Adjust the _weakref module to use the public API for the weak reference
objects.  This is now simply a shim to give access to the
underlying implementation.
diff --git a/Modules/_weakref.c b/Modules/_weakref.c
index 695ffda..7987337 100644
--- a/Modules/_weakref.c
+++ b/Modules/_weakref.c
@@ -1,503 +1,9 @@
 #include "Python.h"
-#include "structmember.h"
-typedef struct _PyWeakReference PyWeakReference;
-struct _PyWeakReference {
-    PyObject_HEAD
-    PyObject *wr_object;
-    PyObject *wr_callback;
-    long hash;
-    PyWeakReference *wr_prev;
-    PyWeakReference *wr_next;
         ((PyWeakReference **) PyObject_GET_WEAKREFS_LISTPTR(o))
-static PyObject *
-static PyWeakReference *
-free_list = NULL;
-staticforward PyTypeObject
-static PyWeakReference *
-    PyWeakReference *result;
-    if (free_list != NULL) {
-        result = free_list;
-        free_list = result->wr_next;
-        result->ob_type = &PyWeakReference_Type;
-        _Py_NewReference((PyObject *)result);
-    }
-    else {
-        result = PyObject_GC_New(PyWeakReference, &PyWeakReference_Type);
-    }
-    if (result)
-        result->hash = -1;
-    return result;
-/* This function clears the passed-in reference and removes it from the
- * list of weak references for the referent.  This is the only code that
- * removes an item from the doubly-linked list of weak references for an
- * object; it is also responsible for clearing the callback slot.
- */
-static void
-clear_weakref(PyWeakReference *self)
-    PyObject *callback = self->wr_callback;
-    if (self->wr_object != Py_None) {
-        PyWeakReference **list = GET_WEAKREFS_LISTPTR(self->wr_object);
-        if (*list == self)
-            *list = self->wr_next;
-        self->wr_object = Py_None;
-        self->wr_callback = NULL;
-        if (self->wr_prev != NULL)
-            self->wr_prev->wr_next = self->wr_next;
-        if (self->wr_next != NULL)
-            self->wr_next->wr_prev = self->wr_prev;
-        self->wr_prev = NULL;
-        self->wr_next = NULL;
-        Py_XDECREF(callback);
-    }
-static void
-weakref_dealloc(PyWeakReference *self)
-    PyObject_GC_UnTrack((PyObject *)self);
-    clear_weakref(self);
-    self->wr_next = free_list;
-    free_list = self;
-static int
-gc_traverse(PyWeakReference *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
-    if (self->wr_callback != NULL)
-        return visit(self->wr_callback, arg);
-    return 0;
-static int
-gc_clear(PyWeakReference *self)
-    clear_weakref(self);
-    return 0;
-static PyObject *
-weakref_call(PyWeakReference *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
-    static char *argnames[] = {NULL};
-    if (PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kw, ":__call__", argnames)) {
-        PyObject *object = self->wr_object;
-        Py_INCREF(object);
-        return (object);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-static long
-weakref_hash(PyWeakReference *self)
-    if (self->hash != -1)
-        return self->hash;
-    if (self->wr_object == Py_None) {
-        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "weak object has gone away");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    self->hash = PyObject_Hash(self->wr_object);
-    return self->hash;
-static PyObject *
-weakref_repr(PyWeakReference *self)
-    char buffer[256];
-    if (self->wr_object == Py_None) {
-        sprintf(buffer, "<weakref at %lx; dead>",
-                (long)(self));
-    }
-    else {
-        sprintf(buffer, "<weakref at %#lx; to '%s' at %#lx>",
-                (long)(self), self->wr_object->ob_type->tp_name,
-                (long)(self->wr_object));
-    }
-    return PyString_FromString(buffer);
-/* Weak references only support equality, not ordering. Two weak references
-   are equal if the underlying objects are equal. If the underlying object has
-   gone away, they are equal if they are identical. */
-static PyObject *
-weakref_richcompare(PyWeakReference* self, PyWeakReference* other, int op)
-    if (op != Py_EQ || self->ob_type != other->ob_type) {
-        Py_INCREF(Py_NotImplemented);
-        return Py_NotImplemented;
-    }
-    if (self->wr_object == Py_None || other->wr_object == Py_None) {
-        PyObject *res = self==other ? Py_True : Py_False;
