Merged revisions 61596-61597 via svnmerge from

  r61596 | martin.v.loewis | 2008-03-18 23:43:46 -0500 (Di, 18 Mär 2008) | 2 lines

  Import lib2to3.
  r61597 | martin.v.loewis | 2008-03-18 23:58:04 -0500 (Di, 18 Mär 2008) | 3 lines

  Initialized merge tracking via "svnmerge" with revisions "1-61595" from
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/tests/ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfaea0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+"""Make tests/ into a package. This allows us to "import tests" and
+have tests.all_tests be a TestSuite representing all test cases
+from all test_*.py files in tests/."""
+# Author: Collin Winter
+import os
+import os.path
+import unittest
+import types
+from . import support
+all_tests = unittest.TestSuite()
+tests_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'tests')
+tests = [t[0:-3] for t in os.listdir(tests_dir)
+                        if t.startswith('test_') and t.endswith('.py')]
+loader = unittest.TestLoader()
+for t in tests:
+    __import__("",globals(),locals(),[t],level=1)
+    mod = globals()[t]
+    all_tests.addTests(loader.loadTestsFromModule(mod))
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/tests/ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ccdd17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+This is a benchmarking script to test the speed of 2to3's pattern matching
+system. It's equivalent to " -f all" for every Python module
+in sys.modules, but without engaging the actual transformations.
+__author__ = "Collin Winter <collinw at>"
+# Python imports
+import os.path
+import sys
+from time import time
+# Test imports
+from support import adjust_path
+# Local imports
+from .. import refactor
+### Mock code for and the fixers
+class Options:
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        for k, v in kwargs.items():
+            setattr(self, k, v)
+        self.verbose = False
+def dummy_transform(*args, **kwargs):
+    pass
+### Collect list of modules to match against
+files = []
+for mod in sys.modules.values():
+    if mod is None or not hasattr(mod, '__file__'):
+        continue
+    f = mod.__file__
+    if f.endswith('.pyc'):
+        f = f[:-1]
+    if f.endswith('.py'):
+        files.append(f)
+### Set up refactor and run the benchmark
+options = Options(fix=["all"], print_function=False, doctests_only=False)
+refactor = refactor.RefactoringTool(options)
+for fixer in refactor.fixers:
+    # We don't want them to actually fix the tree, just match against it.
+    fixer.transform = dummy_transform
+t = time()
+for f in files:
+    print "Matching", f
+    refactor.refactor_file(f)
+print "%d seconds to match %d files" % (time() - t, len(sys.modules))
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/tests/data/ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/data/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5d8a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
+# Python 2's Lib/test/ (r54061)
+# Python test set -- part 1, grammar.
+# This just tests whether the parser accepts them all.
+# NOTE: When you run this test as a script from the command line, you
+# get warnings about certain hex/oct constants.  Since those are
+# issued by the parser, you can't suppress them by adding a
+# filterwarnings() call to this module.  Therefore, to shut up the
+# regression test, the filterwarnings() call has been added to
+from test.test_support import run_unittest, check_syntax_error
+import unittest
+import sys
+# testing import *
+from sys import *
+class TokenTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    def testBackslash(self):
+        # Backslash means line continuation:
+        x = 1 \
+        + 1
+        self.assertEquals(x, 2, 'backslash for line continuation')
+        # Backslash does not means continuation in comments :\
+        x = 0
+        self.assertEquals(x, 0, 'backslash ending comment')
+    def testPlainIntegers(self):
+        self.assertEquals(0xff, 255)
+        self.assertEquals(0377, 255)
+        self.assertEquals(2147483647, 017777777777)
+        from sys import maxint
+        if maxint == 2147483647:
+            self.assertEquals(-2147483647-1, -020000000000)
+            # XXX -2147483648
+            self.assert_(037777777777 > 0)
+            self.assert_(0xffffffff > 0)
+            for s in '2147483648', '040000000000', '0x100000000':
+                try:
+                    x = eval(s)
+                except OverflowError:
+          "OverflowError on huge integer literal %r" % s)
+        elif maxint == 9223372036854775807:
+            self.assertEquals(-9223372036854775807-1, -01000000000000000000000)
+            self.assert_(01777777777777777777777 > 0)
+            self.assert_(0xffffffffffffffff > 0)
+            for s in '9223372036854775808', '02000000000000000000000', \
+                     '0x10000000000000000':
+                try:
+                    x = eval(s)
+                except OverflowError:
+          "OverflowError on huge integer literal %r" % s)
+        else:
+  'Weird maxint value %r' % maxint)
+    def testLongIntegers(self):
+        x = 0L
+        x = 0l
+        x = 0xffffffffffffffffL
+        x = 0xffffffffffffffffl
+        x = 077777777777777777L
+        x = 077777777777777777l
+        x = 123456789012345678901234567890L
+        x = 123456789012345678901234567890l
+    def testFloats(self):
+        x = 3.14
+        x = 314.
+        x = 0.314
+        # XXX x = 000.314
+        x = .314
+        x = 3e14
+        x = 3E14
+        x = 3e-14
+        x = 3e+14
+        x = 3.e14
+        x = .3e14
+        x = 3.1e4
+    def testStringLiterals(self):
+        x = ''; y = ""; self.assert_(len(x) == 0 and x == y)
+        x = '\''; y = "'"; self.assert_(len(x) == 1 and x == y and ord(x) == 39)
+        x = '"'; y = "\""; self.assert_(len(x) == 1 and x == y and ord(x) == 34)
+        x = "doesn't \"shrink\" does it"
+        y = 'doesn\'t "shrink" does it'
+        self.assert_(len(x) == 24 and x == y)
+        x = "does \"shrink\" doesn't it"
+        y = 'does "shrink" doesn\'t it'
+        self.assert_(len(x) == 24 and x == y)
+        x = """
+The "quick"
+brown fox
+jumps over
+the 'lazy' dog.
+        y = '\nThe "quick"\nbrown fox\njumps over\nthe \'lazy\' dog.\n'
+        self.assertEquals(x, y)
+        y = '''
+The "quick"
+brown fox
+jumps over
+the 'lazy' dog.
+        self.assertEquals(x, y)
+        y = "\n\
+The \"quick\"\n\
+brown fox\n\
+jumps over\n\
+the 'lazy' dog.\n\
+        self.assertEquals(x, y)
+        y = '\n\
+The \"quick\"\n\
+brown fox\n\
+jumps over\n\
+the \'lazy\' dog.\n\
+        self.assertEquals(x, y)
+class GrammarTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    # single_input: NEWLINE | simple_stmt | compound_stmt NEWLINE
+    # XXX can't test in a script -- this rule is only used when interactive
+    # file_input: (NEWLINE | stmt)* ENDMARKER
+    # Being tested as this very moment this very module
+    # expr_input: testlist NEWLINE
+    # XXX Hard to test -- used only in calls to input()
+    def testEvalInput(self):
+        # testlist ENDMARKER
+        x = eval('1, 0 or 1')
+    def testFuncdef(self):
+        ### 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite
+        ### parameters: '(' [varargslist] ')'
+        ### varargslist: (fpdef ['=' test] ',')* ('*' NAME [',' ('**'|'*' '*') NAME]
+        ###            | ('**'|'*' '*') NAME)
+        ###            | fpdef ['=' test] (',' fpdef ['=' test])* [',']
+        ### fpdef: NAME | '(' fplist ')'
+        ### fplist: fpdef (',' fpdef)* [',']
+        ### arglist: (argument ',')* (argument | *' test [',' '**' test] | '**' test)
+        ### argument: [test '='] test   # Really [keyword '='] test
+        def f1(): pass
+        f1()
+        f1(*())
+        f1(*(), **{})
+        def f2(one_argument): pass
+        def f3(two, arguments): pass
+        def f4(two, (compound, (argument, list))): pass
+        def f5((compound, first), two): pass
+        self.assertEquals(f2.func_code.co_varnames, ('one_argument',))
+        self.assertEquals(f3.func_code.co_varnames, ('two', 'arguments'))
+        if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
+            self.assertEquals(f4.func_code.co_varnames,
+                   ('two', '(compound, (argument, list))', 'compound', 'argument',
+                                'list',))
+            self.assertEquals(f5.func_code.co_varnames,
+                   ('(compound, first)', 'two', 'compound', 'first'))
+        else:
+            self.assertEquals(f4.func_code.co_varnames,
+                  ('two', '.1', 'compound', 'argument',  'list'))
+            self.assertEquals(f5.func_code.co_varnames,
+                  ('.0', 'two', 'compound', 'first'))
+        def a1(one_arg,): pass
+        def a2(two, args,): pass
+        def v0(*rest): pass
+        def v1(a, *rest): pass
+        def v2(a, b, *rest): pass
+        def v3(a, (b, c), *rest): return a, b, c, rest
+        f1()
+        f2(1)
+        f2(1,)
+        f3(1, 2)
+        f3(1, 2,)
+        f4(1, (2, (3, 4)))
+        v0()
+        v0(1)
+        v0(1,)
+        v0(1,2)
+        v0(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
+        v1(1)
+        v1(1,)
+        v1(1,2)
+        v1(1,2,3)
+        v1(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
+        v2(1,2)
+        v2(1,2,3)
+        v2(1,2,3,4)
+        v2(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
+        v3(1,(2,3))
+        v3(1,(2,3),4)
+        v3(1,(2,3),4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
+        # ceval unpacks the formal arguments into the first argcount names;
+        # thus, the names nested inside tuples must appear after these names.
+        if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
+            self.assertEquals(v3.func_code.co_varnames, ('a', '(b, c)', 'rest', 'b', 'c'))
+        else:
+            self.assertEquals(v3.func_code.co_varnames, ('a', '.1', 'rest', 'b', 'c'))
+        self.assertEquals(v3(1, (2, 3), 4), (1, 2, 3, (4,)))
+        def d01(a=1): pass
+        d01()
+        d01(1)
+        d01(*(1,))
+        d01(**{'a':2})
+        def d11(a, b=1): pass
+        d11(1)
+        d11(1, 2)
+        d11(1, **{'b':2})
+        def d21(a, b, c=1): pass
+        d21(1, 2)
+        d21(1, 2, 3)
+        d21(*(1, 2, 3))
+        d21(1, *(2, 3))
+        d21(1, 2, *(3,))
+        d21(1, 2, **{'c':3})
+        def d02(a=1, b=2): pass
+        d02()
+        d02(1)
+        d02(1, 2)
+        d02(*(1, 2))
+        d02(1, *(2,))
+        d02(1, **{'b':2})
+        d02(**{'a': 1, 'b': 2})
+        def d12(a, b=1, c=2): pass
+        d12(1)
+        d12(1, 2)
+        d12(1, 2, 3)
+        def d22(a, b, c=1, d=2): pass
+        d22(1, 2)
+        d22(1, 2, 3)
+        d22(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        def d01v(a=1, *rest): pass
+        d01v()
+        d01v(1)
+        d01v(1, 2)
+        d01v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
+        d01v(*(1,))
+        d01v(**{'a':2})
+        def d11v(a, b=1, *rest): pass
+        d11v(1)
+        d11v(1, 2)
+        d11v(1, 2, 3)
+        def d21v(a, b, c=1, *rest): pass
+        d21v(1, 2)
+        d21v(1, 2, 3)
+        d21v(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        d21v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
+        d21v(1, 2, **{'c': 3})
+        def d02v(a=1, b=2, *rest): pass
+        d02v()
+        d02v(1)
+        d02v(1, 2)
+        d02v(1, 2, 3)
+        d02v(1, *(2, 3, 4))
+        d02v(**{'a': 1, 'b': 2})
+        def d12v(a, b=1, c=2, *rest): pass
+        d12v(1)
+        d12v(1, 2)
+        d12v(1, 2, 3)
+        d12v(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        d12v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
+        d12v(1, 2, *(3, 4, 5))
+        d12v(1, *(2,), **{'c': 3})
+        def d22v(a, b, c=1, d=2, *rest): pass
+        d22v(1, 2)
+        d22v(1, 2, 3)
+        d22v(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        d22v(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
+        d22v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
+        d22v(1, 2, *(3, 4, 5))
+        d22v(1, *(2, 3), **{'d': 4})
+        def d31v((x)): pass
+        d31v(1)
+        def d32v((x,)): pass
+        d32v((1,))
+    def testLambdef(self):
+        ### lambdef: 'lambda' [varargslist] ':' test
+        l1 = lambda : 0
+        self.assertEquals(l1(), 0)
+        l2 = lambda : a[d] # XXX just testing the expression
+        l3 = lambda : [2 < x for x in [-1, 3, 0L]]
+        self.assertEquals(l3(), [0, 1, 0])
+        l4 = lambda x = lambda y = lambda z=1 : z : y() : x()
+        self.assertEquals(l4(), 1)
+        l5 = lambda x, y, z=2: x + y + z
+        self.assertEquals(l5(1, 2), 5)
+        self.assertEquals(l5(1, 2, 3), 6)
+        check_syntax_error(self, "lambda x: x = 2")
+    ### stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt
+    # Tested below
+    def testSimpleStmt(self):
+        ### simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';']
+        x = 1; pass; del x
+        def foo():
+            # verify statments that end with semi-colons
+            x = 1; pass; del x;
+        foo()
+    ### small_stmt: expr_stmt | print_stmt  | pass_stmt | del_stmt | flow_stmt | import_stmt | global_stmt | access_stmt | exec_stmt
+    # Tested below
+    def testExprStmt(self):
+        # (exprlist '=')* exprlist
+        1
+        1, 2, 3
+        x = 1
+        x = 1, 2, 3
+        x = y = z = 1, 2, 3
+        x, y, z = 1, 2, 3
+        abc = a, b, c = x, y, z = xyz = 1, 2, (3, 4)
+        check_syntax_error(self, "x + 1 = 1")
+        check_syntax_error(self, "a + 1 = b + 2")
+    def testPrintStmt(self):
+        # 'print' (test ',')* [test]
+        import StringIO
+        # Can't test printing to real stdout without comparing output
+        # which is not available in unittest.
+        save_stdout = sys.stdout
+        sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
+        print 1, 2, 3
+        print 1, 2, 3,
+        print
+        print 0 or 1, 0 or 1,
+        print 0 or 1
+        # 'print' '>>' test ','
+        print >> sys.stdout, 1, 2, 3
+        print >> sys.stdout, 1, 2, 3,
+        print >> sys.stdout
+        print >> sys.stdout, 0 or 1, 0 or 1,
+        print >> sys.stdout, 0 or 1
+        # test printing to an instance
+        class Gulp:
+            def write(self, msg): pass
+        gulp = Gulp()
+        print >> gulp, 1, 2, 3
+        print >> gulp, 1, 2, 3,
+        print >> gulp
+        print >> gulp, 0 or 1, 0 or 1,
+        print >> gulp, 0 or 1
+        # test print >> None
+        def driver():
+            oldstdout = sys.stdout
+            sys.stdout = Gulp()
+            try:
+                tellme(Gulp())
+                tellme()
+            finally:
+                sys.stdout = oldstdout
+        # we should see this once
+        def tellme(file=sys.stdout):
+            print >> file, 'hello world'
+        driver()
+        # we should not see this at all
+        def tellme(file=None):
+            print >> file, 'goodbye universe'
+        driver()
+        self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), '''\
+1 2 3
+1 2 3
+1 1 1
+1 2 3
+1 2 3
+1 1 1
+hello world
+        sys.stdout = save_stdout
+        # syntax errors
+        check_syntax_error(self, 'print ,')
+        check_syntax_error(self, 'print >> x,')
+    def testDelStmt(self):
+        # 'del' exprlist
+        abc = [1,2,3]
+        x, y, z = abc
+        xyz = x, y, z
+        del abc
+        del x, y, (z, xyz)
+    def testPassStmt(self):
+        # 'pass'
+        pass
+    # flow_stmt: break_stmt | continue_stmt | return_stmt | raise_stmt
+    # Tested below
+    def testBreakStmt(self):
+        # 'break'
+        while 1: break
+    def testContinueStmt(self):
+        # 'continue'
+        i = 1
+        while i: i = 0; continue
+        msg = ""
+        while not msg:
+            msg = "ok"
+            try:
+                continue
+                msg = "continue failed to continue inside try"
+            except:
+                msg = "continue inside try called except block"
+        if msg != "ok":
+        msg = ""
+        while not msg:
+            msg = "finally block not called"
+            try:
+                continue
+            finally:
+                msg = "ok"
+        if msg != "ok":
+    def test_break_continue_loop(self):
+        # This test warrants an explanation. It is a test specifically for SF bugs
+        # #463359 and #462937. The bug is that a 'break' statement executed or
+        # exception raised inside a try/except inside a loop, *after* a continue
+        # statement has been executed in that loop, will cause the wrong number of
+        # arguments to be popped off the stack and the instruction pointer reset to
+        # a very small number (usually 0.) Because of this, the following test
+        # *must* written as a function, and the tracking vars *must* be function
+        # arguments with default values. Otherwise, the test will loop and loop.
+        def test_inner(extra_burning_oil = 1, count=0):
+            big_hippo = 2
+            while big_hippo:
+                count += 1
+                try:
+                    if extra_burning_oil and big_hippo == 1:
+                        extra_burning_oil -= 1
+                        break
+                    big_hippo -= 1
+                    continue
+                except:
+                    raise
+            if count > 2 or big_hippo <> 1:
+      "continue then break in try/except in loop broken!")
