bpo-32214: Implement PEP 557: Data Classes (#4704)

diff --git a/Lib/dataclasses.py b/Lib/dataclasses.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a725df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/dataclasses.py
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+import sys
+import types
+from copy import deepcopy
+import collections
+import inspect
+__all__ = ['dataclass',
+           'field',
+           'FrozenInstanceError',
+           'InitVar',
+           # Helper functions.
+           'fields',
+           'asdict',
+           'astuple',
+           'make_dataclass',
+           'replace',
+           ]
+# Raised when an attempt is made to modify a frozen class.
+class FrozenInstanceError(AttributeError): pass
+# A sentinel object for default values to signal that a
+#  default-factory will be used.
+# This is given a nice repr() which will appear in the function
+#  signature of dataclasses' constructors.
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<factory>'
+# A sentinel object to detect if a parameter is supplied or not.
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<missing>'
+# Since most per-field metadata will be unused, create an empty
+#  read-only proxy that can be shared among all fields.
+_EMPTY_METADATA = types.MappingProxyType({})
+# Markers for the various kinds of fields and pseudo-fields.
+_FIELD = object()                 # An actual field.
+_FIELD_CLASSVAR = object()        # Not a field, but a ClassVar.
+_FIELD_INITVAR = object()         # Not a field, but an InitVar.
+# The name of an attribute on the class where we store the Field
+#  objects. Also used to check if a class is a Data Class.
+_MARKER = '__dataclass_fields__'
+# The name of the function, that if it exists, is called at the end of
+# __init__.
+_POST_INIT_NAME = '__post_init__'
+class _InitVarMeta(type):
+    def __getitem__(self, params):
+        return self
+class InitVar(metaclass=_InitVarMeta):
+    pass
+# Instances of Field are only ever created from within this module,
+#  and only from the field() function, although Field instances are
+#  exposed externally as (conceptually) read-only objects.
+# name and type are filled in after the fact, not in __init__. They're
+#  not known at the time this class is instantiated, but it's
+#  convenient if they're available later.
+# When cls._MARKER is filled in with a list of Field objects, the name
+#  and type fields will have been populated.
+class Field:
+    __slots__ = ('name',
+                 'type',
+                 'default',
+                 'default_factory',
+                 'repr',
+                 'hash',
+                 'init',
+                 'compare',
+                 'metadata',
+                 '_field_type',  # Private: not to be used by user code.
+                 )
+    def __init__(self, default, default_factory, init, repr, hash, compare,
+                 metadata):
+        self.name = None
+        self.type = None
+        self.default = default
+        self.default_factory = default_factory
+        self.init = init
+        self.repr = repr
+        self.hash = hash
+        self.compare = compare
+        self.metadata = (_EMPTY_METADATA
+                         if metadata is None or len(metadata) == 0 else
+                         types.MappingProxyType(metadata))
+        self._field_type = None
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return ('Field('
+                f'name={self.name!r},'
+                f'type={self.type},'
+                f'default={self.default},'
+                f'default_factory={self.default_factory},'
+                f'init={self.init},'
+                f'repr={self.repr},'
+                f'hash={self.hash},'
+                f'compare={self.compare},'
+                f'metadata={self.metadata}'
+                ')')
+# This function is used instead of exposing Field creation directly,
+#  so that a type checker can be told (via overloads) that this is a
+#  function whose type depends on its parameters.
+def field(*, default=_MISSING, default_factory=_MISSING, init=True, repr=True,
+          hash=None, compare=True, metadata=None):
+    """Return an object to identify dataclass fields.
+    default is the default value of the field. default_factory is a
+    0-argument function called to initialize a field's value. If init
+    is True, the field will be a parameter to the class's __init__()
+    function. If repr is True, the field will be included in the
+    object's repr(). If hash is True, the field will be included in
+    the object's hash(). If compare is True, the field will be used in
+    comparison functions. metadata, if specified, must be a mapping
+    which is stored but not otherwise examined by dataclass.
+    It is an error to specify both default and default_factory.
+    """
+    if default is not _MISSING and default_factory is not _MISSING:
+        raise ValueError('cannot specify both default and default_factory')
+    return Field(default, default_factory, init, repr, hash, compare,
+                 metadata)
+def _tuple_str(obj_name, fields):
+    # Return a string representing each field of obj_name as a tuple
+    #  member. So, if fields is ['x', 'y'] and obj_name is "self",
+    #  return "(self.x,self.y)".
