bpo-32513: Make it easier to override dunders in dataclasses. (GH-5366)

Class authors no longer need to specify repr=False if they want to provide a custom __repr__ for dataclasses. The same thing applies for the other dunder methods that the dataclass decorator adds. If dataclass finds that a dunder methods is defined in the class, it will not overwrite it.
diff --git a/Lib/dataclasses.py b/Lib/dataclasses.py
index 7d30da1..fb279cd 100644
--- a/Lib/dataclasses.py
+++ b/Lib/dataclasses.py
@@ -18,6 +18,142 @@
+# Conditions for adding methods.  The boxes indicate what action the
+#  dataclass decorator takes.  For all of these tables, when I talk
+#  about init=, repr=, eq=, order=, hash=, or frozen=, I'm referring
+#  to the arguments to the @dataclass decorator.  When checking if a
+#  dunder method already exists, I mean check for an entry in the
+#  class's __dict__.  I never check to see if an attribute is defined
+#  in a base class.
+# Key:
+# +=========+=========================================+
+# + Value   | Meaning                                 |
+# +=========+=========================================+
+# | <blank> | No action: no method is added.          |
+# +---------+-----------------------------------------+
+# | add     | Generated method is added.              |
+# +---------+-----------------------------------------+
+# | add*    | Generated method is added only if the   |
+# |         |  existing attribute is None and if the  |
+# |         |  user supplied a __eq__ method in the   |
+# |         |  class definition.                      |
+# +---------+-----------------------------------------+
+# | raise   | TypeError is raised.                    |
+# +---------+-----------------------------------------+
+# | None    | Attribute is set to None.               |
+# +=========+=========================================+
+# __init__
+#   +--- init= parameter
+#   |
+#   v     |       |       |
+#         |  no   |  yes  |  <--- class has __init__ in __dict__?
+# +=======+=======+=======+
+# | False |       |       |
+# +-------+-------+-------+
+# | True  | add   |       |  <- the default
+# +=======+=======+=======+
+# __repr__
+#    +--- repr= parameter
+#    |
+#    v    |       |       |
+#         |  no   |  yes  |  <--- class has __repr__ in __dict__?
+# +=======+=======+=======+
+# | False |       |       |
+# +-------+-------+-------+
+# | True  | add   |       |  <- the default
+# +=======+=======+=======+
+# __setattr__
+# __delattr__
+#    +--- frozen= parameter
+#    |
+#    v    |       |       |
+#         |  no   |  yes  |  <--- class has __setattr__ or __delattr__ in __dict__?
+# +=======+=======+=======+
+# | False |       |       |  <- the default
+# +-------+-------+-------+
+# | True  | add   | raise |
+# +=======+=======+=======+
+# Raise because not adding these methods would break the "frozen-ness"
+#  of the class.
+# __eq__
+#    +--- eq= parameter
+#    |
+#    v    |       |       |
+#         |  no   |  yes  |  <--- class has __eq__ in __dict__?
+# +=======+=======+=======+
+# | False |       |       |
+# +-------+-------+-------+
+# | True  | add   |       |  <- the default
+# +=======+=======+=======+
+# __lt__
+# __le__
+# __gt__
+# __ge__
+#    +--- order= parameter
+#    |
+#    v    |       |       |
+#         |  no   |  yes  |  <--- class has any comparison method in __dict__?
+# +=======+=======+=======+
+# | False |       |       |  <- the default
+# +-------+-------+-------+
+# | True  | add   | raise |
+# +=======+=======+=======+
+# Raise because to allow this case would interfere with using
+#  functools.total_ordering.
+# __hash__
+#      +------------------- hash= parameter
+#      |       +----------- eq= parameter
+#      |       |       +--- frozen= parameter
+#      |       |       |
+#      v       v       v    |        |        |
+#                           |   no   |  yes   |  <--- class has __hash__ in __dict__?
+# +=========+=======+=======+========+========+
+# | 1 None  | False | False |        |        | No __eq__, use the base class __hash__
+# +---------+-------+-------+--------+--------+
+# | 2 None  | False | True  |        |        | No __eq__, use the base class __hash__
+# +---------+-------+-------+--------+--------+
+# | 3 None  | True  | False | None   |        | <-- the default, not hashable
+# +---------+-------+-------+--------+--------+
+# | 4 None  | True  | True  | add    | add*   | Frozen, so hashable
+# +---------+-------+-------+--------+--------+
+# | 5 False | False | False |        |        |
+# +---------+-------+-------+--------+--------+
+# | 6 False | False | True  |        |        |
+# +---------+-------+-------+--------+--------+
+# | 7 False | True  | False |        |        |
+# +---------+-------+-------+--------+--------+
+# | 8 False | True  | True  |        |        |
+# +---------+-------+-------+--------+--------+
+# | 9 True  | False | False | add    | add*   | Has no __eq__, but hashable
+# +---------+-------+-------+--------+--------+
+# |10 True  | False | True  | add    | add*   | Has no __eq__, but hashable
+# +---------+-------+-------+--------+--------+
+# |11 True  | True  | False | add    | add*   | Not frozen, but hashable
+# +---------+-------+-------+--------+--------+
+# |12 True  | True  | True  | add    | add*   | Frozen, so hashable
+# +=========+=======+=======+========+========+
+# For boxes that are blank, __hash__ is untouched and therefore
+#  inherited from the base class.  If the base is object, then
+#  id-based hashing is used.