+        test_inner()
+    def testReturn(self):
+        # 'return' [testlist]
+        def g1(): return
+        def g2(): return 1
+        g1()
+        x = g2()
+        check_syntax_error(self, "class foo:return 1")
+    def testYield(self):
+        check_syntax_error(self, "class foo:yield 1")
+    def testRaise(self):
+        # 'raise' test [',' test]
+        try: raise RuntimeError, 'just testing'
+        except RuntimeError: pass
+        try: raise KeyboardInterrupt
+        except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
+    def testImport(self):
+        # 'import' dotted_as_names
+        import sys
+        import time, sys
+        # 'from' dotted_name 'import' ('*' | '(' import_as_names ')' | import_as_names)
+        from time import time
+        from time import (time)
+        # not testable inside a function, but already done at top of the module
+        # from sys import *
+        from sys import path, argv
+        from sys import (path, argv)
+        from sys import (path, argv,)
+    def testGlobal(self):
+        # 'global' NAME (',' NAME)*
+        global a
+        global a, b
+        global one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
+    def testExec(self):
+        # 'exec' expr ['in' expr [',' expr]]
+        z = None
+        del z
+        exec 'z=1+1\n'
+        if z != 2:'exec \'z=1+1\'\\n')
+        del z
+        exec 'z=1+1'
+        if z != 2:'exec \'z=1+1\'')
+        z = None
+        del z
+        import types
+        if hasattr(types, "UnicodeType"):
+            exec r"""if 1:
+            exec u'z=1+1\n'
+            if z != 2:'exec u\'z=1+1\'\\n')
+            del z
+            exec u'z=1+1'
+            if z != 2:'exec u\'z=1+1\'')"""
+        g = {}
+        exec 'z = 1' in g
+        if g.has_key('__builtins__'): del g['__builtins__']
+        if g != {'z': 1}:'exec \'z = 1\' in g')
+        g = {}
+        l = {}
+        import warnings
+        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "global statement", module="<string>")
+        exec 'global a; a = 1; b = 2' in g, l
+        if g.has_key('__builtins__'): del g['__builtins__']
+        if l.has_key('__builtins__'): del l['__builtins__']
+        if (g, l) != ({'a':1}, {'b':2}):
+  'exec ... in g (%s), l (%s)' %(g,l))
+    def testAssert(self):
+        # assert_stmt: 'assert' test [',' test]
+        assert 1
+        assert 1, 1
+        assert lambda x:x
+        assert 1, lambda x:x+1
+        try:
+            assert 0, "msg"
+        except AssertionError, e:
+            self.assertEquals(e.args[0], "msg")
+        else:
+            if __debug__:
+      "AssertionError not raised by assert 0")
+    ### compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | funcdef | classdef
+    # Tested below
+    def testIf(self):
+        # 'if' test ':' suite ('elif' test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite]
+        if 1: pass
+        if 1: pass
+        else: pass
+        if 0: pass
+        elif 0: pass
+        if 0: pass
+        elif 0: pass
+        elif 0: pass
+        elif 0: pass
+        else: pass
+    def testWhile(self):
+        # 'while' test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
+        while 0: pass
+        while 0: pass
+        else: pass
+    def testFor(self):
+        # 'for' exprlist 'in' exprlist ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
+        for i in 1, 2, 3: pass
+        for i, j, k in (): pass
+        else: pass
+        class Squares:
+            def __init__(self, max):
+                self.max = max
+                self.sofar = []
+            def __len__(self): return len(self.sofar)
+            def __getitem__(self, i):
+                if not 0 <= i < self.max: raise IndexError
+                n = len(self.sofar)
+                while n <= i:
+                    self.sofar.append(n*n)
+                    n = n+1
+                return self.sofar[i]
+        n = 0
+        for x in Squares(10): n = n+x
+        if n != 285:
+  'for over growing sequence')
+        result = []
+        for x, in [(1,), (2,), (3,)]:
+            result.append(x)
+        self.assertEqual(result, [1, 2, 3])
+    def testTry(self):
+        ### try_stmt: 'try' ':' suite (except_clause ':' suite)+ ['else' ':' suite]
+        ###         | 'try' ':' suite 'finally' ':' suite
+        ### except_clause: 'except' [expr [',' expr]]
+        try:
+            1/0
+        except ZeroDivisionError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            pass
+        try: 1/0
+        except EOFError: pass
+        except TypeError, msg: pass
+        except RuntimeError, msg: pass
+        except: pass
+        else: pass
+        try: 1/0
+        except (EOFError, TypeError, ZeroDivisionError): pass
+        try: 1/0
+        except (EOFError, TypeError, ZeroDivisionError), msg: pass
+        try: pass
+        finally: pass
+    def testSuite(self):
+        # simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT NEWLINE* (stmt NEWLINE*)+ DEDENT
+        if 1: pass
+        if 1:
+            pass
+        if 1:
+            #
+            #
+            #
+            pass
+            pass
+            #
+            pass
+            #
+    def testTest(self):
+        ### and_test ('or' and_test)*
+        ### and_test: not_test ('and' not_test)*
+        ### not_test: 'not' not_test | comparison
+        if not 1: pass
+        if 1 and 1: pass
+        if 1 or 1: pass
+        if not not not 1: pass
+        if not 1 and 1 and 1: pass
+        if 1 and 1 or 1 and 1 and 1 or not 1 and 1: pass
+    def testComparison(self):
+        ### comparison: expr (comp_op expr)*
+        ### comp_op: '<'|'>'|'=='|'>='|'<='|'<>'|'!='|'in'|'not' 'in'|'is'|'is' 'not'
+        if 1: pass
+        x = (1 == 1)
+        if 1 == 1: pass
+        if 1 != 1: pass
+        if 1 <> 1: pass
+        if 1 < 1: pass
+        if 1 > 1: pass
+        if 1 <= 1: pass
+        if 1 >= 1: pass
+        if 1 is 1: pass
+        if 1 is not 1: pass
+        if 1 in (): pass
+        if 1 not in (): pass
+        if 1 < 1 > 1 == 1 >= 1 <= 1 <> 1 != 1 in 1 not in 1 is 1 is not 1: pass
+    def testBinaryMaskOps(self):
+        x = 1 & 1
+        x = 1 ^ 1
+        x = 1 | 1
+    def testShiftOps(self):
+        x = 1 << 1
+        x = 1 >> 1
+        x = 1 << 1 >> 1
+    def testAdditiveOps(self):
+        x = 1
+        x = 1 + 1
+        x = 1 - 1 - 1
+        x = 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1
+    def testMultiplicativeOps(self):
+        x = 1 * 1
+        x = 1 / 1
+        x = 1 % 1
+        x = 1 / 1 * 1 % 1
+    def testUnaryOps(self):
+        x = +1
+        x = -1
+        x = ~1
+        x = ~1 ^ 1 & 1 | 1 & 1 ^ -1
+        x = -1*1/1 + 1*1 - ---1*1
+    def testSelectors(self):
+        ### trailer: '(' [testlist] ')' | '[' subscript ']' | '.' NAME
+        ### subscript: expr | [expr] ':' [expr]
+        import sys, time
+        c = sys.path[0]
+        x = time.time()
+        x = sys.modules['time'].time()
+        a = '01234'
+        c = a[0]
+        c = a[-1]
+        s = a[0:5]
+        s = a[:5]
+        s = a[0:]
+        s = a[:]
+        s = a[-5:]
+        s = a[:-1]
+        s = a[-4:-3]
+        # A rough test of SF bug 1333982.
+        # The testing here is fairly incomplete.
+        # Test cases should include: commas with 1 and 2 colons
+        d = {}
+        d[1] = 1
+        d[1,] = 2
+        d[1,2] = 3
+        d[1,2,3] = 4
+        L = list(d)
+        L.sort()
+        self.assertEquals(str(L), '[1, (1,), (1, 2), (1, 2, 3)]')
+    def testAtoms(self):
+        ### atom: '(' [testlist] ')' | '[' [testlist] ']' | '{' [dictmaker] '}' | '`' testlist '`' | NAME | NUMBER | STRING
+        ### dictmaker: test ':' test (',' test ':' test)* [',']
+        x = (1)
+        x = (1 or 2 or 3)
+        x = (1 or 2 or 3, 2, 3)
+        x = []
+        x = [1]
+        x = [1 or 2 or 3]
+        x = [1 or 2 or 3, 2, 3]
+        x = []
+        x = {}
+        x = {'one': 1}
+        x = {'one': 1,}
+        x = {'one' or 'two': 1 or 2}
+        x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}
+        x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2,}
+        x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, 'four': 4, 'five': 5, 'six': 6}
+        x = `x`
+        x = `1 or 2 or 3`
+        self.assertEqual(`1,2`, '(1, 2)')
+        x = x
+        x = 'x'
+        x = 123
+    ### exprlist: expr (',' expr)* [',']
+    ### testlist: test (',' test)* [',']
+    # These have been exercised enough above
+    def testClassdef(self):
+        # 'class' NAME ['(' [testlist] ')'] ':' suite
+        class B: pass
+        class B2(): pass
+        class C1(B): pass
+        class C2(B): pass
+        class D(C1, C2, B): pass
+        class C:
+            def meth1(self): pass
+            def meth2(self, arg): pass
+            def meth3(self, a1, a2): pass
+    def testListcomps(self):
+        # list comprehension tests
+        nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+        strs = ["Apple", "Banana", "Coconut"]
+        spcs = ["  Apple", " Banana ", "Coco  nut  "]
+        self.assertEqual([s.strip() for s in spcs], ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Coco  nut'])
+        self.assertEqual([3 * x for x in nums], [3, 6, 9, 12, 15])
+        self.assertEqual([x for x in nums if x > 2], [3, 4, 5])
+        self.assertEqual([(i, s) for i in nums for s in strs],
+                         [(1, 'Apple'), (1, 'Banana'), (1, 'Coconut'),
+                          (2, 'Apple'), (2, 'Banana'), (2, 'Coconut'),
+                          (3, 'Apple'), (3, 'Banana'), (3, 'Coconut'),
+                          (4, 'Apple'), (4, 'Banana'), (4, 'Coconut'),
+                          (5, 'Apple'), (5, 'Banana'), (5, 'Coconut')])
+        self.assertEqual([(i, s) for i in nums for s in [f for f in strs if "n" in f]],
+                         [(1, 'Banana'), (1, 'Coconut'), (2, 'Banana'), (2, 'Coconut'),
+                          (3, 'Banana'), (3, 'Coconut'), (4, 'Banana'), (4, 'Coconut'),
+                          (5, 'Banana'), (5, 'Coconut')])
+        self.assertEqual([(lambda a:[a**i for i in range(a+1)])(j) for j in range(5)],
+                         [[1], [1, 1], [1, 2, 4], [1, 3, 9, 27], [1, 4, 16, 64, 256]])
+        def test_in_func(l):
+            return [None < x < 3 for x in l if x > 2]
+        self.assertEqual(test_in_func(nums), [False, False, False])
+        def test_nested_front():
+            self.assertEqual([[y for y in [x, x + 1]] for x in [1,3,5]],
+                             [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
+        test_nested_front()
+        check_syntax_error(self, "[i, s for i in nums for s in strs]")
+        check_syntax_error(self, "[x if y]")
+        suppliers = [
+          (1, "Boeing"),
+          (2, "Ford"),
+          (3, "Macdonalds")
+        ]
+        parts = [
+          (10, "Airliner"),
+          (20, "Engine"),
+          (30, "Cheeseburger")
+        ]
+        suppart = [
+          (1, 10), (1, 20), (2, 20), (3, 30)
+        ]
+        x = [
+          (sname, pname)
+            for (sno, sname) in suppliers
+              for (pno, pname) in parts
+                for (sp_sno, sp_pno) in suppart
+                  if sno == sp_sno and pno == sp_pno
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(x, [('Boeing', 'Airliner'), ('Boeing', 'Engine'), ('Ford', 'Engine'),
+                             ('Macdonalds', 'Cheeseburger')])
+    def testGenexps(self):
+        # generator expression tests
+        g = ([x for x in range(10)] for x in range(1))
+        self.assertEqual(, [x for x in range(10)])
+        try:
+  'should produce StopIteration exception')
+        except StopIteration:
+            pass
+        a = 1
+        try:
+            g = (a for d in a)
+  'should produce TypeError')
+        except TypeError:
+            pass
+        self.assertEqual(list((x, y) for x in 'abcd' for y in 'abcd'), [(x, y) for x in 'abcd' for y in 'abcd'])
+        self.assertEqual(list((x, y) for x in 'ab' for y in 'xy'), [(x, y) for x in 'ab' for y in 'xy'])
+        a = [x for x in range(10)]
+        b = (x for x in (y for y in a))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(b), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(x**2 for x in range(10)), sum([x**2 for x in range(10)]))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(x*x for x in range(10) if x%2), sum([x*x for x in range(10) if x%2]))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in range(10))), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in (z for z in range(10)))), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in [y for y in (z for z in range(10))]), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in (z for z in range(10) if True)) if True), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in (z for z in range(10) if True) if False) if True), 0)
+        check_syntax_error(self, "foo(x for x in range(10), 100)")
+        check_syntax_error(self, "foo(100, x for x in range(10))")
+    def testComprehensionSpecials(self):
+        # test for outmost iterable precomputation
+        x = 10; g = (i for i in range(x)); x = 5
+        self.assertEqual(len(list(g)), 10)
+        # This should hold, since we're only precomputing outmost iterable.
+        x = 10; t = False; g = ((i,j) for i in range(x) if t for j in range(x))
+        x = 5; t = True;
+        self.assertEqual([(i,j) for i in range(10) for j in range(5)], list(g))
+        # Grammar allows multiple adjacent 'if's in listcomps and genexps,
+        # even though it's silly. Make sure it works (ifelse broke this.)
+        self.assertEqual([ x for x in range(10) if x % 2 if x % 3 ], [1, 5, 7])
+        self.assertEqual(list(x for x in range(10) if x % 2 if x % 3), [1, 5, 7])
+        # verify unpacking single element tuples in listcomp/genexp.
+        self.assertEqual([x for x, in [(4,), (5,), (6,)]], [4, 5, 6])
+        self.assertEqual(list(x for x, in [(7,), (8,), (9,)]), [7, 8, 9])
+    def testIfElseExpr(self):
+        # Test ifelse expressions in various cases
+        def _checkeval(msg, ret):
+            "helper to check that evaluation of expressions is done correctly"
+            print x
+            return ret
+        self.assertEqual([ x() for x in lambda: True, lambda: False if x() ], [True])
+        self.assertEqual([ x() for x in (lambda: True, lambda: False) if x() ], [True])
+        self.assertEqual([ x(False) for x in (lambda x: False if x else True, lambda x: True if x else False) if x(False) ], [True])
+        self.assertEqual((5 if 1 else _checkeval("check 1", 0)), 5)
+        self.assertEqual((_checkeval("check 2", 0) if 0 else 5), 5)
+        self.assertEqual((5 and 6 if 0 else 1), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(((5 and 6) if 0 else 1), 1)
+        self.assertEqual((5 and (6 if 1 else 1)), 6)
+        self.assertEqual((0 or _checkeval("check 3", 2) if 0 else 3), 3)
+        self.assertEqual((1 or _checkeval("check 4", 2) if 1 else _checkeval("check 5", 3)), 1)
+        self.assertEqual((0 or 5 if 1 else _checkeval("check 6", 3)), 5)
+        self.assertEqual((not 5 if 1 else 1), False)
+        self.assertEqual((not 5 if 0 else 1), 1)
+        self.assertEqual((6 + 1 if 1 else 2), 7)
+        self.assertEqual((6 - 1 if 1 else 2), 5)
+        self.assertEqual((6 * 2 if 1 else 4), 12)
+        self.assertEqual((6 / 2 if 1 else 3), 3)
+        self.assertEqual((6 < 4 if 0 else 2), 2)
+def test_main():
+    run_unittest(TokenTests, GrammarTests)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test_main()
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/tests/data/ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/data/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfc77fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,863 @@
+# Python test set -- part 1, grammar.
+# This just tests whether the parser accepts them all.
+# NOTE: When you run this test as a script from the command line, you
+# get warnings about certain hex/oct constants.  Since those are
+# issued by the parser, you can't suppress them by adding a
+# filterwarnings() call to this module.  Therefore, to shut up the
+# regression test, the filterwarnings() call has been added to
+from test.test_support import run_unittest, check_syntax_error
+import unittest
+import sys
+# testing import *
+from sys import *
+class TokenTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    def testBackslash(self):
+        # Backslash means line continuation:
+        x = 1 \
+        + 1
+        self.assertEquals(x, 2, 'backslash for line continuation')
+        # Backslash does not means continuation in comments :\
+        x = 0
+        self.assertEquals(x, 0, 'backslash ending comment')
+    def testPlainIntegers(self):
+        self.assertEquals(type(000), type(0))
+        self.assertEquals(0xff, 255)
+        self.assertEquals(0o377, 255)
+        self.assertEquals(2147483647, 0o17777777777)
+        self.assertEquals(0b1001, 9)
+        from sys import maxint
+        if maxint == 2147483647:
+            self.assertEquals(-2147483647-1, -0o20000000000)
+            # XXX -2147483648
+            self.assert_(0o37777777777 > 0)
+            self.assert_(0xffffffff > 0)
+            self.assert_(0b1111111111111111111111111111111 > 0)
+            for s in ('2147483648', '0o40000000000', '0x100000000',
+                      '0b10000000000000000000000000000000'):
+                try:
+                    x = eval(s)
+                except OverflowError:
+          "OverflowError on huge integer literal %r" % s)
+        elif maxint == 9223372036854775807:
+            self.assertEquals(-9223372036854775807-1, -0o1000000000000000000000)
+            self.assert_(0o1777777777777777777777 > 0)
+            self.assert_(0xffffffffffffffff > 0)
+            self.assert_(0b11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 > 0)
+            for s in '9223372036854775808', '0o2000000000000000000000', \
+                     '0x10000000000000000', \
+                     '0b100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000':
+                try:
+                    x = eval(s)
+                except OverflowError:
+          "OverflowError on huge integer literal %r" % s)
+        else:
+  'Weird maxint value %r' % maxint)
+    def testLongIntegers(self):
+        x = 0
+        x = 0xffffffffffffffff
+        x = 0Xffffffffffffffff
+        x = 0o77777777777777777
+        x = 0O77777777777777777
+        x = 123456789012345678901234567890
+        x = 0b100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+        x = 0B111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
+    def testFloats(self):
+        x = 3.14
+        x = 314.
+        x = 0.314
+        # XXX x = 000.314
+        x = .314
+        x = 3e14
+        x = 3E14
+        x = 3e-14
+        x = 3e+14
+        x = 3.e14
+        x = .3e14
+        x = 3.1e4
+    def testStringLiterals(self):
+        x = ''; y = ""; self.assert_(len(x) == 0 and x == y)
+        x = '\''; y = "'"; self.assert_(len(x) == 1 and x == y and ord(x) == 39)
+        x = '"'; y = "\""; self.assert_(len(x) == 1 and x == y and ord(x) == 34)
+        x = "doesn't \"shrink\" does it"
+        y = 'doesn\'t "shrink" does it'
+        self.assert_(len(x) == 24 and x == y)
+        x = "does \"shrink\" doesn't it"
+        y = 'does "shrink" doesn\'t it'
+        self.assert_(len(x) == 24 and x == y)
+        x = """
+The "quick"
+brown fox
+jumps over
+the 'lazy' dog.
+        y = '\nThe "quick"\nbrown fox\njumps over\nthe \'lazy\' dog.\n'
+        self.assertEquals(x, y)
+        y = '''
+The "quick"
+brown fox
+jumps over
+the 'lazy' dog.
+        self.assertEquals(x, y)
+        y = "\n\
+The \"quick\"\n\
+brown fox\n\
+jumps over\n\
+the 'lazy' dog.\n\
+        self.assertEquals(x, y)
+        y = '\n\
+The \"quick\"\n\
+brown fox\n\
+jumps over\n\
+the \'lazy\' dog.\n\
+        self.assertEquals(x, y)
+    def testEllipsis(self):
+        x = ...
+        self.assert_(x is Ellipsis)
+        self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, ".. .")