-        Py_INCREF(res);
-        return res;
-    }
-    return PyObject_RichCompare(self->wr_object, other->wr_object, op);
-statichere PyTypeObject
-PyWeakReference_Type = {
-    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
-    0,
-    "weakref",
-    sizeof(PyWeakReference),
-    0,
-    (destructor)weakref_dealloc,/*tp_dealloc*/
-    0,	                        /*tp_print*/
-    0,                          /*tp_getattr*/
-    0,                          /*tp_setattr*/
-    0,	                        /*tp_compare*/
-    (reprfunc)weakref_repr,     /*tp_repr*/
-    0,                          /*tp_as_number*/
-    0,                          /*tp_as_sequence*/
-    0,                          /*tp_as_mapping*/
-    (hashfunc)weakref_hash,      /*tp_hash*/
-    (ternaryfunc)weakref_call,  /*tp_call*/
-    0,                          /*tp_str*/
-    0,                          /*tp_getattro*/
-    0,                          /*tp_setattro*/
-    0,                          /*tp_as_buffer*/
-    0,                          /*tp_doc*/
-    (traverseproc)gc_traverse,  /*tp_traverse*/
-    (inquiry)gc_clear,          /*tp_clear*/
-    (richcmpfunc)weakref_richcompare,	/*tp_richcompare*/
-    0,				/*tp_weaklistoffset*/
-static int
-proxy_checkref(PyWeakReference *proxy)
-    if (proxy->wr_object == Py_None) {
-        PyErr_SetString(ReferenceError,
-                        "weakly-referenced object no longer exists");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return 1;
-#define WRAP_UNARY(method, generic) \
-    static PyObject * \
-    method(PyWeakReference *proxy) { \
-        if (!proxy_checkref(proxy)) { \
-            return NULL; \
-        } \
-        return generic(proxy->wr_object); \
-    }
-#define WRAP_BINARY(method, generic) \
-    static PyObject * \
-    method(PyWeakReference *proxy, PyObject *v) { \
-        if (!proxy_checkref(proxy)) { \
-            return NULL; \
-        } \
-        return generic(proxy->wr_object, v); \
-    }
-#define WRAP_TERNARY(method, generic) \
-    static PyObject * \
-    method(PyWeakReference *proxy, PyObject *v, PyObject *w) { \
-        if (!proxy_checkref(proxy)) { \
-            return NULL; \
-	} \
-        return generic(proxy->wr_object, v, w); \
-    }
-/* direct slots */
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_getattr, PyObject_GetAttr)
-WRAP_UNARY(proxy_str, PyObject_Str)
-WRAP_TERNARY(proxy_call, PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords)
-static int
-proxy_print(PyWeakReference *proxy, FILE *fp, int flags)
-    if (!proxy_checkref(proxy))
-        return -1;
-    return PyObject_Print(proxy->wr_object, fp, flags);
-static PyObject *
-proxy_repr(PyWeakReference *proxy)
-    char buf[160];
-    sprintf(buf, "<weakref at %p to %.100s at %p>", proxy,
-            proxy->wr_object->ob_type->tp_name, proxy->wr_object);
-    return PyString_FromString(buf);
-static int
-proxy_setattr(PyWeakReference *proxy, PyObject *name, PyObject *value)
-    if (!proxy_checkref(proxy))
-        return -1;
-    return PyObject_SetAttr(proxy->wr_object, name, value);
-static int
-proxy_compare(PyWeakReference *proxy, PyObject *v)
-    if (!proxy_checkref(proxy))
-        return -1;
-    return PyObject_Compare(proxy->wr_object, v);
-/* number slots */
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_add, PyNumber_Add)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_sub, PyNumber_Subtract)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_mul, PyNumber_Multiply)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_div, PyNumber_Divide)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_mod, PyNumber_Remainder)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_divmod, PyNumber_Divmod)
-WRAP_TERNARY(proxy_pow, PyNumber_Power)
-WRAP_UNARY(proxy_neg, PyNumber_Negative)
-WRAP_UNARY(proxy_pos, PyNumber_Positive)
-WRAP_UNARY(proxy_abs, PyNumber_Absolute)
-WRAP_UNARY(proxy_invert, PyNumber_Invert)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_lshift, PyNumber_Lshift)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_rshift, PyNumber_Rshift)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_and, PyNumber_And)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_xor, PyNumber_Xor)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_or, PyNumber_Or)