+# Note that a class may have already __hash__=None if it specified an
+#  __eq__ method in the class body (not one that was created by
+#  @dataclass).
 # Raised when an attempt is made to modify a frozen class.
 class FrozenInstanceError(AttributeError): pass
@@ -143,13 +279,13 @@
     #  return "(self.x,self.y)".
     # Special case for the 0-tuple.
-    if len(fields) == 0:
+    if not fields:
         return '()'
     # Note the trailing comma, needed if this turns out to be a 1-tuple.
     return f'({",".join([f"{obj_name}.{f.name}" for f in fields])},)'
-def _create_fn(name, args, body, globals=None, locals=None,
+def _create_fn(name, args, body, *, globals=None, locals=None,
     # Note that we mutate locals when exec() is called. Caller beware!
     if locals is None:
@@ -287,7 +423,7 @@
         body_lines += [f'{self_name}.{_POST_INIT_NAME}({params_str})']
     # If no body lines, use 'pass'.
-    if len(body_lines) == 0:
+    if not body_lines:
         body_lines = ['pass']
     locals = {f'_type_{f.name}': f.type for f in fields}
@@ -329,32 +465,6 @@
                         'return NotImplemented'])
-def _set_eq_fns(cls, fields):
-    # Create and set the equality comparison methods on cls.
-    # Pre-compute self_tuple and other_tuple, then re-use them for
-    #  each function.
-    self_tuple = _tuple_str('self', fields)
-    other_tuple = _tuple_str('other', fields)
-    for name, op in [('__eq__', '=='),
-                     ('__ne__', '!='),
-                     ]:
-        _set_attribute(cls, name, _cmp_fn(name, op, self_tuple, other_tuple))
-def _set_order_fns(cls, fields):
-    # Create and set the ordering methods on cls.
-    # Pre-compute self_tuple and other_tuple, then re-use them for
-    #  each function.
-    self_tuple = _tuple_str('self', fields)
-    other_tuple = _tuple_str('other', fields)
-    for name, op in [('__lt__', '<'),
-                     ('__le__', '<='),
-                     ('__gt__', '>'),
-                     ('__ge__', '>='),
-                     ]:
-        _set_attribute(cls, name, _cmp_fn(name, op, self_tuple, other_tuple))
 def _hash_fn(fields):
     self_tuple = _tuple_str('self', fields)
     return _create_fn('__hash__',
@@ -431,20 +541,20 @@
     #  a Field(), then it contains additional info beyond (and
     #  possibly including) the actual default value.  Pseudo-fields
     #  ClassVars and InitVars are included, despite the fact that
-    #  they're not real fields.  That's deal with later.
+    #  they're not real fields.  That's dealt with later.
     annotations = getattr(cls, '__annotations__', {})
     return [_get_field(cls, a_name, a_type)
             for a_name, a_type in annotations.items()]
-def _set_attribute(cls, name, value):
-    # Raise TypeError if an attribute by this name already exists.
+def _set_new_attribute(cls, name, value):
+    # Never overwrites an existing attribute.  Returns True if the
+    #  attribute already exists.
     if name in cls.__dict__:
-        raise TypeError(f'Cannot overwrite attribute {name} '
-                        f'in {cls.__name__}')
+        return True
     setattr(cls, name, value)
+    return False
 def _process_class(cls, repr, eq, order, hash, init, frozen):
@@ -495,6 +605,9 @@
     #  be inherited down.
     is_frozen = frozen or cls.__setattr__ is _frozen_setattr
+    # Was this class defined with an __eq__?  Used in __hash__ logic.
+    auto_hash_test= '__eq__' in cls.__dict__ and getattr(cls.__dict__, '__hash__', MISSING) is None
     # If we're generating ordering methods, we must be generating
     #  the eq methods.
     if order and not eq:
@@ -505,62 +618,91 @@
         has_post_init = hasattr(cls, _POST_INIT_NAME)
         # Include InitVars and regular fields (so, not ClassVars).
-        _set_attribute(cls, '__init__',
-                       _init_fn(list(filter(lambda f: f._field_type
-                                              in (_FIELD, _FIELD_INITVAR),
-                                            fields.values())),
-                                is_frozen,
-                                has_post_init,
-                                # The name to use for the "self" param
-                                #  in __init__.  Use "self" if possible.
-                                '__dataclass_self__' if 'self' in fields
-                                    else 'self',
-                                ))
+        flds = [f for f in fields.values()
+                if f._field_type in (_FIELD, _FIELD_INITVAR)]
+        _set_new_attribute(cls, '__init__',
+                           _init_fn(flds,
+                                    is_frozen,
+                                    has_post_init,
+                                    # The name to use for the "self" param
+                                    #  in __init__.  Use "self" if possible.