+class GrammarTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    # single_input: NEWLINE | simple_stmt | compound_stmt NEWLINE
+    # XXX can't test in a script -- this rule is only used when interactive
+    # file_input: (NEWLINE | stmt)* ENDMARKER
+    # Being tested as this very moment this very module
+    # expr_input: testlist NEWLINE
+    # XXX Hard to test -- used only in calls to input()
+    def testEvalInput(self):
+        # testlist ENDMARKER
+        x = eval('1, 0 or 1')
+    def testFuncdef(self):
+        ### [decorators] 'def' NAME parameters ['->' test] ':' suite
+        ### decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] NEWLINE
+        ### decorators: decorator+
+        ### parameters: '(' [typedargslist] ')'
+        ### typedargslist: ((tfpdef ['=' test] ',')*
+        ###                ('*' [tfpdef] (',' tfpdef ['=' test])* [',' '**' tfpdef] | '**' tfpdef)
+        ###                | tfpdef ['=' test] (',' tfpdef ['=' test])* [','])
+        ### tfpdef: NAME [':' test]
+        ### varargslist: ((vfpdef ['=' test] ',')*
+        ###              ('*' [vfpdef] (',' vfpdef ['=' test])*  [',' '**' vfpdef] | '**' vfpdef)
+        ###              | vfpdef ['=' test] (',' vfpdef ['=' test])* [','])
+        ### vfpdef: NAME
+        def f1(): pass
+        f1()
+        f1(*())
+        f1(*(), **{})
+        def f2(one_argument): pass
+        def f3(two, arguments): pass
+        self.assertEquals(f2.__code__.co_varnames, ('one_argument',))
+        self.assertEquals(f3.__code__.co_varnames, ('two', 'arguments'))
+        def a1(one_arg,): pass
+        def a2(two, args,): pass
+        def v0(*rest): pass
+        def v1(a, *rest): pass
+        def v2(a, b, *rest): pass
+        f1()
+        f2(1)
+        f2(1,)
+        f3(1, 2)
+        f3(1, 2,)
+        v0()
+        v0(1)
+        v0(1,)
+        v0(1,2)
+        v0(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
+        v1(1)
+        v1(1,)
+        v1(1,2)
+        v1(1,2,3)
+        v1(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
+        v2(1,2)
+        v2(1,2,3)
+        v2(1,2,3,4)
+        v2(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
+        def d01(a=1): pass
+        d01()
+        d01(1)
+        d01(*(1,))
+        d01(**{'a':2})
+        def d11(a, b=1): pass
+        d11(1)
+        d11(1, 2)
+        d11(1, **{'b':2})
+        def d21(a, b, c=1): pass
+        d21(1, 2)
+        d21(1, 2, 3)
+        d21(*(1, 2, 3))
+        d21(1, *(2, 3))
+        d21(1, 2, *(3,))
+        d21(1, 2, **{'c':3})
+        def d02(a=1, b=2): pass
+        d02()
+        d02(1)
+        d02(1, 2)
+        d02(*(1, 2))
+        d02(1, *(2,))
+        d02(1, **{'b':2})
+        d02(**{'a': 1, 'b': 2})
+        def d12(a, b=1, c=2): pass
+        d12(1)
+        d12(1, 2)
+        d12(1, 2, 3)
+        def d22(a, b, c=1, d=2): pass
+        d22(1, 2)
+        d22(1, 2, 3)
+        d22(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        def d01v(a=1, *rest): pass
+        d01v()
+        d01v(1)
+        d01v(1, 2)
+        d01v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
+        d01v(*(1,))
+        d01v(**{'a':2})
+        def d11v(a, b=1, *rest): pass
+        d11v(1)
+        d11v(1, 2)
+        d11v(1, 2, 3)
+        def d21v(a, b, c=1, *rest): pass
+        d21v(1, 2)
+        d21v(1, 2, 3)
+        d21v(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        d21v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
+        d21v(1, 2, **{'c': 3})
+        def d02v(a=1, b=2, *rest): pass
+        d02v()
+        d02v(1)
+        d02v(1, 2)
+        d02v(1, 2, 3)
+        d02v(1, *(2, 3, 4))
+        d02v(**{'a': 1, 'b': 2})
+        def d12v(a, b=1, c=2, *rest): pass
+        d12v(1)
+        d12v(1, 2)
+        d12v(1, 2, 3)
+        d12v(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        d12v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
+        d12v(1, 2, *(3, 4, 5))
+        d12v(1, *(2,), **{'c': 3})
+        def d22v(a, b, c=1, d=2, *rest): pass
+        d22v(1, 2)
+        d22v(1, 2, 3)
+        d22v(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        d22v(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
+        d22v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
+        d22v(1, 2, *(3, 4, 5))
+        d22v(1, *(2, 3), **{'d': 4})
+        # keyword only argument tests
+        def pos0key1(*, key): return key
+        pos0key1(key=100)
+        def pos2key2(p1, p2, *, k1, k2=100): return p1,p2,k1,k2
+        pos2key2(1, 2, k1=100)
+        pos2key2(1, 2, k1=100, k2=200)
+        pos2key2(1, 2, k2=100, k1=200)
+        def pos2key2dict(p1, p2, *, k1=100, k2, **kwarg): return p1,p2,k1,k2,kwarg
+        pos2key2dict(1,2,k2=100,tokwarg1=100,tokwarg2=200)
+        pos2key2dict(1,2,tokwarg1=100,tokwarg2=200, k2=100)
+        # argument annotation tests
+        def f(x) -> list: pass
+        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__, {'return': list})
+        def f(x:int): pass
+        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__, {'x': int})
+        def f(*x:str): pass
+        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__, {'x': str})
+        def f(**x:float): pass
+        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__, {'x': float})
+        def f(x, y:1+2): pass
+        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__, {'y': 3})
+        def f(a, b:1, c:2, d): pass
+        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__, {'b': 1, 'c': 2})
+        def f(a, b:1, c:2, d, e:3=4, f=5, *g:6): pass
+        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__,
+                          {'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'e': 3, 'g': 6})
+        def f(a, b:1, c:2, d, e:3=4, f=5, *g:6, h:7, i=8, j:9=10,
+              **k:11) -> 12: pass
+        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__,
+                          {'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'e': 3, 'g': 6, 'h': 7, 'j': 9,
+                           'k': 11, 'return': 12})
+        # Check for SF Bug #1697248 - mixing decorators and a return annotation
+        def null(x): return x
+        @null
+        def f(x) -> list: pass
+        self.assertEquals(f.__annotations__, {'return': list})
+        # test MAKE_CLOSURE with a variety of oparg's
+        closure = 1
+        def f(): return closure
+        def f(x=1): return closure
+        def f(*, k=1): return closure
+        def f() -> int: return closure
+    def testLambdef(self):
+        ### lambdef: 'lambda' [varargslist] ':' test
+        l1 = lambda : 0
+        self.assertEquals(l1(), 0)
+        l2 = lambda : a[d] # XXX just testing the expression
+        l3 = lambda : [2 < x for x in [-1, 3, 0]]
+        self.assertEquals(l3(), [0, 1, 0])
+        l4 = lambda x = lambda y = lambda z=1 : z : y() : x()
+        self.assertEquals(l4(), 1)
+        l5 = lambda x, y, z=2: x + y + z
+        self.assertEquals(l5(1, 2), 5)
+        self.assertEquals(l5(1, 2, 3), 6)
+        check_syntax_error(self, "lambda x: x = 2")
+        l6 = lambda x, y, *, k=20: x+y+k
+        self.assertEquals(l6(1,2), 1+2+20)
+        self.assertEquals(l6(1,2,k=10), 1+2+10)
+    ### stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt
+    # Tested below
+    def testSimpleStmt(self):
+        ### simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';']
+        x = 1; pass; del x
+        def foo():
+            # verify statments that end with semi-colons
+            x = 1; pass; del x;
+        foo()
+    ### small_stmt: expr_stmt | pass_stmt | del_stmt | flow_stmt | import_stmt | global_stmt | access_stmt
+    # Tested below
+    def testExprStmt(self):
+        # (exprlist '=')* exprlist
+        1
+        1, 2, 3
+        x = 1
+        x = 1, 2, 3
+        x = y = z = 1, 2, 3
+        x, y, z = 1, 2, 3
+        abc = a, b, c = x, y, z = xyz = 1, 2, (3, 4)
+        check_syntax_error(self, "x + 1 = 1")
+        check_syntax_error(self, "a + 1 = b + 2")
+    def testDelStmt(self):
+        # 'del' exprlist
+        abc = [1,2,3]
+        x, y, z = abc
+        xyz = x, y, z
+        del abc
+        del x, y, (z, xyz)
+    def testPassStmt(self):
+        # 'pass'
+        pass
+    # flow_stmt: break_stmt | continue_stmt | return_stmt | raise_stmt
+    # Tested below
+    def testBreakStmt(self):
+        # 'break'
+        while 1: break
+    def testContinueStmt(self):
+        # 'continue'
+        i = 1
+        while i: i = 0; continue
+        msg = ""
+        while not msg:
+            msg = "ok"
+            try:
+                continue
+                msg = "continue failed to continue inside try"
+            except:
+                msg = "continue inside try called except block"
+        if msg != "ok":
+        msg = ""
+        while not msg:
+            msg = "finally block not called"
+            try:
+                continue
+            finally:
+                msg = "ok"
+        if msg != "ok":
+    def test_break_continue_loop(self):
+        # This test warrants an explanation. It is a test specifically for SF bugs
+        # #463359 and #462937. The bug is that a 'break' statement executed or
+        # exception raised inside a try/except inside a loop, *after* a continue
+        # statement has been executed in that loop, will cause the wrong number of
+        # arguments to be popped off the stack and the instruction pointer reset to
+        # a very small number (usually 0.) Because of this, the following test
+        # *must* written as a function, and the tracking vars *must* be function
+        # arguments with default values. Otherwise, the test will loop and loop.
+        def test_inner(extra_burning_oil = 1, count=0):
+            big_hippo = 2
+            while big_hippo:
+                count += 1
+                try:
+                    if extra_burning_oil and big_hippo == 1:
+                        extra_burning_oil -= 1
+                        break
+                    big_hippo -= 1
+                    continue
+                except:
+                    raise
+            if count > 2 or big_hippo != 1:
+      "continue then break in try/except in loop broken!")
+        test_inner()
+    def testReturn(self):
+        # 'return' [testlist]
+        def g1(): return
+        def g2(): return 1
+        g1()
+        x = g2()
+        check_syntax_error(self, "class foo:return 1")
+    def testYield(self):
+        check_syntax_error(self, "class foo:yield 1")
+    def testRaise(self):
+        # 'raise' test [',' test]
+        try: raise RuntimeError, 'just testing'
+        except RuntimeError: pass
+        try: raise KeyboardInterrupt
+        except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
+    def testImport(self):
+        # 'import' dotted_as_names
+        import sys
+        import time, sys
+        # 'from' dotted_name 'import' ('*' | '(' import_as_names ')' | import_as_names)
+        from time import time
+        from time import (time)
+        # not testable inside a function, but already done at top of the module
+        # from sys import *
+        from sys import path, argv
+        from sys import (path, argv)
+        from sys import (path, argv,)
+    def testGlobal(self):
+        # 'global' NAME (',' NAME)*
+        global a
+        global a, b
+        global one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
+    def testAssert(self):
+        # assert_stmt: 'assert' test [',' test]
+        assert 1
+        assert 1, 1
+        assert lambda x:x
+        assert 1, lambda x:x+1
+        try:
+            assert 0, "msg"
+        except AssertionError as e:
+            self.assertEquals(e.args[0], "msg")
+        else:
+            if __debug__:
+      "AssertionError not raised by assert 0")
+    ### compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | funcdef | classdef
+    # Tested below
+    def testIf(self):
+        # 'if' test ':' suite ('elif' test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite]
+        if 1: pass
+        if 1: pass
+        else: pass
+        if 0: pass
+        elif 0: pass
+        if 0: pass
+        elif 0: pass
+        elif 0: pass
+        elif 0: pass
+        else: pass
+    def testWhile(self):
+        # 'while' test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
+        while 0: pass
+        while 0: pass
+        else: pass
+    def testFor(self):
+        # 'for' exprlist 'in' exprlist ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
+        for i in 1, 2, 3: pass
+        for i, j, k in (): pass
+        else: pass
+        class Squares:
+            def __init__(self, max):
+                self.max = max
+                self.sofar = []
+            def __len__(self): return len(self.sofar)
+            def __getitem__(self, i):
+                if not 0 <= i < self.max: raise IndexError
+                n = len(self.sofar)
+                while n <= i:
+                    self.sofar.append(n*n)
+                    n = n+1
+                return self.sofar[i]
+        n = 0
+        for x in Squares(10): n = n+x
+        if n != 285:
+  'for over growing sequence')
+        result = []
+        for x, in [(1,), (2,), (3,)]:
+            result.append(x)
+        self.assertEqual(result, [1, 2, 3])
+    def testTry(self):
+        ### try_stmt: 'try' ':' suite (except_clause ':' suite)+ ['else' ':' suite]
+        ###         | 'try' ':' suite 'finally' ':' suite
+        ### except_clause: 'except' [expr ['as' expr]]
+        try:
+            1/0
+        except ZeroDivisionError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            pass
+        try: 1/0
+        except EOFError: pass
+        except TypeError as msg: pass
+        except RuntimeError as msg: pass
+        except: pass
+        else: pass
+        try: 1/0
+        except (EOFError, TypeError, ZeroDivisionError): pass
+        try: 1/0
+        except (EOFError, TypeError, ZeroDivisionError) as msg: pass
+        try: pass
+        finally: pass
+    def testSuite(self):
+        # simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT NEWLINE* (stmt NEWLINE*)+ DEDENT
+        if 1: pass
+        if 1:
+            pass
+        if 1:
+            #
+            #
+            #
+            pass
+            pass
+            #
+            pass
+            #
+    def testTest(self):
+        ### and_test ('or' and_test)*
+        ### and_test: not_test ('and' not_test)*
+        ### not_test: 'not' not_test | comparison
+        if not 1: pass
+        if 1 and 1: pass
+        if 1 or 1: pass
+        if not not not 1: pass
+        if not 1 and 1 and 1: pass
+        if 1 and 1 or 1 and 1 and 1 or not 1 and 1: pass
+    def testComparison(self):
+        ### comparison: expr (comp_op expr)*
+        ### comp_op: '<'|'>'|'=='|'>='|'<='|'!='|'in'|'not' 'in'|'is'|'is' 'not'
+        if 1: pass
+        x = (1 == 1)
+        if 1 == 1: pass
+        if 1 != 1: pass
+        if 1 < 1: pass
+        if 1 > 1: pass
+        if 1 <= 1: pass
+        if 1 >= 1: pass
+        if 1 is 1: pass
+        if 1 is not 1: pass
+        if 1 in (): pass
+        if 1 not in (): pass
+        if 1 < 1 > 1 == 1 >= 1 <= 1 != 1 in 1 not in 1 is 1 is not 1: pass
+    def testBinaryMaskOps(self):
+        x = 1 & 1
+        x = 1 ^ 1
+        x = 1 | 1
+    def testShiftOps(self):
+        x = 1 << 1
+        x = 1 >> 1
+        x = 1 << 1 >> 1
+    def testAdditiveOps(self):
+        x = 1
+        x = 1 + 1
+        x = 1 - 1 - 1
+        x = 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1
+    def testMultiplicativeOps(self):
+        x = 1 * 1
+        x = 1 / 1
+        x = 1 % 1
+        x = 1 / 1 * 1 % 1
+    def testUnaryOps(self):
+        x = +1
+        x = -1
+        x = ~1
+        x = ~1 ^ 1 & 1 | 1 & 1 ^ -1
+        x = -1*1/1 + 1*1 - ---1*1
+    def testSelectors(self):
+        ### trailer: '(' [testlist] ')' | '[' subscript ']' | '.' NAME
+        ### subscript: expr | [expr] ':' [expr]
+        import sys, time
+        c = sys.path[0]
+        x = time.time()
+        x = sys.modules['time'].time()
+        a = '01234'
+        c = a[0]
+        c = a[-1]
+        s = a[0:5]
+        s = a[:5]
+        s = a[0:]
+        s = a[:]
+        s = a[-5:]
+        s = a[:-1]
+        s = a[-4:-3]
+        # A rough test of SF bug 1333982.
+        # The testing here is fairly incomplete.
