Pragmas that instruct the linker to link against python20.lib (or
python20_d.lib) only active on MSVC++; different library formats needed
for different compilers, and it's handled by the Distutils anyways.
diff --git a/PC/config.h b/PC/config.h
index f057a75..9b68373 100644
--- a/PC/config.h
+++ b/PC/config.h
@@ -287,8 +287,10 @@
 #ifdef MS_WIN32
-#ifndef USE_DL_EXPORT
-/* So nobody needs to specify the .lib in their Makefile any more */
+#if !defined(USE_DL_EXPORT) && defined(_MSC_VER)
+/* So nobody using MSVC needs to specify the .lib in their Makefile any
+   more (other compilers will still need to do so, but that's taken care
+   of by the Distutils, so it's not a problem). */
 #ifdef _DEBUG
 #pragma comment(lib,"python20_d.lib")