+    # Special case for the 0-tuple.
+    if len(fields) == 0:
+        return '()'
+    # Note the trailing comma, needed if this turns out to be a 1-tuple.
+    return f'({",".join([f"{obj_name}.{f.name}" for f in fields])},)'
+def _create_fn(name, args, body, globals=None, locals=None,
+               return_type=_MISSING):
+    # Note that we mutate locals when exec() is called. Caller beware!
+    if locals is None:
+        locals = {}
+    return_annotation = ''
+    if return_type is not _MISSING:
+        locals['_return_type'] = return_type
+        return_annotation = '->_return_type'
+    args = ','.join(args)
+    body = '\n'.join(f' {b}' for b in body)
+    txt = f'def {name}({args}){return_annotation}:\n{body}'
+    exec(txt, globals, locals)
+    return locals[name]
+def _field_assign(frozen, name, value, self_name):
+    # If we're a frozen class, then assign to our fields in __init__
+    #  via object.__setattr__.  Otherwise, just use a simple
+    #  assignment.
+    # self_name is what "self" is called in this function: don't
+    #  hard-code "self", since that might be a field name.
+    if frozen:
+        return f'object.__setattr__({self_name},{name!r},{value})'
+    return f'{self_name}.{name}={value}'
+def _field_init(f, frozen, globals, self_name):
+    # Return the text of the line in the body of __init__ that will
+    #  initialize this field.
+    default_name = f'_dflt_{f.name}'
+    if f.default_factory is not _MISSING:
+        if f.init:
+            # This field has a default factory.  If a parameter is
+            #  given, use it.  If not, call the factory.
+            globals[default_name] = f.default_factory
+            value = (f'{default_name}() '
+                     f'if {f.name} is _HAS_DEFAULT_FACTORY '
+                     f'else {f.name}')
+        else:
+            # This is a field that's not in the __init__ params, but
+            #  has a default factory function.  It needs to be
+            #  initialized here by calling the factory function,
+            #  because there's no other way to initialize it.
+            # For a field initialized with a default=defaultvalue, the
+            #  class dict just has the default value
+            #  (cls.fieldname=defaultvalue). But that won't work for a
+            #  default factory, the factory must be called in __init__
+            #  and we must assign that to self.fieldname. We can't
+            #  fall back to the class dict's value, both because it's
+            #  not set, and because it might be different per-class
+            #  (which, after all, is why we have a factory function!).
+            globals[default_name] = f.default_factory
+            value = f'{default_name}()'
+    else:
+        # No default factory.
+        if f.init:
+            if f.default is _MISSING:
+                # There's no default, just do an assignment.
+                value = f.name
+            elif f.default is not _MISSING:
+                globals[default_name] = f.default
+                value = f.name
+        else:
+            # This field does not need initialization. Signify that to
+            #  the caller by returning None.
+            return None
+    # Only test this now, so that we can create variables for the
+    #  default.  However, return None to signify that we're not going
+    #  to actually do the assignment statement for InitVars.
+    if f._field_type == _FIELD_INITVAR:
+        return None
+    # Now, actually generate the field assignment.
+    return _field_assign(frozen, f.name, value, self_name)
+def _init_param(f):
+    # Return the __init__ parameter string for this field.
+    #  For example, the equivalent of 'x:int=3' (except instead of 'int',
+    #  reference a variable set to int, and instead of '3', reference a
+    #  variable set to 3).
+    if f.default is _MISSING and f.default_factory is _MISSING:
+        # There's no default, and no default_factory, just
+        #  output the variable name and type.
+        default = ''
+    elif f.default is not _MISSING:
+        # There's a default, this will be the name that's used to look it up.
+        default = f'=_dflt_{f.name}'
+    elif f.default_factory is not _MISSING:
+        # There's a factory function. Set a marker.
+        default = '=_HAS_DEFAULT_FACTORY'
+    return f'{f.name}:_type_{f.name}{default}'
+def _init_fn(fields, frozen, has_post_init, self_name):
+    # fields contains both real fields and InitVar pseudo-fields.
+    # Make sure we don't have fields without defaults following fields
+    #  with defaults.  This actually would be caught when exec-ing the
+    #  function source code, but catching it here gives a better error
+    #  message, and future-proofs us in case we build up the function
+    #  using ast.
+    seen_default = False
+    for f in fields:
+        # Only consider fields in the __init__ call.