+        # Test cases should include: commas with 1 and 2 colons
+        d = {}
+        d[1] = 1
+        d[1,] = 2
+        d[1,2] = 3
+        d[1,2,3] = 4
+        L = list(d)
+        L.sort(key=lambda x: x if isinstance(x, tuple) else ())
+        self.assertEquals(str(L), '[1, (1,), (1, 2), (1, 2, 3)]')
+    def testAtoms(self):
+        ### atom: '(' [testlist] ')' | '[' [testlist] ']' | '{' [dictsetmaker] '}' | NAME | NUMBER | STRING
+        ### dictsetmaker: (test ':' test (',' test ':' test)* [',']) | (test (',' test)* [','])
+        x = (1)
+        x = (1 or 2 or 3)
+        x = (1 or 2 or 3, 2, 3)
+        x = []
+        x = [1]
+        x = [1 or 2 or 3]
+        x = [1 or 2 or 3, 2, 3]
+        x = []
+        x = {}
+        x = {'one': 1}
+        x = {'one': 1,}
+        x = {'one' or 'two': 1 or 2}
+        x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}
+        x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2,}
+        x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, 'four': 4, 'five': 5, 'six': 6}
+        x = {'one'}
+        x = {'one', 1,}
+        x = {'one', 'two', 'three'}
+        x = {2, 3, 4,}
+        x = x
+        x = 'x'
+        x = 123
+    ### exprlist: expr (',' expr)* [',']
+    ### testlist: test (',' test)* [',']
+    # These have been exercised enough above
+    def testClassdef(self):
+        # 'class' NAME ['(' [testlist] ')'] ':' suite
+        class B: pass
+        class B2(): pass
+        class C1(B): pass
+        class C2(B): pass
+        class D(C1, C2, B): pass
+        class C:
+            def meth1(self): pass
+            def meth2(self, arg): pass
+            def meth3(self, a1, a2): pass
+        # decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] NEWLINE
+        # decorators: decorator+
+        # decorated: decorators (classdef | funcdef)
+        def class_decorator(x): return x
+        @class_decorator
+        class G: pass
+    def testDictcomps(self):
+        # dictorsetmaker: ( (test ':' test (comp_for |
+        #                                   (',' test ':' test)* [','])) |
+        #                   (test (comp_for | (',' test)* [','])) )
+        nums = [1, 2, 3]
+        self.assertEqual({i:i+1 for i in nums}, {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4})
+    def testListcomps(self):
+        # list comprehension tests
+        nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+        strs = ["Apple", "Banana", "Coconut"]
+        spcs = ["  Apple", " Banana ", "Coco  nut  "]
+        self.assertEqual([s.strip() for s in spcs], ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Coco  nut'])
+        self.assertEqual([3 * x for x in nums], [3, 6, 9, 12, 15])
+        self.assertEqual([x for x in nums if x > 2], [3, 4, 5])
+        self.assertEqual([(i, s) for i in nums for s in strs],
+                         [(1, 'Apple'), (1, 'Banana'), (1, 'Coconut'),
+                          (2, 'Apple'), (2, 'Banana'), (2, 'Coconut'),
+                          (3, 'Apple'), (3, 'Banana'), (3, 'Coconut'),
+                          (4, 'Apple'), (4, 'Banana'), (4, 'Coconut'),
+                          (5, 'Apple'), (5, 'Banana'), (5, 'Coconut')])
+        self.assertEqual([(i, s) for i in nums for s in [f for f in strs if "n" in f]],
+                         [(1, 'Banana'), (1, 'Coconut'), (2, 'Banana'), (2, 'Coconut'),
+                          (3, 'Banana'), (3, 'Coconut'), (4, 'Banana'), (4, 'Coconut'),
+                          (5, 'Banana'), (5, 'Coconut')])
+        self.assertEqual([(lambda a:[a**i for i in range(a+1)])(j) for j in range(5)],
+                         [[1], [1, 1], [1, 2, 4], [1, 3, 9, 27], [1, 4, 16, 64, 256]])
+        def test_in_func(l):
+            return [0 < x < 3 for x in l if x > 2]
+        self.assertEqual(test_in_func(nums), [False, False, False])
+        def test_nested_front():
+            self.assertEqual([[y for y in [x, x + 1]] for x in [1,3,5]],
+                             [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
+        test_nested_front()
+        check_syntax_error(self, "[i, s for i in nums for s in strs]")
+        check_syntax_error(self, "[x if y]")
+        suppliers = [
+          (1, "Boeing"),
+          (2, "Ford"),
+          (3, "Macdonalds")
+        ]
+        parts = [
+          (10, "Airliner"),
+          (20, "Engine"),
+          (30, "Cheeseburger")
+        ]
+        suppart = [
+          (1, 10), (1, 20), (2, 20), (3, 30)
+        ]
+        x = [
+          (sname, pname)
+            for (sno, sname) in suppliers
+              for (pno, pname) in parts
+                for (sp_sno, sp_pno) in suppart
+                  if sno == sp_sno and pno == sp_pno
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(x, [('Boeing', 'Airliner'), ('Boeing', 'Engine'), ('Ford', 'Engine'),
+                             ('Macdonalds', 'Cheeseburger')])
+    def testGenexps(self):
+        # generator expression tests
+        g = ([x for x in range(10)] for x in range(1))
+        self.assertEqual(next(g), [x for x in range(10)])
+        try:
+            next(g)
+  'should produce StopIteration exception')
+        except StopIteration:
+            pass
+        a = 1
+        try:
+            g = (a for d in a)
+            next(g)
+  'should produce TypeError')
+        except TypeError:
+            pass
+        self.assertEqual(list((x, y) for x in 'abcd' for y in 'abcd'), [(x, y) for x in 'abcd' for y in 'abcd'])
+        self.assertEqual(list((x, y) for x in 'ab' for y in 'xy'), [(x, y) for x in 'ab' for y in 'xy'])
+        a = [x for x in range(10)]
+        b = (x for x in (y for y in a))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(b), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(x**2 for x in range(10)), sum([x**2 for x in range(10)]))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(x*x for x in range(10) if x%2), sum([x*x for x in range(10) if x%2]))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in range(10))), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in (z for z in range(10)))), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in [y for y in (z for z in range(10))]), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in (z for z in range(10) if True)) if True), sum([x for x in range(10)]))
+        self.assertEqual(sum(x for x in (y for y in (z for z in range(10) if True) if False) if True), 0)
+        check_syntax_error(self, "foo(x for x in range(10), 100)")
+        check_syntax_error(self, "foo(100, x for x in range(10))")
+    def testComprehensionSpecials(self):
+        # test for outmost iterable precomputation
+        x = 10; g = (i for i in range(x)); x = 5
+        self.assertEqual(len(list(g)), 10)
+        # This should hold, since we're only precomputing outmost iterable.
+        x = 10; t = False; g = ((i,j) for i in range(x) if t for j in range(x))
+        x = 5; t = True;
+        self.assertEqual([(i,j) for i in range(10) for j in range(5)], list(g))
+        # Grammar allows multiple adjacent 'if's in listcomps and genexps,
+        # even though it's silly. Make sure it works (ifelse broke this.)
+        self.assertEqual([ x for x in range(10) if x % 2 if x % 3 ], [1, 5, 7])
+        self.assertEqual(list(x for x in range(10) if x % 2 if x % 3), [1, 5, 7])
+        # verify unpacking single element tuples in listcomp/genexp.
+        self.assertEqual([x for x, in [(4,), (5,), (6,)]], [4, 5, 6])
+        self.assertEqual(list(x for x, in [(7,), (8,), (9,)]), [7, 8, 9])
+    def testIfElseExpr(self):
+        # Test ifelse expressions in various cases
+        def _checkeval(msg, ret):
+            "helper to check that evaluation of expressions is done correctly"
+            print(x)
+            return ret
+        # the next line is not allowed anymore
+        #self.assertEqual([ x() for x in lambda: True, lambda: False if x() ], [True])
+        self.assertEqual([ x() for x in (lambda: True, lambda: False) if x() ], [True])
+        self.assertEqual([ x(False) for x in (lambda x: False if x else True, lambda x: True if x else False) if x(False) ], [True])
+        self.assertEqual((5 if 1 else _checkeval("check 1", 0)), 5)
+        self.assertEqual((_checkeval("check 2", 0) if 0 else 5), 5)
+        self.assertEqual((5 and 6 if 0 else 1), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(((5 and 6) if 0 else 1), 1)
+        self.assertEqual((5 and (6 if 1 else 1)), 6)
+        self.assertEqual((0 or _checkeval("check 3", 2) if 0 else 3), 3)
+        self.assertEqual((1 or _checkeval("check 4", 2) if 1 else _checkeval("check 5", 3)), 1)
+        self.assertEqual((0 or 5 if 1 else _checkeval("check 6", 3)), 5)
+        self.assertEqual((not 5 if 1 else 1), False)
+        self.assertEqual((not 5 if 0 else 1), 1)
+        self.assertEqual((6 + 1 if 1 else 2), 7)
+        self.assertEqual((6 - 1 if 1 else 2), 5)
+        self.assertEqual((6 * 2 if 1 else 4), 12)
+        self.assertEqual((6 / 2 if 1 else 3), 3)
+        self.assertEqual((6 < 4 if 0 else 2), 2)
+def test_main():
+    run_unittest(TokenTests, GrammarTests)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test_main()
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/tests/ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d83f5cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Main program for testing the infrastructure."""
+__author__ = "Guido van Rossum <>"
+# Support imports (need to be imported first)
+import support
+# Python imports
+import os
+import sys
+import logging
+# Local imports
+from .. import pytree
+import pgen2
+from pgen2 import driver
+def main():
+    gr = driver.load_grammar("Grammar.txt")
+    dr = driver.Driver(gr, convert=pytree.convert)
+    fn = ""
+    tree = dr.parse_file(fn, debug=True)
+    if not diff(fn, tree):
+        print "No diffs."
+    if not sys.argv[1:]:
+        return # Pass a dummy argument to run the complete test suite below
+    problems = []
+    # Process every imported module
+    for name in sys.modules:
+        mod = sys.modules[name]
+        if mod is None or not hasattr(mod, "__file__"):
+            continue
+        fn = mod.__file__
+        if fn.endswith(".pyc"):
+            fn = fn[:-1]
+        if not fn.endswith(".py"):
+            continue
+        print >>sys.stderr, "Parsing", fn
+        tree = dr.parse_file(fn, debug=True)
+        if diff(fn, tree):
+            problems.append(fn)
+    # Process every single module on sys.path (but not in packages)
+    for dir in sys.path:
+        try:
+            names = os.listdir(dir)
+        except os.error:
+            continue
+        print >>sys.stderr, "Scanning", dir, "..."
+        for name in names:
+            if not name.endswith(".py"):
+                continue
+            print >>sys.stderr, "Parsing", name
+            fn = os.path.join(dir, name)
+            try:
+                tree = dr.parse_file(fn, debug=True)
+            except pgen2.parse.ParseError, err:
+                print "ParseError:", err
+            else:
+                if diff(fn, tree):
+                    problems.append(fn)
+    # Show summary of problem files
+    if not problems:
+        print "No problems.  Congratulations!"
+    else:
+        print "Problems in following files:"
+        for fn in problems:
+            print "***", fn
+def diff(fn, tree):
+    f = open("@", "w")
+    try:
+        f.write(str(tree))
+    finally:
+        f.close()
+    try:
+        return os.system("diff -u %s @" % fn)
+    finally:
+        os.remove("@")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/tests/ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7789033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+"""Support code for test_*.py files"""
+# Author: Collin Winter
+# Python imports
+import unittest
+import sys
+import os
+import os.path
+import re
+from textwrap import dedent
+#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
+# Local imports
+from .. import pytree
+from ..pgen2 import driver
+test_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+proj_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(test_dir, ".."))
+grammar_path = os.path.join(test_dir, "..", "Grammar.txt")
+grammar = driver.load_grammar(grammar_path)
+driver = driver.Driver(grammar, convert=pytree.convert)
+def parse_string(string):
+    return driver.parse_string(reformat(string), debug=True)
+# Python 2.3's TestSuite is not iter()-able
+if sys.version_info < (2, 4):
+    def TestSuite_iter(self):
+        return iter(self._tests)
+    unittest.TestSuite.__iter__ = TestSuite_iter
+def run_all_tests(test_mod=None, tests=None):
+    if tests is None:
+        tests = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(test_mod)
+    unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(tests)
+def reformat(string):
+    return dedent(string) + "\n\n"
+def all_project_files():
+    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(proj_dir):
+        for filename in filenames:
+            if filename.endswith(".py"):
+                yield os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
+TestCase = unittest.TestCase
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/tests/ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8df320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+"""Tests that run all fixer modules over an input stream.
+This has been broken out into its own test module because of its
+running time.
+# Author: Collin Winter
+# Testing imports
+    from . import support
+except ImportError:
+    import support
+# Python imports
+import unittest
+# Local imports
+from .. import pytree
+from .. import refactor
+class Options:
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        for k, v in kwargs.items():
+            setattr(self, k, v)
+        self.verbose = False
+class Test_all(support.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        options = Options(fix=["all", "idioms", "ws_comma"],
+                          print_function=False)
+        self.refactor = refactor.RefactoringTool(options)
+    def test_all_project_files(self):
+        for filepath in support.all_project_files():
+            print "Fixing %s..." % filepath
+            self.refactor.refactor_string(open(filepath).read(), filepath)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import __main__
+    support.run_all_tests(__main__)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/tests/ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..96c3f59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,2918 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+""" Test suite for the fixer modules """
+# Author: Collin Winter
+# Testing imports
+    from tests import support
+except ImportError:
+    import support
+# Python imports
+import unittest
+# Local imports
+from .. import pygram
+from .. import pytree
+from .. import refactor
+class Options:
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        for k, v in kwargs.items():
+            setattr(self, k, v)
+        self.verbose = False
+class FixerTestCase(support.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        options = Options(fix=[self.fixer], print_function=False)
+        self.refactor = refactor.RefactoringTool(options)
+        self.fixer_log = []
+        for order in (self.refactor.pre_order, self.refactor.post_order):
+            for fixer in order:
+                fixer.log = self.fixer_log
+    def _check(self, before, after):
+        before = support.reformat(before)
+        after = support.reformat(after)
+        tree = self.refactor.refactor_string(before, "<string>")
+        self.failUnlessEqual(after, str(tree))
+        return tree
+    def check(self, before, after, ignore_warnings=False):
+        tree = self._check(before, after)
+        self.failUnless(tree.was_changed)
+        if not ignore_warnings:
+            self.failUnlessEqual(self.fixer_log, [])
+    def warns(self, before, after, message, unchanged=False):
+        tree = self._check(before, after)
+        self.failUnless(message in "".join(self.fixer_log))
+        if not unchanged:
+            self.failUnless(tree.was_changed)
+    def warns_unchanged(self, before, message):
+        self.warns(before, before, message, unchanged=True)
+    def unchanged(self, before, ignore_warnings=False):
+        self._check(before, before)
+        if not ignore_warnings:
+            self.failUnlessEqual(self.fixer_log, [])
+class Test_ne(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "ne"
+    def test_basic(self):
+        b = """if x <> y:
+            pass"""
+        a = """if x != y:
+            pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_no_spaces(self):
+        b = """if x<>y:
+            pass"""
+        a = """if x!=y:
+            pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_chained(self):
+        b = """if x<>y<>z:
+            pass"""
+        a = """if x!=y!=z:
+            pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_has_key(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "has_key"
+    def test_1(self):
+        b = """x = d.has_key("x") or d.has_key("y")"""
+        a = """x = "x" in d or "y" in d"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_2(self):
+        b = """x = a.b.c.d.has_key("x") ** 3"""
+        a = """x = ("x" in a.b.c.d) ** 3"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_3(self):
+        b = """x = a.b.has_key(1 + 2).__repr__()"""
+        a = """x = (1 + 2 in a.b).__repr__()"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_4(self):
+        b = """x = a.b.has_key(1 + 2).__repr__() ** -3 ** 4"""
+        a = """x = (1 + 2 in a.b).__repr__() ** -3 ** 4"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_5(self):
+        b = """x = a.has_key(f or g)"""
+        a = """x = (f or g) in a"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_6(self):
+        b = """x = a + b.has_key(c)"""
+        a = """x = a + (c in b)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_7(self):
+        b = """x = a.has_key(lambda: 12)"""
+        a = """x = (lambda: 12) in a"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_8(self):
+        b = """x = a.has_key(a for a in b)"""
+        a = """x = (a for a in b) in a"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_9(self):
+        b = """if not a.has_key(b): pass"""
+        a = """if b not in a: pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_10(self):
+        b = """if not a.has_key(b).__repr__(): pass"""
+        a = """if not (b in a).__repr__(): pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_11(self):
+        b = """if not a.has_key(b) ** 2: pass"""
+        a = """if not (b in a) ** 2: pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_apply(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "apply"
+    def test_1(self):
+        b = """x = apply(f, g + h)"""
+        a = """x = f(*g + h)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_2(self):
+        b = """y = apply(f, g, h)"""
+        a = """y = f(*g, **h)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_3(self):
+        b = """z = apply(fs[0], g or h, h or g)"""
+        a = """z = fs[0](*g or h, **h or g)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_4(self):
+        b = """apply(f, (x, y) + t)"""
+        a = """f(*(x, y) + t)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_5(self):
+        b = """apply(f, args,)"""
+        a = """f(*args)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_6(self):
+        b = """apply(f, args, kwds,)"""
+        a = """f(*args, **kwds)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    # Test that complex functions are parenthesized
+    def test_complex_1(self):
+        b = """x = apply(f+g, args)"""
+        a = """x = (f+g)(*args)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_complex_2(self):
+        b = """x = apply(f*g, args)"""
+        a = """x = (f*g)(*args)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_complex_3(self):
+        b = """x = apply(f**g, args)"""
+        a = """x = (f**g)(*args)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    # But dotted names etc. not
+    def test_dotted_name(self):
+        b = """x = apply(f.g, args)"""
+        a = """x = f.g(*args)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_subscript(self):
+        b = """x = apply(f[x], args)"""
+        a = """x = f[x](*args)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_call(self):
+        b = """x = apply(f(), args)"""
+        a = """x = f()(*args)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    # Extreme case
+    def test_extreme(self):
+        b = """x = apply(a.b.c.d.e.f, args, kwds)"""
+        a = """x = a.b.c.d.e.f(*args, **kwds)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    # XXX Comments in weird places still get lost
+    def test_weird_comments(self):
+        b = """apply(   # foo
+          f, # bar
+          args)"""
+        a = """f(*args)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    # These should *not* be touched
+    def test_unchanged_1(self):
+        s = """apply()"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_2(self):
+        s = """apply(f)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_3(self):
+        s = """apply(f,)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_4(self):
+        s = """apply(f, args, kwds, extras)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_5(self):
+        s = """apply(f, *args, **kwds)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_6(self):
+        s = """apply(f, *args)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_7(self):
+        s = """apply(func=f, args=args, kwds=kwds)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_8(self):
+        s = """apply(f, args=args, kwds=kwds)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_9(self):
+        s = """apply(f, args, kwds=kwds)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_space_1(self):
+        a = """apply(  f,  args,   kwds)"""
+        b = """f(*args, **kwds)"""
+        self.check(a, b)
+    def test_space_2(self):
+        a = """apply(  f  ,args,kwds   )"""
+        b = """f(*args, **kwds)"""
+        self.check(a, b)
+class Test_intern(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "intern"
+    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
+        b = """x =   intern(  a  )"""
+        a = """x =   sys.intern(  a  )"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """y = intern("b" # test
+              )"""
+        a = """y = sys.intern("b" # test
+              )"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """z = intern(a+b+c.d,   )"""
+        a = """z = sys.intern(a+b+c.d,   )"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test(self):
+        b = """x = intern(a)"""
+        a = """x = sys.intern(a)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """z = intern(a+b+c.d,)"""
+        a = """z = sys.intern(a+b+c.d,)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """intern("y%s" % 5).replace("y", "")"""
+        a = """sys.intern("y%s" % 5).replace("y", "")"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    # These should not be refactored
+    def test_unchanged(self):
+        s = """intern(a=1)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+        s = """intern(f, g)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+        s = """intern(*h)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+        s = """intern(**i)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+        s = """intern()"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+class Test_print(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "print"
+    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
+        b = """print 1,   1+1,   1+1+1"""
+        a = """print(1,   1+1,   1+1+1)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_idempotency(self):
+        s = """print()"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+        s = """print('')"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_idempotency_print_as_function(self):
+        print_stmt = pygram.python_grammar.keywords.pop("print")
+        try:
+            s = """print(1, 1+1, 1+1+1)"""
+            self.unchanged(s)
+            s = """print()"""
+            self.unchanged(s)
+            s = """print('')"""
+            self.unchanged(s)
+        finally:
+            pygram.python_grammar.keywords["print"] = print_stmt
+    def test_1(self):
+        b = """print 1, 1+1, 1+1+1"""
+        a = """print(1, 1+1, 1+1+1)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_2(self):
+        b = """print 1, 2"""
+        a = """print(1, 2)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_3(self):
+        b = """print"""
+        a = """print()"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tuple(self):
+        b = """print (a, b, c)"""
+        a = """print((a, b, c))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    # trailing commas
+    def test_trailing_comma_1(self):
+        b = """print 1, 2, 3,"""
+        a = """print(1, 2, 3, end=' ')"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_trailing_comma_2(self):
+        b = """print 1, 2,"""
+        a = """print(1, 2, end=' ')"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_trailing_comma_3(self):
+        b = """print 1,"""
+        a = """print(1, end=' ')"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    # >> stuff
+    def test_vargs_without_trailing_comma(self):
+        b = """print >>sys.stderr, 1, 2, 3"""
+        a = """print(1, 2, 3, file=sys.stderr)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_with_trailing_comma(self):
+        b = """print >>sys.stderr, 1, 2,"""
+        a = """print(1, 2, end=' ', file=sys.stderr)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_no_trailing_comma(self):
+        b = """print >>sys.stderr, 1+1"""
+        a = """print(1+1, file=sys.stderr)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_spaces_before_file(self):
+        b = """print >>  sys.stderr"""
+        a = """print(file=sys.stderr)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_exec(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "exec"
+    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
+        b = """  exec code in ns1,   ns2"""
+        a = """  exec(code, ns1,   ns2)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_basic(self):
+        b = """exec code"""
+        a = """exec(code)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_with_globals(self):
+        b = """exec code in ns"""
+        a = """exec(code, ns)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_with_globals_locals(self):
+        b = """exec code in ns1, ns2"""
+        a = """exec(code, ns1, ns2)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_complex_1(self):
+        b = """exec (a.b()) in ns"""
+        a = """exec((a.b()), ns)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_complex_2(self):
+        b = """exec a.b() + c in ns"""
+        a = """exec(a.b() + c, ns)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    # These should not be touched
+    def test_unchanged_1(self):
