a mix
of 2-space and 4-space indents.  Whatever, when I saw the checkin diff it
was clear that what my editor thinks a tab means didn't match this module's
belief.  Removed all the tabs from the lines I added and changed, left
everything else alone.
diff --git a/Modules/cPickle.c b/Modules/cPickle.c
index c61035d..46f2cc0 100644
--- a/Modules/cPickle.c
+++ b/Modules/cPickle.c
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@
 XXX much more is needed here
 Integer types
-BININT1		8-bit unsigned integer; followed by 1 byte.
+BININT1         8-bit unsigned integer; followed by 1 byte.
 BININT2         16-bit unsigned integer; followed by 2 bytes, little-endian.
-BININT		32-bit signed integer; followed by 4 bytes, little-endian.
-INT		Integer; natural decimal string conversion, then newline.
+BININT          32-bit signed integer; followed by 4 bytes, little-endian.
+INT             Integer; natural decimal string conversion, then newline.
                 CAUTION:  INT-reading code can't assume that what follows
                 fits in a Python int, because the size of Python ints varies
                 across platforms.
-LONG		Long (unbounded) integer; repr(i), then newline.
+LONG            Long (unbounded) integer; repr(i), then newline.
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #define MARK        '('
@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@
             return -1;
     else {
-    	/* Binary pickle and l fits in a signed 4-byte int. */
+        /* Binary pickle and l fits in a signed 4-byte int. */
         c_str[1] = (int)( l        & 0xff);
         c_str[2] = (int)((l >> 8)  & 0xff);
         c_str[3] = (int)((l >> 16) & 0xff);