+                                    '__dataclass_self__' if 'self' in fields
+                                            else 'self',
+                          ))
     # Get the fields as a list, and include only real fields.  This is
     #  used in all of the following methods.
-    field_list = list(filter(lambda f: f._field_type is _FIELD,
-                             fields.values()))
+    field_list = [f for f in fields.values() if f._field_type is _FIELD]
     if repr:
-        _set_attribute(cls, '__repr__',
-                       _repr_fn(list(filter(lambda f: f.repr, field_list))))
-    if is_frozen:
-        _set_attribute(cls, '__setattr__', _frozen_setattr)
-        _set_attribute(cls, '__delattr__', _frozen_delattr)
-    generate_hash = False
-    if hash is None:
-        if eq and frozen:
-            # Generate a hash function.
-            generate_hash = True
-        elif eq and not frozen:
-            # Not hashable.
-            _set_attribute(cls, '__hash__', None)
-        elif not eq:
-            # Otherwise, use the base class definition of hash().  That is,
-            #  don't set anything on this class.
-            pass
-        else:
-            assert "can't get here"
-    else:
-        generate_hash = hash
-    if generate_hash:
-        _set_attribute(cls, '__hash__',
-                       _hash_fn(list(filter(lambda f: f.compare
-                                                      if f.hash is None
-                                                      else f.hash,
-                                            field_list))))
+        flds = [f for f in field_list if f.repr]
+        _set_new_attribute(cls, '__repr__', _repr_fn(flds))
     if eq:
-        # Create and __eq__ and __ne__ methods.
-        _set_eq_fns(cls, list(filter(lambda f: f.compare, field_list)))
+        # Create _eq__ method.  There's no need for a __ne__ method,
+        #  since python will call __eq__ and negate it.
+        flds = [f for f in field_list if f.compare]
+        self_tuple = _tuple_str('self', flds)
+        other_tuple = _tuple_str('other', flds)
+        _set_new_attribute(cls, '__eq__',
+                           _cmp_fn('__eq__', '==',
+                                   self_tuple, other_tuple))
     if order:
-        # Create and __lt__, __le__, __gt__, and __ge__ methods.
-        # Create and set the comparison functions.
-        _set_order_fns(cls, list(filter(lambda f: f.compare, field_list)))
+        # Create and set the ordering methods.
+        flds = [f for f in field_list if f.compare]
+        self_tuple = _tuple_str('self', flds)
+        other_tuple = _tuple_str('other', flds)
+        for name, op in [('__lt__', '<'),
+                         ('__le__', '<='),
+                         ('__gt__', '>'),
+                         ('__ge__', '>='),
+                         ]:
+            if _set_new_attribute(cls, name,
+                                  _cmp_fn(name, op, self_tuple, other_tuple)):
+                raise TypeError(f'Cannot overwrite attribute {name} '
+                                f'in {cls.__name__}. Consider using '
+                                'functools.total_ordering')
+    if is_frozen:
+        for name, fn in [('__setattr__', _frozen_setattr),
+                         ('__delattr__', _frozen_delattr)]:
+            if _set_new_attribute(cls, name, fn):
+                raise TypeError(f'Cannot overwrite attribute {name} '
+                                f'in {cls.__name__}')
+    # Decide if/how we're going to create a hash function.
+    # TODO: Move this table to module scope, so it's not recreated
+    #  all the time.
+    generate_hash = {(None,  False, False): ('',     ''),
+                     (None,  False, True):  ('',     ''),
+                     (None,  True,  False): ('none', ''),
+                     (None,  True,  True):  ('fn',   'fn-x'),
+                     (False, False, False): ('',     ''),
+                     (False, False, True):  ('',     ''),
+                     (False, True,  False): ('',     ''),
+                     (False, True,  True):  ('',     ''),
+                     (True,  False, False): ('fn',   'fn-x'),
+                     (True,  False, True):  ('fn',   'fn-x'),
+                     (True,  True,  False): ('fn',   'fn-x'),
+                     (True,  True,  True):  ('fn',   'fn-x'),
+                     }[None if hash is None else bool(hash),   # Force bool() if not None.
+                       bool(eq),
+                       bool(frozen)]['__hash__' in cls.__dict__]
+    # No need to call _set_new_attribute here, since we already know if
+    #  we're overwriting a __hash__ or not.
+    if generate_hash == '':
+        # Do nothing.
+        pass
+    elif generate_hash == 'none':
+        cls.__hash__ = None
+    elif generate_hash in ('fn', 'fn-x'):
+        if generate_hash == 'fn' or auto_hash_test:
+            flds = [f for f in field_list
+                    if (f.compare if f.hash is None else f.hash)]
+            cls.__hash__ = _hash_fn(flds)
+    else:
+        assert False, f"can't get here: {generate_hash}"
     if not getattr(cls, '__doc__'):
         # Create a class doc-string.