+        s = """exec(code)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_2(self):
+        s = """exec (code)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_3(self):
+        s = """exec(code, ns)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_4(self):
+        s = """exec(code, ns1, ns2)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+class Test_repr(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "repr"
+    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
+        b = """x =   `1 + 2`"""
+        a = """x =   repr(1 + 2)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_simple_1(self):
+        b = """x = `1 + 2`"""
+        a = """x = repr(1 + 2)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_simple_2(self):
+        b = """y = `x`"""
+        a = """y = repr(x)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_complex(self):
+        b = """z = `y`.__repr__()"""
+        a = """z = repr(y).__repr__()"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tuple(self):
+        b = """x = `1, 2, 3`"""
+        a = """x = repr((1, 2, 3))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_nested(self):
+        b = """x = `1 + `2``"""
+        a = """x = repr(1 + repr(2))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_nested_tuples(self):
+        b = """x = `1, 2 + `3, 4``"""
+        a = """x = repr((1, 2 + repr((3, 4))))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_except(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "except"
+    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
+        b = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except (RuntimeError, ImportError),    e:
+                pass"""
+        a = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except (RuntimeError, ImportError) as    e:
+                pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_simple(self):
+        b = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except Foo, e:
+                pass"""
+        a = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except Foo as e:
+                pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_simple_no_space_before_target(self):
+        b = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except Foo,e:
+                pass"""
+        a = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except Foo as e:
+                pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tuple_unpack(self):
+        b = """
+            def foo():
+                try:
+                    pass
+                except Exception, (f, e):
+                    pass
+                except ImportError, e:
+                    pass"""
+        a = """
+            def foo():
+                try:
+                    pass
+                except Exception as xxx_todo_changeme:
+                    (f, e) = xxx_todo_changeme.args
+                    pass
+                except ImportError as e:
+                    pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_multi_class(self):
+        b = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except (RuntimeError, ImportError), e:
+                pass"""
+        a = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except (RuntimeError, ImportError) as e:
+                pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_list_unpack(self):
+        b = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except Exception, [a, b]:
+                pass"""
+        a = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except Exception as xxx_todo_changeme:
+                [a, b] = xxx_todo_changeme.args
+                pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_weird_target_1(self):
+        b = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except Exception, d[5]:
+                pass"""
+        a = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except Exception as xxx_todo_changeme:
+                d[5] = xxx_todo_changeme
+                pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_weird_target_2(self):
+        b = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except Exception,
+                pass"""
+        a = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except Exception as xxx_todo_changeme:
+       = xxx_todo_changeme
+                pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_weird_target_3(self):
+        b = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except Exception, a().foo:
+                pass"""
+        a = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except Exception as xxx_todo_changeme:
+                a().foo = xxx_todo_changeme
+                pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    # These should not be touched:
+    def test_unchanged_1(self):
+        s = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except:
+                pass"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_2(self):
+        s = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except Exception:
+                pass"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_3(self):
+        s = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except (Exception, SystemExit):
+                pass"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+class Test_raise(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "raise"
+    def test_basic(self):
+        b = """raise Exception, 5"""
+        a = """raise Exception(5)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
+        b = """raise Exception,5"""
+        a = """raise Exception(5)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """raise   Exception,    5"""
+        a = """raise   Exception(5)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_with_comments(self):
+        b = """raise Exception, 5 # foo"""
+        a = """raise Exception(5) # foo"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """raise E, (5, 6) % (a, b) # foo"""
+        a = """raise E((5, 6) % (a, b)) # foo"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """def foo():
+                    raise Exception, 5, 6 # foo"""
+        a = """def foo():
+                    raise Exception(5).with_traceback(6) # foo"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tuple_value(self):
+        b = """raise Exception, (5, 6, 7)"""
+        a = """raise Exception(5, 6, 7)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tuple_detection(self):
+        b = """raise E, (5, 6) % (a, b)"""
+        a = """raise E((5, 6) % (a, b))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tuple_exc_1(self):
+        b = """raise (((E1, E2), E3), E4), V"""
+        a = """raise E1(V)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tuple_exc_2(self):
+        b = """raise (E1, (E2, E3), E4), V"""
+        a = """raise E1(V)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    # These should produce a warning
+    def test_string_exc(self):
+        s = """raise 'foo'"""
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions")
+    def test_string_exc_val(self):
+        s = """raise "foo", 5"""
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions")
+    def test_string_exc_val_tb(self):
+        s = """raise "foo", 5, 6"""
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions")
+    # These should result in traceback-assignment
+    def test_tb_1(self):
+        b = """def foo():
+                    raise Exception, 5, 6"""
+        a = """def foo():
+                    raise Exception(5).with_traceback(6)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tb_2(self):
+        b = """def foo():
+                    a = 5
+                    raise Exception, 5, 6
+                    b = 6"""
+        a = """def foo():
+                    a = 5
+                    raise Exception(5).with_traceback(6)
+                    b = 6"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tb_3(self):
+        b = """def foo():
+                    raise Exception,5,6"""
+        a = """def foo():
+                    raise Exception(5).with_traceback(6)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tb_4(self):
+        b = """def foo():
+                    a = 5
+                    raise Exception,5,6
+                    b = 6"""
+        a = """def foo():
+                    a = 5
+                    raise Exception(5).with_traceback(6)
+                    b = 6"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tb_5(self):
+        b = """def foo():
+                    raise Exception, (5, 6, 7), 6"""
+        a = """def foo():
+                    raise Exception(5, 6, 7).with_traceback(6)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tb_6(self):
+        b = """def foo():
+                    a = 5
+                    raise Exception, (5, 6, 7), 6
+                    b = 6"""
+        a = """def foo():
+                    a = 5
+                    raise Exception(5, 6, 7).with_traceback(6)
+                    b = 6"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_throw(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "throw"
+    def test_1(self):
+        b = """g.throw(Exception, 5)"""
+        a = """g.throw(Exception(5))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_2(self):
+        b = """g.throw(Exception,5)"""
+        a = """g.throw(Exception(5))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_3(self):
+        b = """g.throw(Exception, (5, 6, 7))"""
+        a = """g.throw(Exception(5, 6, 7))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_4(self):
+        b = """5 + g.throw(Exception, 5)"""
+        a = """5 + g.throw(Exception(5))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    # These should produce warnings
+    def test_warn_1(self):
+        s = """g.throw("foo")"""
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions")
+    def test_warn_2(self):
+        s = """g.throw("foo", 5)"""
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions")
+    def test_warn_3(self):
+        s = """g.throw("foo", 5, 6)"""
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Python 3 does not support string exceptions")
+    # These should not be touched
+    def test_untouched_1(self):
+        s = """g.throw(Exception)"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_untouched_2(self):
+        s = """g.throw(Exception(5, 6))"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_untouched_3(self):
+        s = """5 + g.throw(Exception(5, 6))"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    # These should result in traceback-assignment
+    def test_tb_1(self):
+        b = """def foo():
+                    g.throw(Exception, 5, 6)"""
+        a = """def foo():
+                    g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tb_2(self):
+        b = """def foo():
+                    a = 5
+                    g.throw(Exception, 5, 6)
+                    b = 6"""
+        a = """def foo():
+                    a = 5
+                    g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6))
+                    b = 6"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tb_3(self):
+        b = """def foo():
+                    g.throw(Exception,5,6)"""
+        a = """def foo():
+                    g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tb_4(self):
+        b = """def foo():
+                    a = 5
+                    g.throw(Exception,5,6)
+                    b = 6"""
+        a = """def foo():
+                    a = 5
+                    g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6))
+                    b = 6"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tb_5(self):
+        b = """def foo():
+                    g.throw(Exception, (5, 6, 7), 6)"""
+        a = """def foo():
+                    g.throw(Exception(5, 6, 7).with_traceback(6))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tb_6(self):
+        b = """def foo():
+                    a = 5
+                    g.throw(Exception, (5, 6, 7), 6)
+                    b = 6"""
+        a = """def foo():
+                    a = 5
+                    g.throw(Exception(5, 6, 7).with_traceback(6))
+                    b = 6"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tb_7(self):
+        b = """def foo():
+                    a + g.throw(Exception, 5, 6)"""
+        a = """def foo():
+                    a + g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_tb_8(self):
+        b = """def foo():
+                    a = 5
+                    a + g.throw(Exception, 5, 6)
+                    b = 6"""
+        a = """def foo():
+                    a = 5
+                    a + g.throw(Exception(5).with_traceback(6))
+                    b = 6"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_long(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "long"
+    def test_1(self):
+        b = """x = long(x)"""
+        a = """x = int(x)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_2(self):
+        b = """y = isinstance(x, long)"""
+        a = """y = isinstance(x, int)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_3(self):
+        b = """z = type(x) in (int, long)"""
+        a = """z = type(x) in (int, int)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_4(self):
+        b = """a = 12L"""
+        a = """a = 12"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_5(self):
+        b = """b = 0x12l"""
+        a = """b = 0x12"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_unchanged_1(self):
+        s = """a = 12"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_2(self):
+        s = """b = 0x12"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_3(self):
+        s = """c = 3.14"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
+        b = """x =   long(  x  )"""
+        a = """x =   int(  x  )"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_dict(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "dict"
+    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
+        b = "if   d. keys  (  )  : pass"
+        a = "if   list(d. keys  (  ))  : pass"
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = "if   d. items  (  )  : pass"
+        a = "if   list(d. items  (  ))  : pass"
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = "if   d. iterkeys  ( )  : pass"
+        a = "if   iter(d. keys  ( ))  : pass"
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = "[i for i in    d.  iterkeys(  )  ]"
+        a = "[i for i in    d.  keys(  )  ]"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_trailing_comment(self):
+        b = "d.keys() # foo"
+        a = "list(d.keys()) # foo"
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = "d.items()  # foo"
+        a = "list(d.items())  # foo"
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = "d.iterkeys()  # foo"
+        a = "iter(d.keys())  # foo"
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """[i for i in d.iterkeys() # foo
+               ]"""
+        a = """[i for i in d.keys() # foo
+               ]"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_unchanged(self):
+        wrappers = ["set", "sorted", "any", "all", "tuple", "sum"]
+        for wrapper in wrappers:
+            s = "s = %s(d.keys())" % wrapper
+            self.unchanged(s)
+            s = "s = %s(d.values())" % wrapper
+            self.unchanged(s)
+            s = "s = %s(d.items())" % wrapper
+            self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_01(self):
+        b = "d.keys()"
+        a = "list(d.keys())"
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = "a[0].foo().keys()"
+        a = "list(a[0].foo().keys())"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_02(self):
+        b = "d.items()"
+        a = "list(d.items())"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_03(self):
+        b = "d.values()"
+        a = "list(d.values())"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_04(self):
+        b = "d.iterkeys()"
+        a = "iter(d.keys())"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_05(self):
+        b = "d.iteritems()"
+        a = "iter(d.items())"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_06(self):
+        b = "d.itervalues()"
+        a = "iter(d.values())"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_07(self):
+        s = "list(d.keys())"
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_08(self):
+        s = "sorted(d.keys())"
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_09(self):
+        b = "iter(d.keys())"
+        a = "iter(list(d.keys()))"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_10(self):
+        b = "foo(d.keys())"
+        a = "foo(list(d.keys()))"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_11(self):
+        b = "for i in d.keys(): print i"
+        a = "for i in list(d.keys()): print i"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_12(self):
+        b = "for i in d.iterkeys(): print i"
+        a = "for i in d.keys(): print i"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_13(self):
+        b = "[i for i in d.keys()]"
+        a = "[i for i in list(d.keys())]"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_14(self):
+        b = "[i for i in d.iterkeys()]"
+        a = "[i for i in d.keys()]"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_15(self):
+        b = "(i for i in d.keys())"
+        a = "(i for i in list(d.keys()))"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_16(self):
+        b = "(i for i in d.iterkeys())"
+        a = "(i for i in d.keys())"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_17(self):
+        b = "iter(d.iterkeys())"
+        a = "iter(d.keys())"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_18(self):
+        b = "list(d.iterkeys())"
+        a = "list(d.keys())"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_19(self):
+        b = "sorted(d.iterkeys())"
+        a = "sorted(d.keys())"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_20(self):
+        b = "foo(d.iterkeys())"
+        a = "foo(iter(d.keys()))"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_21(self):
+        b = "print h.iterkeys().next()"
+        a = "print iter(h.keys()).next()"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_22(self):
+        b = "print h.keys()[0]"
+        a = "print list(h.keys())[0]"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_23(self):
+        b = "print list(h.iterkeys().next())"
+        a = "print list(iter(h.keys()).next())"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_24(self):
+        b = "for x in h.keys()[0]: print x"
+        a = "for x in list(h.keys())[0]: print x"
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_xrange(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "xrange"
+    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
+        b = """x =    xrange(  10  )"""
+        a = """x =    range(  10  )"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """x = xrange(  1  ,  10   )"""
+        a = """x = range(  1  ,  10   )"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """x = xrange(  0  ,  10 ,  2 )"""
+        a = """x = range(  0  ,  10 ,  2 )"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_1(self):
+        b = """x = xrange(10)"""
+        a = """x = range(10)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_2(self):
+        b = """x = xrange(1, 10)"""
+        a = """x = range(1, 10)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_3(self):
+        b = """x = xrange(0, 10, 2)"""
+        a = """x = range(0, 10, 2)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_4(self):
+        b = """for i in xrange(10):\n    j=i"""
+        a = """for i in range(10):\n    j=i"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_raw_input(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "raw_input"
+    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
+        b = """x =    raw_input(   )"""
+        a = """x =    input(   )"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """x = raw_input(   ''   )"""
+        a = """x = input(   ''   )"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_1(self):
+        b = """x = raw_input()"""
+        a = """x = input()"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_2(self):
+        b = """x = raw_input('')"""
+        a = """x = input('')"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_3(self):
+        b = """x = raw_input('prompt')"""
+        a = """x = input('prompt')"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_4(self):
+        b = """x = raw_input(foo(a) + 6)"""
+        a = """x = input(foo(a) + 6)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_funcattrs(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "funcattrs"
+    attrs = ["closure", "doc", "name", "defaults", "code", "globals", "dict"]
+    def test(self):
+        for attr in self.attrs:
+            b = "a.func_%s" % attr
+            a = "a.__%s__" % attr
+            self.check(b, a)
+            b = "" % attr
+            a = "" % attr
+            self.check(b, a)
+    def test_unchanged(self):
+        for attr in self.attrs:
+            s = "foo(func_%s + 5)" % attr
+            self.unchanged(s)
+            s = "f(foo.__%s__)" % attr
+            self.unchanged(s)
+            s = "f(" % attr
+            self.unchanged(s)
+class Test_xreadlines(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "xreadlines"
+    def test_call(self):
+        b = "for x in f.xreadlines(): pass"
+        a = "for x in f: pass"
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = "for x in foo().xreadlines(): pass"
+        a = "for x in foo(): pass"
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = "for x in (5 + foo()).xreadlines(): pass"
+        a = "for x in (5 + foo()): pass"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_attr_ref(self):
+        b = "foo(f.xreadlines + 5)"
+        a = "foo(f.__iter__ + 5)"
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = "foo(f().xreadlines + 5)"
+        a = "foo(f().__iter__ + 5)"
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = "foo((5 + f()).xreadlines + 5)"
+        a = "foo((5 + f()).__iter__ + 5)"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_unchanged(self):
+        s = "for x in f.xreadlines(5): pass"
+        self.unchanged(s)
+        s = "for x in f.xreadlines(k=5): pass"
+        self.unchanged(s)
+        s = "for x in f.xreadlines(*k, **v): pass"
+        self.unchanged(s)
+        s = "foo(xreadlines)"
+        self.unchanged(s)
+class Test_imports(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "imports"
+    modules = {"StringIO":  ("io", ["StringIO"]),
+               "cStringIO": ("io", ["StringIO"]),
+               "__builtin__" : ("builtins", ["open", "Exception",
+                   "__debug__", "str"]),
+              }
+    def test_import_module(self):
+        for old, (new, members) in self.modules.items():
+            b = "import %s" % old
+            a = "import %s" % new
+            self.check(b, a)
+            b = "import foo, %s, bar" % old
+            a = "import foo, %s, bar" % new
+            self.check(b, a)
+    def test_import_from(self):
+        for old, (new, members) in self.modules.items():
+            for member in members:
+                b = "from %s import %s" % (old, member)
+                a = "from %s import %s" % (new, member)
+                self.check(b, a)
+                s = "from foo import %s" % member
+                self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_import_module_as(self):
+        for old, (new, members) in self.modules.items():
+            b = "import %s as foo_bar" % old
+            a = "import %s as foo_bar" % new
+            self.check(b, a)
+            b = "import %s as foo_bar" % old
+            a = "import %s as foo_bar" % new
+            self.check(b, a)
+    def test_import_from_as(self):
+        for old, (new, members) in self.modules.items():
+            for member in members:
+                b = "from %s import %s as foo_bar" % (old, member)
+                a = "from %s import %s as foo_bar" % (new, member)
+                self.check(b, a)
+    def test_star(self):
+        for old in self.modules:
+            s = "from %s import *" % old
+            self.warns_unchanged(s, "Cannot handle star imports")
+    def test_import_module_usage(self):
+        for old, (new, members) in self.modules.items():
+            for member in members:
+                b = """
+                    import %s
+                    foo(%s, %s.%s)
+                    """ % (old, old, old, member)
+                a = """
+                    import %s
+                    foo(%s, %s.%s)
+                    """ % (new, new, new, member)
+                self.check(b, a)
+    def test_from_import_usage(self):
+        for old, (new, members) in self.modules.items():
+            for member in members:
+                b = """
+                    from %s import %s
+                    foo(%s, %s())
+                    """ % (old, member, member, member)
+                a = """
+                    from %s import %s
+                    foo(%s, %s())
+                    """ % (new, member, member, member)
+                self.check(b, a)
+class Test_input(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "input"
+    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
+        b = """x =   input(   )"""
+        a = """x =   eval(input(   ))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """x = input(   ''   )"""
+        a = """x = eval(input(   ''   ))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_trailing_comment(self):
+        b = """x = input()  #  foo"""
+        a = """x = eval(input())  #  foo"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_idempotency(self):
+        s = """x = eval(input())"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+        s = """x = eval(input(''))"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+        s = """x = eval(input(foo(5) + 9))"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_1(self):
+        b = """x = input()"""
+        a = """x = eval(input())"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_2(self):
+        b = """x = input('')"""
+        a = """x = eval(input(''))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_3(self):
+        b = """x = input('prompt')"""
+        a = """x = eval(input('prompt'))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_4(self):
+        b = """x = input(foo(5) + 9)"""
+        a = """x = eval(input(foo(5) + 9))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_tuple_params(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "tuple_params"
+    def test_unchanged_1(self):
+        s = """def foo(): pass"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_2(self):
+        s = """def foo(a, b, c): pass"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_3(self):
+        s = """def foo(a=3, b=4, c=5): pass"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_1(self):
+        b = """
+            def foo(((a, b), c)):
+                x = 5"""
+        a = """
+            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme):