+        if f.init:
+            if not (f.default is _MISSING and f.default_factory is _MISSING):
+                seen_default = True
+            elif seen_default:
+                raise TypeError(f'non-default argument {f.name!r} '
+                                'follows default argument')
+    globals = {'_MISSING': _MISSING,
+    body_lines = []
+    for f in fields:
+        # Do not initialize the pseudo-fields, only the real ones.
+        line = _field_init(f, frozen, globals, self_name)
+        if line is not None:
+            # line is None means that this field doesn't require
+            #  initialization. Just skip it.
+            body_lines.append(line)
+    # Does this class have a post-init function?
+    if has_post_init:
+        params_str = ','.join(f.name for f in fields
+                              if f._field_type is _FIELD_INITVAR)
+        body_lines += [f'{self_name}.{_POST_INIT_NAME}({params_str})']
+    # If no body lines, use 'pass'.
+    if len(body_lines) == 0:
+        body_lines = ['pass']
+    locals = {f'_type_{f.name}': f.type for f in fields}
+    return _create_fn('__init__',
+                      [self_name] +[_init_param(f) for f in fields if f.init],
+                      body_lines,
+                      locals=locals,
+                      globals=globals,
+                      return_type=None)
+def _repr_fn(fields):
+    return _create_fn('__repr__',
+                      ['self'],
+                      ['return self.__class__.__qualname__ + f"(' +
+                       ', '.join([f"{f.name}={{self.{f.name}!r}}"
+                                  for f in fields]) +
+                       ')"'])
+def _frozen_setattr(self, name, value):
+    raise FrozenInstanceError(f'cannot assign to field {name!r}')
+def _frozen_delattr(self, name):
+    raise FrozenInstanceError(f'cannot delete field {name!r}')
+def _cmp_fn(name, op, self_tuple, other_tuple):
+    # Create a comparison function.  If the fields in the object are
+    #  named 'x' and 'y', then self_tuple is the string
+    #  '(self.x,self.y)' and other_tuple is the string
+    #  '(other.x,other.y)'.
+    return _create_fn(name,
+                      ['self', 'other'],
+                      [ 'if other.__class__ is self.__class__:',
+                       f' return {self_tuple}{op}{other_tuple}',
+                        'return NotImplemented'])
+def _set_eq_fns(cls, fields):
+    # Create and set the equality comparison methods on cls.
+    # Pre-compute self_tuple and other_tuple, then re-use them for
+    #  each function.
+    self_tuple = _tuple_str('self', fields)
+    other_tuple = _tuple_str('other', fields)
+    for name, op in [('__eq__', '=='),
+                     ('__ne__', '!='),
+                     ]:
+        _set_attribute(cls, name, _cmp_fn(name, op, self_tuple, other_tuple))
+def _set_order_fns(cls, fields):
+    # Create and set the ordering methods on cls.
+    # Pre-compute self_tuple and other_tuple, then re-use them for
+    #  each function.
+    self_tuple = _tuple_str('self', fields)
+    other_tuple = _tuple_str('other', fields)
+    for name, op in [('__lt__', '<'),
+                     ('__le__', '<='),
+                     ('__gt__', '>'),
+                     ('__ge__', '>='),
+                     ]:
+        _set_attribute(cls, name, _cmp_fn(name, op, self_tuple, other_tuple))
+def _hash_fn(fields):
+    self_tuple = _tuple_str('self', fields)
+    return _create_fn('__hash__',
+                      ['self'],
+                      [f'return hash({self_tuple})'])
+def _get_field(cls, a_name, a_type):
+    # Return a Field object, for this field name and type.  ClassVars
+    #  and InitVars are also returned, but marked as such (see
+    #  f._field_type).
+    # If the default value isn't derived from field, then it's
+    #  only a normal default value.  Convert it to a Field().
+    default = getattr(cls, a_name, _MISSING)
+    if isinstance(default, Field):
+        f = default
+    else:
+        f = field(default=default)
+    # Assume it's a normal field until proven otherwise.
+    f._field_type = _FIELD
+    # Only at this point do we know the name and the type. Set them.
+    f.name = a_name
+    f.type = a_type
+    # If typing has not been imported, then it's impossible for
+    #  any annotation to be a ClassVar. So, only look for ClassVar
+    #  if typing has been imported.
+    typing = sys.modules.get('typing')
+    if typing is not None:
+        # This test uses a typing internal class, but it's the best
+        #  way to test if this is a ClassVar.
