Test set for new pow() function
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_pow.py b/Lib/test/test_pow.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03f7314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/test_pow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+import sys
+def powtest(type):
+    if (type!=float): 
+        print "    Testing 2-argument pow() function..."
+        for i in range(-1000, 1000):
+            if (pow(type(i),0)!=1): 
+                raise ValueError, 'pow('+str(i)+',0) != 1'
+            if (pow(type(i),1)!=type(i)):
+                raise ValueError, 'pow('+str(i)+',1) != '+str(i)
+            if (pow(type(0),1)!=type(0)):
+                raise ValueError, 'pow(0,'+str(i)+') != 0'
+            if (pow(type(1),1)!=type(1)):
+                raise ValueError, 'pow(1,'+str(i)+') != 1'
+        for i in range(-100, 100):
+            if (pow(type(i),3)!=i*i*i):
+                raise ValueError, 'pow('+str(i)+',3) != '+str(i*i*i)
+        pow2=1
+        for i in range(0,31):
+    	    if (pow(2,i)!=pow2):
+                raise ValueError, 'pow(2,'+str(i)+') != '+str(pow2)
+    	    if (i!=30): pow2=pow2*2
+    print "    Testing 3-argument pow() function..."
+    il, ih = -20, 20
+    jl, jh = -5,   5
+    kl, kh = -10, 10
+    if (type==float):
+        il=1
+    elif (type==int):
+        jl=0
+    elif (type==long):
+        jl,jh = 0, 15
+    for i in range(il, ih+1):
+         for j in range(jl,jh+1):
+             for k in range(kl, kh+1):
+      	         if (k!=0):
+		     if (pow(type(i),j,k)!=pow(type(i),j)% type(k) ):
+                         raise ValueError, "pow(" +str(i)+ "," +str(j)+ \
+			      "," +str(k)+ ") != pow(" +str(i)+ "," + \
+			      str(j)+ ") % " +str(k)
+print 'Testing integer mode...'
+print 'Testing long integer mode...'
+print 'Testing floating point mode...'
+# Other tests-- not very systematic
+print 'The number in both columns should match.'
+print pow(3,3) % 8, pow(3,3,8)
+print pow(3,3) % -8, pow(3,3,-8)
+print pow(3,2) % -2, pow(3,2,-2)
+print pow(-3,3) % 8, pow(-3,3,8)
+print pow(-3,3) % -8, pow(-3,3,-8)
+print pow(5,2) % -8, pow(5,2,-8)
+print pow(3L,3L) % 8, pow(3L,3L,8)
+print pow(3L,3L) % -8, pow(3L,3L,-8)
+print pow(3L,2) % -2, pow(3L,2,-2)
+print pow(-3L,3L) % 8, pow(-3L,3L,8)
+print pow(-3L,3L) % -8, pow(-3L,3L,-8)
+print pow(5L,2) % -8, pow(5L,2,-8)
+print pow(3.0,3.0) % 8, pow(3.0,3.0,8)
+print pow(3.0,3.0) % -8, pow(3.0,3.0,-8)
+print pow(3.0,2) % -2, pow(3.0,2,-2)
+print pow(5.0,2) % -8, pow(5.0,2,-8)
+for i in range(-10, 11):
+ for j in range(0, 6):
+  for k in range(-7, 11):
+   if (j>=0 and k!=0):
+    o=pow(i,j) % k
+    n=pow(i,j,k)
+    if (o!=n): print 'Integer mismatch:', i,j,k
+   if (j>=0 and k<>0):
+    o=pow(long(i),j) % k
+    n=pow(long(i),j,k)
+    if (o!=n): print 'Long mismatch:', i,j,k
+   if (i>=0 and k<>0):
+     o=pow(float(i),j) % k
+     n=pow(float(i),j,k)
+     if (o!=n): print 'Float mismatch:', i,j,k