+                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
+                x = 5"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_2(self):
+        b = """
+            def foo(((a, b), c), d):
+                x = 5"""
+        a = """
+            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, d):
+                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
+                x = 5"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_3(self):
+        b = """
+            def foo(((a, b), c), d) -> e:
+                x = 5"""
+        a = """
+            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, d) -> e:
+                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
+                x = 5"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_semicolon(self):
+        b = """
+            def foo(((a, b), c)): x = 5; y = 7"""
+        a = """
+            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme): ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme; x = 5; y = 7"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_keywords(self):
+        b = """
+            def foo(((a, b), c), d, e=5) -> z:
+                x = 5"""
+        a = """
+            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, d, e=5) -> z:
+                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
+                x = 5"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_varargs(self):
+        b = """
+            def foo(((a, b), c), d, *vargs, **kwargs) -> z:
+                x = 5"""
+        a = """
+            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, d, *vargs, **kwargs) -> z:
+                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
+                x = 5"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_multi_1(self):
+        b = """
+            def foo(((a, b), c), (d, e, f)) -> z:
+                x = 5"""
+        a = """
+            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, xxx_todo_changeme1) -> z:
+                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
+                (d, e, f) = xxx_todo_changeme1
+                x = 5"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_multi_2(self):
+        b = """
+            def foo(x, ((a, b), c), d, (e, f, g), y) -> z:
+                x = 5"""
+        a = """
+            def foo(x, xxx_todo_changeme, d, xxx_todo_changeme1, y) -> z:
+                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
+                (e, f, g) = xxx_todo_changeme1
+                x = 5"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_docstring(self):
+        b = """
+            def foo(((a, b), c), (d, e, f)) -> z:
+                "foo foo foo foo"
+                x = 5"""
+        a = """
+            def foo(xxx_todo_changeme, xxx_todo_changeme1) -> z:
+                "foo foo foo foo"
+                ((a, b), c) = xxx_todo_changeme
+                (d, e, f) = xxx_todo_changeme1
+                x = 5"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_lambda_no_change(self):
+        s = """lambda x: x + 5"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_lambda_parens_single_arg(self):
+        b = """lambda (x): x + 5"""
+        a = """lambda x: x + 5"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """lambda(x): x + 5"""
+        a = """lambda x: x + 5"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """lambda ((((x)))): x + 5"""
+        a = """lambda x: x + 5"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """lambda((((x)))): x + 5"""
+        a = """lambda x: x + 5"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_lambda_simple(self):
+        b = """lambda (x, y): x + f(y)"""
+        a = """lambda x_y: x_y[0] + f(x_y[1])"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """lambda(x, y): x + f(y)"""
+        a = """lambda x_y: x_y[0] + f(x_y[1])"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """lambda (((x, y))): x + f(y)"""
+        a = """lambda x_y: x_y[0] + f(x_y[1])"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """lambda(((x, y))): x + f(y)"""
+        a = """lambda x_y: x_y[0] + f(x_y[1])"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_lambda_one_tuple(self):
+        b = """lambda (x,): x + f(x)"""
+        a = """lambda x1: x1[0] + f(x1[0])"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """lambda (((x,))): x + f(x)"""
+        a = """lambda x1: x1[0] + f(x1[0])"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_lambda_simple_multi_use(self):
+        b = """lambda (x, y): x + x + f(x) + x"""
+        a = """lambda x_y: x_y[0] + x_y[0] + f(x_y[0]) + x_y[0]"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_lambda_simple_reverse(self):
+        b = """lambda (x, y): y + x"""
+        a = """lambda x_y: x_y[1] + x_y[0]"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_lambda_nested(self):
+        b = """lambda (x, (y, z)): x + y + z"""
+        a = """lambda x_y_z: x_y_z[0] + x_y_z[1][0] + x_y_z[1][1]"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """lambda (((x, (y, z)))): x + y + z"""
+        a = """lambda x_y_z: x_y_z[0] + x_y_z[1][0] + x_y_z[1][1]"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_lambda_nested_multi_use(self):
+        b = """lambda (x, (y, z)): x + y + f(y)"""
+        a = """lambda x_y_z: x_y_z[0] + x_y_z[1][0] + f(x_y_z[1][0])"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_methodattrs(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "methodattrs"
+    attrs = ["func", "self", "class"]
+    def test(self):
+        for attr in self.attrs:
+            b = "a.im_%s" % attr
+            if attr == "class":
+                a = "a.__self__.__class__"
+            else:
+                a = "a.__%s__" % attr
+            self.check(b, a)
+            b = "" % attr
+            if attr == "class":
+                a = ""
+            else:
+                a = "" % attr
+            self.check(b, a)
+    def test_unchanged(self):
+        for attr in self.attrs:
+            s = "foo(im_%s + 5)" % attr
+            self.unchanged(s)
+            s = "f(foo.__%s__)" % attr
+            self.unchanged(s)
+            s = "f(" % attr
+            self.unchanged(s)
+class Test_next(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "next"
+    def test_1(self):
+        b = """"""
+        a = """next(it)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_2(self):
+        b = """"""
+        a = """next(a.b.c.d)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_3(self):
+        b = """(a + b).next()"""
+        a = """next((a + b))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_4(self):
+        b = """a().next()"""
+        a = """next(a())"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_5(self):
+        b = """a().next() + b"""
+        a = """next(a()) + b"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_6(self):
+        b = """c(      a().next() + b)"""
+        a = """c(      next(a()) + b)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_prefix_preservation_1(self):
+        b = """
+            for a in b:
+                foo(a)
+            """
+        a = """
+            for a in b:
+                foo(a)
+                next(a)
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_prefix_preservation_2(self):
+        b = """
+            for a in b:
+                foo(a) # abc
+                # def
+            """
+        a = """
+            for a in b:
+                foo(a) # abc
+                # def
+                next(a)
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_prefix_preservation_3(self):
+        b = """
+            next = 5
+            for a in b:
+                foo(a)
+            """
+        a = """
+            next = 5
+            for a in b:
+                foo(a)
+                a.__next__()
+            """
+        self.check(b, a, ignore_warnings=True)
+    def test_prefix_preservation_4(self):
+        b = """
+            next = 5
+            for a in b:
+                foo(a) # abc
+                # def
+            """
+        a = """
+            next = 5
+            for a in b:
+                foo(a) # abc
+                # def
+                a.__next__()
+            """
+        self.check(b, a, ignore_warnings=True)
+    def test_prefix_preservation_5(self):
+        b = """
+            next = 5
+            for a in b:
+                foo(foo(a), # abc
+            """
+        a = """
+            next = 5
+            for a in b:
+                foo(foo(a), # abc
+                    a.__next__())
+            """
+        self.check(b, a, ignore_warnings=True)
+    def test_prefix_preservation_6(self):
+        b = """
+            for a in b:
+                foo(foo(a), # abc
+            """
+        a = """
+            for a in b:
+                foo(foo(a), # abc
+                    next(a))
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_method_1(self):
+        b = """
+            class A:
+                def next(self):
+                    pass
+            """
+        a = """
+            class A:
+                def __next__(self):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_method_2(self):
+        b = """
+            class A(object):
+                def next(self):
+                    pass
+            """
+        a = """
+            class A(object):
+                def __next__(self):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_method_3(self):
+        b = """
+            class A:
+                def next(x):
+                    pass
+            """
+        a = """
+            class A:
+                def __next__(x):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_method_4(self):
+        b = """
+            class A:
+                def __init__(self, foo):
+           = foo
+                def next(self):
+                    pass
+                def __iter__(self):
+                    return self
+            """
+        a = """
+            class A:
+                def __init__(self, foo):
+           = foo
+                def __next__(self):
+                    pass
+                def __iter__(self):
+                    return self
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_method_unchanged(self):
+        s = """
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_shadowing_assign_simple(self):
+        s = """
+            next = foo
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_assign_tuple_1(self):
+        s = """
+            (next, a) = foo
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_assign_tuple_2(self):
+        s = """
+            (a, (b, (next, c)), a) = foo
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_assign_list_1(self):
+        s = """
+            [next, a] = foo
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_assign_list_2(self):
+        s = """
+            [a, [b, [next, c]], a] = foo
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_builtin_assign(self):
+        s = """
+            def foo():
+       = foo
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_builtin_assign_in_tuple(self):
+        s = """
+            def foo():
+                (a, = foo
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_builtin_assign_in_list(self):
+        s = """
+            def foo():
+                [a,] = foo
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_assign_to_next(self):
+        s = """
+            def foo():
+       = foo
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_assign_to_next_in_tuple(self):
+        s = """
+            def foo():
+                (a, = foo
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_assign_to_next_in_list(self):
+        s = """
+            def foo():
+                [a,] = foo
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_shadowing_import_1(self):
+        s = """
+            import as next
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_import_2(self):
+        s = """
+            import bar, as next
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_import_3(self):
+        s = """
+            import bar, as next, baz
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_import_from_1(self):
+        s = """
+            from x import next
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_import_from_2(self):
+        s = """
+            from x.a import next
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_import_from_3(self):
+        s = """
+            from x import a, next, b
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_import_from_4(self):
+        s = """
+            from x.a import a, next, b
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_funcdef_1(self):
+        s = """
+            def next(a):
+                pass
+            class A:
+                def next(self, a, b):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_funcdef_2(self):
+        b = """
+            def next(a):
+                pass
+            class A:
+                def next(self):
+                    pass
+            """
+        a = """
+            def next(a):
+                pass
+            class A:
+                def __next__(self):
+                    pass
+            it.__next__()
+            """
+        self.warns(b, a, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_global_1(self):
+        s = """
+            def f():
+                global next
+                next = 5
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_global_2(self):
+        s = """
+            def f():
+                global a, next, b
+                next = 5
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_for_simple(self):
+        s = """
+            for next in it():
+                pass
+            b = 5
+            c = 6
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_for_tuple_1(self):
+        s = """
+            for next, b in it():
+                pass
+            b = 5
+            c = 6
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_shadowing_for_tuple_2(self):
+        s = """
+            for a, (next, c), b in it():
+                pass
+            b = 5
+            c = 6
+            """
+        self.warns_unchanged(s, "Calls to builtin next() possibly shadowed")
+    def test_noncall_access_1(self):
+        b = """gnext ="""
+        a = """gnext = g.__next__"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_noncall_access_2(self):
+        b = """f( + 5)"""
+        a = """f(g.__next__ + 5)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_noncall_access_3(self):
+        b = """f(g().next + 5)"""
+        a = """f(g().__next__ + 5)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_nonzero(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "nonzero"
+    def test_1(self):
+        b = """
+            class A:
+                def __nonzero__(self):
+                    pass
+            """
+        a = """
+            class A:
+                def __bool__(self):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_2(self):
+        b = """
+            class A(object):
+                def __nonzero__(self):
+                    pass
+            """
+        a = """
+            class A(object):
+                def __bool__(self):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_unchanged_1(self):
+        s = """
+            class A(object):
+                def __bool__(self):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_2(self):
+        s = """
+            class A(object):
+                def __nonzero__(self, a):
+                    pass
+            """
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_func(self):
+        s = """
+            def __nonzero__(self):
+                pass
+            """
+        self.unchanged(s)
+class Test_numliterals(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "numliterals"
+    def test_octal_1(self):
+        b = """0755"""
+        a = """0o755"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_long_int_1(self):
+        b = """a = 12L"""
+        a = """a = 12"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_long_int_2(self):
+        b = """a = 12l"""
+        a = """a = 12"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_long_hex(self):
+        b = """b = 0x12l"""
+        a = """b = 0x12"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_unchanged_int(self):
+        s = """5"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_float(self):
+        s = """5.0"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_octal(self):
+        s = """0o755"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_hex(self):
+        s = """0xABC"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_exp(self):
+        s = """5.0e10"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_complex_int(self):
+        s = """5 + 4j"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_complex_float(self):
+        s = """5.4 + 4.9j"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_unchanged_complex_bare(self):
+        s = """4j"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+        s = """4.4j"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+class Test_renames(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "renames"
+    modules = {"sys":  ("maxint", "maxsize"),
+              }
+    def test_import_from(self):
+        for mod, (old, new) in self.modules.items():
+            b = "from %s import %s" % (mod, old)
+            a = "from %s import %s" % (mod, new)
+            self.check(b, a)
+            s = "from foo import %s" % old
+            self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_import_from_as(self):
+        for mod, (old, new) in self.modules.items():
+            b = "from %s import %s as foo_bar" % (mod, old)
+            a = "from %s import %s as foo_bar" % (mod, new)
+            self.check(b, a)
+    def test_import_module_usage(self):
+        for mod, (old, new) in self.modules.items():
+            b = """
+                import %s
+                foo(%s, %s.%s)
+                """ % (mod, mod, mod, old)
+            a = """
+                import %s
+                foo(%s, %s.%s)
+                """ % (mod, mod, mod, new)
+            self.check(b, a)
+    def XXX_test_from_import_usage(self):
+        # not implemented yet
+        for mod, (old, new) in self.modules.items():
+            b = """
+                from %s import %s
+                foo(%s, %s)
+                """ % (mod, old, mod, old)
+            a = """
+                from %s import %s
+                foo(%s, %s)
+                """ % (mod, new, mod, new)
+            self.check(b, a)
+class Test_unicode(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "unicode"
+    def test_unicode_call(self):
+        b = """unicode(x, y, z)"""
+        a = """str(x, y, z)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_unicode_literal_1(self):
+        b = '''u"x"'''
+        a = '''"x"'''
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_unicode_literal_2(self):
+        b = """ur'x'"""
+        a = """r'x'"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_unicode_literal_3(self):
+        b = """UR'''x'''"""
+        a = """R'''x'''"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_callable(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "callable"
+    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
+        b = """callable(    x)"""
+        a = """hasattr(    x, '__call__')"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """if     callable(x): pass"""
+        a = """if     hasattr(x, '__call__'): pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_callable_call(self):
+        b = """callable(x)"""
+        a = """hasattr(x, '__call__')"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_callable_should_not_change(self):
+        a = """callable(*x)"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """callable(x, y)"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """callable(x, kw=y)"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """callable()"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+class Test_filter(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "filter"
+    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
+        b = """x =   filter(    foo,     'abc'   )"""
+        a = """x =   list(filter(    foo,     'abc'   ))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """x =   filter(  None , 'abc'  )"""
+        a = """x =   [_f for _f in 'abc' if _f]"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_filter_basic(self):
+        b = """x = filter(None, 'abc')"""
+        a = """x = [_f for _f in 'abc' if _f]"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """x = len(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
+        a = """x = len(list(filter(f, 'abc')))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """x = filter(lambda x: x%2 == 0, range(10))"""
+        a = """x = [x for x in range(10) if x%2 == 0]"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        # Note the parens around x
+        b = """x = filter(lambda (x): x%2 == 0, range(10))"""
+        a = """x = [x for x in range(10) if x%2 == 0]"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        # XXX This (rare) case is not supported
+##         b = """x = filter(f, 'abc')[0]"""
+##         a = """x = list(filter(f, 'abc'))[0]"""
+##         self.check(b, a)
+    def test_filter_nochange(self):
+        a = """b.join(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """(a + foo(5)).join(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """iter(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """list(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """list(filter(f, 'abc'))[0]"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """set(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """set(filter(f, 'abc')).pop()"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """tuple(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """any(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """all(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """sum(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """sorted(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """sorted(filter(f, 'abc'), key=blah)"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """sorted(filter(f, 'abc'), key=blah)[0]"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """for i in filter(f, 'abc'): pass"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """[x for x in filter(f, 'abc')]"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """(x for x in filter(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+    def test_future_builtins(self):
+        a = "from future_builtins import spam, filter; filter(f, 'ham')"
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        b = """from future_builtins import spam; x = filter(f, 'abc')"""
+        a = """from future_builtins import spam; x = list(filter(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        a = "from future_builtins import *; filter(f, 'ham')"
+        self.unchanged(a)
+class Test_map(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "map"
+    def check(self, b, a):
+        self.unchanged("from future_builtins import map; " + b, a)
+        FixerTestCase.check(self, b, a)
+    def test_prefix_preservation(self):
+        b = """x =    map(   f,    'abc'   )"""
+        a = """x =    list(map(   f,    'abc'   ))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_trailing_comment(self):
+        b = """x = map(f, 'abc')   #   foo"""
+        a = """x = list(map(f, 'abc'))   #   foo"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_map_basic(self):
+        b = """x = map(f, 'abc')"""
+        a = """x = list(map(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """x = len(map(f, 'abc', 'def'))"""
+        a = """x = len(list(map(f, 'abc', 'def')))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """x = map(None, 'abc')"""
+        a = """x = list('abc')"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """x = map(None, 'abc', 'def')"""
+        a = """x = list(map(None, 'abc', 'def'))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """x = map(lambda x: x+1, range(4))"""
+        a = """x = [x+1 for x in range(4)]"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        # Note the parens around x
+        b = """x = map(lambda (x): x+1, range(4))"""
+        a = """x = [x+1 for x in range(4)]"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """
+            foo()
+            # foo
+            map(f, x)
+            """
+        a = """
+            foo()
+            # foo
+            list(map(f, x))
+            """
+        self.warns(b, a, "You should use a for loop here")
+        # XXX This (rare) case is not supported
+##         b = """x = map(f, 'abc')[0]"""
+##         a = """x = list(map(f, 'abc'))[0]"""
+##         self.check(b, a)
+    def test_map_nochange(self):
+        a = """b.join(map(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """(a + foo(5)).join(map(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """iter(map(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """list(map(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """list(map(f, 'abc'))[0]"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """set(map(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """set(map(f, 'abc')).pop()"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """tuple(map(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """any(map(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """all(map(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """sum(map(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """sorted(map(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """sorted(map(f, 'abc'), key=blah)"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """sorted(map(f, 'abc'), key=blah)[0]"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """for i in map(f, 'abc'): pass"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """[x for x in map(f, 'abc')]"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        a = """(x for x in map(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+    def test_future_builtins(self):
+        a = "from future_builtins import spam, map, eggs; map(f, 'ham')"
+        self.unchanged(a)
+        b = """from future_builtins import spam, eggs; x = map(f, 'abc')"""
+        a = """from future_builtins import spam, eggs; x = list(map(f, 'abc'))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        a = "from future_builtins import *; map(f, 'ham')"
+        self.unchanged(a)
+class Test_standarderror(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "standarderror"
+    def test(self):
+        b = """x =    StandardError()"""
+        a = """x =    Exception()"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """x = StandardError(a, b, c)"""
+        a = """x = Exception(a, b, c)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """f(2 + StandardError(a, b, c))"""
