Rob W. W. Hooft's spelling fixes for the Library Reference. I hope
SourceForge doesn't choke on this batch :-)

I'm not entirely sure this is 100% correct. The patch changes an
\index{persistency} to \index{presistence}, and I don't know what \index{}
does. But it seems to do so persi--er, consistently, so I hope it isn't a
diff --git a/Doc/lib/libftplib.tex b/Doc/lib/libftplib.tex
index d4813a5..3a9e636 100644
--- a/Doc/lib/libftplib.tex
+++ b/Doc/lib/libftplib.tex
@@ -265,6 +265,6 @@
 already closed connection (e.g.\ after a successful call to
 \method{quit()}.  After this call the \class{FTP} instance should not
 be used any more (i.e., after a call to \method{close()} or
-\method{quit()} you cannot reopen the connection by issueing another
+\method{quit()} you cannot reopen the connection by issuing another
 \method{login()} method).