-WRAP_UNARY(proxy_int, PyNumber_Int)
-WRAP_UNARY(proxy_long, PyNumber_Long)
-WRAP_UNARY(proxy_float, PyNumber_Float)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_iadd, PyNumber_InPlaceAdd)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_isub, PyNumber_InPlaceSubtract)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_imul, PyNumber_InPlaceMultiply)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_idiv, PyNumber_InPlaceDivide)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_imod, PyNumber_InPlaceRemainder)
-WRAP_TERNARY(proxy_ipow, PyNumber_InPlacePower)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_ilshift, PyNumber_InPlaceLshift)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_irshift, PyNumber_InPlaceRshift)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_iand, PyNumber_InPlaceAnd)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_ixor, PyNumber_InPlaceXor)
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_ior, PyNumber_InPlaceOr)
-static int 
-proxy_nonzero(PyWeakReference *proxy)
-    PyObject *o = proxy->wr_object;
-    if (!proxy_checkref(proxy))
-        return 1;
-    if (o->ob_type->tp_as_number &&
-        o->ob_type->tp_as_number->nb_nonzero)
-        return (*o->ob_type->tp_as_number->nb_nonzero)(o);
-    else
-        return 1;
-/* sequence slots */
-static PyObject *
-proxy_slice(PyWeakReference *proxy, int i, int j)
-    if (!proxy_checkref(proxy))
-        return NULL;
-    return PySequence_GetSlice(proxy->wr_object, i, j);
-static int
-proxy_ass_slice(PyWeakReference *proxy, int i, int j, PyObject *value)
-    if (!proxy_checkref(proxy))
-        return -1;
-    return PySequence_SetSlice(proxy->wr_object, i, j, value);
-static int
-proxy_contains(PyWeakReference *proxy, PyObject *value)
-    if (!proxy_checkref(proxy))
-        return -1;
-    return PySequence_Contains(proxy->wr_object, value);
-/* mapping slots */
-static int
-proxy_length(PyWeakReference *proxy)
-    if (!proxy_checkref(proxy))
-        return -1;
-    return PyObject_Length(proxy->wr_object);
-WRAP_BINARY(proxy_getitem, PyObject_GetItem)
-static int
-proxy_setitem(PyWeakReference *proxy, PyObject *key, PyObject *value)
-    if (!proxy_checkref(proxy))
-        return -1;
-    return PyObject_SetItem(proxy->wr_object, key, value);
-static PyNumberMethods proxy_as_number = {
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_add,      /*nb_add*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_sub,      /*nb_subtract*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_mul,      /*nb_multiply*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_div,      /*nb_divide*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_mod,      /*nb_remainder*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_divmod,   /*nb_divmod*/
-    (ternaryfunc)proxy_pow,     /*nb_power*/
-    (unaryfunc)proxy_neg,       /*nb_negative*/
-    (unaryfunc)proxy_pos,       /*nb_positive*/
-    (unaryfunc)proxy_abs,       /*nb_absolute*/
-    (inquiry)proxy_nonzero,     /*nb_nonzero*/
-    (unaryfunc)proxy_invert,    /*nb_invert*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_lshift,   /*nb_lshift*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_rshift,   /*nb_rshift*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_and,      /*nb_and*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_xor,      /*nb_xor*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_or,       /*nb_or*/
-    (coercion)0,                /*nb_coerce*/
-    (unaryfunc)proxy_int,       /*nb_int*/
-    (unaryfunc)proxy_long,      /*nb_long*/
-    (unaryfunc)proxy_float,     /*nb_float*/
-    (unaryfunc)0,               /*nb_oct*/
-    (unaryfunc)0,               /*nb_hex*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_iadd,     /*nb_inplace_add*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_isub,     /*nb_inplace_subtract*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_imul,     /*nb_inplace_multiply*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_idiv,     /*nb_inplace_divide*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_imod,     /*nb_inplace_remainder*/
