Lyle Johnson: added stubs for the four miscellaneous methods that must be
implemented by subclasses, since they are needed by 'gen_lib_options()'.
diff --git a/Lib/distutils/ b/Lib/distutils/
index 51f5ae0..4222176 100644
--- a/Lib/distutils/
+++ b/Lib/distutils/
@@ -575,6 +575,33 @@
+    # -- Miscellaneous methods -----------------------------------------
+    # These are all used by the 'gen_lib_options() function; there is
+    # no appropriate default implementation so subclasses should
+    # implement all of these.
+    def library_dir_option (self, dir):
+        """Return the compiler option to add 'dir' to the list of directories
+           searched for libraries."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def runtime_library_dir_option (self, dir):
+        """Return the compiler option to add 'dir' to the list of directories
+           searched for runtime libraries."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def library_option (self, lib):
+        """Return the compiler option to add 'dir' to the list of libraries
+           linked into the shared library or executable."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def find_library_file (self, dirs, lib):
+        """Search the specified list of directories for a static or shared
+           library file 'lib' and return the full path to that file. Return
+           None if it wasn't found in any of the specified directories."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
     # -- Filename generation methods -----------------------------------
     # The default implementation of the filename generating methods are