+        if type(a_type) is typing._ClassVar:
+            # This field is a ClassVar, so it's not a field.
+            f._field_type = _FIELD_CLASSVAR
+    if f._field_type is _FIELD:
+        # Check if this is an InitVar.
+        if a_type is InitVar:
+            # InitVars are not fields, either.
+            f._field_type = _FIELD_INITVAR
+    # Validations for fields.  This is delayed until now, instead of
+    # in the Field() constructor, since only here do we know the field
+    # name, which allows better error reporting.
+    # Special restrictions for ClassVar and InitVar.
+    if f._field_type in (_FIELD_CLASSVAR, _FIELD_INITVAR):
+        if f.default_factory is not _MISSING:
+            raise TypeError(f'field {f.name} cannot have a '
+                            'default factory')
+        # Should I check for other field settings? default_factory
+        #  seems the most serious to check for. Maybe add others.  For
+        #  example, how about init=False (or really,
+        #  init=<not-the-default-init-value>)? It makes no sense for
+        #  ClassVar and InitVar to specify init=<anything>.
+    # For real fields, disallow mutable defaults for known types.
+    if f._field_type is _FIELD and isinstance(f.default, (list, dict, set)):
+        raise ValueError(f'mutable default {type(f.default)} for field '
+                         f'{f.name} is not allowed: use default_factory')
+    return f
+def _find_fields(cls):
+    # Return a list of Field objects, in order, for this class (and no
+    #  base classes).  Fields are found from __annotations__ (which is
+    #  guaranteed to be ordered).  Default values are from class
+    #  attributes, if a field has a default.  If the default value is
+    #  a Field(), then it contains additional info beyond (and
+    #  possibly including) the actual default value.  Pseudo-fields
+    #  ClassVars and InitVars are included, despite the fact that
+    #  they're not real fields.  That's deal with later.
+    annotations = getattr(cls, '__annotations__', {})
+    return [_get_field(cls, a_name, a_type)
+            for a_name, a_type in annotations.items()]
+def _set_attribute(cls, name, value):
+    # Raise TypeError if an attribute by this name already exists.
+    if name in cls.__dict__:
+        raise TypeError(f'Cannot overwrite attribute {name} '
+                        f'in {cls.__name__}')
+    setattr(cls, name, value)
+def _process_class(cls, repr, eq, order, hash, init, frozen):
+    # Use an OrderedDict because:
+    #  - Order matters!
+    #  - Derived class fields overwrite base class fields, but the
+    #    order is defined by the base class, which is found first.
+    fields = collections.OrderedDict()
+    # Find our base classes in reverse MRO order, and exclude
+    #  ourselves.  In reversed order so that more derived classes
+    #  override earlier field definitions in base classes.
+    for b in cls.__mro__[-1:0:-1]:
+        # Only process classes that have been processed by our
+        #  decorator.  That is, they have a _MARKER attribute.
+        base_fields = getattr(b, _MARKER, None)
+        if base_fields:
+            for f in base_fields.values():
+                fields[f.name] = f
+    # Now find fields in our class.  While doing so, validate some
+    #  things, and set the default values (as class attributes)
+    #  where we can.
+    for f in _find_fields(cls):
+        fields[f.name] = f
+        # If the class attribute (which is the default value for
+        #  this field) exists and is of type 'Field', replace it
+        #  with the real default.  This is so that normal class
+        #  introspection sees a real default value, not a Field.
+        if isinstance(getattr(cls, f.name, None), Field):
+            if f.default is _MISSING:
+                # If there's no default, delete the class attribute.
+                #  This happens if we specify field(repr=False), for
+                #  example (that is, we specified a field object, but
+                #  no default value).  Also if we're using a default
+                #  factory.  The class attribute should not be set at
+                #  all in the post-processed class.
+                delattr(cls, f.name)
+            else:
+                setattr(cls, f.name, f.default)
+    # Remember all of the fields on our class (including bases).  This
+    #  marks this class as being a dataclass.
+    setattr(cls, _MARKER, fields)
+    # We also need to check if a parent class is frozen: frozen has to
+    #  be inherited down.
+    is_frozen = frozen or cls.__setattr__ is _frozen_setattr
+    # If we're generating ordering methods, we must be generating
+    #  the eq methods.
+    if order and not eq:
+        raise ValueError('eq must be true if order is true')
+    if init:
+        # Does this class have a post-init function?
+        has_post_init = hasattr(cls, _POST_INIT_NAME)
+        # Include InitVars and regular fields (so, not ClassVars).