-    (ternaryfunc)proxy_ipow,    /*nb_inplace_power*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_ilshift,  /*nb_inplace_lshift*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_irshift,  /*nb_inplace_rshift*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_iand,     /*nb_inplace_and*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_ixor,     /*nb_inplace_xor*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_ior,      /*nb_inplace_or*/
-static PySequenceMethods proxy_as_sequence = {
-    (inquiry)proxy_length,      /*sq_length*/
-    0,                          /*sq_concat*/
-    0,                          /*sq_repeat*/
-    0,                          /*sq_item*/
-    (intintargfunc)proxy_slice, /*sq_slice*/
-    0,                          /*sq_ass_item*/
-    (intintobjargproc)proxy_ass_slice, /*sq_ass_slice*/
-    (objobjproc)proxy_contains, /* sq_contains */
-static PyMappingMethods proxy_as_mapping = {
-    (inquiry)proxy_length,      /*mp_length*/
-    (binaryfunc)proxy_getitem,  /*mp_subscript*/
-    (objobjargproc)proxy_setitem, /*mp_ass_subscript*/
-static PyTypeObject
-PyWeakProxy_Type = {
-    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
-    0,
-    "weakproxy",
-    sizeof(PyWeakReference),
-    0,
-    /* methods */
-    (destructor)weakref_dealloc,/*tp_dealloc*/
-    (printfunc)proxy_print,     /*tp_print*/
-    0,				/*tp_getattr*/
-    0, 				/*tp_setattr*/
-    (cmpfunc)proxy_compare,	/*tp_compare*/
-    (unaryfunc)proxy_repr,	/*tp_repr*/
-    &proxy_as_number,		/*tp_as_number*/
-    &proxy_as_sequence,		/*tp_as_sequence*/
-    &proxy_as_mapping,		/*tp_as_mapping*/
-    0,	                        /*tp_hash*/
-    (ternaryfunc)0,	        /*tp_call*/
-    (unaryfunc)proxy_str,	/*tp_str*/
-    (getattrofunc)proxy_getattr,/*tp_getattro*/
-    (setattrofunc)proxy_setattr,/*tp_setattro*/
-    0,				/*tp_as_buffer*/
-    |Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES,     /*tp_flags*/
-    0,                          /*tp_doc*/
-    (traverseproc)gc_traverse,  /*tp_traverse*/
-    (inquiry)gc_clear,          /*tp_clear*/
-static PyTypeObject
-PyWeakCallableProxy_Type = {
-    PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
-    0,
-    "weakcallableproxy",
-    sizeof(PyWeakReference),
-    0,
-    /* methods */
-    (destructor)weakref_dealloc,/*tp_dealloc*/
-    (printfunc)proxy_print,     /*tp_print*/
-    0,				/*tp_getattr*/
-    0, 				/*tp_setattr*/
-    (cmpfunc)proxy_compare,	/*tp_compare*/
-    (unaryfunc)proxy_repr,	/*tp_repr*/
-    &proxy_as_number,		/*tp_as_number*/
-    &proxy_as_sequence,		/*tp_as_sequence*/
-    &proxy_as_mapping,		/*tp_as_mapping*/
-    0,	                        /*tp_hash*/
-    (ternaryfunc)proxy_call,	/*tp_call*/
-    (unaryfunc)proxy_str,	/*tp_str*/
-    (getattrofunc)proxy_getattr,/*tp_getattro*/
-    (setattrofunc)proxy_setattr,/*tp_setattro*/
-    0,				/*tp_as_buffer*/
-    |Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES,     /*tp_flags*/
-    0,                          /*tp_doc*/
-    (traverseproc)gc_traverse,  /*tp_traverse*/
-    (inquiry)gc_clear,          /*tp_clear*/
-static long
-getweakrefcount(PyWeakReference *head)
-    long count = 0;
-    while (head != NULL) {
-        ++count;
-        head = head->wr_next;
-    }
-    return count;
 static char weakref_getweakrefcount__doc__[] =
 "getweakrefcount(object) -- return the number of weak references\n"
@@ -511,7 +17,7 @@
     if (PyType_SUPPORTS_WEAKREFS(object->ob_type)) {
         PyWeakReference **list = GET_WEAKREFS_LISTPTR(object);
-        result = PyInt_FromLong(getweakrefcount(*list));
+        result = PyInt_FromLong(_PyWeakref_GetWeakrefCount(*list));
         result = PyInt_FromLong(0);
@@ -531,7 +37,7 @@
     if (PyType_SUPPORTS_WEAKREFS(object->ob_type)) {
         PyWeakReference **list = GET_WEAKREFS_LISTPTR(object);
-        long count = getweakrefcount(*list);
+        long count = _PyWeakref_GetWeakrefCount(*list);
         result = PyList_New(count);
         if (result != NULL) {
@@ -551,57 +57,6 @@
-/* Given the head of an object's list of weak references, extract the
- * two callback-less refs (ref and proxy).  Used to determine if the
- * shared references exist and to determine the back link for newly
- * inserted references.
