add ISO/IEC 10118-3 test vectors for RIPEMD160 and Whirlpool.

These vectors have been reformatted from their original form to conform
to the same format as the NIST SHA tests.
* RIPEMD160 original vectors from the hash homepage
* Whirlpool vectors from the hash homepage
    (yes that really is the homepage)
diff --git a/tests/primitives/vectors/ISO/whirlpool/iso-test-vectors.txt b/tests/primitives/vectors/ISO/whirlpool/iso-test-vectors.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..08044c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/primitives/vectors/ISO/whirlpool/iso-test-vectors.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# These vectors have been reformatted to load via the hash loader

+# 1. In this example the data-string is the empty string, i.e. the string of length zero.


+# The hash-code is the following 512-bit string.


+Len = 0

+Msg = 00

+MD = 19FA61D75522A466 9B44E39C1D2E1726 C530232130D407F8 9AFEE0964997F7A7 3E83BE698B288FEB CF88E3E03C4F0757 EA8964E59B63D937 08B138CC42A66EB3


+# 2. In this example the data-string consists of a single byte, namely the ASCII-coded version of the letter 'a'.


+# The hash-code is the following 512-bit string.


+Len = 8

+Msg = 61

+MD = 8ACA2602792AEC6F 11A67206531FB7D7 F0DFF59413145E69 73C45001D0087B42 D11BC645413AEFF6 3A42391A39145A59 1A92200D560195E5 3B478584FDAE231A


+# 3. In this example the data-string is the three-byte string consisting of the ASCII-coded version of 'abc'.


+# The hash-code is the following 512-bit string.


+Len = 24

+Msg = 616263

+MD = 4E2448A4C6F486BB 16B6562C73B4020B F3043E3A731BCE72 1AE1B303D97E6D4C 7181EEBDB6C57E27 7D0E34957114CBD6 C797FC9D95D8B582 D225292076D4EEF5


+# 4. In this example the data-string is the 14-byte string consisting of the ASCII-coded version of 'message digest'.


+# The hash-code is the following 512-bit string.


+Len = 112

+Msg = 6d65737361676520646967657374

+MD = 378C84A4126E2DC6 E56DCC7458377AAC 838D00032230F53C E1F5700C0FFB4D3B 8421557659EF55C1 06B4B52AC5A4AAA6 92ED920052838F33 62E86DBD37A8903E


+# 5. In this example the data-string is the 26-byte string consisting of the ASCII-coded version of 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.


+# The hash-code is the following 512-bit string.


+Len = 208

+Msg = 6162636465666768696a6b6c6d6e6f707172737475767778797a

+MD = F1D754662636FFE9 2C82EBB9212A484A 8D38631EAD4238F5 442EE13B8054E41B 08BF2A9251C30B6A 0B8AAE86177AB4A6 F68F673E7207865D 5D9819A3DBA4EB3B


+# 6. In this example the data-string is the 62-byte string consisting of the ASCII-coded version of 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'.


+# The hash-code is the following 512-bit string.


+Len = 496

+Msg = 4142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f505152535455565758595a6162636465666768696a6b6c6d6e6f707172737475767778797a30313233343536373839

+MD = DC37E008CF9EE69B F11F00ED9ABA2690 1DD7C28CDEC066CC 6AF42E40F82F3A1E 08EBA26629129D8F B7CB57211B9281A6 5517CC879D7B9621 42C65F5A7AF01467


+# 7. In this example the data-string is the 80-byte string consisting of the ASCII-coded version of eight repetitions of '1234567890'.


+# The hash-code is the following 512-bit string.


+Len = 640

+Msg = 3132333435363738393031323334353637383930313233343536373839303132333435363738393031323334353637383930313233343536373839303132333435363738393031323334353637383930

+MD = 466EF18BABB0154D 25B9D38A6414F5C0 8784372BCCB204D6 549C4AFADB601429 4D5BD8DF2A6C44E5 38CD047B2681A51A 2C60481E88C5A20B 2C2A80CF3A9A083B


+# 8. In this example the data-string is the 32-byte string consisting of the ASCII-coded version of 'abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijk'.


+# The hash-code is the following 512-bit string.



+Len = 256

+Msg = 6162636462636465636465666465666765666768666768696768696a68696a6b

+MD = 2A987EA40F917061 F5D6F0A0E4644F48 8A7A5A52DEEE6562 07C562F988E95C69 16BDC8031BC5BE1B 7B947639FE050B56 939BAAA0ADFF9AE6 745B7B181C3BE3FD


+# 9. In this example the data-string is the 1000000-byte string consisting of the ASCII-coded version of 'a' repeated 10^6 times.


+# The hash-code is the following 512-bit string.


+# this test is not loaded from the vectors since it uses code to generate the input string