+        a = """f(2 + Exception(a, b, c))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_types(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "types"
+    def test_basic_types_convert(self):
+        b = """types.StringType"""
+        a = """bytes"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """types.DictType"""
+        a = """dict"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """types . IntType"""
+        a = """int"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """types.ListType"""
+        a = """list"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """types.LongType"""
+        a = """int"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """types.NoneType"""
+        a = """type(None)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_idioms(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "idioms"
+    def test_while(self):
+        b = """while 1: foo()"""
+        a = """while True: foo()"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """while   1: foo()"""
+        a = """while   True: foo()"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """
+            while 1:
+                foo()
+            """
+        a = """
+            while True:
+                foo()
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_while_unchanged(self):
+        s = """while 11: foo()"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+        s = """while 0: foo()"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+        s = """while foo(): foo()"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+        s = """while []: foo()"""
+        self.unchanged(s)
+    def test_eq_simple(self):
+        b = """type(x) == T"""
+        a = """isinstance(x, T)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """if   type(x) == T: pass"""
+        a = """if   isinstance(x, T): pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_eq_reverse(self):
+        b = """T == type(x)"""
+        a = """isinstance(x, T)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """if   T == type(x): pass"""
+        a = """if   isinstance(x, T): pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_eq_expression(self):
+        b = """type(x+y) == d.get('T')"""
+        a = """isinstance(x+y, d.get('T'))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """type(   x  +  y) == d.get('T')"""
+        a = """isinstance(x  +  y, d.get('T'))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_is_simple(self):
+        b = """type(x) is T"""
+        a = """isinstance(x, T)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """if   type(x) is T: pass"""
+        a = """if   isinstance(x, T): pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_is_reverse(self):
+        b = """T is type(x)"""
+        a = """isinstance(x, T)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """if   T is type(x): pass"""
+        a = """if   isinstance(x, T): pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_is_expression(self):
+        b = """type(x+y) is d.get('T')"""
+        a = """isinstance(x+y, d.get('T'))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """type(   x  +  y) is d.get('T')"""
+        a = """isinstance(x  +  y, d.get('T'))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_is_not_simple(self):
+        b = """type(x) is not T"""
+        a = """not isinstance(x, T)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """if   type(x) is not T: pass"""
+        a = """if   not isinstance(x, T): pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_is_not_reverse(self):
+        b = """T is not type(x)"""
+        a = """not isinstance(x, T)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """if   T is not type(x): pass"""
+        a = """if   not isinstance(x, T): pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_is_not_expression(self):
+        b = """type(x+y) is not d.get('T')"""
+        a = """not isinstance(x+y, d.get('T'))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """type(   x  +  y) is not d.get('T')"""
+        a = """not isinstance(x  +  y, d.get('T'))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_ne_simple(self):
+        b = """type(x) != T"""
+        a = """not isinstance(x, T)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """if   type(x) != T: pass"""
+        a = """if   not isinstance(x, T): pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_ne_reverse(self):
+        b = """T != type(x)"""
+        a = """not isinstance(x, T)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """if   T != type(x): pass"""
+        a = """if   not isinstance(x, T): pass"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_ne_expression(self):
+        b = """type(x+y) != d.get('T')"""
+        a = """not isinstance(x+y, d.get('T'))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """type(   x  +  y) != d.get('T')"""
+        a = """not isinstance(x  +  y, d.get('T'))"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_type_unchanged(self):
+        a = """type(x).__name__"""
+        self.unchanged(a)
+    def test_sort_list_call(self):
+        b = """
+            v = list(t)
+            v.sort()
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        a = """
+            v = sorted(t)
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """
+            v = list(foo(b) + d)
+            v.sort()
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        a = """
+            v = sorted(foo(b) + d)
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """
+            while x:
+                v = list(t)
+                v.sort()
+                foo(v)
+            """
+        a = """
+            while x:
+                v = sorted(t)
+                foo(v)
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """
+            v = list(t)
+            # foo
+            v.sort()
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        a = """
+            v = sorted(t)
+            # foo
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = r"""
+            v = list(   t)
+            v.sort()
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        a = r"""
+            v = sorted(   t)
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_sort_simple_expr(self):
+        b = """
+            v = t
+            v.sort()
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        a = """
+            v = sorted(t)
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """
+            v = foo(b)
+            v.sort()
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        a = """
+            v = sorted(foo(b))
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """
+            v = b.keys()
+            v.sort()
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        a = """
+            v = sorted(b.keys())
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """
+            v = foo(b) + d
+            v.sort()
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        a = """
+            v = sorted(foo(b) + d)
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """
+            while x:
+                v = t
+                v.sort()
+                foo(v)
+            """
+        a = """
+            while x:
+                v = sorted(t)
+                foo(v)
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = """
+            v = t
+            # foo
+            v.sort()
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        a = """
+            v = sorted(t)
+            # foo
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+        b = r"""
+            v =   t
+            v.sort()
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        a = r"""
+            v =   sorted(t)
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_sort_unchanged(self):
+        s = """
+            v = list(t)
+            w.sort()
+            foo(w)
+            """
+        self.unchanged(s)
+        s = """
+            v = list(t)
+            v.sort(u)
+            foo(v)
+            """
+        self.unchanged(s)
+class Test_basestring(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "basestring"
+    def test_basestring(self):
+        b = """isinstance(x, basestring)"""
+        a = """isinstance(x, str)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_buffer(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "buffer"
+    def test_buffer(self):
+        b = """x = buffer(y)"""
+        a = """x = memoryview(y)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_future(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "future"
+    def test_future(self):
+        b = """from __future__ import braces"""
+        a = """"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+class Test_itertools(FixerTestCase):
+    fixer = "itertools"
+    def checkall(self, before, after):
+        # Because we need to check with and without the itertools prefix
+        # and on each of the three functions, these loops make it all
+        # much easier
+        for i in ('itertools.', ''):
+            for f in ('map', 'filter', 'zip'):
+                b = before %(i+'i'+f)
+                a = after %(f)
+                self.check(b, a)
+    def test_0(self):
+        # A simple example -- test_1 covers exactly the same thing,
+        # but it's not quite as clear.
+        b = "itertools.izip(a, b)"
+        a = "zip(a, b)"
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_1(self):
+        b = """%s(f, a)"""
+        a = """%s(f, a)"""
+        self.checkall(b, a)
+    def test_2(self):
+        b = """itertools.ifilterfalse(a, b)"""
+        a = """itertools.filterfalse(a, b)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_4(self):
+        b = """ifilterfalse(a, b)"""
+        a = """filterfalse(a, b)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+    def test_space_1(self):
+        b = """    %s(f, a)"""
+        a = """    %s(f, a)"""
+        self.checkall(b, a)
+    def test_space_2(self):
+        b = """    itertools.ifilterfalse(a, b)"""
+        a = """    itertools.filterfalse(a, b)"""
+        self.check(b, a)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import __main__
+    support.run_all_tests(__main__)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/tests/ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33ddc92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+"""Test suite for 2to3's parser and grammar files.
+This is the place to add tests for changes to 2to3's grammar, such as those
+merging the grammars for Python 2 and 3. In addition to specific tests for
+parts of the grammar we've changed, we also make sure we can parse the files from both Python 2 and Python 3.
+# Author: Collin Winter
+# Testing imports
+from . import support
+from .support import driver, test_dir
+# Python imports
+import os
+import os.path
+# Local imports
+from ..pgen2.parse import ParseError
+class GrammarTest(support.TestCase):
+    def validate(self, code):
+        support.parse_string(code)
+    def invalid_syntax(self, code):
+        try:
+            self.validate(code)
+        except ParseError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError("Syntax shouldn't have been valid")
+class TestRaiseChanges(GrammarTest):
+    def test_2x_style_1(self):
+        self.validate("raise")
+    def test_2x_style_2(self):
+        self.validate("raise E, V")
+    def test_2x_style_3(self):
+        self.validate("raise E, V, T")
+    def test_2x_style_invalid_1(self):
+        self.invalid_syntax("raise E, V, T, Z")
+    def test_3x_style(self):
+        self.validate("raise E1 from E2")
+    def test_3x_style_invalid_1(self):
+        self.invalid_syntax("raise E, V from E1")
+    def test_3x_style_invalid_2(self):
+        self.invalid_syntax("raise E from E1, E2")
+    def test_3x_style_invalid_3(self):
+        self.invalid_syntax("raise from E1, E2")
+    def test_3x_style_invalid_4(self):
+        self.invalid_syntax("raise E from")
+# Adapated from Python 3's Lib/test/
+class TestFunctionAnnotations(GrammarTest):
+    def test_1(self):
+        self.validate("""def f(x) -> list: pass""")
+    def test_2(self):
+        self.validate("""def f(x:int): pass""")
+    def test_3(self):
+        self.validate("""def f(*x:str): pass""")
+    def test_4(self):
+        self.validate("""def f(**x:float): pass""")
+    def test_5(self):
+        self.validate("""def f(x, y:1+2): pass""")
+    def test_6(self):
+        self.validate("""def f(a, (b:1, c:2, d)): pass""")
+    def test_7(self):
+        self.validate("""def f(a, (b:1, c:2, d), e:3=4, f=5, *g:6): pass""")
+    def test_8(self):
+        s = """def f(a, (b:1, c:2, d), e:3=4, f=5,
+                        *g:6, h:7, i=8, j:9=10, **k:11) -> 12: pass"""
+        self.validate(s)
+class TestExcept(GrammarTest):
+    def test_new(self):
+        s = """
+            try:
+                x
+            except E as N:
+                y"""
+        self.validate(s)
+    def test_old(self):
+        s = """
+            try:
+                x
+            except E, N:
+                y"""
+        self.validate(s)
+# Adapted from Python 3's Lib/test/       
+class TestSetLiteral(GrammarTest):
+    def test_1(self):
+        self.validate("""x = {'one'}""")
+    def test_2(self):
+        self.validate("""x = {'one', 1,}""")
+    def test_3(self):
+        self.validate("""x = {'one', 'two', 'three'}""")
+    def test_4(self):
+        self.validate("""x = {2, 3, 4,}""")
+class TestNumericLiterals(GrammarTest):
+    def test_new_octal_notation(self):
+        self.validate("""0o7777777777777""")
+        self.invalid_syntax("""0o7324528887""")
+    def test_new_binary_notation(self):
+        self.validate("""0b101010""")
+        self.invalid_syntax("""0b0101021""")
+class TestClassDef(GrammarTest):
+    def test_new_syntax(self):
+        self.validate("class B(t=7): pass")
+        self.validate("class B(t, *args): pass")
+        self.validate("class B(t, **kwargs): pass")
+        self.validate("class B(t, *args, **kwargs): pass")
+        self.validate("class B(t, y=9, *args, **kwargs): pass")
+class TestParserIdempotency(support.TestCase):
+    """A cut-down version of"""
+    def test_all_project_files(self):
+        for filepath in support.all_project_files():
+            print "Parsing %s..." % filepath
+            tree = driver.parse_file(filepath, debug=True)
+            if diff(filepath, tree):
+      "Idempotency failed: %s" % filepath)
+class TestLiterals(GrammarTest):
+    def test_multiline_bytes_literals(self):
+        s = """
+            md5test(b"\xaa" * 80,
+                    (b"Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key "
+                     b"and Larger Than One Block-Size Data"),
+                    "6f630fad67cda0ee1fb1f562db3aa53e")
+            """
+        self.validate(s)
+    def test_multiline_bytes_tripquote_literals(self):
+        s = '''
+            b"""
+            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+            <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN">
+            """
+            '''
+        self.validate(s)
+    def test_multiline_str_literals(self):
+        s = """
+            md5test("\xaa" * 80,
+                    ("Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key "
+                     "and Larger Than One Block-Size Data"),
+                    "6f630fad67cda0ee1fb1f562db3aa53e")
+            """
+        self.validate(s)
+def diff(fn, tree):
+    f = open("@", "w")
+    try:
+        f.write(str(tree))
+    finally:
+        f.close()
+    try:
+        return os.system("diff -u %s @" % fn)
+    finally:
+        os.remove("@")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import __main__
+    support.run_all_tests(__main__)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/tests/ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7a94423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
+"""Unit tests for
+NOTE: Please *don't* add doc strings to individual test methods!
+In verbose mode, printing of the module, class and method name is much
+more helpful than printing of (the first line of) the docstring,
+especially when debugging a test.
+# Testing imports
+from . import support
+# Local imports (XXX should become a package)
+from .. import pytree
+    sorted
+except NameError:
+    def sorted(lst):
+        l = list(lst)
+        l.sort()
+        return l
+class TestNodes(support.TestCase):
+    """Unit tests for nodes (Base, Leaf, Node)."""
+    def testBaseCantConstruct(self):
+        if __debug__:
+            # Test that instantiating Base() raises an AssertionError
+            self.assertRaises(AssertionError, pytree.Base)
+    def testLeaf(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        self.assertEqual(l1.type, 100)
+        self.assertEqual(l1.value, "foo")
+    def testLeafRepr(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        self.assertEqual(repr(l1), "Leaf(100, 'foo')")
+    def testLeafStr(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        self.assertEqual(str(l1), "foo")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo", context=(" ", (10, 1)))
+        self.assertEqual(str(l2), " foo")
+    def testLeafStrNumericValue(self):
+        # Make sure that the Leaf's value is stringified. Failing to
+        #  do this can cause a TypeError in certain situations.
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(2, 5)
+        l1.set_prefix("foo_")
+        self.assertEqual(str(l1), "foo_5")
+    def testLeafEq(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo", context=(" ", (1, 0)))
+        self.assertEqual(l1, l2)
+        l3 = pytree.Leaf(101, "foo")
+        l4 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
+        self.assertNotEqual(l1, l3)
+        self.assertNotEqual(l1, l4)
+    def testLeafPrefix(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        self.assertEqual(l1.get_prefix(), "")
+        self.failIf(l1.was_changed)
+        l1.set_prefix("  ##\n\n")
+        self.assertEqual(l1.get_prefix(), "  ##\n\n")
+        self.failUnless(l1.was_changed)
+    def testNode(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(200, "bar")
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
+        self.assertEqual(n1.type, 1000)
+        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l1, l2])
+    def testNodeRepr(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar", context=(" ", (1, 0)))
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
+        self.assertEqual(repr(n1),
+                         "Node(1000, [%s, %s])" % (repr(l1), repr(l2)))
+    def testNodeStr(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar", context=(" ", (1, 0)))
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
+        self.assertEqual(str(n1), "foo bar")
+    def testNodePrefix(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        self.assertEqual(l1.get_prefix(), "")
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1])
+        self.assertEqual(n1.get_prefix(), "")
+        n1.set_prefix(" ")
+        self.assertEqual(n1.get_prefix(), " ")
+        self.assertEqual(l1.get_prefix(), " ")
+    def testGetSuffix(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo", prefix="a")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar", prefix="b")
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
+        self.assertEqual(l1.get_suffix(), l2.get_prefix())
+        self.assertEqual(l2.get_suffix(), "")
+        self.assertEqual(n1.get_suffix(), "")
+        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar", prefix="c")
+        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [n1, l3])
+        self.assertEqual(n1.get_suffix(), l3.get_prefix())
+        self.assertEqual(l3.get_suffix(), "")
+        self.assertEqual(n2.get_suffix(), "")
+    def testNodeEq(self):
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, ())
+        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [], context=(" ", (1, 0)))
+        self.assertEqual(n1, n2)
+        n3 = pytree.Node(1001, ())
+        self.assertNotEqual(n1, n3)
+    def testNodeEqRecursive(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1])
+        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [l2])
+        self.assertEqual(n1, n2)
+        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
+        n3 = pytree.Node(1000, [l3])
+        self.assertNotEqual(n1, n3)
+    def testReplace(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "+")
+        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2, l3])
+        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l1, l2, l3])
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(n1.children, list))
+        self.failIf(n1.was_changed)
+        l2new = pytree.Leaf(100, "-")
+        l2.replace(l2new)
+        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l1, l2new, l3])
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(n1.children, list))
+        self.failUnless(n1.was_changed)
+    def testReplaceWithList(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "+")
+        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2, l3])
+        l2.replace([pytree.Leaf(100, "*"), pytree.Leaf(100, "*")])
+        self.assertEqual(str(n1), "foo**bar")
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(n1.children, list))
+    def testPostOrder(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
+        self.assertEqual(list(n1.post_order()), [l1, l2, n1])
+    def testPreOrder(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
+        self.assertEqual(list(n1.pre_order()), [n1, l1, l2])
+    def testChangedLeaf(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "f")
+        self.failIf(l1.was_changed)
+        l1.changed()
+        self.failUnless(l1.was_changed)
+    def testChangedNode(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "f")
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1])
+        self.failIf(n1.was_changed)
+        n1.changed()
+        self.failUnless(n1.was_changed)
+    def testChangedRecursive(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "+")
+        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2, l3])
+        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [n1])
+        self.failIf(l1.was_changed)
+        self.failIf(n1.was_changed)
+        self.failIf(n2.was_changed)
+        n1.changed()
+        self.failUnless(n1.was_changed)
+        self.failUnless(n2.was_changed)
+        self.failIf(l1.was_changed)
+    def testLeafConstructorPrefix(self):
+        for prefix in ("xyz_", ""):
+            l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "self", prefix=prefix)
+            self.failUnless(str(l1), prefix + "self")
+            self.assertEqual(l1.get_prefix(), prefix)
+    def testNodeConstructorPrefix(self):
+        for prefix in ("xyz_", ""):
+            l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "self")
+            l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo", prefix="_")
+            n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2], prefix=prefix)
+            self.failUnless(str(n1), prefix + "self_foo")
+            self.assertEqual(n1.get_prefix(), prefix)
+            self.assertEqual(l1.get_prefix(), prefix)
+            self.assertEqual(l2.get_prefix(), "_")
+    def testRemove(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
+        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [n1])
+        self.assertEqual(n1.remove(), 0)
+        self.assertEqual(n2.children, [])
+        self.assertEqual(l1.parent, n1)
+        self.assertEqual(n1.parent, None)
+        self.assertEqual(n2.parent, None)
+        self.failIf(n1.was_changed)
+        self.failUnless(n2.was_changed)
+        self.assertEqual(l2.remove(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(l1.remove(), 0)
+        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [])
+        self.assertEqual(l1.parent, None)
+        self.assertEqual(n1.parent, None)
+        self.assertEqual(n2.parent, None)
+        self.failUnless(n1.was_changed)
+        self.failUnless(n2.was_changed)
+    def testRemoveParentless(self):
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [])
+        n1.remove()
+        self.assertEqual(n1.parent, None)
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        l1.remove()
+        self.assertEqual(l1.parent, None)
+    def testNodeSetChild(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1])
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
+        n1.set_child(0, l2)
+        self.assertEqual(l1.parent, None)
+        self.assertEqual(l2.parent, n1)
+        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l2])
+        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1])
+        n2.set_child(0, n1)
+        self.assertEqual(l1.parent, None)
+        self.assertEqual(n1.parent, n2)
+        self.assertEqual(n2.parent, None)
+        self.assertEqual(n2.children, [n1])
+        self.assertRaises(IndexError, n1.set_child, 4, l2)
+        # I don't care what it raises, so long as it's an exception
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, n1.set_child, 0, list)
+    def testNodeInsertChild(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1])
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
+        n1.insert_child(0, l2)
+        self.assertEqual(l2.parent, n1)
+        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l2, l1])
+        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "abc")
+        n1.insert_child(2, l3)
+        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l2, l1, l3])
+        # I don't care what it raises, so long as it's an exception
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, n1.insert_child, 0, list)
+    def testNodeAppendChild(self):
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [])
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        n1.append_child(l1)
+        self.assertEqual(l1.parent, n1)
+        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l1])
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
+        n1.append_child(l2)
+        self.assertEqual(l2.parent, n1)
+        self.assertEqual(n1.children, [l1, l2])
+        # I don't care what it raises, so long as it's an exception
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, n1.append_child, list)
+    def testNodeNextSibling(self):
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [])
+        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [])
+        p1 = pytree.Node(1000, [n1, n2])
+        self.failUnless(n1.get_next_sibling() is n2)
+        self.assertEqual(n2.get_next_sibling(), None)
+        self.assertEqual(p1.get_next_sibling(), None)
+    def testLeafNextSibling(self):
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "a")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "b")
+        p1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
+        self.failUnless(l1.get_next_sibling() is l2)
+        self.assertEqual(l2.get_next_sibling(), None)
+        self.assertEqual(p1.get_next_sibling(), None)
+class TestPatterns(support.TestCase):
+    """Unit tests for tree matching patterns."""