- */
-static void
-get_basic_refs(PyWeakReference *head,
-               PyWeakReference **refp, PyWeakReference **proxyp)
-    *refp = NULL;
-    *proxyp = NULL;
-    if (head != NULL && head->wr_callback == NULL) {
-        if (head->ob_type == &PyWeakReference_Type) {
-            *refp = head;
-            head = head->wr_next;
-        }
-        if (head != NULL && head->wr_callback == NULL) {
-            *proxyp = head;
-            head = head->wr_next;
-        }
-    }
-/* Insert 'newref' in the list after 'prev'.  Both must be non-NULL. */
-static void
-insert_after(PyWeakReference *newref, PyWeakReference *prev)
-    newref->wr_prev = prev;
-    newref->wr_next = prev->wr_next;
-    if (prev->wr_next != NULL)
-        prev->wr_next->wr_prev = newref;
-    prev->wr_next = newref;
-/* Insert 'newref' at the head of the list; 'list' points to the variable
- * that stores the head.
- */
-static void
-insert_head(PyWeakReference *newref, PyWeakReference **list)
-    PyWeakReference *next = *list;
-    newref->wr_prev = NULL;
-    newref->wr_next = next;
-    if (next != NULL)
-        next->wr_prev = newref;
-    *list = newref;
 static char weakref_ref__doc__[] =
 "new(object[, callback]) -- create a weak reference to 'object';\n"
 "when 'object' is finalized, 'callback' will be called and passed\n"
@@ -612,47 +67,12 @@
     PyObject *object;
     PyObject *callback = NULL;
-    PyWeakReference *result = NULL;
+    PyObject *result = NULL;
-    if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|O:new", &object, &callback)) {
-        PyWeakReference **list;
-        PyWeakReference *ref, *proxy;
-        if (!PyType_SUPPORTS_WEAKREFS(object->ob_type)) {
-            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
-                         "'%s' objects are not weakly referencable",
-                         object->ob_type->tp_name);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        list = GET_WEAKREFS_LISTPTR(object);
-        get_basic_refs(*list, &ref, &proxy);
-        if (callback == NULL) {
-            /* return existing weak reference if it exists */
-            result = ref;
-            Py_XINCREF(result);
-        }
-        if (result == NULL) {
-            result = new_weakref();
-            if (result != NULL) {
-                Py_XINCREF(callback);
-                result->wr_callback = callback;
-                result->wr_object = object;
-                if (callback == NULL) {
-                    insert_head(result, list);
-                }
-                else {
-                    PyWeakReference *prev = (proxy == NULL) ? ref : proxy;
-                    if (prev == NULL)
-                        insert_head(result, list);
-                    else
-                        insert_after(result, prev);
-                }
-                PyObject_GC_Track(result);
-            }
-        }
+    if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|O:ref", &object, &callback)) {
+        result = PyWeakref_NewRef(object, callback);
-    return (PyObject *) result;
+    return result;
@@ -666,126 +86,12 @@
     PyObject *object;
     PyObject *callback = NULL;
-    PyWeakReference *result = NULL;
+    PyObject *result = NULL;
     if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|O:new", &object, &callback)) {
-        PyWeakReference **list;
-        PyWeakReference *ref, *proxy;
-        if (!PyType_SUPPORTS_WEAKREFS(object->ob_type)) {
-            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
-                         "'%s' objects are not weakly referencable",
-                         object->ob_type->tp_name);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        list = GET_WEAKREFS_LISTPTR(object);
-        get_basic_refs(*list, &ref, &proxy);
-        if (callback == NULL) {
-            /* attempt to return an existing weak reference if it exists */
-            result = proxy;
-            Py_XINCREF(result);
-        }
-        if (result == NULL) {
-            result = new_weakref();
-            if (result != NULL) {
-                PyWeakReference *prev;
-                if (PyCallable_Check(object))
-                    result->ob_type = &PyWeakCallableProxy_Type;
-                else
-                    result->ob_type = &PyWeakProxy_Type;
-                result->wr_object = object;
-                Py_XINCREF(callback);
-                result->wr_callback = callback;
-                if (callback == NULL)
-                    prev = ref;
-                else
-                    prev = (proxy == NULL) ? ref : proxy;
-                if (prev == NULL)
-                    insert_head(result, list);
-                else
-                    insert_after(result, prev);
-                PyObject_GC_Track(result);
-            }
-        }
+        result = PyWeakref_NewProxy(object, callback);
-    return (PyObject *) result;
-/* This is the implementation of the PyObject_ClearWeakRefs() function; it
- * is installed in the init_weakref() function.  It is called by the
- * tp_dealloc handler to clear weak references.