+        _set_attribute(cls, '__init__',
+                       _init_fn(list(filter(lambda f: f._field_type
+                                              in (_FIELD, _FIELD_INITVAR),
+                                            fields.values())),
+                                is_frozen,
+                                has_post_init,
+                                # The name to use for the "self" param
+                                #  in __init__.  Use "self" if possible.
+                                '__dataclass_self__' if 'self' in fields
+                                    else 'self',
+                                ))
+    # Get the fields as a list, and include only real fields.  This is
+    #  used in all of the following methods.
+    field_list = list(filter(lambda f: f._field_type is _FIELD,
+                             fields.values()))
+    if repr:
+        _set_attribute(cls, '__repr__',
+                       _repr_fn(list(filter(lambda f: f.repr, field_list))))
+    if is_frozen:
+        _set_attribute(cls, '__setattr__', _frozen_setattr)
+        _set_attribute(cls, '__delattr__', _frozen_delattr)
+    generate_hash = False
+    if hash is None:
+        if eq and frozen:
+            # Generate a hash function.
+            generate_hash = True
+        elif eq and not frozen:
+            # Not hashable.
+            _set_attribute(cls, '__hash__', None)
+        elif not eq:
+            # Otherwise, use the base class definition of hash().  That is,
+            #  don't set anything on this class.
+            pass
+        else:
+            assert "can't get here"
+    else:
+        generate_hash = hash
+    if generate_hash:
+        _set_attribute(cls, '__hash__',
+                       _hash_fn(list(filter(lambda f: f.compare
+                                                      if f.hash is None
+                                                      else f.hash,
+                                            field_list))))
+    if eq:
+        # Create and __eq__ and __ne__ methods.
+        _set_eq_fns(cls, list(filter(lambda f: f.compare, field_list)))
+    if order:
+        # Create and __lt__, __le__, __gt__, and __ge__ methods.
+        # Create and set the comparison functions.
+        _set_order_fns(cls, list(filter(lambda f: f.compare, field_list)))
+    if not getattr(cls, '__doc__'):
+        # Create a class doc-string.
+        cls.__doc__ = (cls.__name__ +
+                       str(inspect.signature(cls)).replace(' -> None', ''))
+    return cls
+# _cls should never be specified by keyword, so start it with an
+#  underscore. The presense of _cls is used to detect if this
+#  decorator is being called with parameters or not.
+def dataclass(_cls=None, *, init=True, repr=True, eq=True, order=False,
+              hash=None, frozen=False):
+    """Returns the same class as was passed in, with dunder methods
+    added based on the fields defined in the class.
+    Examines PEP 526 __annotations__ to determine fields.
+    If init is true, an __init__() method is added to the class. If
+    repr is true, a __repr__() method is added. If order is true, rich
+    comparison dunder methods are added. If hash is true, a __hash__()
+    method function is added. If frozen is true, fields may not be
+    assigned to after instance creation.
+    """
+    def wrap(cls):
+        return _process_class(cls, repr, eq, order, hash, init, frozen)
+    # See if we're being called as @dataclass or @dataclass().
+    if _cls is None:
+        # We're called with parens.
+        return wrap
+    # We're called as @dataclass without parens.
+    return wrap(_cls)
+def fields(class_or_instance):
+    """Return a tuple describing the fields of this dataclass.
+    Accepts a dataclass or an instance of one. Tuple elements are of
+    type Field.
+    """
+    # Might it be worth caching this, per class?
+    try:
+        fields =  getattr(class_or_instance, _MARKER)
+    except AttributeError:
+        raise TypeError('must be called with a dataclass type or instance')
+    # Exclude pseudo-fields.
+    return tuple(f for f in fields.values() if f._field_type is _FIELD)
+def _isdataclass(obj):
+    """Returns True if obj is an instance of a dataclass."""
+    return not isinstance(obj, type) and hasattr(obj, _MARKER)
+def asdict(obj, *, dict_factory=dict):
+    """Return the fields of a dataclass instance as a new dictionary mapping
+    field names to field values.
+    Example usage:
+      @dataclass
+      class C:
+          x: int
+          y: int
+      c = C(1, 2)
+      assert asdict(c) == {'x': 1, 'y': 2}
+    If given, 'dict_factory' will be used instead of built-in dict.
+    The function applies recursively to field values that are
+    dataclass instances. This will also look into built-in containers:
+    tuples, lists, and dicts.