+    def testBasicPatterns(self):
+        # Build a tree
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
+        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
+        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [l3])
+        root = pytree.Node(1000, [n1, n2])
+        # Build a pattern matching a leaf
+        pl = pytree.LeafPattern(100, "foo", name="pl")
+        r = {}
+        self.assertEqual(pl.match(root, results=r), False)
+        self.assertEqual(r, {})
+        self.assertEqual(pl.match(n1, results=r), False)
+        self.assertEqual(r, {})
+        self.assertEqual(pl.match(n2, results=r), False)
+        self.assertEqual(r, {})
+        self.assertEqual(pl.match(l1, results=r), True)
+        self.assertEqual(r, {"pl": l1})
+        r = {}
+        self.assertEqual(pl.match(l2, results=r), False)
+        self.assertEqual(r, {})
+        # Build a pattern matching a node
+        pn = pytree.NodePattern(1000, [pl], name="pn")
+        self.assertEqual(pn.match(root, results=r), False)
+        self.assertEqual(r, {})
+        self.assertEqual(pn.match(n1, results=r), False)
+        self.assertEqual(r, {})
+        self.assertEqual(pn.match(n2, results=r), True)
+        self.assertEqual(r, {"pn": n2, "pl": l3})
+        r = {}
+        self.assertEqual(pn.match(l1, results=r), False)
+        self.assertEqual(r, {})
+        self.assertEqual(pn.match(l2, results=r), False)
+        self.assertEqual(r, {})
+    def testWildcardPatterns(self):
+        # Build a tree for testing
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(100, "bar")
+        l3 = pytree.Leaf(100, "foo")
+        n1 = pytree.Node(1000, [l1, l2])
+        n2 = pytree.Node(1000, [l3])
+        root = pytree.Node(1000, [n1, n2])
+        # Build a pattern
+        pl = pytree.LeafPattern(100, "foo", name="pl")
+        pn = pytree.NodePattern(1000, [pl], name="pn")
+        pw = pytree.WildcardPattern([[pn], [pl, pl]], name="pw")
+        r = {}
+        self.assertEqual(pw.match_seq([root], r), False)
+        self.assertEqual(r, {})
+        self.assertEqual(pw.match_seq([n1], r), False)
+        self.assertEqual(r, {})
+        self.assertEqual(pw.match_seq([n2], r), True)
+        # These are easier to debug
+        self.assertEqual(sorted(r.keys()), ["pl", "pn", "pw"])
+        self.assertEqual(r["pl"], l1)
+        self.assertEqual(r["pn"], n2)
+        self.assertEqual(r["pw"], [n2])
+        # But this is equivalent
+        self.assertEqual(r, {"pl": l1, "pn": n2, "pw": [n2]})
+        r = {}
+        self.assertEqual(pw.match_seq([l1, l3], r), True)
+        self.assertEqual(r, {"pl": l3, "pw": [l1, l3]})
+        self.assert_(r["pl"] is l3)
+        r = {}
+    def testGenerateMatches(self):
+        la = pytree.Leaf(1, "a")
+        lb = pytree.Leaf(1, "b")
+        lc = pytree.Leaf(1, "c")
+        ld = pytree.Leaf(1, "d")
+        le = pytree.Leaf(1, "e")
+        lf = pytree.Leaf(1, "f")
+        leaves = [la, lb, lc, ld, le, lf]
+        root = pytree.Node(1000, leaves)
+        pa = pytree.LeafPattern(1, "a", "pa")
+        pb = pytree.LeafPattern(1, "b", "pb")
+        pc = pytree.LeafPattern(1, "c", "pc")
+        pd = pytree.LeafPattern(1, "d", "pd")
+        pe = pytree.LeafPattern(1, "e", "pe")
+        pf = pytree.LeafPattern(1, "f", "pf")
+        pw = pytree.WildcardPattern([[pa, pb, pc], [pd, pe],
+	                             [pa, pb], [pc, pd], [pe, pf]],
+                                    min=1, max=4, name="pw")
+        self.assertEqual([x[0] for x in pw.generate_matches(leaves)],
+	                 [3, 5, 2, 4, 6])
+        pr = pytree.NodePattern(type=1000, content=[pw], name="pr")
+        matches = list(pytree.generate_matches([pr], [root]))
+        self.assertEqual(len(matches), 1)
+        c, r = matches[0]
+        self.assertEqual(c, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(str(r["pr"]), "abcdef")
+        self.assertEqual(r["pw"], [la, lb, lc, ld, le, lf])
+        for c in "abcdef":
+            self.assertEqual(r["p" + c], pytree.Leaf(1, c))
+    def testHasKeyExample(self):
+        pattern = pytree.NodePattern(331,
+                                     (pytree.LeafPattern(7),
+                                      pytree.WildcardPattern(name="args"),
+                                      pytree.LeafPattern(8)))
+        l1 = pytree.Leaf(7, "(")
+        l2 = pytree.Leaf(3, "x")
+        l3 = pytree.Leaf(8, ")")
+        node = pytree.Node(331, [l1, l2, l3])
+        r = {}
+        self.assert_(pattern.match(node, r))
+        self.assertEqual(r["args"], [l2])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import __main__
+    support.run_all_tests(__main__)
diff --git a/Lib/lib2to3/tests/ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c22378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib2to3/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+""" Test suite for the code in fixes.util """
+# Author: Collin Winter
+# Testing imports
+from . import support
+# Python imports
+import os.path
+# Local imports
+from .. import pytree
+from ..fixes import util
+def parse(code, strip_levels=0):
+    # The topmost node is file_input, which we don't care about.
+    # The next-topmost node is a *_stmt node, which we also don't care about
+    tree = support.parse_string(code)
+    for i in range(strip_levels):
+        tree = tree.children[0]
+    tree.parent = None
+    return tree
+class MacroTestCase(support.TestCase):
+    def assertStr(self, node, string):
+        if isinstance(node, (tuple, list)):
+            node = pytree.Node(util.syms.simple_stmt, node)
+        self.assertEqual(str(node), string)
+class Test_is_tuple(support.TestCase):
+    def is_tuple(self, string):
+        return util.is_tuple(parse(string, strip_levels=2))
+    def test_valid(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.is_tuple("(a, b)"))
+        self.failUnless(self.is_tuple("(a, (b, c))"))
+        self.failUnless(self.is_tuple("((a, (b, c)),)"))
+        self.failUnless(self.is_tuple("(a,)"))
+        self.failUnless(self.is_tuple("()"))
+    def test_invalid(self):
+        self.failIf(self.is_tuple("(a)"))
+        self.failIf(self.is_tuple("('foo') % (b, c)"))
+class Test_is_list(support.TestCase):
+    def is_list(self, string):
+        return util.is_list(parse(string, strip_levels=2))
+    def test_valid(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.is_list("[]"))
+        self.failUnless(self.is_list("[a]"))
+        self.failUnless(self.is_list("[a, b]"))
+        self.failUnless(self.is_list("[a, [b, c]]"))
+        self.failUnless(self.is_list("[[a, [b, c]],]"))
+    def test_invalid(self):
+        self.failIf(self.is_list("[]+[]"))
+class Test_Attr(MacroTestCase):
+    def test(self):
+        from ..fixes.util import Attr, Name
+        call = parse("foo()", strip_levels=2)
+        self.assertStr(Attr(Name("a"), Name("b")), "a.b")
+        self.assertStr(Attr(call, Name("b")), "foo().b")
+    def test_returns(self):
+        from ..fixes.util import Attr, Name
+        attr = Attr(Name("a"), Name("b"))
+        self.assertEqual(type(attr), list)
+class Test_Name(MacroTestCase):
+    def test(self):
+        from ..fixes.util import Name
+        self.assertStr(Name("a"), "a")
+        self.assertStr(Name(""), "")
+        self.assertStr(Name("a", prefix="b"), "ba")
+class Test_does_tree_import(support.TestCase):
+    def _find_bind_rec(self, name, node):
+        # Search a tree for a binding -- used to find the starting
+        # point for these tests.
+        c = util.find_binding(name, node)
+        if c: return c
+        for child in node.children:
+            c = self._find_bind_rec(name, child)
+            if c: return c
+    def does_tree_import(self, package, name, string):
+        node = parse(string)
+        # Find the binding of start -- that's what we'll go from
+        node = self._find_bind_rec('start', node)
+        return util.does_tree_import(package, name, node)
+    def try_with(self, string):
+        failing_tests = (("a", "a", "from a import b"),
+                         ("a.d", "a", "from a.d import b"),
+                         ("d.a", "a", "from d.a import b"),
+                         (None, "a", "import b"),
+                         (None, "a", "import b, c, d"))
+        for package, name, import_ in failing_tests:
+            n = self.does_tree_import(package, name, import_ + "\n" + string)
+            self.failIf(n)
+            n = self.does_tree_import(package, name, string + "\n" + import_)
+            self.failIf(n)
+        passing_tests = (("a", "a", "from a import a"),
+                         ("x", "a", "from x import a"),
+                         ("x", "a", "from x import b, c, a, d"),
+                         ("x.b", "a", "from x.b import a"),
+                         ("x.b", "a", "from x.b import b, c, a, d"),
+                         (None, "a", "import a"),
+                         (None, "a", "import b, c, a, d"))
+        for package, name, import_ in passing_tests:
+            n = self.does_tree_import(package, name, import_ + "\n" + string)
+            self.failUnless(n)
+            n = self.does_tree_import(package, name, string + "\n" + import_)
+            self.failUnless(n)
+    def test_in_function(self):
+        self.try_with("def foo():\n\tbar.baz()\n\tstart=3")
+class Test_find_binding(support.TestCase):
+    def find_binding(self, name, string, package=None):
+        return util.find_binding(name, parse(string), package)
+    def test_simple_assignment(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "a = b"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "a = [b, c, d]"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "a = foo()"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "a = foo()[6][foo]"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "foo = a"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "foo = (a, b, c)"))
+    def test_tuple_assignment(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "(a,) = b"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "(a, b, c) = [b, c, d]"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "(c, (d, a), b) = foo()"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "(a, b) = foo().foo[6][foo]"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "(foo, b) = (b, a)"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "(foo, (b, c)) = (a, b, c)"))
+    def test_list_assignment(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "[a] = b"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "[a, b, c] = [b, c, d]"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "[c, [d, a], b] = foo()"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "[a, b] = foo().foo[a][foo]"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "[foo, b] = (b, a)"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "[foo, [b, c]] = (a, b, c)"))
+    def test_invalid_assignments(self):
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "foo.a = 5"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "foo[a] = 5"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "foo(a) = 5"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "foo(a, b) = 5"))
+    def test_simple_import(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "import a"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "import b, c, a, d"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "import b"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "import b, c, d"))
+    def test_from_import(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from x import a"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from a import a"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from x import b, c, a, d"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import a"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import b, c, a, d"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from a import b"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from a.d import b"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from d.a import b"))
+    def test_import_as(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "import b as a"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "import b as a, c, a as f, d"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "import a as f"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "import b, c as f, d as e"))
+    def test_from_import_as(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from x import b as a"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from x import g as a, d as b"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import t as a"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import g as a, d"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from a import b as t"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from a.d import b as t"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from d.a import b as t"))
+    def test_simple_import_with_package(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("b", "import b"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("b", "import b, c, d"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("b", "import b", "b"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("b", "import b, c, d", "c"))
+    def test_from_import_with_package(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from x import a", "x"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from a import a", "a"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from x import *", "x"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from x import b, c, a, d", "x"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import a", "x.b"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import *", "x.b"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import b, c, a, d", "x.b"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from a import b", "a"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from a.d import b", "a.d"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from d.a import b", "a.d"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from x.y import *", "a.b"))
+    def test_import_as_with_package(self):
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "import b.c as a", "b.c"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "import a as f", "f"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "import a as f", "a"))
+    def test_from_import_as_with_package(self):
+        # Because it would take a lot of special-case code in the fixers
+        # to deal with from foo import bar as baz, we'll simply always
+        # fail if there is an "from ... import ... as ..."
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from x import b as a", "x"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from x import g as a, d as b", "x"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import t as a", "x.b"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from x.b import g as a, d", "x.b"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from a import b as t", "a"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from a import b as t", "b"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "from a import b as t", "t"))
+    def test_function_def(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "def a(): pass"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "def a(b, c, d): pass"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "def a(): b = 7"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "def d(b, (c, a), e): pass"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "def d(a=7): pass"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "def d(a): pass"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "def d(): a = 7"))
+        s = """
+            def d():
+                def a():
+                    pass"""
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", s))
+    def test_class_def(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "class a: pass"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "class a(): pass"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "class a(b): pass"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "class a(b, c=8): pass"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "class d: pass"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "class d(a): pass"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "class d(b, a=7): pass"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "class d(b, *a): pass"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "class d(b, **a): pass"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "class d: a = 7"))
+        s = """
+            class d():
+                class a():
+                    pass"""
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", s))
+    def test_for(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "for a in r: pass"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "for a, b in r: pass"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "for (a, b) in r: pass"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "for c, (a,) in r: pass"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "for c, (a, b) in r: pass"))
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "for c in r: a = c"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "for c in a: pass"))
+    def test_for_nested(self):
+        s = """
+            for b in r:
+                for a in b:
+                    pass"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            for b in r:
+                for a, c in b:
+                    pass"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            for b in r:
+                for (a, c) in b:
+                    pass"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            for b in r:
+                for (a,) in b:
+                    pass"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            for b in r:
+                for c, (a, d) in b:
+                    pass"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            for b in r:
+                for c in b:
+                    a = 7"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            for b in r:
+                for c in b:
+                    d = a"""
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            for b in r:
+                for c in a:
+                    d = 7"""
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", s))
+    def test_if(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "if b in r: a = c"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "if a in r: d = e"))
+    def test_if_nested(self):
+        s = """
+            if b in r:
+                if c in d:
+                    a = c"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            if b in r:
+                if c in d:
+                    c = a"""
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", s))
+    def test_while(self):
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", "while b in r: a = c"))
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", "while a in r: d = e"))
+    def test_while_nested(self):
+        s = """
+            while b in r:
+                while c in d:
+                    a = c"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            while b in r:
+                while c in d:
+                    c = a"""
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", s))
+    def test_try_except(self):
+        s = """
+            try:
+                a = 6
+            except:
+                b = 8"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            try:
+                b = 8
+            except:
+                a = 6"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            try:
+                b = 8
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+            except:
+                a = 6"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            try:
+                b = 8
+            except:
+                b = 6"""
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", s))
+    def test_try_except_nested(self):
+        s = """
+            try:
+                try:
+                    a = 6
+                except:
+                    pass
+            except:
+                b = 8"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            try:
+                b = 8
+            except:
+                try:
+                    a = 6
+                except:
+                    pass"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            try:
+                b = 8
+            except:
+                try:
+                    pass
+                except:
+                    a = 6"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            try:
+                try:
+                    b = 8
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+                except:
+                    a = 6
+            except:
+                pass"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            try:
+                pass
+            except:
+                try:
+                    b = 8
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+                except:
+                    a = 6"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            try:
+                b = 8
+            except:
+                b = 6"""
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            try:
+                try:
+                    b = 8
+                except:
+                    c = d
+            except:
+                try:
+                    b = 6
+                except:
+                    t = 8
+                except:
+                    o = y"""
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", s))
+    def test_try_except_finally(self):
+        s = """
+            try:
+                c = 6
+            except:
+                b = 8
+            finally:
+                a = 9"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            try:
+                b = 8
+            finally:
+                a = 6"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            try:
+                b = 8
+            finally:
+                b = 6"""
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            try:
+                b = 8
+            except:
+                b = 9
+            finally:
+                b = 6"""
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", s))
+    def test_try_except_finally_nested(self):
+        s = """
+            try:
+                c = 6
+            except:
+                b = 8
+            finally:
+                try:
+                    a = 9
+                except:
+                    b = 9
+                finally:
+                    c = 9"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            try:
+                b = 8
+            finally:
+                try:
+                    pass
+                finally:
+                    a = 6"""
+        self.failUnless(self.find_binding("a", s))
+        s = """
+            try:
+                b = 8
+            finally:
+                try:
+                    b = 6
+                finally:
+                    b = 7"""
+        self.failIf(self.find_binding("a", s))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import __main__
+    support.run_all_tests(__main__)