- *
- * This iterates through the weak references for 'object' and calls callbacks
- * for those references which have one.  It returns when all callbacks have
- * been attempted.
- */
-static void
-cleanup_helper(PyObject *object)
-    PyWeakReference **list;
-    if (object == NULL
-        || !PyType_SUPPORTS_WEAKREFS(object->ob_type)
-        || object->ob_refcnt != 0) {
-        PyErr_BadInternalCall();
-        return;
-    }
-    list = GET_WEAKREFS_LISTPTR(object);
-    /* Remove the callback-less basic and proxy references */
-    if (*list != NULL && (*list)->wr_callback == NULL) {
-        clear_weakref(*list);
-        if (*list != NULL && (*list)->wr_callback == NULL)
-            clear_weakref(*list);
-    }
-    if (*list != NULL) {
-        int count = getweakrefcount(*list);
-        if (count == 1) {
-            PyWeakReference *current = *list;
-            PyObject *callback = current->wr_callback;
-            PyObject *cbresult;
-            Py_INCREF(callback);
-            clear_weakref(current);
-            cbresult = PyObject_CallFunction(callback, "O", current);
-            if (cbresult == NULL)
-                PyErr_WriteUnraisable(callback);
-            else
-                Py_DECREF(cbresult);
-            Py_DECREF(callback);
-        }
-        else {
-            PyObject *tuple = PyTuple_New(count * 2);
-            PyWeakReference *current = *list;
-            int i = 0;
-            for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
-                PyWeakReference *next = current->wr_next;
-                Py_INCREF(current);
-                PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, i * 2, (PyObject *) current);
-                PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, i * 2 + 1, current->wr_callback);
-                current->wr_callback = NULL;
-                next = current->wr_next;
-                clear_weakref(current);
-                current = next;
-            }
-            for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
-                PyObject *current = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tuple, i * 2);
-                PyObject *callback = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tuple, i * 2 + 1);
-                PyObject *cbresult = PyObject_CallFunction(callback, "O",
-                                                           current);
-                if (cbresult == NULL)
-                    PyErr_WriteUnraisable(callback);
-                else
-                    Py_DECREF(cbresult);
-            }
-            Py_DECREF(tuple);
-        }
-    }
+    return result;
@@ -808,25 +114,17 @@
     PyObject *m;
-    PyWeakReference_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
-    PyWeakProxy_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
-    PyWeakCallableProxy_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
     m = Py_InitModule3("_weakref", weakref_functions,
                        "Weak-reference support module.");
     if (m != NULL) {
-        PyObject_ClearWeakRefs = cleanup_helper;
-        Py_INCREF(&PyWeakReference_Type);
+        Py_INCREF(&_PyWeakref_RefType);
         PyModule_AddObject(m, "ReferenceType",
-                           (PyObject *) &PyWeakReference_Type);
-        Py_INCREF(&PyWeakProxy_Type);
+                           (PyObject *) &_PyWeakref_RefType);
+        Py_INCREF(&_PyWeakref_ProxyType);
         PyModule_AddObject(m, "ProxyType",
-                           (PyObject *) &PyWeakProxy_Type);
-        Py_INCREF(&PyWeakCallableProxy_Type);
+                           (PyObject *) &_PyWeakref_ProxyType);
+        Py_INCREF(&_PyWeakref_CallableProxyType);
         PyModule_AddObject(m, "CallableProxyType",
-                           (PyObject *) &PyWeakCallableProxy_Type);
-        ReferenceError = PyErr_NewException("weakref.ReferenceError",
-                                            PyExc_RuntimeError, NULL);
-        if (ReferenceError != NULL)
-            PyModule_AddObject(m, "ReferenceError", ReferenceError);
+                           (PyObject *) &_PyWeakref_CallableProxyType);