+    """
+    if not _isdataclass(obj):
+        raise TypeError("asdict() should be called on dataclass instances")
+    return _asdict_inner(obj, dict_factory)
+def _asdict_inner(obj, dict_factory):
+    if _isdataclass(obj):
+        result = []
+        for f in fields(obj):
+            value = _asdict_inner(getattr(obj, f.name), dict_factory)
+            result.append((f.name, value))
+        return dict_factory(result)
+    elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
+        return type(obj)(_asdict_inner(v, dict_factory) for v in obj)
+    elif isinstance(obj, dict):
+        return type(obj)((_asdict_inner(k, dict_factory), _asdict_inner(v, dict_factory))
+                          for k, v in obj.items())
+    else:
+        return deepcopy(obj)
+def astuple(obj, *, tuple_factory=tuple):
+    """Return the fields of a dataclass instance as a new tuple of field values.
+    Example usage::
+      @dataclass
+      class C:
+          x: int
+          y: int
+    c = C(1, 2)
+    assert asdtuple(c) == (1, 2)
+    If given, 'tuple_factory' will be used instead of built-in tuple.
+    The function applies recursively to field values that are
+    dataclass instances. This will also look into built-in containers:
+    tuples, lists, and dicts.
+    """
+    if not _isdataclass(obj):
+        raise TypeError("astuple() should be called on dataclass instances")
+    return _astuple_inner(obj, tuple_factory)
+def _astuple_inner(obj, tuple_factory):
+    if _isdataclass(obj):
+        result = []
+        for f in fields(obj):
+            value = _astuple_inner(getattr(obj, f.name), tuple_factory)
+            result.append(value)
+        return tuple_factory(result)
+    elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
+        return type(obj)(_astuple_inner(v, tuple_factory) for v in obj)
+    elif isinstance(obj, dict):
+        return type(obj)((_astuple_inner(k, tuple_factory), _astuple_inner(v, tuple_factory))
+                          for k, v in obj.items())
+    else:
+        return deepcopy(obj)
+def make_dataclass(cls_name, fields, *, bases=(), namespace=None):
+    """Return a new dynamically created dataclass.
+    The dataclass name will be 'cls_name'.  'fields' is an interable
+    of either (name, type) or (name, type, Field) objects. Field
+    objects are created by calling 'field(name, type [, Field])'.
+      C = make_class('C', [('a', int', ('b', int, Field(init=False))], bases=Base)
+    is equivalent to:
+      @dataclass
+      class C(Base):
+          a: int
+          b: int = field(init=False)
+    For the bases and namespace paremeters, see the builtin type() function.
+    """
+    if namespace is None:
+        namespace = {}
+    else:
+        # Copy namespace since we're going to mutate it.
+        namespace = namespace.copy()
+    anns = collections.OrderedDict((name, tp) for name, tp, *_ in fields)
+    namespace['__annotations__'] = anns
+    for item in fields:
+        if len(item) == 3:
+            name, tp, spec = item
+            namespace[name] = spec
+    cls = type(cls_name, bases, namespace)
+    return dataclass(cls)
+def replace(obj, **changes):
+    """Return a new object replacing specified fields with new values.
+    This is especially useful for frozen classes.  Example usage:
+      @dataclass(frozen=True)
+      class C:
+          x: int
+          y: int
+      c = C(1, 2)
+      c1 = replace(c, x=3)
+      assert c1.x == 3 and c1.y == 2
+      """
+    # We're going to mutate 'changes', but that's okay because it's a new
+    #  dict, even if called with 'replace(obj, **my_changes)'.
+    if not _isdataclass(obj):
+        raise TypeError("replace() should be called on dataclass instances")
+    # It's an error to have init=False fields in 'changes'.
+    # If a field is not in 'changes', read its value from the provided obj.
+    for f in getattr(obj, _MARKER).values():
+        if not f.init:
+            # Error if this field is specified in changes.
+            if f.name in changes:
+                raise ValueError(f'field {f.name} is declared with '
+                                 'init=False, it cannot be specified with '
+                                 'replace()')
+            continue
+        if f.name not in changes:
+            changes[f.name] = getattr(obj, f.name)
+    # Create the new object, which calls __init__() and __post_init__
+    #  (if defined), using all of the init fields we've added and/or
+    #  left in 'changes'.
+    # If there are values supplied in changes that aren't fields, this
+    #  will correctly raise a TypeError.
+    return obj.__class__(**changes)